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The acquisition price was nearly $125 million 1419_ 8/12/13 - A decade ago, John Giacomoni was working as a professional research assistant in the Software Engineering Research Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder when the group took on a problem they couldn’t afford to solve. The affordable solution he envisioned as a CU-Boulder research assistant became a reality with the help of former CU-Boulder Assistant Professor Manish Vachharajani. Convincing others would turn out to be the real problem. "Funding agencies and investors, except for a handful of Boulder angels, universally said, ‘No way; no how. You guys are crazy,’" Giacomoni remembered. The work finally began to pay off in late 2009, when LineRate got its first angel investor, a Boulder local, whose interest attracted other angel investors. Ultimately, they raised $575,000 in angel financing for the company, allowing Giacomoni and Vachharajani to hire seasoned networking developer Mark Terrel, create a production-ready product, and recruit experienced startup leader Steve Georgis to serve as chief executive officer, which in turn, attracted a second round of funding totaling $4.75 million. The pair went on to co-found a company based on the technology, LineRate Systems, which they sold earlier this year to F5 Networks. The acquisition price — nearly $125 million according to filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission — was the largest exit of a networking infrastructure company in the Boulder area in years. "John and Manish were incredibly persistent in going after their vision," CU-Boulder’s Tallman said. "They met with dozens of ...Listen for more...
RELATED LINKS: F5 Networks || CU Technology Transfer Office || CU TTO Channel || TTO Blog || CU TTO || Software Channel || KEYWORDS: John Giacomoni, Manish Vachharajani, LineRate Systems, F5 Networks,
Software, Alexander L. Wolf, Research Funding, Angel Investors, CU Technology Transfer, CUTTO, bytes=13770817 LISTEN TO: John Giacomoni & Manish Vachharajani
JumpStart 2013 Denver's economic development strategy continues 1376_ 4.12.13 - There are more than 25,000 Denver businesses and enterprises, approximately 420 of which have more than 100 employees. However, the 420 firms with more than 100 employees represent nearly 50 percent of the total jobs in Denver. Compared to the U.S. economy, Denver has a significantly higher concentration of persons employed in the energy, healthcare, information technology, finance and professional/business services fields. These firms generally produce high-value products and services. Employees of these firms tend to receive higher wages and are required to hold advanced educational training. Top concerns of Denver’s employers include a strong educated workforce, safe and energetic business areas, and reasonable operating costs as compared to other parts of the state and country. In 2013, OED will continue to focus on retaining three groups of businesses: (1) the largest private and nonprofit employers; (2) high-growth sector companies; and (3) firms with soon-to-be expiring leases. A continuous outreach campaign to owners and C-level executives will demonstrate the city’s commitment to the business community while identifying issues and highlighting the benefits of operating a company in Denver. We are setting focus on the best strategies to advance economic prosperity for the city, its neighborhoods, residents and businesses. The 2013 JumpStart strategy provides a clear signal to the community as to how we are working to build a stronger Denver, with jobs and housing opportunities for all. And, JumpStart 2013 is a road map for our staff — it drives the work plans and priorities for all OED staff divisions. Because economic development is a continuous, multi-year task, this year’s strategic plan also includes a separate longer-term plan that sets forth our strategic direction for the next three years. You’ll see that our 2013 initiatives relate directly to this broader three-year plan. Similarly, our future annual plans will also support the long-term strategy. JumpStart 2013 clearly builds upon our successes from last year. We again have seven main sections, or what I refer to as “pillars” of economic development. Each of our pillars for 2013 includes a series of bold, forward-thinking strategic initiatives to help us accomplish our important mission. The OED will continue to engage in partnerships with business industry groups, including better support for renewable and traditional energy companies located in downtown Denver. This heightened focus will result in more business leaders choosing to live, work, play and stay in Denver. RELATED LINKS: Denver OED || JumpStart 2013 Denver || Greenprint Denver || Entrepreneurs || KEYWORDS: Paul Washington, Denver, Office of Economic Development, Jump Start 2012, Business Retention, Small Business Advocacy, Business Recruitment, Sustainable Neighborhood Development, Business Lending, Workforce Development, Key Strategic Projects, bytes=6260927 LISTEN TO: Paul Washington, Executive Director, OED, City & County Denver
