1766_ 9/21/15 - Stanley Feld M.D., FACP,MACE has some very fascinating insights on the challenging U.S. healthcare system. Larry asked Stan about that issue. Dr. Feld had a lot to tell us. The insurance industry announced that insurance premiums in both the federal and state health insurance exchanges are going up 50% in 2016. The group private markets will increase by the same percentages. Insurance rates for 2015 were unaffordable for small businesses, and large corporations. One church that buys insurance in the private healthcare insurance market had its rates increased 37%. Instead of dropping insurance for their employees and paying the penalty, the church agreed to the pay the increased premiums. The church compensated for this increase in expenses by increasing church membership dues. Some members had to quit the church. Eighty-five percent of members in Obamacare are receiving a government subsidy. A high percentage of that 85% are receiving higher subsidies than they are entitled to receive because of government lack of verification. Eventually, when healthcare.gov website connects with the IRS, the government will find out that people received higher subsidies than they are entitled to. The recipients will get a bill they cannot afford. Obamacare’s reinsurance subsidies for the health insurance industries are expiring in 2016. The insurance industry is raising insurance premiums to cover the revenue lost by not receiving the Obamacare insurance company subsidies in 2016. Listen for more details… RELATED LINKS: Dr. Stanley Feld Blog || 2005 History || Foundry Group || Entrepreneurs || The New York Times... || KEYWORDS: Stanley Feld M.D., FACP,MACE, Healthcare System, Health Insurance Exchanges, Obamacare, IRS, Insurance Industry, The New York Times LISTEN TO: Stanley Feld, M.D., FACP, MACE Part 1 of 2 There's More to this Prescription (Part 2 of 2)