If you're an older person, tap into the younger generation
983_ 3/14/11 -
We are here at one of the Colorado Companies to Watch Winners for 2010-11, Alex Porter, President of Location3 Media, a digital marketing agency specializing in developing web sites that have great user experiences, that can also be found on the search engines, and then they drive traffic to those webs sites through whatever medium makes the most sense for the clients strategies. Location 3 Media was founded about six months after Google and have really been in the search space along with Google growing up. Larry asked, "How should entrepreneurs be leveraging their digital marketing to help grow their startups?" Alex pointed out, "Startups today, are in a pretty unique position, in the sense that there are so many non traditional ways to get the word out about what they're doing. When we speak with companies just starting out, our first step is to figure out who they're target audience is and where they live out in the digital universe. One of the easiest things to do is to write compelling content around their enterprise. So, what it is, why it's useful, what market is it serving, etc. Then it's finding people online in those areas, whether it's a blog or finding someone with a large following on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. There are so many free opportunities to spread that content. If I was starting up a business today, I would find out who those influential people are, and connect with them through these various entities and then allow them to spread the word. It's really seeding that content, seeding that startup idea and you're going to start getting traffic back to your site and letting it organically grow from there. So there's a lot of great opportunities in the digital space for entrepreneurs today. . We're seeing schools and universities starting to incorporate some of these concepts in their marketing programs, but truly it's difficult to do without immersing yourself in the subject matter. There are some buzz words these days. A digital native and it's really this generation that's growing up immersed in this. One of the things we do is get young kids in here that know nothing but this and allow a lot of ideas flow from them to how we should be able to reach this audience. If you're an older person, I would tap into that younger generation." Alex goes onto talking about challenges and choices for entrepreneurs... Related Links:
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Keywords: Alex Porter, Location3 Media, Colorado Companies to Watch, 50
Companies to Watch winners, Digital Marketing, Google, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn - 3/14/11 Bytes:6864878 LISTEN to
Alex Porter, President, Location 3 Media
You don't need to pay a premium to be green
981_ 3/14/11 -
We're back with Ryan Ferrero, CEO and founder of Green Garage and this is part 2 of the interview. If you missed the first interview, we have a link below in the Related Links section. Do tune into it, there's very good information there. One of the things I have to ask is what can Green Garage actually do to help improve fuel economy and reduce oil consumption? Ryan replied, "When we started building our business platform at Green Garage, we realized there is no real advocate brand behind fuel economy. Who out there really has your fuel economy as their vested issue? So we have to legislate it, right? So what we found looking through a variety of products, one of our 'greens keepers', as we call them, Ernie Levine, claims he went over a thousand products that he looked at and we came down to six. So quite a few of the products in this space did not vet correctly or didn't work for us. But we found six to start with that really made a difference on the environment. Our product basket now is nearly 50. But many of these products help with fuel economy, and they may start with zero from your wallet. Basically it is helping you operate your car more efficiently. So when we were kids we learned how to check for blind spots, safe following distance, how to merge safely... Now, there are a lot of techniques for how to operate your car for more efficiency. You know, it's surprising, but up to 33% of your highway fuel economy can be improved by just operating the car better. Then we can get into more advanced sparkplugs where you get better ignition, more complete combustion so you get not only better fuel economy, but less emissions and more power in some instances. All of these are at the same price or less than the comparable brands out there. But these are small startup companies that need their day in the sun. Nitrogen in your tires - it's a larger molecule, especially in Colorado where you get rubber contracting and expanding with our crazy temperature swings. Nitrogen is less apt to have that fluctuation, more constant psi and you get better fuel economy."...listen now.
