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Inventors leading the way to a better tomorrow
1100_ 10/31/11 -
Coming up on November 5th, just around the corner, is an exciting event that has continually grown in importance over the past seven years, that is the DaVinci Inventors Showcase 2011. And we're back at the DaVinci Vault to talk to Tom and Deb Frey, and Andrew Frey about this year's event. Tom tells us the interesting thing about the Showcase this year is that they have more inventors coming from out of state than locally, so the word is spreading. Andrew has been working on recruiting inventors to come and share a view of a "better tomorrow". The caliber of invention continues to keep rising and there will be some amazing talent on display at this event. Deb Frey reminds us this is a wonderful family event, a great way to spend a Saturday with the family and just possibly get your children more interested in the sciences. Besides a glimpse into the future, you can talk with the actual inventors and many of the exhibitors provide an interactive experience. Larry's been one of the 'celebrity judges' for the past number of years and it's one of those events that you look forward to each year. Keynote speakers include Diana Urbine the expert on QVC with over 1500 appearances on QVC - she's worked with past winners from the Inventor's Showcase, so there are some interesting success stories coming out of this event. The other keynote speaker is Louis Foreman, founder/CEO of EdisonNation, publisher of Inventor’s Digest, and producer of the Emmy Award winning PBS series Everyday Edisons. Louis has put together a $25 Million fund specifically for inventions and three to five of the exhibitors will get personal invitations from Louis to participate in this fund. The fund is to help them develop the invention and get the product off the ground. . Attendance at this event is expected to be 700-1000, at a new venue this year, Noah's Event Center in Westminster. So be sure to register early, contact the DaVinci Institute for special family and group rates and w3w3.com's Pat and Larry will be there so be sure to stop and say "Hi"..
Related Links:
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Keywords: Thomas Frey, Deb Frey, Andrew Frey, DaVinci Institute, The Vault, Mastering
Change, Futurist, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Diana Urbine, QVC, Louis Foreman, Inventor’s Digest, Inventor Showcase
bytes=4968179 LISTEN to:
Tom, Deb & Andrew Frey, DaVinci Inventors Showcase
Helping companies expand their business 957_ 1/24/11 - This interview was done in Jan. 2011 and Plug and Play opens its 80,000 sq. feet facility in Centennial, CO in Nov 2011. We've interviewed Vic Ahmed many times over the years and it is particularly exciting today. TiE Rockies, with Vic as president and chairman, has put together a plan for the future of TiE in Colorado. Things have dramatically changed since 2008, and Vic said, "We have to re look at the things we've done in the past and what things we could change and improve to better serve the local entrepreneurial ecosystem." Balan Nair, CTO at Liberty Global, Sureel Choksi, previously with Level3, John Kelley (past CEO, McData), Joe Zell, Grotech Ventures, along with Vic makeup the board of directors. Vic is very excited to have this dynamic and influential group who will take TiE to its next logical destination. "In this context working with the board, and an outstanding group of charter members, we've come up with a very narrowly focused plan. TiE has always done networking, mentoring and educational sessions and will continue to do those. But now we're going to have a focus around three areas. The first and foremost is, funding. We know that Colorado has been challenged with sources of funding, especially in the VC arena - We don't have that many active funds in Colorado anymore. So all the more important to find a bridge to Silicon Valley. In that context we have formed a significant relationship with Plug and Play of Silicon Valley. We're introducing a TiE 50 program where we highlight companies; and then TiE itself has a new group, TiE Angels who make early stage investments. So we are basically launching these programs for the Colorado ecosystem, to assist companies get funding, something which is in dire straits right now. So, that's the first part. The second area TiE is focusing on is helping companies expand their business. "For that", Vic said, "you only have to look at our history. Larry you have been a great supporter of TiE. But TiE has a special connection with India, because of its roots from Indian entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. We are a powerhouse in India, and India is now the fourth largest economy. No longer is it a destination for only getting IT work done." Vic talks a great deal more about expanding. "The last focus area they've added is Cleantech. "That clearly, remains an area in which Colorado is seen as a global leader. I think it is an opportunity for us to highlight that to a national audience, not just a local audience." Related Links:
TiE Rockies ||
PlugandPlayTechCenter.com ||
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Keywords: Vic Ahmed, TiE Rockies, Plug and Play Tech Center, Funding, Balan Nair, CTO at Liberty Global, Sureel Choksi, John Kelley, Joe Zell, Grotech Ventures, Colorado Ecosystem [01/24/11] 10/31/2011 bytes=7087232
Listen To: Vic Ahmed, President & Chairman, TiE Rockies
Private lenders rather than banks for raising money
1098_ 10/24/11 -
We're here with a guy who does a great deal with money. He's the author of the book, "Where To Go When the Bank Says No" - from the 'Hard Money Series'. This is Steve Replin, CPA, MBA and JD at Replin & Rhoades, [their practice is] a pretty unique boutique walk through, between Chicago and Los Angeles, focusing on entertainment law, representing fashion designers, film makers, authors, publishers, musicians, record labels and the like. Representing them in their business formation issues, a bit in their tax planning, in their business structure, in the contracts they need to go out and grow - dealing with contractors, employees, agents and managers - to kind of just watch their career grow and to make sure they're legally protected.
