Leaders have unprecedented demands placed on them
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Are you an ordinary or an extraordinary leader? This is going to be a very interesting topic, we're back with Robert White. "In prior interviews we talked about a personal foundation for success, as well as specific attitudes, habits, behaviors, that are really required to lead an extraordinary life. Now it occurred to me, based on what you've said, that we all have to be leaders today, is that true?" Larry is interviewing Robert White, founder of Extraordinary People, author and worldwide speaker. Robert's reply, "I believe so, I think when times were more stable and change was not coming at us at the pace that it is currently coming at us, that we could just manage our lives. You know managers, good managers, can plan, organize and control, whether that be in a family or corporate setting or non-profit setting. But when there is a tremendous amount of change, what is required is to move people. Move yourself and move others, to be able to deal with the change. To innovate, to create and to adapt to the rapidly changing environment that we're all living in. The environment is changing for our families. I mean, the pressures that the average teenager in middle school faces are radically different from when you and I were growing up. We all kind of know that. Of course it's true in organizations, our competitors change fast so we've got to change fast. Markets change, prices change, and everything changes. We have to do more with less, that's pretty constant for the last 10-15 years. And certainly in our civic organizations, politically and other government organizations, there's an awesome amount of change. So what do you need when there's a lot of change? You need someone to lead people through it." "That's a fact, Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos, one of my favorite topics, said Larry. "And a very good book." Robert pointed out. "Leadership is not so much a science as it is art. And the art really functions around relationships. When you're going to be asking people to handle change, which is one of the primary tasks of a leader, the level of relationship is going to determine how effective you're going to be. So my focus is on preparing people to be in better, stronger, deeper, more productive relationships. From my perspective, that's a key aspect of being a great leader, to create extraordinary relationships. Get a complimentary copy of Robert's eBook, The Tipping Point of Success from the link below..
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Keywords: Robert White, Extraordinary People, Leadership, Career, Executive Success Coach, Living an Extraordinary Life, 8 Power Principles, Purpose, vision, values, Success, Strategic Intent, Randy Alford - 4/4/11 bytes=7065498
LISTEN to Robert White, Extraordinary People
"Denver takes a big ‘green’ bite!” says Mayor Hickenlooper- History
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"In today’s economy where there is so much fear, people are pulling their money out of stocks, out of their 401Ks, out of money markets and putting it under their mattress," said Mayor John Hickenlooper in his interview with Larry. The Mayor went onto discussing other important topics including entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship Day proclamation, his outlook on the economy, and raising capital. He has the experience in all those areas. "Today, everyone is selling, trying to get their cash out to put under their mattress. You measure risk vs. reward, in times like this is where people can do very well. I would argue that in the next 18 months there will be more money made than in the following decade. People shouldn’t be hiding their money under the mattress; they should be looking for good, long term investments. You’re probably never going to find a better time to buy some of these blue chip stocks. It’s a great time for starting a business. You know, I started the Wynkoop in 1986- it took us two years, we didn’t open until 1988, but our rent for the first part of our lease was $1 per square foot per year, and that’s because the economy was in the toilet. There’s a huge opportunity for people to step back and say ‘things aren’t that bad and even as bad as they are, there are great opportunities now." Hickenlooper enjoyed sharing his 'Green Bite' views. Green Print Denver is trying to look at every single place that city government touches energy, consumption of resources, and how can we be more frugal. Kind of a throw back, you know my mom grew up in the Great Depression; she used to wash Saran Wrap and tin foil and tape it to the refrigerator door while it dried, so she could reuse it. That might be a little extreme but to a certain extent we’re moving back in that direction. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. We have to do a lot of little things; just riding a bike is not going to do it." How about planting a million trees? (((Yes, this is a rerun from Jan 2009)))
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Keywords: Mayor John Hickenlooper, Economic Development, City and County of Denver,
Economy, Sustainable Opportunities Summit, Green Print Denver, Channels:CEC Bytes: 9200016 >
LISTEN 1.5.09 John Hickenlooper as Mayor of Denver
