White House, Selling Spectrum, Feld and Weiser
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Well, we're here at the Law School, and I want you to know there's no problem, nothing criminal going on here, it's strictly an interview with Phil Weiser, Dean of the University of Colorado Law School and the Founder and Executive Director of the Silicon Flatirons Center. You have a very interesting program coming up on September 7th, "Reflections On Serving in the White House, Brad Feld and Phil Weiser, one-on-one". Serving in the White House is very hard for the average person to imagine. Phil said he couldn't imagine it either, "...my image of White House was people, kind of like chickens with their heads cut off. That was my image and I was surprised. The quality of people I worked with, the ability to help influence public policy, it was an experience of a lifetime!" Brad Feld will be interviewing Phil after his presentation. There were a lot of issues Phil worked on ranging from patent reform to wireless, to broadband to upgrading the smart grid. "It was like drinking from a fire hose experience." Earlier in the day when Larry spoke with Brad Feld, who is in Italy at the moment, Brad said he was looking forward to this program. Larry expects some curve balls - Phil said they could be high, hard ones, knuckle balls, but it promises to be entertaining, exciting and filled with great information. Of all the issues Phil dealt with in Washington, the one that stands out is Broadband Spectrum. About three years ago Phil wrote a paper talking about the amount of spectrum we had that the broadcast TV folks were holding onto. We as a country have the challenge of how do we transition to wireless broadband. We need to get more spectrum for that purpose, and we need to frame laws that would allow that. So Phil worked on an idea called the "Incentive Auction" allowing a TV Broadcast company to sell spectrum. That proposal is now being seriously talked about in the super committee and debt limit negotiations because spectrum is one of the few things that you could raise money for the treasury and you help the economy. Most things that have been talked about, cutting spending or raising taxes are not going to be good for the economy. Listen for more exciting ideas...
Related Links:
About Silicon Flatirons ||
Silicon Flatirons Events ||
Feld-Weiser One-on-One ||
Silicon Flatirons Conferences ||
Communications Technology Professionals ||
CTP Channel ||
Keywords: Silicon Flatirons, Phil Weiser, Entrepreneurs, Technology, Law,
University of Colorado, Dean CU Law School, Brad Feld, White House, Incentive Auction, TV Broadcast Company, Sell Spectrum
8/22/11 Bytes: 392101 LISTEN to Phil Weiser, Founder, Silicon Flatirons Center; Dean Law School at CU
Pricing for renewable energy technologies is changing
1068_ 8/22/11 -
Larry interviewed Paul Komor, Education Director of CU’s Energy Institute, University of Colorado at Boulder. Paul is a member of the graduate faculty at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He currently teaches in the Environmental Studies program and is the Education Director of the University’s Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI). The rapid growth of renewable energy is a bright spot in a troubled economy. Clean energy companies are expanding, especially in Colorado, and federal stimulus funds are flooding into the industry. Now is the time to identify attractive opportunities in this rapidly evolving industry. Get ahead of the curve—take an intensive, four-day executive education certificate program offered by the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship at CU-Boulder that provides an in-depth look at renewable energy technologies and policies. Upon the completion of the certificate program, participants will be able to answer: Which renewable energy technologies have the greatest short- and long-term promise? How are costs and pricing for renewable energy technologies changing? How do federal and state policies affect the growth of different technologies? What are the key challenges of to the growth and success of renewable energy and how can they be overcome? How can I identify business, commercial, and job opportunities with renewable energy? Participants may take all four courses to earn a RETool Renewable Energy Certificate, or may take courses individually. The RETool instructors teach and research the evolution of renewable energy, and are frequently invited to serve as guest speakers for industry and other groups. Both faculty members are active in the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI), a new joint institute between the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Related Links:
RETool Overview ||
CU Technology Transfer Office ||
Leeds – Deming Center for Entrepreneurship ||
CU TTO Channel ||
Business Podcasting ||
Keywords: Paul Komor, Deming Center for Entrepreneurship, Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Institute, RETool, RASEI, Energy Institute, University of Colorado at Boulder, 8/22/11 bytes=7047526
