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Autism affects one in 88 people today 1385_ 5/28/13 -
Introducing Kim Tenune, Director of Outreach and Policy Program, Autism Society of Colorado along with James Buckles, CEO...and we are talking about how Autism effects the workplace. It is important to understand that Autism is a spectrum disorder that effects the brain development of social and communication skills. Obviously Autism manifests itself in deficits in the social, communication, maybe restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. It is truly a spectrum disorder, it effects everyone differently. What we are seeing in the business community is an increase in prevalence. The CDC's most recent numbers indicate nationally, one in 88 people are affected by autism - in 1990 it was one in 2500. As that number increases, what we're seeing is not just children being affected by autism, but adults being affected by autism. And obviously when we're dealing with adults we're dealing with workplace issues. Adults who have gone undiagnosed their entire lives, suddenly unemployed, seeking answers and finding out they do have autism - going through that diagnosis process. Kim said in the workplace there are issues around communication. "We've had some great stories come back from employers saying these individuals I have with autism are wonderful, they're productive. They may not be as social with their coworkers but they do their job and they do it well. Kim said, "Our mission is to improve the lives of all those affected by autism. That includes the individual with autism, their parents, teachers, potential employers, and their coworkers, the business community. We want to be a resource, a bridge to connect people, much like your radio show does. There is still definitely stigma around autism. The beauty of the walk is bringing people together, and for employers it's going to create a place where their employees can really be themselves. It's going to create a healthy workplace. Walk With Autism - Share the Journey kicks off on Sunday morning, June 9th. Register at 8:00AM - the Walk starts at 9:30AM and you'll be home by noon." Listen for more...
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KEYWORDS: Walk for Autism, Kim Tenune, James Buckles, Autism Society of
Colorado, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Friendly Business. Sensory Friendly Films, CDC, Beau Jo's, Autism Friendly
Environment Started in Colorado, bytes=8461900
LISTEN TO: Kim Tenune & James Buckles - Walk With Autism - Share the Journey
The art of raising money has changed a great deal [2 of 4]
1387_ 5/28/13 -
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA, a professor at the CU School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology and he is President/CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs. Part 2 of 4...We're talking about money and Arlen says... "The problem is there isn't access to it and from the standpoint of not that there isn't enough of it, because there is. It's just a question of how do Colorado entrepreneurs; particularly in healthcare get their fair share. I think it's useful to provide an overview. What's happening is that because of all the dynamics, venture capital has shrunk in the state. That whole business model is coming into question. Community based innovation is driving innovation. Accelerators have accelerated and it's easier than ever to start a business. Unfortunately it's not as easy to scale and fund a business. For instance, statistics indicate that the number of businesses started in the United States, in terms of reflecting entrepreneurship has dropped. It is now about a-half million businesses created in the U.S. And that's a good news/bad news story because some people interpret that as the economy is improving, as the real estate bubble has broke and now is re-growing, people are actually getting employed and finding jobs and there is no need for them to start their own business. So I don't like it when people are relieved of that sense of urgency whether it's by the economy sense or whatever. Getting back to the money, the issues are; There's not enough of it in Colorado and we need to create ways to get our fair share. I think there are a couple of ways to do that. One is, we need to rethink how the government, that is state government provides incentives to fund new startups. Particularly at the community level - not top down but bottom up. Two, we need to do a better job marketing Colorado as a technology hub and going to the money. The old Louie Sutton. Now he is on the coast, so we need to do a better job of going to the coast to get the money. Three, we need to be more innovative as far as how we create whether it's a fund-to-fund, crowd funding, all of these things that we've talked about over the last 30 years...listen for more...
Society of Physician Entrepreneurs ||
CU School of Medicine ||
TiE Rockies Colorado ||
Economy Builders ||
KEYWORDS: Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA, CU School of Medicine, Otolaryngology,
SoPE, TiE Rockies, Colorado, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, Myogen Gilead, bytes=4928473
LISTEN TO: Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA; President/CEO, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs (SoPE)
1385_ 5/16/13 -
Autism is a disorder that affects the brain’s normal development of social and communication skills and in Colorado, 1 in 85 children are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder every year. That’s why ASC is hosting an inaugural Walk, to connect Walkers to an extensive community of families, volunteers, and donors who are committed to raising awareness and acceptance. The Autism Society of Colorado (ASC) Walk with Autism is a fun, healthy, and effective way to show your support for all those impacted by autism and to raise funds for ASC—All money raised here, stays here!