For 30 years, Steve was a provider of alternative funding for people that have a very difficult time at a bank or for some reason they are not otherwise institutionally fundable. Steve's niche is: entrepreneurs who had terrific ideas, great dreams, passions, aspirations and nowhere to go to get financing. We got Steve's overview or Reader's Digest version of his book. He explained, "As the economy has become more problematic since 2008, banks have become more restrictive in their willingness to loan money, because loans have increasingly gone into default. So what this book discusses is the rather loose affiliation, across the country, of private lenders who will provide financing for entrepreneurs and small business that are in various stages of their growth strategies; for people that have opportunities but need to take advantage of fairly quickly; sadly sometimes for people who are in need of solving a problem fairly quickly and they don't have a relationship with the bank or they don't have the time to deal with the bank that in all probability is going to tell them no anyway. So it's kind of an overview of what that whole system is. I lead them from loan rejection to a loan approval in really a number of easy steps. Steve's goal is, at the end of this book, that people understand how to get financing in a matter of days without the aggravation of having to go through a bank." Listen for much more...
Related Links:
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Keywords: Steve Replin, Replin & Rhoades, LLC, Where To Go When the Bank Says No, Entrepreneurs, Hard Money Series, Banks, Rockies Venture Club, Private Lenders, Free Newsletter - bytes=6739072
Listen to: Steve Replin, Replin & Rhoades, LLC
India is the first country to setup a National Knowledge Commission
544_ 10/24/11 [From 9/15/2008]-
While Sam Pitroda, Chairman of WorldTel Ltd., has an illustrious technical background including patents and founder of multiple high-tech and digital startups in the United States and Europe, Sam spoke about his lifetime passion during his interview. Larry contacted him at his Chicago, IL. office and focused on 'education' and leadership'. This might seem like quite a leap from his high-tech background which included founding Wescom which was one of the first digital switching companies in the world. "I spend most of my time these days as chairman of India’s National Knowledge Commission. We set up a commission to look at various aspects of knowledge institutions and infrastructure that India will need in the 21st Century. The commission is made up of 8 people coming from all walks of life; academicians, businessmen, professors, economists, mathematicians. Technology has played a very important role in all our development. Life expectancy has gone up, infant mortality has gone down, and communications have substantially improved the world over. We are well connected. But at the same time we are going through turmoil. I believe a lot of this has to do with the fact that technology changed too fast. And the organizations, government, policies, mind set, hasn’t kept pace with it. We have the mind set of the 19th and 20th centuries and we have technology of the 21st century." Sam has a new take on 'leadership'...listen now.