Raising money and helping people with big challenges 1484_ 12/30/13 -
CereScan has become a center of excellence for looking at functional brain injury, how people's brains are performing or not, and working with companies that potentially have solutions or remedies for some of those problems", said John Kelley, Chairman of the Board and CEO. John and Rick Fort, president and COO of CereScan are very excited about this. It has opened a lot of doors around the country, to some of the most innovative therapies. At the same time, creating opportunities for CereScan's expansion outside of Colorado. Of course, CereScan is on the assessment side, not a therapy company and that allows them to work as an independent, objective resource for those therapy companies as they do research. CereScan has established their first clinic in Naples, Florida, enabling a Nuclear Medicine facility to be able to do brain imaging. John pointed out that at its core, CereScan is a measurement company, so their partnering, being part of a team, they're really trying to solve some of the most complex brain disorders that people are experiencing today. That's a real opportunity for us to move, to collaborate, perhaps even locate where those therapeutic companies are. John explains, "There is a very well known non-profit in California, the Tug McGraw Foundation. Their plank is to help use donated monies to address certain brain problems. CereScan is one of the few entities that they have teamed up with. For our listeners, people like us that do charitable things in the community, something that is really helpful, that we've been able to, across the country, is to have people donate money to the Tug McGraw Foundation and Visible Brain Injury Project..." Listen for much more...
CereScan ||
Tug McGraw Foundation ||
TiE Rockies John Kelley ||
Innovation Pavilion ||
Software ||
KEYWORDS: John Kelley, Rick Fort, CereScan, Tug McGraw Foundation, Traumatic Brain
Injury, TBI, ADHD, ADD, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Veterans, bytes= 8970974
LISTEN TO: John Kelley & Rick Fort, Cerescan
The Best of 2013, a difficult assignment, here are a few... 1485_ 1.6.2014 -
A true treasure trove at your fingertips. We ran many great stories and interviews in 2013. These interviews as well as those from other years are archived and they are also on the Blog. and on our Podcast directory. Yes 2013 war a super year building out to a fabulous 2014.
For a sneak preview of the year ahead, don't miss One of the country’s most informed economists, Alan Beaulieu, ITR Economics, Tuesday, 1/7/14 at the ACG Denver luncheon...
ACG Denver M&A ||
Community Reach ||
CU TTO Channel ||
Social Entrepreneurship ||
KEYWORDS: Community Reach, High-Profile Leaders, Social Responsibility, Business Leaders, Corporate Culture, Profitability
John Mackey Culture, Strategy and Conscious Capitalism 1368_ 3/25/13 - Larry and Patricia Nelson are here at the ACG Denver's 11th Annual, Rocky Mountain Corporate Growth Conference 2013 speaking with John Mackey, CEO and Cofounder of WholeFoods and co-author of Conscious Capitalism.
At this year's conference we heard a lot of speakers talking about strategy - we asked John Mackey to give us his take on strategy. He responded, "My theory is that you have to first find your purpose for the business, why you exist. After that you have to ask, How do I create value for our customers? Ultimately it is value creation for the customers that leads the business to flourish. Then we ask the strategy questions. What strategy do we implement that allows us to follow purpose and allow us to create value for our customers and other stakeholders?READ MORE RELATED LINKS: Conscious Capitalism || ACG Denver || RM Corporate Growth Conference || M&A Channel || Amazon || KEYWORDS: ACG Denver, Rocky Mtn Corporate Growth Conference, John Mackey, WholeFoods Market, Association for Corporate Growth, Keynote speaker, John Mackey, Conscious Capitalism, M&A, Entrepreneurs, RMCGC, BYTES=10372809 LISTEN TO: John Mackey CoFounder/CEO, WholeFoods Markets, Author, Conscious Capitalism
