Eco system for people to build and accelerate companies
1132_ 12/26/11 -
We are here at for an exciting event; the building is fabulous, 80,000 square feet, called the Innovation Pavilion, and we are talking with the chairman Vic Ahmed also CEO of Plug and Play Colorado and President of TiE Rockies. We asked Vic for an overview and he tells us this is a conglomeration of a number of things that form the eco system for people to be able to build and accelerate companies. Vic has formed a partnership with Plug and Play which is the most successful incubator ever, based out of Silicon Valley, started by the visionary entrepreneur, Saeed Amidi. This incubator has helped over 600 companies with over $750 million, and at any one point in time there are about 350 companies they incubate. It is quite a phenomenon and they have unbelievable access to investors, VC's, angel investors and corporate partners to make investments. "So now, said Vic, "with our situation, with investments in Colorado being rather weak, we're going to be able to provide access for Colorado companies to this network. The time has come for innovation, the time has come for entrepreneurship to go mainstream. We have always been innovative, but it has been left to a small percent to carry the burden of innovation and entrepreneurship. Our whole country is becoming a country of innovators and entrepreneurs. The little boy or girl who grows up is no longer looking to join a big corporation, but are looking to start their own company." Vic believes the whole scenario has changed now. Vic is working with Governor Hickenlooper's office and a number of departments and areas within the state. He said he believes Colorado is really fortunate at this critical juncture in time to have a governor who is all about job creation through innovation and entrepreneurship. Vic feels fortunate too, to have the opportunity to work with the governor, his cabinet, Kristen Russell, Ken Lund - Office of Information Technology who heads the Office of Economic Development and International Trade, and also TJ Deora, Director of Governor’s Energy Office. Recently the Governor announced the formation of the Colorado Innovation Network [COIN] and Kelly Quann is the Executive Director, a very exciting development as it is the mission of this organization is to make Colorado the most innovative state in the country...There's more...
Related Links:
Plug and Play Tech Center ||
TIE Rockies ||
BusinessGenetics ||
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Vic Ahmed, Innovation Pavilion Startup Colorado Launch Nov. 2011 ||
Keywords: Vic Ahmed, Innovation Pavilion, Plug and Play, Entrepreneurs, VC's, Angel
Investors, Incubator, Governor Hickenlooper, Kristen Russell, Ken Lund, TJ Deora, Kelly Quann - Bytes: 5698772 LISTEN to Vic Ahmed, Innovation Pavilion
Inspiration, inventions and innovation lead to winning
1121_ 12/5/11 - Back to the DaVinci Institute Inventor Showcase. This was a tremendous event! We have seen everything under the sun here from Evacuated Tube Transport (ET3) transportation technology for people and goods that is faster than jets, to a connector that allows anyone to easily build a geodesic dome. And, if you want to stay dry, check out NeverWet you will be seeing it in stores soon and possibly spraying it on your shoes too. At this event the public got the chance to see new innovations and inventions as well as interact with inventors on a personal level, a great teaching opportunity for families of wide-eyed children... we saw many and took advantage of the opportunity bringing our own grandchildren, Ahern and Nikaela.
Now we're going to introduce you to Francisco Garcia inventor of the Klinggon, based in Miami. He and his partner and co-inventor, operate the Mako Design Firm. They are young and active - Francisco is a runner and biker, his partner a skater and musician, and both are part of the smart phone / Apple iPhone generation. Having been frustrated with the tangle of the ear bud cable/cords, they sat down realizing they had a nice idea and began drawing. Definitely burning the midnight oil and cast a vast array of not less than 15 to 20 prototypes. They ran computer simulations subjecting their invention to the stresses and strains just like testing for parts in an airplane. They used all the simulation models to carve around the shape and make a slot that would hold the cable in place. Wow, all of this to hold those pesky ear buds in place, really cool. BTW they also were awarded the daVinci Institute 2011 Consumer Product of the Year! They caused quite a stir at their booth, as so many others did. But Francisco wasn't about to ignore the opportunity for this interview. Listen to Francisco Garcia and see if you don't get just as excited... Related Links: Klinggon || DaVinci Inventor Showcase || daVinci Institute || Mastering Change Book || Economy Builders || Showcase Photos || Keywords: Francisco Garcia, Klinggon, Mako Design Firm, Ear Buds, DaVinci Inventor
Showcase, daVinci Institute, Entrepreneurs, Inventions, Consumer Product of the Year - bytes=4586164 LISTEN TO: Francisco Garcia, Klinggon
Winning the Future through Open Innovation, Startup Colorado
