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Amazing story: Boulder to Disney
1148/RR_ 1/23/12 -
Lucy Sanders, Founder and CEO of the National Center for Women in Technology describes Krista Marks as, "A rare blend of technical accomplishment and social passion and entrepreneurial spirit. You cannot spend more than five seconds with Krista without getting all kinds of great information and energy and passion." Krista is the co-founder of Kerpoof Studios which was acquired by Disney in 2008 and Krista is now the general manager of Disney Online Kerpoof Studios (and still based in Boulder). Lucy asked, "How did you get interested in technology?" Her interesting reply, "My entry into technology was not so smooth. When I went to college, I didn't even know about technology or pursuing a career in technology which for me, was electrical engineering. But obviously there are a number of careers in technology. For me, in high school, I gravitated to mathematics, science and problem solving, these were the areas I liked. Fortunately when I got to orientation for college, I sat next to a student who said they were going to major in electrical engineering. I didn't know what that is. "What is that?" And she said, 'I know that if you really like math and physics, it's the best major to have. I said, "Oh my god, those are my two favorite things. "So I fell into it. This is why NCWIT and the things you're doing, Lucy, is so critical, so important. I would like every student to be aware of the available opportunities when they're choosing a career. I did end up there and loved technology. In fact, from that point on I really wanted to be involved in designing technology. I spent the first eleven years designing custom electronics, and got to work around the world." In the first of many future integrations of Kerpoof technology, Disney.com has launched new features on its popular Characters portal (www.Disney.com/Characters). Now, when guests visit pages for characters such as Mickey and Friends, they will be able to create their very own customized pictures using an intuitive graphical interface. There's more...
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Keywords: Krista Marks, Kerpoof, Studios, Disney, Digital Mosaic, Lucy Sanders, National
Center for Women in Technology, NCWIT, Disney Online - 8/2/10 Chnl: NCWIT bytes: 3693508
LISTEN to Krista Marks, General Manager, Disney Online Kerpoof Studios
Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek come to Colorado 1150/RR_ 4/26/10 - At the 26th National Space Symposium, Larry and Pat had an opportunity to have a discussion with Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame. But Nimoy is so much more than that. They decided to talk about other topics that help us learn more about him and what has shaped his character over the past 79 years as well as understanding his hot buttons. We started out by reflecting on some poetry Leonard read as 'whale song' was heard in the background...that was decades ago but it opened up insights to his current interests and concerns. When asked, Is there something businesses can do to motivate children?" His reply was an ouch. "I'm not a sociologist, I'm not a businessman, I can't speak intelligently about that. I'll tell you what I am concerned about; I'm concerned about how much television kids watch that is not uplifting, or educational or inspiring in any way. It's all about celebrity, and if you're celebrity, come and tell us about your celebrity. What have you accomplished? I'm a celebrity - I'm famous for having a lot of children, so I want a TV show - It's crazy. What we have descended to in our education, it's crazy! It's really sad, I could go on about that, I'm not going to." He had a great deal to say about advice he would give to someone following his career path. "The biggest fantasy, myth about my work, about being an actor is people who think a look will get you somewhere, be at the right place and time, that kind of thing - luck plays a big role, but I never believed that, not even as a teenager...Education, it's all about education. Learn, learn, learn and devote yourself to a profession. Be professional about it." Larry asked, "Do you feel the U.S. is losing its position in terms of space?" Leonard replied, "Yes, I don't know to what degree this is true. I don't want to be an alarmist about this, but I do think we've got some work to do." We did end with a Vulcan salute. Listen for much, much more... Related Links: Space Technology Hall of Fame® || National Space Symposium || Space Foundation || More About Nimoy || ///Space Symposium PHOTOS/// || Keywords: Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek, Spock, Vulcan, National Space Symposium,
Space Foundation, Education, Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award 4/26/10 Chnl: News bytes: 5458968
LISTEN to Leonard Nimoy, aka Mr. Spock
Here’s what the US economy will look like in 2012
1144_ 1/16/12 -
We're here at the ACG Denver opening luncheon for 2012 speaking with the returning keynote speaker Alan Beaulieu of ITR that's the Institute for Trend Research. When we interviewed Alan last year he told us that we would go through a mild recovery in 2011; slow job growth; housing market going nowhere in a hurry. We'll muddle along, but look a lot better than many other nations - so the dollar should be fine. Being right on is one thing, but Alan appreciated Larry's recall because, "as a forecaster, it's really nice when someone remembers - you don't get that a lot." Naturally Larry asked for some predictions and Alan is happy to do that, but he'll stay away from politics - see he really is a smart man. For the economy Alan tells us he thinks 2012 is actually going to be a little better than 2011. Businesses should continue to prosper, hiring will continue. It's not going to be great guns but it's still going to be moving forward. People who had really good revenues in 2011, good profits are going to have a little more so in 2012. More people will have their jobs, the housing market will begin to solidify even more so. Towards the end of the year a little rise will go on in housing starts. We've gone through the darkest part and now we're in a recovery that's going to last into 2013. Larry asked his signature challenge and opportunities question. Alan said, "Very interesting question. Challenges will come from overseas. Businesses that are tied to Europe, tied to China, I think, will be facing some pressures ...Inflationary problems from China and a lack of sales going into Europe. So others that are U.S. centric are really going to ignore a lot of that and firms that have their own cash flow and not dependent on outside financing from commercial banking are also going to find it's a better year. Because problems in Europe can bleed over into the U.S. commercial banking market and that would be a problem for heavily dependent firms, firms that need that equity outside of themselves. Opportunities will come...