LISTEN to Paul Komor, Education Director, Retool Program, Leeds School of Business
3-D Touch Screen technology: Unbelievable technology
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Power2B is a creative workshop dedicated to generating radical innovations and human experiences at every level of daily living. Part of what they've done is an innovative patent around 3-D Touch Screen technology, and they're beginning to imagine certain interfaces for these devices where they can actually look at natural body language and present things based on.... Larry is sitting up straight ...based on how you are behaving. Lucy Sanders, CEO for the National Center for Women and Information Technology or NCWIT along with Larry Nelson, Director of w3w3® Media Network interviewed Sarah Lipman, Founder & CTO, Power2B.. Sarah said, "Power 2B is an unbelievable technology. It's a technology that replaces the traditional touch screen at a fraction of the price, and it provides coordinates, not only in the x, y points when you touch the screen but even when you're not quite touching the screen. So it can track you even before you touch the screen." Sarah is the visionary and innovator of the Power2B concept and technology and is responsible for management and guidance of the technology team. In addition, Sarah leads the concept incubation group for technology innovation. Before founding Power2B, Sarah managed a dual career in education and publishing. She draws for inspiration on an eclectic range of interests, including medicine, mathematics, industrial design, anthropology, history, and her children. w3w3® Media Network is proud and honored to bring another NCWIT interview to our audience. We've long since recognized the need for education and support for our youth and particularly for young women, in math and science, engineering and technology. The women we interview are bright guiding lights for the future of our youth, generously sharing their experiences - challenges and all. They are inspiring, often humorous and motivating. This series is a real jewel and a valuable set of tools for the future of young women and everyone who has the good fortune to listen...Sarah has much to share, listen for more...
Related Links:
Power2B ||
NCWIT Home ||
NCWIT Practice ||
NCWIT Blog ||
Heroes Channel ||
Keywords:Sarah Lipman, Power 2B, Mobile Devices, National Center for Women in
Technology, Lucy Sanders, NCWIT, Touch Screen, Mobile Industry - 8/15/11 bytes=16061234
Listen to: Sarah Lipman, Co-founder, CTO, Power2B
Vision, People, Growth, Rewarding - Entrepreneurs
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We are talking with a winner of the Colorado Companies to Watch program, and that's very exciting, but he's got an interesting background where both of his parents were entrepreneurs, he started out in the basement of his grandparents and he's got a successful, fantastic business today. We're talking with Jeremiah Owen, President, Vivax Pro Painting. Jeremiah started his company in 2004 and Larry wanted to know what had been the biggest catalyst for the company's growth. First thoughts were, having a clear vision of where they wanted to go and grabbing all the right people along the way. Jeremiah says they have an awesome team and everyone is committed to their own personal growth, but working as a team to help accomplish the goals we've set out each week, each month and each year. So the people are the main thing. Still, Larry wanted more on how they've grown so successfully, there is a lot of competition out there, in the painting industry. "The main thing", said Jeremiah, "is focusing on customer service. Painting is a very low tech industry; it doesn't take much to call yourself a painter. So we've really focused on running it like a business, setting very specific goals and working all the time to do exactly what we say we're going to do, focusing on referrals and letting our work speak for itself." We asked Owen about future growth, and how he was planning to continue this consistent rate of growth - how would they be expanding? Well, they're planning on expanding in the areas where they already do work. For instance they started out working in Highlands Ranch and each year they've done more and more work, because of 'word of mouth'. They went from door-to-door and word of mouth and expanded into doing community work. Jeremiah really likes teaching and coaching entrepreneurship. So again that's one of the things that helped them to grow. Everyone within the company acts like an entrepreneur, they're accountable for what they accomplish and they're rewarded for what they accomplish. And we like to spread that through the community - through the youth - by working with DECA which is a marketing organization for high school students... and then doing some of our own stuff where we work with children and teach them entrepreneurial skills...there's more about this winning company...
