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Getting technology to leverage and access what is needed
1128 12/19/11 -
We're talking to Phil Becker, PLB Ventures, today at the DefragCon 2011. Phil is one of the cofounders of Defrag, although his career began in the aerospace industry [with some pretty impressive accomplishments]. Phil has been in the computer industry since 1967 and has his signature on both the Moon and Mars as part of computer communications projects he built for the Apollo and Viking missions. He has created technology to link computers for both the pre-Internet and Internet eras. As an entrepreneur he has built and taken public companies in the computer communications space. In 1992 he founded ISPCON and grew it to be the premiere Internet Service Provider Trade Show. Phil was the former Editor-in-Chief of Digital ID World and former Managing Partner of Digital Identity World, LLC before selling DIDW to IDG in 2007. Phil tells us that today, that throughout his varied career, he realizes now that what he's always been focused on is the way technology amplifies each of us individually and gives us more autonomy and more control over our world. He said, "I think here at Defrag you're seeing the same thing show up again, sometimes recognized and sometimes unrecognized. That is whether talking about the consumerization of IT in the enterprise, the access to data wherever we are, or whether it's mobile computing - it's really all about how does the individual who is trying to get something in their life, get the technology to help them have the leverage and access that they need. In Larry's latest book, Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos, he says, "People are the source of all problems and people are the source of all solutions." Phil says, yes and in the end that's what this technology is all for. I mean we aren't building robots to take care of other robots. We're building them to take care of us and make life easier. This conference which Brad Feld, Eric Norlin and Phil Becker put together, is really all about that wave of where it all comes together, what it looks like and to take that next step. What solutions are created by the next step and what new problems are created by the next step. "Every solution is the source of its own problem." There's more....
Related Links:
Defrag 2011 ||
Defrag 2012 ||
Defrag Photos ||
Software Channel ||
Mastering Change Book ||
Keywords: Phil Becker, Defrag, Accelerating the AHA Moment, Moon, Mars, Apollo, Viking
missions, IPSCON, Digital ID World, Digital Identity World, New Wave, Brad Feld, Eric Norlin - bytes=3789534 LISTEN TO: Phil Becker, CoFounder, Defrag Con
Couple of years after you start your venture
1130_ 12/19/11 -
At Defrag 2011 we met and talked with Bart Lorang, CEO and Founder of FullContact. Attracted to his booth by all of the activity, Larry asked Bart to give us an overview of what FullContact was. Bart replied, “FullContact is the API that keeps contact information current. Any software application can 'bake' our capability inside their APP to improve, enrich and de-duplicate their people data.” “That's mailing lists and everything else?” asked Larry. “Yes, emails, phone numbers, titles, photos, addresses, names, all that core contact information that lives inside of software. FullContact's customers are CRM platforms, email marketing tools, marketing automation tools - we work with a lot of people data and make that data better. This is an API for software developers, it's technical, but it's very simple to consume for a developer. It really takes only a few lines of code. Larry asked Bart who runs into many businesses, big and small, entrepreneurs and the like, “What advice would he give business people today?” Bart's reply, "My advice to entrepreneurs is follow your passion, because as an entrepreneur you're facing long odds and if you don't have passion for it, you're not going to love it, and you can't do great work if you don't love it. Most importantly you're going to need persistence to go along with that passion. Because, it really doesn't start kicking in until a couple of years after you start your venture that you really start seeing success. It doesn't ever happen overnight."
