Governor John Hickenlooper: You Are Deputized
1035_ 6/20/11 -
This is the fourth and final excerpt from Governor Hickenlooper's keynote address to the ACG Denver 2011 Corporate Growth Conference. The Governor ends by deputizing you, enrolling your help to make Colorado a strong, healthy state capable of attracting new businesses and entrepreneurs here. We rejoin the governor here... He certainly has challenges and he has plans for this great state... "When you've got a 65,000 person workforce, how do you get to them all? Well, one place at a time. We talk about three E's. Effective, Efficient and Elegant. Government should be Effective in the sense if we say we're going to do something, it should matter and when we say we're going to do something - we should do it. We should be efficient in the sense that when we do something and we do it effectively we get it done, we do it at the lowest possible cost. And it should be elegant. Elegant in the sense that both sides of the transaction should be raised up. Both the citizen receiving the service or the benefit and the state worker who is providing it. Which often doesn't happen. When is the last time you went into renew your driver's license... that's the opposite of elegant - we're going to change that! It doesn't take more money to do things right..." Watch and listen for more ...Remember, You Are Deputized...
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Keywords: John Hickenlooper, Governor, Colorado, ACG, ACG Denver Rocky Mountain Capital Growth Conference, Entrepreneurs, Bono/U2, U2, Bono, Pro Business, Pro Community, You Are Deputized, 6/20/11 WATCH: Gov. John Hickenlooper
Steve Forbes: Colorado and the national economy
1033_ 6/20/11 -
No he is not going to run for president. Steve Forbes, Chairman of Forbes Media and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Magazine was the Day 2 keynote speaker at the 2011 ACG Corporate Growth Conference. After his address and book signing Larry attended a very open press conference with Mr. Forbes. Larry asked, "During your speech you talked about the national economy, what do you see as Colorado's strengths and where you see growth here in our state?" While he was nice enough to say, "Good to see you again, Lord Nelson." he went onto reply, "Colorado has an enormous advantage as we get our economy back on track in the next few years, and that is quality of life. One of the things technology enables you to do is literally put the world at your fingertips. Geography doesn't much matter anymore. So Colorado needs to preserve what it has but I think you're going to see more in the way of technology, you have a business friendly environment. You get a little bit of it now in aviation and aeronautics, you see it in finance. A note of caution in the area of energy, Colorado has a huge future but there will be turbulence in the industry ...Watch and listen for much more...
Related Links:
Forbes ||
Book by Steve Forbes ||
ACG: Rocky Mountain Corporate Growth
Conference ||
M&A Channel ||
ACG Denver Home ||
Keywords: Steve Forbes, ACG, Rocky Mountain Corporate Growth Conference, ACG Denver, Capitalism,
Natural Gas, National Economy, Entrepreneurs, 6/20/11 WATCH Steve Forbes, Chairman, Forbes Media
Melodie Reagan and Jennifer Long: Growth strategies
1031_ 6/13/11 -
Here are the challenges and choices as well as some real good advice for businesses of all types. We're with managing partners of i2i Workforce, talking with Melodie Reagan and Jennifer Long, who deal with talent strategy and delivering what companies need, everything from training, development and retention. Larry begins with his 'classic three questions' "What are the biggest challenges in our environment today for businesses?" Melodie says, “Given the market businesses have worked on cutbacks, hunkering down, mitigating and eliminating risk -That is not a growth strategy, it is a protection strategy. The next thing that I think has come out of the current market is people are a challenge; A lean workforce, businesses have to do more with less; Team members, because of the environment, are not as committed, not as passionate about the company and they lack belief in management. The other thing, and we all know this, is funding. Money is not flowing at the level it needs to flow and that's from investors, banks, all the way through the business's purchasing and consumers purchasing.” Jen Long adds, "From a workers perspective, from the staffing side, the biggest challenge is that because they're doing more with less, the workforce is smaller - the workforce has to balance out its skill set. It's got to be more diverse in its capability, which means you can't just be the tech guy, you've got to be somebody that can do both ends, you've got to broaden your own capabilities because it's the only way you're going to advance.” They also discuss, 'What are the biggest opportunities?' and 'Advice for leaders'. Melodie reflected on a conversation she had with Larry recently. Her advice to businesses today would be to take the moment, take some risks – this is the time to move your business to the next level.