Related Links:
Vivax Pro Painting ||
Colorado Companies to Watch ||
Colorado Companies to Watch Channel ||
Top 50 Companies to Watch ||
Gala Event ||
Keywords: Jeremiah Owen, Vivax Pro Painting, Edward Lowe Foundation, Colorado
Companies to Watch, Gala Event, COCTW, Second Stage Companies, Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, DECA,
Entrepreneurs - 8/15/11 bytes= 5098582
Listen to: Jeremiah Owen, President, Vivax Pro Painting
$4 million in royalties and 11 startups
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We're here to check on the temperature at the CU Tech Transfer Office with Dave Allen, Associate Vice President of Technology Transfer at the University of Colorado. We check in with Dave every year to get a sense of what their fiscal year was like. This year? "We had a solid year!" said Dave, "For us the emphasis is inventions and faculty - we had 250 inventions and that's good." About 60% of these are [bio medical] related and then the other 30% being spread out across energy and chemical materials, software outfits, electronics, those kinds of things. In the bio most of what we get are in the therapeutics really. So we have a lot of good technology to work with. We see about a thousand inventions a year and our job is to figure out what in those are patentable, feasible and commercially viable and last year we filed almost the same number of patent applications as the year before. The core of our realm is exclusive licenses - those are assets that people can build on and develop. We had 37 last year and that's comparable to other years. It's not a big secret here, the technology economy has been in the doldrums for a couple of years. And we're glad that we can put 37 technologies exclusively in the hands of companies - and the vast majority of those are Colorado companies. Another thing people are interested in are startups - we've had eleven and that tracks, last year we had nine. The other thing to raise is our royalty income - last year we had $4 million in royalties. So it's been a solid year. We are looking forward to better. And one of the things we are doing that's different, and I think a lot of people will be interested in this. I don't believe there's anyone else in the country doing this. We're starting a program called the Technologies Transfer Office Fellows program. It's a trial this year. If it works we're going to scale it up. We'll extend our reach beyond by multiplying the numbers of bright, motivated people who want to add importance to their career. It is a bold plan with great promise! There's much more....
Related Links:
CU Technology Transfer Office ||
CU TTO Channel ||
TTO Blog ||
CU TTO Awards ||
Award Photos ||
Keywords: CU Tech Transfer Office with David Allen, University of Colorado,
Inventions, Energy, Chemical Materials, Software Outfits, Electronics, Bio Medical, Fellows Program, 8/22/11 - bytes=11280199 LISTEN to David Allen, Associate Vice President, Technology Transfer Office at CU
Raising capital is not taught in many places
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Colorado Companies to Watch 2011 Award winner Jon Fox-Rubin, President and CEO, Fiberforge is lightweighting your world... from backpacks, skateboards and kayaks to helicopters. Jon is an MIT alum whom we first met back in 2003 at a StartUp BaseCamp where John Hickenlooper and Jon Nordmark were speaking. Fiberforge has developed a technology that makes ultra lightweight structural parts [lighter than advanced lightweight metals like aluminum or titanium] more affordable than any other process. They're focused on carbon fiber, glass fiber and specialty fibers that they process into finished parts. The technology comes out of the mind set of stamping materials, steel and aluminum that have been stamped and forming dies for years. Fiberforge has taken that mentality and are stamping thermoplastic composites up to 8' x 8' in size, into a structural part and then those parts are joined together into a system. So we actually sell parts and component systems to a variety of customers. Glass fiber components like backpack frame adjusters, helmets, skateboards, window frames for aircraft. Carbon fiber is even lighter than steel and aluminum - our biggest application there is actually a cargo load floor for a helicopter (as tough as titanium yet at the cost of aluminum), extremely durable, strong and lightweight. When asked about challenges companies face today, Jon replied, “Access to capital. And raising capital isn't taught in many places, so you really have to find experts that know how to raise capital. Don't be afraid to get involved in the process yourself. The other piece is really managing your human resources in a way that they really feel empowered! Create a team that fills the gaps. You really want to find and hire people that are smarter and better than you and don't be afraid to hire people that are older than you are. Listen for more insights this COCTW winner has to say...
