In the NEWS Channel on 2015

Cody Farmer, Partner, MainStream Corporation

Intense infatuation with natural building methodologies
enclosure-voice 1536_ 4/21/14 -We are visiting with Cody Farmer of MainStream Corporation a performance-driven green building firm. We've known and followed Cody and his partner Lisa Farmer for several years now and are very impressed with what they're doing. Imagine if you will, living off the grid... It all started with an intense infatuation with natural building methodologies and real estate investing. They thought that a person could build sustainably with nature and experience freedom off any grid, superior indoor environmental quality (IEQ), and extreme comfort. "We then learned the science and methodology of Passivhaus, which challenged every building principle we thought we knew. Our sights are now set on helping others accomplish their visions where architecture meets science to produce extreme performance, comfort, and health." They invested a lot of money into education and traveling and touring houses and buildings that were performing and they became certified Passive House Consultants and Designers. MainStream then put up a proof-of-concept building in Broomfield, one of three known private buildings in the United States. Four years ago Cody and Lisa added another dimension to MainStream and began doing 'Performance Building Design', material specification and energy models. Building from the ground up, or maybe a city building that's not performing, or a home that needs to be remodeled, even a brand new building - the first thing MainStream does is 'engineer out the losses of the system'. So, whether that's a wall system, windows, a ventilation system or insulation issues, air tightness issues, the first step is always to study the building... MainStream has developed the package, putting everything together to create performance, comfort, health and efficiency all in one whack. Listen for more details...
RELATED LINKS: MainStream || News2Use || Blog || In the News || KEYWORDS: Cody Farmer, Lisa Farmer, MainStream Corporation, Green Building Firm, Passive House Consultants, Designers, Indoor Environmental Quality, IEQ, Performance Building Design, bytes=5742657
LISTEN TO: Cody Farmer, Partner, MainStream Corporation

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