Related Links:
Institute for Trend Research ||
ITR Blog ||
ACG Denver ||
M&A Channel ||
Rocky Mountain Corporate Growth Conference ||
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Keywords: Alan Beaulieu, Institute for Trend Research, ACG Denver, Association for
Corporate Growth, Trends, Economic Recovery, M&A, Entrepreneurs, Europe, China, Canada, Latin America, > Bytes: 4765051
LISTEN to Alan Beaulieu, Institute for Trend Research
Beyond the Trends, Vol 1, Issue 1 1146/RR Five Fundamental Characteristics of Achievers
This is the first issue of "Beyond the Trends". This powerful five minute audio presentation by Larry Nelson, producer of w3w3 Talk Radio, is loaded with golden nuggets you can apply immediately. Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the US. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" to personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs.
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Keywords: Achievers, Fundamental Characteristics, Beyond the Trends, Winners, Goals,
Trainer, International, Seminar, Personal, Professional Success LISTEN TO: Larry Nelson, Director, w3w3® Media Network, President, Institute for Change Research
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Feld and Mendelson - How venture capital deals work 1149/RR_ 8/29/11 - When Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson sat down to write their book the goal was to aim it at every entrepreneur, to really help them understand how venture capital deals work. Brad Feld in Tuscany, Italy talks with Larry Nelson via Skype to tell us about his newest book, "Venture Deals...Be smarter than your lawyer and venture capitalist". The inspiration for the book came from the Term Sheet Series that Jason and Brad wrote about five-six years ago. This is a particularly valuable book for entrepreneurs looking for money... You'll get an insider's view of the venture deal process, the different players involved on the deal side including how venture firms are setup. And, they talk about how an entrepreneur should think about the fund raising process. The term sheet is a very complicated document and there are a lot of things that people negotiate. But there are essentially only two things that matter which are economics and control. Here they've spent a lot of time helping the reader understand which terms related to economics and which terms were related to control and how and what that meant. It's meant to be a guide not a text book with material that can be very dry and boring. They've made fun of lawyers, venture capitalists and themselves along the way, but there goal was to write something significant and enduring. Comments from readers include..."For a first time entrepreneur, it's a completely enlightening book." Dick Costolo, Twitter CEO wrote a very nice forward to the book where he talks about how useful it would have been to have this book at the beginning of his career, and throughout his career, to look back and reflect on all the deals he's been involved in. Brad tells us how his blog, Ask the VC works with this book. Number one piece of advice for a new entrepreneur from Brad is, "Pick something that you're incredibly passionate about. The thing you want to create, the business you want to start should be something that you're in love with. It's going to be hard. You're going to have lots of ups and downs, there will be lots of things that don't work. If the thing you're working on 18-20 hours a day isn't something you're incredibly passionate about, what's the point?" Second is surround yourself with mentors." ...don't miss the rest of Brad's advice, listen now! Related Links:
Venture Deals - Amazon ||
Ask the VC ||
Feld Thoughts ||
Mendel's Musings ||
Foundry Group ||
Feld-Weiser One-on-One ||
VC Channel ||
Keywords: Brad Feld, Jason Mendelson, Venture Deals, Venture Capitalist, Foundry Group,
Entrepreneur, Mentors, Dick Costolo, Twitter, Tuscany, Italy, Foundry Group’s Series A Documents - 8/29/11 Bytes: 13588587 LISTEN to Brad Feld, Author, Venture Deals
Raising $21.6 million in a Series B financing round
1149_ 1/23/12 -
Larry talked with Jim Franklin, CEO of SendGrid, a Foundry-backed infrastructure applications company about a very exciting announcement. SendGrid a Boulder-based startup and TechStars Class of 2009 graduate, announced it has raised $21.6 million in a Series B financing round. SendGrid previously had raised $5.76 million in capital through seed money and a Series A round. Jim said, "While we're very happy to have 37,000 customers now, we think there are millions of people around the globe that can benefit from this service. We also announced a partnership with Microsoft and their Azure project, and in building the Azure environment, we'll be the email solution for that entire platform. We see that as a future direction of wherever you are on the globe and whatever language or platform you're developing in, we want SendGrid to be right there as the easy, simple choice to take care of the mail so you can focus on building your web application. We've had a lot of success in having major partners to really help us grow so far." SendGrid has about 70 employees in Boulder and Anaheim, California, and is hiring in its sales, marketing, operations and engineering departments. SendGrid has developed a cloud-based platform that helps users improve email deliverability. Invoices, shipping confirmation and product updates are among the types of messages. Below are links to the organizations that were part of the $21.6 million investment...
