Governor's 3rd Annual
Technology Summit 2002 7/19/02
Hansen Addresses 3000 plus Audience. His talk was a passionate directive
- a detailed map of how you and I can help make Colorado Number One. Listen
what CIT is - is to understand the challenges facing institutions
of higher education,
their graduates and the critical needs of business.
Today, businesses
are demanding graduates they can put to work tomorrow. Even primary educators
are feeling the push for results. Higher standards of living rest on a
highly educated workforce. Enter CIT, financed by business, the enabler,
the external influence, the communicator - the champion.
More. . .
Hansen - Profile of an Industry Leader 4/11/02:
While companies of all sizes and types are going through massive changes
including downsizing, rightsizing and capsizing, higher education is
addressing similar challenges...and not without pain. Many of our w3w3
Radio listeners are very interested in the direction of education in Colorado.
So we thought we should look at the all the buzz, from another perspective.
guest is not a passive observer in the process. In our observations of
the dynamics of higher ed, there are many factions, diverse points of
view and certainly some controversy about the steps needed to be taken.
One thing we have learned in business, as soon as you think you understand
everything, they change all the rules.
And Change may be
the keyword in everything you learn about CIT. We had questions like how
and why, where does the money come from, who is behind this and what does
business have to do with education? He's older than you might think, about
to see his first child married; wiser than you're likely to guess, not
withstanding his heady successes and a man who enjoys life, outdoors climbing
or flying, with a beautiful wife and family and at work with an accomplished,
small but savvy, loyal staff.
Hansen is president and CEO of the Colorado Institute of Technology.
John also serves on the state's Commission of Information Management
and is
a member of the Governor's Commission on Science and Technology.
His 19 years of tech and telecom experience encompass top-level executive
and engineering responsibilities, most recently as CEO of Boulder-based
John founded network
product developer Networks Northwest Inc. in 1990 and wireless software
provider Metapath Corp., where he served as chairman and CEO until the
merger with Mobile Systems International in 1998 and subse-quent sale
to Marconi PLC. John holds a bachelor's degree in computer science from
Brigham Young University. He serves CIT as president and CEO for $1.00
per year.
Education Interview 4.26.02
Industry Leader
Phone: 303-583-3194
Janet Yonkers
Executive Assistant to
John Hansen
Helen Tueffel
Director, CIT
Helen is a 20 - year veteran
of high-tech marketing