Related Links:
FiberForge ||
Colorado Companies to Watch || ||
Colorado Companies to Watch Channel ||
Top 50 Companies to Watch ||
Gala Event ||
StartUp BaseCamp 2003 ||
Keywords: Jon Fox-Rubin, FiberForge, Edward Lowe Foundation, Colorado Companies to Watch, Gala Event, COCTW, Second Stage Companies, Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, Ultra Lightweight Structural Parts,
8/22/11 Bytes: 9130634 LISTEN to Jon Fox-Rubin, President & CEO, FiberForge
Dan Caruso: Support the growing needs of consumers
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We are here with one of the most explosive companies around! Of course, I meant that in a good way - we're talking with
Dan Caruso about his company, Zayo. Dan actually said explosive was a good word to describe what Zayo does... because Zayo is in the bandwidth business and the need for bandwidth is exploding. As people use wireless devices, such as droids, iPhones, iPads or watch video over the Internet, there's an infrastructure behind that, that is necessary to support all that explosion. That's basically what Zayo does. Zayo builds fiber net ropes and turns that into raw bandwidth capacity in support of large carriers and content companies as well as hospitals and educational institutions so that they can provide the Internet and data capacity to support the growing needs of consumers. Larry said, "We've been following you since 2007. You've done a number of very interesting things, and you've gone through some challenging times in terms of the business environment during that time frame. What are the biggest challenges today for entrepreneurs in business?" Dan replied, "So I was around in the earlier days of telecom and it was boom days in the late 90s and then we went through our own meltdown in the early 2000s. We had to learn what to do when our entire industry just shuts down, how to survive and how to revive. In the broader economy today that very challenge is affecting most businesses. From a Zayo perspective, fortunately our business is driven less by the macroeconomic environment and more by just the fundamental need for bandwidth. So we are somewhat protected from the very difficult economic times that we're in. When I think more generally with my entrepreneurs, other businesses that I'm involved with, and the entrepreneurial community, the biggest issue is funding. There's lots less funding available for companies built on ideas and future passion. The economic climate, there's a lot of unrest, issues unsettled, a lot of uncertainty. So whether you're you looking for equity or debt funding, if you are a newer company or a fast growing company that needs to consume capital, it's very difficult to raise money and get that support. Larry then asked, "What are some of the biggest and best opportunities for business today?" Dan then said... Listen to what he has to say...
Related Links:
Zayo ||
Communications Technology Professionals ||
CTP Channel ||
Rockies Venture Club ||
Keywords: Dan Caruso, Zayo, Communications Technology Professionals, CTP, Bandwidth, Fiber, Telecom, Wireless Devices, Droids, iPhones, iPads, Economic Climate, Capital - 8/15/11 bytes=6844816 Listen to: Dan Caruso, Zayo
Social media has changed recruiting to an outbound activity
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Many companies today are relying on job postings and job boards, outbound types of media. What Kimberly Lucas, founder of Goldstone Partners sees in the future is that candidates will make themselves available to interesting companies, rather than casting a net broad and respond to everyone. "In that vein what companies need to do is be thinking about [and here's a new term for CRM...] Candidate Relationship Management. That is having an interactive relationship with not only your employees, but future employees, or those that you've identified as having potential for being a future employee." Kimberly says that we're moving toward a candidate centric model. Candidates do not hang out on mega job boards any longer. Social media has changed recruiting from being an inbound activity to an outbound activity. Candidates decide who gets access to them so having a strong employment brand is critical. The recruitment function is changing - hiring managers can do their own sourcing, so recruiters need to find other ways to add value. Kimberly went onto point out, "A person I know quite well recently said something to this effect, 'Recruiters must embrace change or they will go the way of travel agents, real estate agents and newspaper editors...' In today's people market, with all the people laid-off, displaced, those even trying different things, to being an entrepreneur - there is a lot to consider and so much has to be done and handled right within the whole recruiting business. mega job boards are really not a good source for either hiring managers looking for candidates, or the candidates who are looking for positions. Social media has become a true force in the recruiting industry for both candidates and hiring managers. Most job postings are very generic, very HR boring... and it's not interesting. Kimberly says she get's comment after comment from candidates saying, 'the reason I responded to this was because of the way it's written. It spoke to me...and the job sounds interesting.'... Listen for more insights...
Related Links:
Goldstone Partners ||
Entrepreneurs ||
Podcasting Directory ||
Blog ||
Keywords: Kimberly Lucas, Goldstone Partners, Job Postings, Job Boards, Executive
Search, Hire Trendz, Candidate Centric Model, Recruiters, Candidate Relationship Management - 8/15/11 bytes=7744682
Listen to: Kimberly Lucas, Goldstone Partners
Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals 933_ 11/29/10- Don't Let Another Year Go By - The Ultimate Win is Yours - Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the USA. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" to personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs. ...listen now a complete step-by-step program including a downloadable manual and resource guide...this is an in-depth strategic planning and goal setting system for achievers...Read More about how to Supercharge Your Business... The links below are valuable and extremely helpful to setting your course for the next year! And they're free. Related Links: Ultimate Win Resources || Training Trends || 3-Filters Technology™ || Podcasting Directory || Your Goal || Keywords: Ultimate Win, Your Goal, Training Trends, 3-Filters TechnologyTM, Setting
Goals, Larry Nelson; 11/29/10 Chnl: Entrepreneurs
Google, Bing and Yahoo rank Colorado’s w3w3.com in the top 10 for the “Business Internet Talk Radio” show
They have millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top ten. The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show