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Bessemer Venture Partners ||
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Highway 12 Ventures ||
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500 Startups ||
Keywords: Jim Franklin, SendGrid, Venture Capital, Seed Money, Isaac Saldana, Microsoft,
Azure, Cloud-based Platform, Email, Bessemer Venture Partners, Foundry Group, Highway 12 Ventures, TechStars, SoftTech VC, 500 Startups -
bytes=4357959 LISTEN TO: Jim Franklin, CEO, Sendgrid
Developing faster access to relevant info on the web
1143_ 1/16/12 -
"For me the biggest light bulb moment was seeing someone else who I thought was as dumb as I was, do something extraordinary. That was inspiring. In my logical computer science brain I thought, there's not a lot of difference between me and him - What made him do that? That was the biggest insight for me. Fast forward six years, when I talk to young entrepreneurs they're saying... Oh I have this great idea.. I need to do this thing... I need to get this hire... I need a business plan... I need to get the technology in place... and they keep putting up these roadblocks. Self imposed road blocks. The difference today in terms of technology is that it is so easy to get started. We have all these resources, and they're cheap. You can do a mobile app in like a week. That is extraordinarily powerful for a young, very ambitious entrepreneur who has an idea!" Lucy Sanders, CEO for the National Center for Women and Information Technology or NCWIT along with Larry Nelson, Director of w3w3® Media Network are interviewing Sandy Jen, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Cofounder of Meebo, a consumer Internet company that organizes the web around people, and helps build out their interest graph for easy, faster access to relevant info on the web. As CTO, Jen, formerly the Vice President of Engineering, leads Meebo's entire engineering team. She is responsible for shaping the company's engineering goals and spearheading both front- and back-end development for Meebo, while coordinating the department's communications with the rest of the company. Sandy, along with friends Seth Sternberg and Elaine Wherry, started Meebo in 2005 with one goal in mind: to connect people to their friends across the Web. Sandy is also a rock climber and Ultimate Frisbee player, mentors young entrepreneurs and students in her spare time...there's much more and you'll want to share this interview with others...
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Why Facebook Matters for B2B ||
Keywords: Meebo, Sandy Jen, National Center for Women in Technology, Lucy Sanders, NCWIT,
Entrepreneurs, The Facebook Era, Facebook, Twitter, Social Media - Bytes: 23929315 LISTEN to Sandy Jen, CTO/CoFounder, Meebo and NCWIT Hero
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Don't Let Another Year Go By - The Ultimate Win is Yours
- Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the USA. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" to personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs. ...listen now a complete step-by-step program including a downloadable manual and resource guide...this is an in-depth strategic planning and goal setting system for achievers...Read More about how to Supercharge Your Business... The links below are valuable and extremely helpful to setting your course for the next year! And they're free.
Related Links: Ultimate Win Resources || Training Trends || 3-Filters Technology™ || Podcasting Directory || Your Goal || Keywords: Ultimate Win, Your Goal, Training Trends, 3-Filters TechnologyTM, Setting
Goals, Larry Nelson; 11/29/10 Chnl: Entrepreneurs
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They have millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top ten. The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show