Related Links:
Ryan Ferrero Interview, Part 1 of 2 ||
Green Garage ||
Infield Capital ||
In the News ||
Blog ||
Keywords: Ryan Ferrero, Chief Carhugger, Green Garage, Infield Capital,
David Moll, Alex Bogusky, Bud Sorenson, WholeFoods, Auto Repair, Boulder, Colorado
3/14/11 Bytes: 5825413 LISTEN to Ryan Ferrero, Green Garage (part 2)
Achieving Extraordinary Success; Personally and Professionally
979_ 3/7/11 -
New Year’s Resolutions are either forgotten or a nagging source of guilt. We do more planning for a three day business trip than we do for our lives—the result is staying stuck in some kind of mediocre rut. There are proven methodologies for achieving extraordinary success and in this interview Executive Success Coach and author Robert White outlines those methods and 'next steps.' Those aspects of our lives we all consider most important – family, career, financial security and peace of mind, can be extraordinary experiences and Robert tells us exactly how to take our lives from ordinary to extraordinary. Today we're talking about one of Larry's favorite topics, achieving extraordinary success. We're talking with a colleague whom we've known for many years. Robert is an author, small and large business owner, traveled all over the world, from here to Japan and other places. Larry asked, "What makes you better or different from the army of folks out there professing to teach something about how to be more effective?" Robert replied, "I don't know about better, but I do know about a couple of distinctions. One of them is that I've built a number of training businesses where I've had to deal with hundreds and then thousands and then ultimately 1,300,000 graduates. So that real life experience affects everything that I do and also what I think. The second piece is that I am very tuned to my own personal journey, and noticing how all of the events and things happening in my life act as a mirror for what I need to work on next in terms of my own growth and development. In your book, Living an Extraordinary Life, you say "Life is simple this does not mean it's easy" expand on that..."The rules for living are actually pretty simple. The challenge for most people is they are in fact not easy. It's not easy, as an example, to tell the truth all the time. It's not easy to stay focused. It's not easy to express commitment in your life. So that's the piece, the simple part is figuring that all out as an abstraction, the hard part is living it." Listen and be ready to takes some notes...
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Keywords: Robert White, Extraordinary People, Leadership, Career, Executive Success Coach,
Living an Extraordinary Life, Purpose, vision, values and strategic Intent >
3/7/11 Bytes: 8280088
Robert White, Extraordinary People
The first challenge is assembling the right team
977_ 3/7/11 -
We've heard many people, including Brad Feld, say that software and Boulder are synonymous. We're here today with Brad Bernthal, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Technology Policy and Entrepreneurial Law, University of Colorado. You do so much in different areas, a lot in the high tech arena and entrepreneurs, right here in Boulder. Brad explains, "With w3w3 doing this interview and many more, it has really been a terrific bone in terms of media coverage of this scene. FOX News did a piece on Boulder, MSNBC was here two weeks ago, New York Times covered us in May, so there's definitely been a lot of attention. With Boulder, the software scene is not without roots .The most direct root is probably going back to data storage and you've got to look back at IBM moving here, then throwing off StorageTek, which itself spawned an entire industry of data storage, related companies and startups - that's an important part of the tradition here that's often overlooked. There are other important entrepreneurial branches that I think are mainly ground work for this too. Natural Foods, Wild Oats, IZZY Beverages, WhiteWave coming out of this area among them. So you've got a culture in which there is a tradition of entrepreneurship. Larry and Brad explored the entrepreneurial challenges today. Brad, "Probably the first challenge is assembling the right team. So, one thing I look for when I'm examining the viability of a company is how sound is this team, how well rounded is it? If it's just a technologist that doesn't understand how to put together a business model, doesn't understand how to handle the finances of the company, doesn't understand how to sell and market, you've got an imbalance that could be fatal to the team. So in my experience, great ideas, poor teams is a recipe for failure. Mediocre idea, great team, recipe for success because the great team will find a way to pivot that business and find a way to make it work. So, the first challenge is making the team the right one." Brad explores many other key points for entrepreneurs...listen now...
Related Links:
Entrepreneurs Unplugged ||
Silicon Flatirons Center ||
New Venture Challenge Photo Album ||
Silicon Flatirons: Entrepreneurship Conference:
Going International ||
Entrepreneurs Channel ||
Keywords: Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center, Entrepreneurs Unplugged, Brad Feld,
Natural Foods, Wild Oats, IZZY Beverages, WhiteWave, Entrepreneurs Unplugged, New Tech Meetup, New Venture Challenge, Entrepreneurial Conference,
StorageTek, IBM, Jason Mendelson, Joe Zell - 3/7/11 Bytes: 8062331 LISTEN to
Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center, CU
$40 million business from 2 to 225 employees
984_ 3/14/11 -
We're at the ACG Denver Luncheon conference and were able to corner the keynote speaker with the help of Chet Marino who lines up all these folks. But this is a guy Larry interviewed three years ago. By way of introduction,Chet said, "We have a really neat story of a successful startup and also an acquisition that went well. So David Brown has a great story to tell about founding a company and all the things that go with that as well as a successful integration. I think you'll benefit from hearing his story." Larry asked, "What are some of the challenges you've had to go through in the past few years and I'd also like to ask about the future?" David replied, "So we've been in business for 17 years, we've grown tremendously. We started literally as two guys in a garage. Well maybe not in a garage, but other than that, it was just two guys trying to rub sticks together to start a business. And over the years we've grown into a $40 million business with about 225 employees here in Colorado and part of something larger in terms of the broader ZOLL. We've done that by bringing good products to customers with real world solutions that help save lives and had excellent growth over the years and are hoping to continue that upward trajectory for many years to come. You know I like to say you don't get growth without growing pains. And certainly when we were small and everyone understood the business very deeply; it was much easier to have people work on several things. As we've grown we find ourselves with silos and the feeling that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. So it's an ongoing process." One of Larry's favorite questions, "What is some advice you have for entrepreneurs today for the future?" David replied, "Well don't give up! I work a lot with entrepreneurs as part of my affiliation with the TechStars program, I certainly consider myself very entrepreneurial, even in this organization of our size now. You know, obviously in the early days we were very cash strapped, very small and ran into challenges, as all entrepreneurs will. I think the thing that makes the difference between those that succeed and those that don't, are those that are willing to take on the challenges head-on and find a way, one way or another to climb that wall and get over to the other side."...listen now ...