Culture and attitude of serving those who serve
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Larry interviewed Mark Seglem, CEO of Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems (ADSS). ADSS was named a winner for the 2010-11 Colorado Companies to Watch annual awards. ADSS makes portable situation sensor systems for the Department of Defense, other federal agencies, first responders and in fact, they're starting to move into the non-profit world as well as some commercial applications. Mark says, "But, in particular we make portable, expendable sensors, primarily for the DOD to help those men and women who are serving us all around the world." Larry asked, "What has CCTW and being selected as one of the 50 companies that won the award meant to you? Mark told us, "There have been forums and presentations on things like the new healthcare bill, its impact on small businesses, those sorts of things that we would not know about or we would have to go out and hire people to help us with. The networking where we meet other small businesses in Colorado who are trying to grow and do things - to compare notes with other COO's and other management folks. What a tremendous organization and fantastic program for small businesses in Colorado." ADSS was started in 1999 as an SBIR project with a $100K grant from the government. Larry commented, "One of the things that I noticed (in fact you had a team of folks at the awards dinner), and I've been here before in your office, one of the things that I really admire about what you do, above and beyond the results and everything else, is the building of the company culture." Mark replied, "I was fortunate and honored to serve our nation for over 20 years in the Navy as a Naval officer. In fact, my old command, USS Berry is very heavily involved in the operations in Libya right now, and I am very proud of her captain and crew. That sort of culture and that sort of attitude of serving those who serve is the culture of this company. Fundamentally what separates us from other companies, small or large, is this idea of serving those who serve. We make products that help people. Whether it be in the DOD, first responders, police, fire, or in non-profits which is one of the areas we're starting to move into. That's the thing that separates us. If you talk to any of our employees, you'll see that." ...Listen now, there's much more...
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Keywords: Mark Seglem, Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems, ADSS, Colorado
Companies to Watch, 50 Companies to Watch winners, SBIR > 3/28/11 Bytes: 6961426
Mark Seglem, President & CEO, Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems, CCTW Winner
Hard work and perseverance of the most important people
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We are honoring Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems, one of the 50 selected Colorado Companies to Watch, 2010-11 Winners. Each week for 50 weeks around the year, we celebrate one of these winners. They represent 14% of the businesses here in Colorado - providing 44% of the job growth. This is a critical segment of our economy and a critical element of our economic recovery. Larry Nelson and w3w3.com take special pride in bringing their stories to you. Listen to Mark Seglem, President and CEO of ADSS along with Dave Mead, CCTW sponsor and Congressman Mike Coffman. "I'm Mark Seglem, President and CEO of ADSS. Please let me thank you for coming to this important event in the life of our company. This is a very special day because it recognizes the hard work and perseverance of the most important people in this room, the employees of ADSS. This company was started in 1999 on a $100,000 Small Business Innovative Research Grant from the Department of Defense and has grown into a multi-million dollar operation. The reason for that success is really very, very simple, the folks standing in this room wearing ADSS shirts. I am particularly proud of the recognition they're receiving today because they're receiving it during the most severe economic downturn in our lifetimes. Yet we remain optimistic here at ADSS because it is the fortitude and sweat of these folks along with the thousands of others across our great state that will bring us out of this recession. I'm also very proud because the company produces products that protect our men and women serving around the world. As the father of two Marine officers, there is much more meaning to what we do here than simply making great sensor systems. We have a culture of wanting to help those who help others. I would like to thank Colorado Companies to Watch for this great honor. What a terrific organization they are. Also I would like to personally thank Congressman Mike Coffman for attending today. Congress Coffman, a former Marine officer himself, a veteran of Iraq, is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and more importantly the Chairman of the House Sub-committee on Small Business. Mike's work on those two assignments is absolutely critical to the continued success of small businesses like ADSS." Listen to what Dave Mead the sponsor, of Mead Consulting Group and Colorado Companies to Watch and others had to say...some great ideas...