Related Links:
Defrag 2011 ||
Defrag 2012 ||
Defrag Photos ||
Software Channel ||
FullContact ||
Keywords: Bart Lorang, FullContact, API, Defrag, Accelerating the AHA Moment, Digital
Identity, API's, Mobile, Social Customer, Platform Shift, Collaboration, Social Networks, Activity Streams - bytes=2760101 LISTEN TO: Bart Lorang, CEO/Founder, Full Contact
He profits Most Who Serves Best, August 1911
1124_ 12/12/11 -
With over 700 in attendance, the Colorado Rotarians celebrate the culmination of 100 years in Colorado at the 6th annual state of the state luncheon. Christy Ramee, President, Rotary Club of Denver Lodo introduces Governor John Hickenlooper. The first motto of Rotary International, "He profits Most Who Serves Best", was approved at the second Rotary Convention, held in Portland, Oregon, in August 1911. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, a geologist-turned brew pub pioneer who had never run for political office (not even student council) before being elected Denver Mayor in 2003, was elected Governor of Colorado on Nov. 2, 2010. One of the topics the governor talked about is one of Colorado’s challenges. Colorado is ranked #42 out of 50 states on per student costs, speed and access to the internet at our schools. Our neighboring states of Nebraska, Wyoming and Utah offer high speed internet access at one-tenth the current Colorado costs. In 2000, approximately 45,000 classes throughout the US school systems were taken online. In 2009, approximately three million classes were taken online. The expectation is that by 2019, one half of all high school classes will be online. The students of Colorado deserve access to high speed internet at an affordable price to meet the challenges of the 21st century global economy! Here’s the solution. With the support of the three Rotary Districts in the State of Colorado and many current and former Rotarians, the Rotary Club of Denver assisted EAGLE-Net (Educational Access Gateway Learning Environment Network, www.co-eaglenet.net ) to acquire a $100.6 million federal stimulus grant, plus $46 million additional in in-kind services to install high speed internet to 234 community anchor points (CAIs) throughout the State. These CAIs include all 178 school district buildings. The other CAIs are libraries, museums and some colleges and universities not already served. This network is referred to as the “Middle Mile” and construction has already started...get involved and listen, there's much more...
Related Links:
Colorado State Web Portal ||
EAGLE Net ||
Rotary District 5450 ||
Rotary Club of Denver Club 31 ||
CO High Speed Internet Project ||
PodCast Directory ||
Event Photos ||
Keywords: Governor, John Hickenlooper, Colorado, Rotary, High Speed Internet Project,
EAGLE-Net, Educational Access Gateway, Learning Environment Network, Community Anchor Points - bytes=18269730 LISTEN TO: Gov. John Hickenlooper
Expert advice for managing social media
1126_ 12/12/11 -
Today Lucy Sanders, CEO for the National Center for Women and Information Technology or NCWIT along with Larry Nelson, Director of w3w3® Media Network are interviewing Clara Shih the best selling author of The Facebook Era and founder/CEO of Sequoia-backed Hearsay Social, one of the fastest-growing and most exciting technology companies in Silicon Valley. Clara is a renowned social media authority and technology leader whose New York Times-featured book has been translated into nine languages and is used as a textbook at Harvard Business School. Hearsay Social develops social media software to enable large franchise brands to create, measure and distribute content out to local reps, agents, and franchisees' Facebook or Twitter pages. Consider insurance agents, financial advisors, coffee houses or restaurant chains. They are part of important corporate brands, but what makes them thrive are local relationships. Social media can help, but it needs to be managed in a way that supports the brand, customer satisfaction and hence the business bottom line. Our listeners are familiar with “customer relationship management” for businesses this is something like, social media relationship management. In 2007, Clara created the first business application on Facebook and subsequently authored the New York Times-featured best selling book The Facebook Era, which has sold over 21,000 copies worldwide. Previously, Clara was a marketing executive at salesforce.com, and held technology and product positions at Google and Microsoft. Clara has a BS in computer science and economics and MS in computer science from Stanford. She is a frequently invited keynote speaker on social media at global conferences including AlwaysOn, Web 2.0 Expo, Enterprise 2.0, CRM Evolution, Social-Loco, American Marketing Association, Toronto TechWeek, and Social Ad Summit. There are a number of learning points for entrepreneurs and leaders offered by Clara...listen for more...