Autism Society of Colorado ||
The Walk ||
Sip and Connect with 500 Other Professionals
1381_ 5/6/13 -
Sip & Connect Brewers, Distillers ||
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KEYWORDS: Colorado Technology Association, CTA, Sip and Connect Fest, Networking, Brewers, Distillers, Technology Industry, Office of Economic Development and International Trade, Mc Nichols Building, Civic Center Park
Private Equity, Corporate, and Investment Banking 1383_ 5/6/13 -
The Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) Denver is the region’s premier association focused on middle-market corporate growth. ACG helps C-level executives develop successful M&A and organic growth strategies through valuable content, connections, and best of class resources. ACG is a global organization with 56 chapters and more than 14,000 members from private equity, corporate, investment banking, and professional advisory services. Listen to high-caliber interviews and view hundreds of photos from their events. Just click on a photo to see an album...
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KEYWORDS: Association for Corporate Growth, Rocky Mountain Corporate Growth Conference,
C-level executives, M&A, Mergers and Acquisitions, Private equity, Corporate, Investment Banking, Professional Advisory Services
Expanding into foreign countries, the challenges and opportunities
1384_ 5/28/13 -
Balan Nair is the Executive Vice President and CTO for Liberty Global a leading international cable operator. Their revenues, over $10 Billion with over 21,000 employees, and active in 13 countries. LGI operates mostly in Europe with operations in South America as well (Chile and Puerto Rico). As a matter of fact a 14th will be added very soon with their acquisition of Virgin Media in the United Kingdom. Balan says they are very bullish on Europe and very bullish on the paid TV business. It's counter intuitive for the macro economic situation in Europe is somewhat challenging - our business has grown right through it. Balan said, "Our customers don't buy luxury goods from us, they buy basic necessities, voice, video and data. Even in the worst of times you really don't want to disconnect that and especially your broadband pipe. And we price them in Europe where it's really affordable and consistent with the competitive landscape there." Larry asked, "If you were talking with a business person thinking of expanding overseas, what advice would you give them?" Balan replied, "There are a number of things I would look at depending on the country you want to get into, and they are all different. Among the local regulations, you ought to look at the labor environment in both hiring as well as firing and what that does to your costs. You'll definitely have exposure to currency fluctuations, so you want to look at that track record. And fourth, definitely the political situation because the political climate drives the other three so you ought to have a good sense of that. Then, you decide if your product is relevant in that environment, that country. Can you price it in the right way and still be competitive." They went on discussing the greatest opportunities and the biggest challenges in doing business in foreign countries and TiE Rockies in Colorado ...listen for more...
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KEYWORDS: Nair, Liberty Global, Cable Industry, TiE Rockies, Europe, South America, Chile, Puerto Rico, Virgin Media, United Kingdom, Voice, Video, Data > bytes=6800930
LISTEN TO: Balan Nair, Executive Vice President & CTO, Liberty Global
Working in the Cloud, Mobil and Big Data spaces, and APIs
1386_ 5/28/13 -
Larry and Pat were interviewing Eric Norlin, Founder of the Glue Conference. Eric gave an overview. "Glue is an event focused on developers that are working in the Cloud, Mobil and Big Data spaces, and that often includes APIs, so if there's one overarching technical theme, it's the API. But you'll find a lot of mobile developers here, a lot of cloud and big data folks here as well. From an attendees side, we set out to make Glue the most technically deep conference, we think in the country. There are other conferences that are pretty technical, but our goal has always been to go as deep as possible. So for instance Wednesday, Adrian Cockcroft, who is the chief cloud architect for all of Netflix did a four hour and 15 min. workshop on their architecture. I talked to him last night and he said, 'The funny thing is I ran over by 15 minutes but I only got through 40 of 89 slides.' I think next year we're going to have him do an eight hour workshop. There's no limit to how deep we want to go, and I think the people that come here are very technically adept and hungry for that type of interaction." They discussed a number of other aspects. Larry asked about the upcoming Defrag Conference (11/4-6/13). "We're running Defrag here at the Omni Interlocken from November 4th to the 6th. It'll be three days long which is a little bit different for us. We're wrapping in a whole bunch of new content this year. We already have Chris Anderson who is the ex-executive editor of Wired Magazine, and is now running a drone startup company. He's coming to talk drone technology. Paul Kedrosky (of Bloomberg, Kauffman Foundation and SKV) who is with us every year will be back. We have a guy named David Soloff, CEO of Premise Data Corporation, which is working in creating real time macro economic data on a global scale. So, you know, Defrag is always, kind of out of left field, off the wall, high-end kind of topics. You know, we'll talk everything from 3-D Printers to drones to enterprise software and clouds to the quantified self in the next year.