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Keywords: Mark Seglem, Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems, ADSS, Colorado
Companies to Watch, 50 Companies to Watch winners, Channel: CCTW >
3/28/11 Bytes: 7833289 LISTEN to
Mark Seglem, Dave Mead - Mead Consulting & Congressman Mike Coffman
The federal government is extremely hamstrung in its ability
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We're talking about the economic times and the different things organizations, public and private sector are going through today, because it has a tremendous impact and frankly, I'm a little worried. We are here with an expert who has some experience on a business level about this issue. Larry interviewed Mark Seglem, CEO of Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems (ADSS). "Mark could you give us an overview of how you're looking at the economic environment right now and what's happening?" "I'd be happy to and pleased to do it because I've been on both sides. I spent 20 years on active duty and I was a senior requirements officer for the Navy - so I've seen it from the side of the federal government. Now I'm a small business, private business owner who contracts with the federal government, predominantly DOD. I think the fundamental message that I would get out is that the continuing resolution that is currently in effect for fiscal year 2011, is killing small businesses that rely on the DOD for their contracts, or in fact any federal agency. In this environment under continuing resolution, the federal government is extremely hamstrung in its ability to let procurement contracts, maintenance contracts - except for the most essential operational type contracts. As a consequence small business that provide support either directly to DOD or to other federal agencies, or to large contractors like the Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc., those contracts are basically on hold right now." The trickle down effect is huge. "The big contractors have to support infrastructure on multi-billion dollar contracts that cannot be let right now under continuing resolutions. . It leads to layoffs, a reduction in size of the company and then when the contracts do come through we have to ramp up again. It's an extraordinarily inefficient way to do business. And it has more impact than just on the federal government - it goes right through the private sector and it particularly hurts small business."...Listen now, there's much more, ideas and solutions...
Related Links:
Distributed Sensors ||
Colorado Companies to Watch Home ||
CCTW Channel ||
Economy Builders ||
Keywords: Mark Seglem, Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems, ADSS, Colorado Companies
to Watch, 50 Companies to Watch winners, SBIR, Federal Budget 4/4/11 bytes=5002870 LISTEN to Mark Seglem, President & CEO, ADSS
Pent-up demand for people wanting to start businesses
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You know the future is a very exciting place but not everyone really understands that much about the future. Oh they hope and they wish and they dream - but here's a guy that is 'the future', Tom Frey founder of the DaVinci Institute. Of course, Tom travels all over the world, he gives talks on a variety of different topics, but the future is always part of it. Larry asked, "In this economic environment that we've been experiencing, what are some of the challenges that entrepreneurs and small business owners face today?" Tom replied, "First of all, whenever there's a layoff, there is a percentage of the population that will try to start a business, traditionally about 7%. And there are lots of people that have been laid off work. So we have this huge, pent-up demand for people wanting to start businesses, but the difference this time is there is no money out there, there is virtually no money to access. As a result of that, what we're seeing is people are shifting from trying to start physical businesses to starting digital ones. They're going into the online world and trying to get a toe hold, some way to make money online. And, if they can do that they're going to stay there. So the whole idea of starting businesses is alive and well. People just love that idea of being out from under the thumb of the boss. So we're seeing lots of activity, but it's mostly in the online world. We're seeing a brain drain, people leaving physical jobs trying to get into the digital world. Starting an online business is easier and less expensive. When people are leaving the physical world for the digital world, that leaves some gaping holes in the physical world - that means there are some huge opportunities there. In the digital world there's this category of businesses I call the 'empire one businesses'. This is a one person business with far reaching influence. It can be a one person consulting business, practice or coaching business. But more and more we're seeing things where people are have products manufactured in China or India, central distribution unit in the U.S. or Canada and they have customers in Great Britain, Brazil, Germany, anywhere in the world." There are many other ideas ...listen now...
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Keywords: Tom Frey, DaVinci Institute, Entrepreneurs, Inventions, Innovation, Futurist,
Digital World, China, India, Great Britain, Brazil, Germany - 4/4/11 bytes=5367748
LISTEN to Tom Frey, Futurist, DaVinci Institute
Highest standard of leadership, vision and social responsibility
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John Malone, Chairman of Liberty Global said, "I have worked closely with Mike for over a decade and was involved in many of the international operations he helped start and manage long before this. I continue to be impressed by his energy, drive and his leadership as CEO of Liberty Global, and proud of the contributions he's made to Colorado... This award is well deserved." The Communications Technology Professionals CEY award recognizes the Colorado communication executive that demonstrates the highest standard of leadership, vision and social responsibility. Mike Fries will be honored at the CTP annual awards dinner on April 7th at the Brown Palace. Larry asked for an overview of Liberty Global. Mike replied, "...80% of our revenue comes out of Europe. In the last ten years, we've actually re balanced the business pretty considerably. Ten years ago, if we were doing this interview, we would have been in 26 countries with about $11.3 Billion in revenue. Today we're in 14 countries with $9 Billion in revenue. We've focused on markets and on regions where we could achieve great scale, and that's typically for us been in Europe. A year ago we exited Japan, that was a very substantial and long term investment for us. We redeployed that money into our own stock but also into Germany early in 2010 and then we just announced yesterday another acquisition in Germany. So we spent $9 billion buying German cable operations in the last 12 months. But that's because we see great potential in that part of the world and for us concentrating in that part of the world brings lots of benefits. So hopefully being in Denver is the center of our world, we are in four or five continents and Denver is the center of anything, but more and more a corporate focus in Europe. I've been doing this for over 20 years. I was founding equity partner with Gene Schneider when we founded UIH, shortly after United Cable was sold to TCI. So I've essentially been doing this type of job, international cable, for 20+ years. I've been CEO of Liberty Global for six years, as part of a merger between UGC, a company we had formed and Liberty Media International. Mike went onto 'lessons learned' and info on new innovations being released this year. Listen for more...