Related Links:
Hearsay Social ||
Find Clara on Facebook ||
and Twitter @clarashih ||
NCWIT Home ||
NCWIT Practice ||
NCWIT Blog ||
Heroes Channel ||
Why Facebook Matters for B2B ||
Keywords: Clara Shih, Hearsay Social, National Center for Women in Technology, Lucy Sanders, NCWIT, Entrepreneurs, The Facebook Era, Facebook, Twitter, Social Media, - bytes=152933443 LISTEN TO: Clara Shih, CEO/Founder, Hearsay Social
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Getting Internet access for the entire State of Colorado
1127_ 12/19/11 -
We are at the Colorado Rotary State of the State and Culmination of 100 Years Anniversary Celebration of Rotary in Colorado and joined by Ron Burton, President Nominee of Rotary International. Ron explains the way their system works, he is currently the president nominee, will be elected at the Bangkok convention in May as president elect and then becomes president of Rotary International and serves in 2013-2014. Larry asked Ron, “What's happening in Rotary now?” A very big deal, Rotarians are trying to complete the "End Polio Now" (Polio Irradiation Campaign) which has been going on longer than many would like. (Larry has much interest in the topic of polio, as he had it as a youth.) Ron tells us we are getting very close. There have been about 570 cases in the world this year, which is about 37-40% of what it was last year. "But", says Ron, “we still have to finish the job. We promised the children of the world in 1987 they would live in a polio free world - and we're making progress but we have to finish the job." Rotary has stellar partners in that process. There is the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, UNICEF, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and of course, the World Rotarians are on that list. There are 34,000 Rotary Clubs in the world and 200 countries and political subdivisions. Every Rotary club is autonomous, so they can pick and choose the projects they want to do. But every Rotary Club does many, many things around the community. One of the big catalysts that occurred here in Colorado is the Internet access for the entire State which puts Colorado in First Place! And, the catalyst for that was a network of 174 Rotary Clubs in the State of Colorado. It wouldn't have happened without them! Rotarians live by the four-way test, Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Does it build goodwill and better friendship? Is it beneficial to all concerned? If you can answer those four questions in a positive way...there's much more to listen to...
Related Links:
Rotary International ||
Global Polio Eradication Initiative ||
End Polio Now (UN Foundation) ||
Gates Foundation ||
Rotary International ||
Keywords: Ron Burton, Rotary, International, Polio, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
Colorado, Global Health Program, High Speed Internet Project, EAGLE-Net, Educational Access Gateway, Learning Environment Network, Points
- bytes=5772332
LISTEN TO: Ron Burton, Pres. Nominee 2013-14, Rotary International
It's all about the data and how it's presented
1129_ 12/19/11 -
We're back at the Defrag Conference, lot of great speakers, super booths, lot of executives, some very interesting people and some money walking around too. Based in San Francisco with offices in New York and London, we're speaking with Ian Brown, Director, Demand Generation (for the rest of us, that's marketing) at Mashery. So, what does Mashery do? They help companies with APIs, essentially get those APIs out to developers, whether that be internal or external, but essentially they provide a layer of infrastructure that allows the developers to be able to scale, allows them to analyze who is actually using their APIs. In addition to that Mashery also provide a developers outreach center. At w3w3.com we find this all rather amazing. We started our Internet Talk Radio Show in 1999 and it's changed a little bit since then. Ian agrees, just thinking back to last year, "You would hear API and every once-and-awhile you'd have to throw in what API means [Application Programming Interface], you'd have to actually say that. This year people are throwing API around very nonchalantly assuming everyone knows what that is." On the horizon Ian expects to see APIs forward to individual businesses - more like turning business into a platform. Where now you have individuals accessing data via APIs and to then build other things. Now what's happening is you're seeing a variety of different applications being built based on these APIs and in some cases you're seeing brand-new partnerships being formed thanks to these APIs. It's pretty amazing and from there you can see almost anything happening because it's all about the data and how it's presented. Again, it's up to the smart individuals at Defrag to one day make that happen.