Heroes talking about the actions of other heroes 1336_ 1/14/13 - HP Chris Pelley has been on the board of ACG Denver for the past eight years and they've been kind enough to help Chris and CIMCO Private Wealth, sponsor the whole notion around Social Enterprise, this year was our sixth annual event. Bud Ahearn helped with that two day event featuring Connie Duckworth, CEO of ARZU Carpets, held Monday, at CU, CSU, and DU Women's College Tuesday morning and then the ACG 6th Annual lunch. General Joseph A 'Bud' Ahearn has worked with Chris for six years to help promote the notion around social enterprise. Bud said, "To start let me tell you about the sponsor of the program, Chris Pelley. Actually his mission in life is to transform private wealth into community wealth, to global wealth. We see that at work in his day-to-day actions and constant sponsorship of social entrepreneurship. One must have the prerequisites in place with wealth that then this notion of making it multiply is the humanity that brings us together. Connie Duckworth, the former managing partner of Goldman Sachs was here. She's taken on a powerful leadership role for women in the U.S. to deploy to the developing world, which makes up 99% of our globe, to get out and show women of the world how to create real value for their families, communities and their country. Connie is an authentic leader who grew up in a very tough, male dominated financial world. Connie is slight in stature but extremely strong in character." Bud tells us that Connie is committed to a sense of service to her family, her community and to women. This isn't a dream but an experiential hands-on the creation and fulfillment of hope for women. Today she's got 700 women in Afghanistan out of huddled masses and out weaving today and leveraging a remarkable brand of Afghani carpet making. Listen for more about this fascinating interview.... RELATED LINKS: ARZU Studio Hope || Community Reach Channel || CH2M HILL || CIMCO || Peace Cord Bracelets || Social Entrepreneurship || Photos CU Boulder || ACG DEnver/CIMCO Social Enterprise Event 2012 || KEYWORDS: Bud Ahearn, Chris Pelley, Connie Duckworth, ARZU, Studio Hope, Social Entrepreneurship, Afghanistan, Women, Philanthropy, CIMCO, Capital Investment Management Company, Two-Star General, Air Force, Community Reach, Hero, BYTES=9595823 LISTEN TO: Chris Pelley, CIMCO Private Wealth & Bud Ahearn, Local Hero
Federal grants are just getting more and more competitive 1471_ 12/2/13 - We are speaking with Kate Tallman the Interim Associate Vice President of Technology Transfer Office, University of Colorado. There's been a lot happening and we're checking in with Kate for an update. Kate took on this role July 1st when Tom Smerdon moved to Texas. Tom had focused on how the TTO could serve the Universities desire to increase industry research funding and how we all work together on that. Now Kate's taken up that cause and there have been initiatives at the president's level as well as the Boulder Campus level to increase interactions with industry and so, Kate said, "Our office needs to adapt our practices to support that. It used to be when you thought of commercialization and industry at the University of Colorado, you thought of the Technology Transfer Office. But now, innovation, commercialization and industry relationships are the highest priorities at the highest levels. So things are really changing quickly and... listen for more... RELATED LINKS: CU Technology Transfer Office || CU TTO Channel || TTO Blog || CU TTO || Podcast Directory || KEYWORDS: Kate Tallman, Technology Transfer Office, University of Colorado, TTO,
Industry Research Funding, Innovation, Commercialization, Industry Relationships, > bytes=9750468 LISTEN TO: Kate Tallman, Interim Associate Vice President, Technology Transfer Office, University of Colorado
The past is not gone…
it is part of us.
At, we archive interviews and stories of the past. In fact, 1000s can be found on our site. This is a great place to get a deeper insight into the business leaders in our area, an historic view of the business trends and companies that live here. Simply type in a name of a person, an organization or a topic of interest in the Google ‘search box’ and you’ll be given links. People from all over the country as well as other countries search our site.
Below are four examples of archived interviews. Now it is your turn to search…
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Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos™1307_ 11/12/13 -
Here’s what you’ll learn in this 200 page book!
- Apply the Principles of A-to-Z Planning to
Build a Winning Team
- Tap into Your Team’s Mental DNA to
Increase Performance
- Understand Your Sector’s
History, Trends & Ground Swell
Regardless of the economy, application of these 3 initiatives will help you achieve your goals, meet your bottom-line metrics and accomplish incredible results. These 3 initiatives are Powerful, Proven and People-Oriented. Larry predicts there will be more significant changes in 2013 than in the last 10 years combined…across all sectors. Read More at Mastering Change .
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Google, Ask, Bing and Yahoo rank Colorado’s in the top 10 for the “Business Internet Talk Radio” show
They have millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top ten. The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show