Related Links:
ZOLL Data Systems ||
ACG Denver Rocky Mountain Capital Growth Conference ||
ACG Denver ||
M&A Channel ||
Keywords: David Brown, ZOLL Data Systems, Pinpoint Technologies, ACG Denver,
Rocky Mountain Capital Growth Conference, TechStars, Entrepreneurs, Technology > 3/14/11 Bytes: 4173221 LISTEN to
David Brown, President and Founder, ZOLL Data Systems
Voted the best small healthcare organization in Colorado
982_ 3/147/11 -
We are with a very interesting company today, A Colorado's 50 Companies to Watch 2010-11, winner . We're here with Dr. Kenneth Weiner, and he is the CEO and Chief Medical Officer for the Eating Recovery Center. We begin with an overview of Dr. Weiner's business and Dr. Weiner explains, "This is a healthcare organization, Larry. We were actually fortunate enough to be voted the best small healthcare organization in the State of Colorado by the Denver Business Journal, in our first full year of operation. What we do is a real specialized care. We take care of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, in children, adolescents and adults, men and women, boys and girls. We are a national center and focus on just those two illnesses and related eating disorders, so a very specialized piece of the behavioral health market. Larry asked, "Kenneth, you have a very interesting background, you deal with all kinds of individuals as well as companies, of course. What do you think are some of the biggest challenges for companies today?" Dr. Weiner replied, "I think in this economic market that we're currently in, there are a bunch of challenges. For us as an organization, we want to be 'best in class'. So we really focus in on our defined patient population, we've brought in top leadership from around the country - so here we have four of the top 20 people in the world work with us. We've also separated ourselves from the competition. I think if you want to compete in this marketplace, you have to be best in class, you have to separate yourself. One of the ways we've done that, we set up the center with all levels of care. We are licensed as a psychiatric hospital; we do inpatient work so we're able to take the sickest of the sick patients from around the country and around the world. We actually have a relationship with Denver Health and Dr. Phil Mahler who is their CMO, something called the Acute Program where we'll have patients air ambulanced in from around the country - 40-50% of ideal body weight. So someone who is 5'4" might weigh 50-55 pounds. We'll stabilize those people medically."Larry asked, "What kind of advice would you give to an entrepreneur today?" His reply, "I would say, make sure you have a really good business plan, and that you put together what's necessary to effectively compete in your market. That you provide and deliver more than your competitors, you're adequately capitalized and. That you surround yourself, and Larry, one of the keys to our success is we really have a culture of competence here." Listen for more...
Related Links:
Eating Recovery Center ||
Colorado Companies to Watch Home ||
CCTW Event ||
CCTW Gala Celebration ||
CCTW Channel ||
In the News ||
Keywords: Kenneth L. Weiner, MD, CEDS, CEO & CMO, Eating Recovery Center,
Colorado Companies to Watch, 50 Companies to Watch winners, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa
3/14/11 Bytes:7190886 LISTEN to
Kenneth Weiner, MD, CES, CEO & CMO, Eating Recovery Center
Increase sales and profits by using video
980_ 3/7/11 -
w3w3® Media Network is proud and honored to bring another NCWIT interview to our audience. We've long since recognized the need for education and support for our youth and particularly for young women, in math and science, engineering and technology. The women we interview are bright guiding lights for the future of our youth, generously sharing their experiences - challenges and all. They are inspiring, often humorous and motivating. This series is a real jewel and a valuable set of tools for the future of young women and everyone who has the good fortune to listen. Lee Kennedy, founder, Bolder Search and NCWIT Board member, along with Larry Nelson, w3w3® Media Network interviewed Bettina Hein, founder and CEO of Pixability. Pixability, based in Cambridge, MA., helps small and medium sized businesses and non-profits increase sales by using video. Bettina is a serial entrepreneur and founder of She E Os, a network for female CEO's and growth companies. Bettina's advice to young entrepreneurs today? "I love helping people make their dreams come true. I typically tell them anyone can be an entrepreneur. I tell them there are three things you need. 1.) 90k - If you knew what was going to hit you during the course of building your company, you would not start. So, start young and go at it. That doesn't mean unprepared. You have to do your research, look for a good market. But if you knew too much you would not be able to be an innovator. The second thing you need is chutzpah, being audacious, putting yourself out there - you really have to own it and be convinced you can do this. The third thing is perseverance - you have to have the will to see it through. Because it is very hard and you are going to want to quit, often. So you have to want to see it through. that doesn't mean being stubborn. You have to take cues and pivot and change your business model and evolve it. So, if you have those three, I think any young person can make it.
