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Delivering Indepth Interviews Directly to Your Desktop
CEO of Auromira Executive Advantage, predicts the technology sector
will improve significantly in 2004. We will see fundamental shifts in
how companies do business; including the way teams and even executives
are hired. “Our industries will experience a distinct shift in the number
of W2 employees,” explains Reagan.
CAPCO has been a hotly contested issue carrying forward from last year’s
legislative session. Senator
Moe Keller introduced a bill to secure $2 Million for local
Nanotechnology development. “Nanotechnology is the next growth area
for high-tech, and this bill will increase job and company growth locally,
while possibly bringing more monies into the state out of the $3.7 billion
federal bill,” explains Senator Keller. Get
Additional Information
Transforming any organization or process can be a daunting task. Ken
Porter, Vivian Dullien
and David Drake discuss and evaluate the progress at the
CU Tech Transfer strategies. Collaboration from all areas will be instrumental
in commercializing more research.
Moltz, author of "You have to be a little crazy: to start
a business," debunks the myths of business start-ups by telling
the truth. As an entrepreneur, the question is not "if" you
will fail, but "when?" Barry delivers irreverent, straight
talk about the complex intersection of start-up business, financial
health, physical well-being, spiritual wholeness and family life. WorldWIT
of the most important associations in Life Sciences have merged to form
the powerful and very progressive Colorado BioScience Association
(CBSA). They are 225 members strong (and growing) and will be hosting
25 programs in 2004," says Denise
Brown, CBSA's Exec. Director. Denise talks of challenges &
Spam is big news. Get
the inside scoop about the clash of a local company with Microsoft.
Ethically speaking, Lockheed Martin made off with $4.6 million, points
out business writer for the Rocky, Roger
Fillion. He unveils the battle between Space Imaging & Digital
Globe and comes back to earth to give us his eye on the economy.
At less than 30 years of age, Suzi
Bonk of Winnipeg, Canada has built an international worldwide
consultancy…and a VC firm to boot. Liz Ryan (a well-known consultant
of her own) producer of the WorldWIT
Radio Show digs into Suzi's past. Ten years ago, Suzi was in
theater…and as she got exposed to the business side of things, her new
passion emerged, SofaLogic.com.
When president Bush signed a $3.7 Billion bill for "Nano Tech",
everyone agreed that it was a good thing to be involved with Washington.
The Colorado
Nano-Technology Initiative (CNTI) had their proactive thinking
caps on and has set some lofty goals. Glenn Rhoades, Louis Hornyak
& team issue a NanoTech call for action..
Colorado’s business climate and macroeconomics are indicators and important
issues to bioscience firms. Dr. Arlen Meyers, professor at UCHSC
and executive director of the Colorado Alliance of Bioengineering gives
a look at the Batelle BioTech Plan and its progress and prognosis. Collaborative
partnerships between industry and academic researchers are essential
in building a world-class biocluster.
and (FUN)ding
How does Colorado compare to other states in the NanoTech arena?
What is it going to take to develop a first-class biotech cluster? There
are many pieces to those puzzles, but in any scenario, money is a major
factor. Russ Farmer discusses SBIR & STTR Grant funding with
Louis Hornyak and his NanoTech team.
Workforce Formulas
Solutions can’t be implemented until the problems are identified. Many
people are shocked when they learn why young girls are less likely to
get engage their curiosity in the art of science. Liz Ryan of WorldWIT
Radio and Pat McNees discuss the challenges and the solutions
as detailed in Pat’s book, “New Formulas for America's Workforce:
Girls in Science and Engineering.”
Security Gap
The United States is the best emergency response country in the world…but
it’s mostly ad hoc. Dr Murray Hamilton, Director of the Rocky
Mountain Center for Homeland Security at the University of Denver
is very frank in this interview about what he calls the country’s biggest
gap in homeland security. Communications and coordinated planning are
the solution keys.
$3.7 Billion for NanoTechnology
For some people,
NanoTech has been the "little" sidebar of the Life Sciences sector.
Louis Hornyak and his team plan on changing that image. The
Colorado Nano Technology Initiative suggests that this
technology will change the face of humankind. They have some
compelling facts. Count yourself in or you could be left out.
Gets Measured Gets Done
Liz Ryan, producer
of WorldWIT Radio corrals Gay Gaddis of T-3 (that's, The
Think Tank) in Austin, Texas. Gay is the president and founder of T-3 and this
successful advertising and direct marketing company has an
interesting philosophy that boosts their bottom-line metrics.
Your Planning
Guide for 2004
This is the time of the year
we should all finalize our goals & strategies for next year.
Larry Nelson, president of the w3w3® Media Network
recorded this powerful segment when living in Australia. It's a
classic that can help you achieve Your "Ultimate
Win"…Personal and Professional Satisfaction. Details
& Direct Link to Pick up Your copy (It's FREE)
to the US
Building alliances, customers and a team can always be challenging…and
more so if you are moving your headquarters from Australia to Denver.
John Carr, managing director of Eduss Educational Software
Systems and Rick McElhinney, chairman of Founders Forum
talk about the Eduss plan for the US. Here's an extra… Check out
this 1-minute TV video about the Eduss Success Story |