Related Links:
Defrag 2011 ||
Defrag 2012 ||
Defrag Photos ||
Software Channel ||
Mashery ||
Keywords: Ian Brown, Mashery, API, Defrag, Accelerating the AHA Moment, Digital Identity,
API's, Mobile, Social Customer, Platform Shift, Collaboration, Social Networks, Activity Streams - bytes=3100319 LISTEN TO: Ian Brown, Dir, Demand Generation Mashery
It is more than doing well, by doing good 1123_ 12/12/11 -
Kim Jordan, CEO, New Belgium Brewing Company shares the story of her journey and that of hundreds of team members in becoming a profitable and socially responsible enterprise. Chris Pelley, Founder and Managing Director, CIMCO, has been encouraging a greater understanding of social enterprise within the Colorado business community for almost seven years. In collaboration with ACG, he was very pleased to announce this year’s 5th Annual Business/Social Entrepreneurship event with keynote speaker, Kim Jordan, CEO and Co-Founder of New Belgium Brewing. Blending business acumen and social needs is something that Ms. Jordan has mastered quite successfully. She’ll share how aligning with social enterprise attracts the best and brightest talent, improves retention and ultimately enhances employee morale. There’s nothing better than having your employees boast with pride in their company’s purpose in the world to help improve your bottom line! Social enterprise is more than merely, "doing well, by doing good." Watch and listen to her message.
Related Links:
New Belgium Brewing Home ||
Community Reach ||
Social Entrepreneurship ||
M&A Channel ||
ACG Denver ||
Rocky Mountain Corporate Growth Conference ||
Event Photos ||
Keywords: Kim Jordan, New Belgium Brewing, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise,
Association for Corporate Growth, Denver, ACG, Chris Pelley, CIMCO, Community Reach -
Watch: Kim Jordan, CEO/CoFounder, New Belgium Brewing Co.
Building a phenomenal culture and a real value proposition
1125_ 12/12/11 -
We're back at the Defrag Conference, lot of great speakers, super booths, lot of executives, some very interesting people and some money walking around too, by the way. We're talking with Bill Heuston who is senior account executive at ViaWest. We interviewed Bill a few years ago. Bill has been with ViaWest for nine years. Via West is 12 years old so Bill has been around for a good chunk of it. When we last interviewed the co-founder, Roy Dimoff, he pointed out they have a lot of long term employees. Bill adds, "There are. We've got a phenomenal culture - not much turnover, people like to stay here." Larry asked for an overview. Bill replied, "ViaWest, got started in 1999" [Coincidentally that's the same year w3w3.com got started.], "here in Denver, Colorado, slowly growing in the hosting business, and acquiring data centers around the country. And, 12 years later, fast-forward, we are now the largest privately held collocation hosting company in North America." That's quite a success story. Bill's focus is in sales on the entrepreneurial and enterprise space. It's a big gambit, but any company that has a mission critical web application, are the people Bill loves to talk to. He likes to solve problems in a hybrid manner. The thing that ViaWest brings to the table, that's a real value proposition vs. all the other hosting companies that they compete with, is that they have all the core competencies under one roof. They have collocation, dedicated hosting and cloud computing. All three of those are core competencies to ViaWest and value to clients in that they can build solutions that are what Bill calls 'hybrid' and use pieces and parts of each one, all under one roof and cross connected to make it a seamless connection. Larry recalls, way back when ViaWest was first launching there were many other hosting companies that had started but are no longer in business. Bill tells us that seven out of ten of ViaWest competitors when they got started are not longer here. That's 70% and ViaWest continued on to become this super success.
Related Links:
Viawest ||
Green Solutions ||
Defrag 2011 ||
Software Channel ||
Keywords:Bill Heuston, Viawest, Collocation Hosting Company, Dedicated Hosting, Cloud
Computing, Green Grid, Defrag, Accelerating the AHA Moment, Value Proposition - bytes=3403340 LISTEN TO: Bill Heuston, ViaWest
Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals 933_ 11/29/10- Don't Let Another Year Go By - The Ultimate Win is Yours - Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the USA. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" to personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs. ...listen now a complete step-by-step program including a downloadable manual and resource guide...this is an in-depth strategic planning and goal setting system for achievers...Read More about how to Supercharge Your Business... The links below are valuable and extremely helpful to setting your course for the next year! And they're free. Related Links: Ultimate Win Resources || Training Trends || 3-Filters Technology™ || Podcasting Directory || Your Goal || Keywords: Ultimate Win, Your Goal, Training Trends, 3-Filters TechnologyTM, Setting
Goals, Larry Nelson; 11/29/10 Chnl: Entrepreneurs
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They have millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top ten. The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show