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Keywords: Sam Pitroda, National Knowledge Commission, India, TiE Rockies, Education, Leadership, WorldTel - bytes=9950670
Listen to: Sam Pitroda, Chairman, WorldTel Ltd
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Heart valve therapy has been around for over 40 years
1100_ 10/31/11 -
We're talking with Larry Blankenship, Chairman of the Board and CEO of ValveXchange and Ivan Vesely, Founder and Chief Science Officer. Dr. Vesely is a PhD. Bio Physicist who founded the company and invented this heart valve technology. Heart valve therapy has been around for over 40 years. The ValveXchange research has been supported by $2.5 Million in grants from the National Institutes of Health and others. They have a top-tier management team and a Medical Advisory Board that rivals that of established heart valve companies. Both Larry and Ivan realized that from a patient's perspective there is a serious dilemma regarding what therapy to use. A typical adult patient has a choice between a mechanical heart valve that will last the rest of his/her life or a tissue heart valve that has a limited life span and would have to be replaced later. The mechanical heart valve however, requires extremely high doses of an anti coagulant called Warfarin which has some serious side effects requiring the patient to lead a sedentary lifestyle or risk internal hemorrhage, the side effects are serious. The tissue valve, on the other hand, operates like a normal human valve and the patient has a full and active lifestyle. Depending on the patient's age, these tissue valves wear out and the patient would have to undergo another serious open heart surgery in 10 to 15 years. So those tissue valves that allow a full and active lifestyle, have traditionally been recommended to patients 65 years of age and older because of their life span matching that of the valve. Whereas younger patients who are at the prime of their life get a mechanical valve that leads them to a problematic, sedentary lifestyle. Larry recognized that problem and Dr. Vesely provided the solution. We wanted to know how ValveXchange is meeting that need. Nobody wants additional surgery, everyone is working on making the tissue valve last longer but the reality is we really can't have tissue valves that last longer than 18 years or so. So Ivan explained, "Let's turn the problem around. If it's the surgery we want to avoid, how about we make the surgery more benign. So the idea I came up with is a valve that..." Listen for much more...
Related Links:
ValveXchange ||
BioSciences Channel ||
Colorado BioScience Association ||
CBSA Investor Partnering Conference ||
Keywords: Larry Blankenship, Ivan Vesely, ValveXchange, Colorado BioScience Association,
CBSA, Heart Valve Technology, Mechanical Heart Valve, Open Heart Surgery - bytes=9078390
LISTEN to Larry Blankenship & Ivan Vesely, ValveXchange
Powerful messaging starts with extensive research
1102_ 10/31/11 -
We're talking with a person who has a wide range of various clients, big ones like Ball AeroSpace, all the way to and including startup entrepreneurs. Michael Hamers is the founder of LightSpeed Commercial Arts based in Boulder, Colorado for the past 20 years. Just as a disclaimer, Mike has done a lot of work for w3w3.com. He's done our logo, most of the graphics and helpful navigation on our website. We asked Michael for an overview of LightSpeed CA... Mike tells us he's had a wide range of clients and he's worked on everything from helping to publish seven books on nano technology, bio science clients, technical companies and manufacturers, even food service and healthcare. He's personally been an employee for Harley Davidson and worked for Ball Aerospace after returning to Boulder after one year, working in Australia for one client. Mike has done everything from tradeshow pieces and business cards, brochures and flyers as well as web sites. We wondered what he focuses on, and how does this work? One aspect of Mike's business and a piece that he loves is logo design. He loves the thought process, the combination of analytical and creative thinking, the creative problem solving experience to help get the message across for the client. The process involves quite a bit of research both about the company, their values and, what they want to look like in five years. He learns who their clients are and who is there competition including the competition's mark/identifiers, and he has to learn about and understand their industry. Mike said, "Yes. I have to understand the client and their goals; I really have to understand the competition - how are they already positioned right down to knowing what makes them unique - I have to know what colors and fonts they are using so that we're not colliding." Listen for much more...
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Keywords: Michael Hamers, LightSpeed Commercial Arts, Branding, Logos, Research, Clients,
Brochures, Websites, Entrepreneurs, Tradeshow Pieces, Business Cards, Brochures, Flyers - bytes=5756868
Michael Hamers, Founder, LightSpeed Commercial Arts
Make it earn the investment cost
1097_ 10/24/11 -
Celebrating their 30th year in business, we've tracked down Ron McKey, founder of the Colorado based FlyingBeds. He's gone from Murphy Beds to FlyingBeds in more ways than one. He's had a ton of experiences, has a fabulous, unbelievable website, does a lot of business online not only in Colorado but all over the country and internationally. He is in all respects a real character - and it comes through... over the phone, in an interview and on his website - and people love what he is and what he does. His furniture is custom made and he helps the would be designer/client re purpose a room to be beautiful and valuable. Ron explains the problem with this concept is that not everyone is not a born designer - it just isn't in their blood. So Ron lends his vast experience to help guide the process. Starting with, what do you want this room to accomplish? One of my favorite lines, found on his website is the 'deceptive purpose' of a room. Ron says, "I want the room to become valuable. Make it earn the investment cost." It may look like a beautiful home office with fabulous surround furniture in Cherry (you'll positively drool looking at the photos on his site) that turns into a state of the art guest room for that special visitor, with a view of the Rockies over the Cityscape of Denver or Singapore or... He'll talk with you, work with you and help you bring out that special, one of a kind, heirloom quality room with the right questions, renderings, drawings and an entertaining conversation. We wanted to know what Ron's most difficult task was. He said it was getting the client to realize "we aren't a Murphy Bed company". It's the combination of Hollywood movies and sofa beds that are stuck in their mind. - Think "I Love Lucy". It is easy for the customer to forget we are a space design company and not a joke. Larry asked Ron why and/or how FlyingBeds is different from other Murphy Bed type manufacturers - Ron replied, We say, "What do you want?” not, “This is what we have." Listen for more...