...listen now there's much more...
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Keywords: Bettina Hein, Pixability, She E Os, National Center for Women and Information
Technology, NCWIT, NCWIT Heroes, Lee Kennedy, Bolder Search, Entrepreneurs, Technology > 3/7/11 Bytes: 17840068 LISTEN to
Bettina Hein, Founder, Pixability
It's culturally getting to the root of what we can do
978_ 3/7/11 -
After 12 years in this business, Larry has never interviewed an executive with a title like Chief Carhugger." But Larry welcomes this hugger to the show. We are talking with Ryan Ferrero, CEO and Founder of Green Garage. Larry first heard about the Green Garage from David Moll some time ago and David said, "This is an organization you have to look into. They're not ready for the exposure yet, but they will be soon." Really impressed with what he is seeing, Larry said, "You guys are really doing special things, making fundamental changes that are creating a huge difference in the industry and for the consumer." Ryan said, "We are coming into our own, we're opening throughout Colorado now and looking for national expansion and working our plan throughout this year and next, for a bigger footprint." Ryan is a native Boulderite and born into the car business. Those two things clashed but, in 2008 with rising gas prices, Ryan realized there was something here, where maybe we could bring those tree-hugging thoughts of Boulder and the car business together. After being a young car dealer, domestic and import dealerships, owner and working with national corporations and groups, auto management realized, hey there's something here with the infrastructure in Boulder that we know about 'natural foods, natural grocers, we have bio fuel and solar and wind... Why can't we take transportation to task here and bring and take whole foods and jiffy lube, put them together and have more sustainable auto service and maintenance. When we started talking about what we can do with the automotive industry, not just making them greener, but taking a look at the relatively diseased nature of the industry - we had guys like David Moll from Infield Capital, who has been a remarkable talent for us and Alex Bogusky taking a look at the industry and the need to have a customer centric engagement so that when a customer comes in or we go out to valet and pickup and deliver the car, it is about the customer, what our needs and time demands are today, so Alex has done a great job bottling that up and helping us market that. Bud Sorenson, a seventeen year director with WholeFoods and quite an entrepreneur in his own right. Bud has brought conscious capitalism to Green Garage, so we're more than a P and L. We're about involving all of the stakeholders of our company and realizing" Listen for more...
Related Links:
Green Garage ||
Infield Capital ||
In the News ||
Blog ||
Keywords: Ryan Ferrero, Chief Carhugger, Green Garage, Infield Capital,
David Moll, Alex Bogusky, Bud Sorenson, WholeFoods, Auto Repair, Boulder, Colorado - 3/7/11 Bytes:7284927 LISTEN to
Ryan Ferrero, Founder, Green Garage
Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals 933_ 11/29/10- Don't Let Another Year Go By - The Ultimate Win is Yours - Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the USA. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" to personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs. ...listen now a complete step-by-step program including a downloadable manual and resource guide...this is an in-depth strategic planning and goal setting system for achievers...Read More about how to Supercharge Your Business... The links below are valuable and extremely helpful to setting your course for the next year! And they're free. Related Links: Ultimate Win Resources || Training Trends || 3-Filters Technology™ || Podcasting Directory || Your Goal || Keywords: Ultimate Win, Your Goal, Training Trends, 3-Filters TechnologyTM, Setting
Goals, Larry Nelson; 11/29/10 Chnl: Entrepreneurs
Change Is Not an Event,
It Is an Ongoing Process
as it is with Chaos
Google ranks Colorado’s w3w3.com in the top 10 for the “Business Internet Talk Radio” show
Google has millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top 10. Check it at… The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show…see at…