Related Links:
i2i Workforce ||
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Keywords: Melodie Reagan, Jennifer Long, i2i Workforce, Colorado Companies to Watch, Talent
Strategy, Recruiting, Jobs, Unemployment, Job Creation, Leaders, Entrepreneurs 6/13/11 bytes=6251732
LISTEN to Melodie Reagan & Jen Long, i2i Workforce
Thomas Burns: The cloud; challenges and choices
1029_ 6/13/11 -
The cloud and API were big parts of the discussion and debate at the Glue conference here in Colorado. Larry talked with Thomas Burns who is the VP of Business Development and co founder at Green House Data. They started their company in 2007, on a shoe string - were able to generate revenues and eventually attract investors. We asked Thomas, as an entrepreneur, what he felt was the greatest challenge facing entrepreneurs today. Thomas chuckled, as he pointed out that everybody is still feeling the crunch of the recession and being able to access capital for investment into their own companies. When we asked him what the greatest opportunities might be. His reply was instant, without boundaries ...simply said, "Technology is wide open, there is so much going on, especially in the glue space. There have been security challenges and a little fear related to cloud infrastructure." Green House Data is a data center services company focusing on two main products; cloud infrastructure as a service and co-location. Everyone at this conference is talking about cloud, Green House Data has a different approach than companies like Amazon or RackSpace. The technology is a little different and they think, more scalable with a mobile type of infrastructure where companies can essentially deploy private clouds and connect to GHD's cloud which makes it an easier transition into the cloud infrastructure. While there is a lot of techie stuff here, it's really interesting to see how all of this gets transferred into business knowledge ...listen for more...
Related Links:
Green House Data ||
Glue Conference ||
Software Channel ||
Glue Conference Photos ||
Keywords: Thomas Burns, Green House Data, Glue Conference, Technology, API, Cloud Services,
Glue, Eric Norlin, Software, 6/13/11 bytes=4115124
Thomas Burns, CoFounder, Green House Data
Rick Ninneman: Helping businesses succeed in Colorado
1036_ 6/20/11 -
Supporting businesses and the business community here in Colorado, means a great deal to w3w3®. We are fortunate to have Rick Ninneman, the Executive VP-Colorado, for M3 Insurance Solutions for Business, and the Presenting Sponsor as well as a major supporter for the Colorado Companies to Watch program and Gala coming up this week, June 23rd. Rick reminds us that the Colorado Companies to Watch is not just an awards event. "It is in fact, a year round program with an incredible group of alumnae and sponsors that want to help businesses succeed in Colorado." Rick works with so many organizations and companies, we wondered what he felt were the biggest challenges for businesses today. Rick said, "Staying focused on what you do best. You know what makes a company special is its passion and keeping your passion about your hedgehog principle is the thing that makes you different than your competition, I think can get challenging, with so many opportunities that can be presented to a company. I think also, staying active on all the various networking, communication, social networking technologies and all the opportunities to make sure that the message you intend to get out is indeed what is presented to the market place. Be strategic, plan your work, then work your plan." Listen for more as Rick also offers more advice to entrepreneurs and business leaders. Join Stephanie Steffens, Penny Lewandowski, Rick Ninneman, ColoradoBIZ, Nine News, and (Larry and Pat) on 6/23/11...we'll be looking for you...
Related Links:
Colorado Companies to Watch ||
M3 Insurance Solutions for Business ||
Colorado Companies to Watch Channel ||
ColoradoBIZ ||
Top 50 Companies to Watch ||
Gala Event ||
Keywords: Rick Ninneman, M3 Insurance, Stephanie Steffens, Penny Lewandowski, Edward Lowe Foundation, Colorado Companies to Watch, Gala Event, COCTW, Second Stage Companies, Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade,
6/20/11 bytes=5505256
LISTEN TO: Rick Ninneman, Exec. VP, M3 Insurance
Brad Feld: His story continues in Entrepreneurs Unplugged
1034_ 6/20/11 -
It wasn't a very deliberate transition to becoming a venture capitalist for Brad Feld. "I sold my first company; I worked for AmeriData for a year-and-a-half; I had a consulting business - we grew a $2 million business to $5 million in the first six to nine months - they/we then bought a $20 million version of what we were and merged. I got involved now with the deal team - and basically everything that we were buying was a hardware resale company. And every one of them had a founder who was a software guy who thought he had created something magical." Brad's job was to go hang out with them and when he left that software guy was supposed to feel inferior, inept. "It was a lot of fun, essentially almost all the software was uniformly worthless - they were hardware resale companies... That was one part of my job, the other part, this was when Novell Network had crested - Windows NT was just beginning - my job was to be in those discussions too. During this time I made a bunch of investments with my own money." ($50,000 was a big investment to him). In the timeframe of 1994-96 and Brad learned to do equity investments at this time ...Watch and listen for much more...