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Keywords: Ron McKey, FlyingBeds, Murphy Beds, Furniture, Custom Made, Space Design Company, Home Office, What do You Want this Room to Accomplish - bytes=7676136
Listen to: Ron McKey, Founder & Pres, FlyingBeds
Inventors, entrepreneurs, and revolutionary thinkers
1099_ 10/24/11 -
We are here with a world renowned futurist, Tom Frey at the DaVinci Institute Vault, actually sitting in the 'vault' at the Vault. Tom explains the Vault is a co-working space. There are more and more people working from home and they suffer from two problems, either isolation or distractions. If you have a lot of kids at home [or even one] you understand distraction, we're sure. After working at home for a while, one begins to crave conversation with like minded people, and that's what you get at the DaVinci Institute. "You're around people doing similar type work..." Tom says the true value is in all the sidebar conversations that go on here. Larry asked Tom for his view of the changes he's seen over the past ten years - As a futurist, he gives talks all over the country and internationally and has a perspective that most of us don't get to indulge. It is interesting, few have the time or luxury to reflect, so Tom points out, to begin with we have gone from desktop computers to mobile devices which is just a massive, huge change. "It was just March of 2008 when Steve Jobs announced the software developers kit for the Apple iPhone. And it was July of that year when Steve Jobs announced the first 552 apps and the Apple App store. Within the next three days there were 60 million downloads of apps. Today, within the last few months, we broke through the barrier, there are over one million apps available that can be downloaded on both iPhone and android devices." Tom predicts that sometime next year, the number of apps will exceed the number of books in print. It's an interesting comparison; Tom tells us there are 3.2 million books in print. Tom just came out with a new book, Communicating with the Future, The reengineering intentions will alter the master code of our future. And Tom says, "We look at this whole idea of our relationship with the future. Most people think we don't have any control over the future. We actually have much more control than we think we do." In the book, Tom discusses different techniques that he uses and how to manage and control the future in better ways. Their big event is the DaVinci Inventor Showcase - November 5th, at Noah's Event Center in Westminster. What's happening at the Vault? Listen for details...
Related Links:
DaVinci Institute ||
DaVinci Inventor Showcase ||
Amazon ||
Mastering Change Blog ||
Free Newsletter ||
Keywords: Thomas Frey, DaVinci Institute, The Vault, Mastering Change, Futurist, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Communicating with the Future, Steve Jobs, Apple, Inventor Showcase - bytes=4833596
Listen to: Tom Frey, Sr Futurist, DaVinci Institute
Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals 933_ 11/29/10- Don't Let Another Year Go By - The Ultimate Win is Yours - Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the USA. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" to personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs. ...listen now a complete step-by-step program including a downloadable manual and resource guide...this is an in-depth strategic planning and goal setting system for achievers...Read More about how to Supercharge Your Business... The links below are valuable and extremely helpful to setting your course for the next year! And they're free. Related Links: Ultimate Win Resources || Training Trends || 3-Filters Technology™ || Podcasting Directory || Your Goal || Keywords: Ultimate Win, Your Goal, Training Trends, 3-Filters TechnologyTM, Setting
Goals, Larry Nelson; 11/29/10 Chnl: Entrepreneurs
Google, Ask, Bing and Yahoo rank Colorado’s w3w3.com in the top 10 for the “Business Internet Talk Radio” show
They have millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top ten. The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show