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KEYWORDS: Eric Norlin, Gluecon, Defrag, Cloud Computing, Mobile
Development, Big Data, APIs, CIO, CTO, Techno Babble, Renaissance Enterprise Developer, Drone Technology, Foundry Group,
Brad Feld, Seth Levine, Jason Mendelson, Ryan McIntyre > bytes=5096074
LISTEN TO: Eric Norlin, Founder, Gleucon
Education Resources and Networks Around the World
1380_ 5/6/13 -
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA came to Colorado 37 years ago - since we've known him, he has always been a force to deal with. He is a professor at the CU School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology and he is President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs. Bottom line is he is involved in so much, if you haven't heard about him yet, you will, as we begin this series ...Arlen tells us, "The Society of Physician Entrepreneurs (SoPE) is a global, non-profit bio-medical and health innovation and entrepreneurship network. Basically our mission is to help doctors and other health professionals get their ideas to patients. We do that by providing them with education resources and networks around the world and we officially launched it as a not-for-profit in January 2011. We've scaled it to several 10s of thousands of people in our community around the world." The focus is on biomedical and health innovation. Biomedical typically means drugs, devices, diagnostics, vaccines, things that require FDA approval for sales and manufacturing in the United States. Health innovation typically has to do with digital health - that is the application of information and communications technologies to health, business process innovation, care delivery innovations, system innovation. So, a lot of community based physicians don't have the interest or wherewithal to develop a drug because it takes so long and costs so much money and usually are the result of research activities in a major research university. But our community is interested in getting their ideas to patients. And most of those ideas have to do with patient portal ideas, iPhone Apps, digital tele medicine, big data, analytics, remote sensing, care delivery, chronic disease management, those sorts of things, with the focus of adding value to the system. We asked if people who are not doctors can get involved with SoPE. Arlen said, "Absolutely, and we intentionally created it that way. Otherwise..." listen for more...
Society of Physician Entrepreneurs ||
CU School of Medicine ||
TiE Rockies Colorado ||
Economy Builders ||
KEYWORDS: Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA, CU School of Medicine, Otolaryngology, SoPE, TiE
Rockies, Colorado, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, bytes=4462448
LISTEN TO: Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA; President/CEO, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs (SoPE)
'Companies to Watch' Fuels the Economic Fire of Colorado
1382_ 5/6/13 -
Colorado Companies to Watch, energizes the state of Colorado by recognizing second-stage companies that are developing valuable products and services, creating quality jobs, enriching communities, and creating new industries throughout the state. Second-stage companies fuel the economic fire of Colorado by accounting for much of the economic growth and economic independence of individuals throughout the state. These companies possess attributes such as: Growth focused; Privately-held, headquartered in Colorado; 6 to 99 full-time equivalent employees; $750,000 to $50 million in sales or a similar range of working capital. Each year 50 Colorado Companies compete for the coveted honor of being named one of 50 Colorado Companies to Watch for the year. The 2013 Class of Colorado Companies to Watch 5th annual Celebration is June 28, 2013.
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KEYWORDS: Colorado Companies to Watch, Second-stage Companies, Growth focused;
Privately-held, Headquartered in Colorado, Creating New Industries, Economic Growth, Economic Independence
Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos™1307_ 11/12/12 -
Here’s what you’ll learn in this 200 page book!
- Apply the Principles of A-to-Z Planning to
Build a Winning Team
- Tap into Your Team’s Mental DNA to
Increase Performance
- Understand Your Sector’s
History, Trends & Ground Swell
Regardless of the economy, application of these 3 initiatives will help you achieve your goals, meet your bottom-line metrics and accomplish incredible results. These 3 initiatives are Powerful, Proven and People-Oriented. Larry predicts there will be more significant changes in 2013 than in the last 10 years combined…across all sectors. Read More at Mastering Change .
Order now… It’s yours for $10.00 and we’ll pay the shipping in the US…
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They have millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top ten. The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show