Related Links:
Brad Feld Blog ||
Silicon Flatirons, ATLAS, and ITP ||
Brad Feld Video ||
Foundry Group ||
Do More Faster Book ||
Entrepreneurs Unplugged Photos ||
Keywords: Brad Feld, Jill Van Matre, Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center, AmeriData, Len Fassler, Entrepreneurship Initiative, Atlas, Foundry Group, Do More Faster Book, AmeriData, Novell Network, Equity Investments, 6/20/11 WATCH: Brad Feld, Foundry Group
Stephanie Steffens: Fueling the Economic Fire in Colorado
1032_ 6/13/11 -
June is the month for celebrating Colorado's entrepreneurs and companies with grand gala events. We begin this week with the Colorado Companies to Watch and the 50 newly selected companies that will spend the next year in the spotlight. The eyes of Colorado are upon you... and with good reason. Stephanie Steffens, director of the COCTW program tells us these second stage companies are responsible for creating 40% of all new jobs in our state - and that from less than 10% of the companies in our state. Stephanie Steffens, Colorado's 50 Companies to Watch invites you to celebrate the "Fueling the Economic Fire” in Colorado. COCTW, it is a state-wide program that is part of a national program. Nationally it is run out of the Edward Lowe Foundation. Here in Colorado, the host organization is the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade. They work in partnership with corporate sponsors and community partners (cities, counties, chambers, economic development groups, etc.) and they work with organizations all around the state of Colorado to recognize second stage companies that are growing, creating jobs and developing innovative, creative products and services. "Second stage companies are beyond startup, but they're not yet mature. So they are companies that have between six and 99 employees, and less than $50 million in annual revenues, but more than $750 thousand. They get an amazing amount of visibility from our media partners." Join us and hundreds of other leaders and decision makers, meet and greet these winners on Thursday evening, June 23rd...listen for more...
Related Links:
Colorado Companies to Watch ||
Colorado Companies to Watch Channel ||
Top 50 Companies to Watch ||
Gala Event ||
Keywords: Stephanie Steffens, Penny Lewandowski, Edward Lowe Foundation, Colorado Companies
to Watch, Gala Event, COCTW, Second Stage Companies, Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, 6/13/11 bytes=4582821
LISTEN TO: Stephanie Steffens, CCTW
Carrie Peters: Healthier and happier internet ecosystem
1030_ 6/13/11 -
At the Glue Conference, we are meeting some very interesting people and companies. Hearing a lot about API's and cloud services is fascinating, but when you aren't so technically inclined, it's good to talk directly to the folks manning these booths. This time, we've cornered Carrie Peters from BigDoor. We can tell you this is very exciting and we will put some of this information to work. So, you ask, What is BigDoor? Carrie tells us it is a "Free gamification platform". Gamification? Free? The Internet with all the developing technology also means the development of new language skills - So you see, it is important to be out here, talk and get educated... BigDoor’s goal is to provide the means for an overall healthier and happier internet ecosystem. This means more enjoyable and relevant time online for users, and more creative revenue and opportunities for businesses. When employed skillfully, gamification builds a strong bridge between user desires and business objectives. BigDoor is accomplishing this goal by developing a virtual economy platform that helps web developers and digital publishers add customized game mechanics to their sites or apps, thus allowing them to increase user loyalty, better monetize user interactions, and more effectively target new and existing customers. opportunities for businesses."...We have an example of BigDoor - look at the bottom of the window, the black bar. It isn't fully customized yet. But talk about service. Saturday night we met Patrick Murck, BigDoor's 'legal guy'., who answered (to my surprise) a support email - immediately. We were impressed and we look forward to checking out the sharing capabilities and all the other goodies. Nice work!
Related Links:
BigDoor ||
Glue Conference ||
Software Channel ||
Glue Conference Photos ||
Keywords: Carrie Peters, Bigdoor, Gamification, Glue Conference, Technology, API, Cloud
Services, Glue, Eric Norlin, Software, 6/13/11 bytes=2911820
Carrie Peters, BigDoor
Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals 933_ 11/29/10- Don't Let Another Year Go By - The Ultimate Win is Yours - Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the USA. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" to personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs. ...listen now a complete step-by-step program including a downloadable manual and resource guide...this is an in-depth strategic planning and goal setting system for achievers...Read More about how to Supercharge Your Business... The links below are valuable and extremely helpful to setting your course for the next year! And they're free. Related Links: Ultimate Win Resources || Training Trends || 3-Filters Technology™ || Podcasting Directory || Your Goal || Keywords: Ultimate Win, Your Goal, Training Trends, 3-Filters TechnologyTM, Setting
Goals, Larry Nelson; 11/29/10 Chnl: Entrepreneurs
Get your copy of Larry Nelson's popular book...
Change Is Not an Event,
It Is an Ongoing Process
as it is with Chaos
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They have millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top ten. The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show