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Keywords: Mike Fries, Liberty Global, John Malone, CTP Exec of Year,
Communications Technology Professionals, Cable Industry, Ascent Award, Liberty Media, UIH, United Cable, TCI >
3/28/11 Bytes: 7656074
Mike Fries, President & CEO, Liberty Global, CTP Communications Executive of the Year
Create a plan to manage and regulate your business
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People are the source of all problems and people are the source of all solutions, we've heard Larry say this often. Today we're speaking with Brian Tsuchiya and we're talking about entrepreneurial personality types. Brian is the founder of Startup Guru, he's worked with many organizations of different sizes, seen a lot of successes and he's learned a lot about people along the way. And Brian adds, "To start, I've learned a lot about myself. To understand others, the lens always reflects back to you and what type you are." Roughly five years ago, as an entrepreneur, Brian was thinking about this and the things in his life and he named these four personality types. He came up with the Dreamer, Architect, Builder and the Cultivator. The Dreamer: This is where the idea for a business is born. The dream is the culmination of the entrepreneur’s life experiences and passions. The Architect: This stage is where the dream is interpreted into a business model which becomes the blueprint of the venture. The Dreamer typically does not make a good Architect. The Builder: This is the stage where the dream can first become reality. The Builder then literally turns the dream into reality. We are now at a critical juncture of the venture. The Cultivator: This is the growth stage. Once the business is launched the Cultivator’s primary role is to guide the business through the various levels of growth. Brian points out, “In creating and running our businesses, we have natural talents that at times reveal our brilliance. With this brilliance, also come our blind spots that are caused by our unconscious patterns or temperament. Neither type is superior to the other. Each dominant type has both opportunities to display their brilliance and they will also reveal their blind spots. Our main goal is to help entrepreneurs become aware of what makes them brilliant and encourage them to put their energy and focus into those areas. We’re also aware of how important it is to be conscious of our blind spots so we can create a plan to manage and regulate these less developed traits. This plan does not include becoming an expert in all of our various weaknesses." Listen to Brian's interview, take notes and visit the links below...
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Startup Guru Home ||
Startup Guru Blog ||
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The Four Stages of Entrepreneurship ||
The Value of Entrepreneurial Personality Types ||
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Keywords: Brian Tsuchiya, Startup Guru, Entrepreneurial Personality Types,
Entrepreneurship, Dreamer, Architect, Builder, Cultivator > 3/28/11 Bytes: 6882432
LISTEN to Brian Tsuchiya, Startup Guru
Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals 933_ 11/29/10- Don't Let Another Year Go By - The Ultimate Win is Yours - Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the USA. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" to personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs. ...listen now a complete step-by-step program including a downloadable manual and resource guide...this is an in-depth strategic planning and goal setting system for achievers...Read More about how to Supercharge Your Business... The links below are valuable and extremely helpful to setting your course for the next year! And they're free. Related Links: Ultimate Win Resources || Training Trends || 3-Filters Technology™ || Podcasting Directory || Your Goal || Keywords: Ultimate Win, Your Goal, Training Trends, 3-Filters TechnologyTM, Setting
Goals, Larry Nelson; 11/29/10 Chnl: Entrepreneurs
Change Is Not an Event,
It Is an Ongoing Process
as it is with Chaos
Google ranks Colorado’s w3w3.com in the top 10 for the “Business Internet Talk Radio” show
Google has millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top 10. Check it at… The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show…see at…