1107_ 11/14/11 - Aneesh Chopra, White House Chief Technology Officer (CTO), visited the Defrag Conference, and theStartup Colorado Public Launch, to talk about recently unveiled initiatives targeted towards entrepreneurs and innovators in his keynote address entitled Winning the Future through Open Innovation. In an historic and groundbreaking approach to our nation’s most pressing problems, these initiatives seek to tap into the creative genius and solutions oriented focus demonstrated by those with the entrepreneurial spirit in an effort to “invent our way out” of some of the greatest dilemmas ever faced by our nation. Chief among these programs, a number of public – private partnerships arose from the push for bottom up change. Several regulatory agencies, such as the FDA, hope to benefit from the success and experience of entrepreneurs and CEO's through entrepreneurships in residences, and numerous contests have opened to the public designed to tap into innovative solutions. Announcements of novel, low cost, technology based solutions suggest success and significant positive movement within an atmosphere of openness, transparency, and collaboration. On Monday, November 7, 2011, the Veteran’s Job bank went live just 90 days after program conception. The job bank seeks to answer the challenge issued in August 2011 to hire 100,000 returning veterans, and does so in a manner that brings the job to the veterans, in their locale. Through open innovation and collaboration, Google, Bing, and Yahoo created , a jointly designed job-listing schema, which they in turn brought to the job search industry. SimplyHired and other job search vendors quickly jumped on board with the program, adding tags to jobs committed for veteran employment. The job schema search engine...there is much more in this article byKirsten Nelson... Related Links: Aneesh Chopra || Startup America Partnership || Startup Colorado Public Launch || Defrag Conference 2011 || C/3 Writing: Kirsten Nelson || Keywords: Aneesh Chopra, US, CTO, White House, Silicon Flatirons Center, Defrag, Phil
Weiser, Brad Feld, Vic Ahmed, Startup America Partnership, Startup Colorado, Kirsten Nelson - Watch Video: Aneesh Chopra US CTO the White
Part 1 of 2 - Startup Colorado Launch
Part 2 of 2 - Startup Colorado Launch
Inventors, entrepreneurs, and revolutionary thinkers
1099_ 10/24/11 -
We are here with a world renowned futurist, Tom Frey at the DaVinci Institute Vault, actually sitting in the 'vault' at the Vault. Tom explains the Vault is a co-working space. There are more and more people working from home and they suffer from two problems, either isolation or distractions. If you have a lot of kids at home [or even one] you understand distraction, we're sure. After working at home for a while, one begins to crave conversation with like minded people, and that's what you get at the DaVinci Institute. "You're around people doing similar type work..." Tom says the true value is in all the sidebar conversations that go on here. Larry asked Tom for his view of the changes he's seen over the past ten years - As a futurist, he gives talks all over the country and internationally and has a perspective that most of us don't get to indulge. It is interesting, few have the time or luxury to reflect, so Tom points out, to begin with we have gone from desktop computers to mobile devices which is just a massive, huge change. "It was just March of 2008 when Steve Jobs announced the software developers kit for the Apple iPhone. And it was July of that year when Steve Jobs announced the first 552 apps and the Apple App store. Within the next three days there were 60 million downloads of apps. Today, within the last few months, we broke through the barrier, there are over one million apps available that can be downloaded on both iPhone and android devices." Tom predicts that sometime next year, the number of apps will exceed the number of books in print. It's an interesting comparison; Tom tells us there are 3.2 million books in print. Tom just came out with a new book, Communicating with the Future, The reengineering intentions will alter the master code of our future. And Tom says, "We look at this whole idea of our relationship with the future. Most people think we don't have any control over the future. We actually have much more control than we think we do." In the book, Tom discusses different techniques that he uses and how to manage and control the future in better ways. Their big event is the DaVinci Inventor Showcase - November 5th, at Noah's Event Center in Westminster. What's happening at the Vault? Listen for details...
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Keywords: Thomas Frey, DaVinci Institute, The Vault, Mastering Change, Futurist, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Communicating with the Future, Steve Jobs, Apple, Inventor Showcase - bytes=4833596
Listen to: Tom Frey, Sr Futurist, DaVinci Institute
Hire the absolute best people: It's all about people
1057_ 8/01/11 -
Larry sat down with Art Rancis to talk about leaders and entrepreneurs. Larry asked, "What are the biggest challenges facing entrepreneurs and leaders, today?" Art pointed out that he is a big people person - "...without people, nothing happens! Frankly the biggest challenge for those companies today is, that many of them have lost sight of hiring the absolute best people." A book that Art recommends, written by a Boulder author, David Thielen, is The 12 Simple Secrets of Microsoft Management. And Bill Gates offered number four, which is "always, always hire the very best you can find'. Larry tried flipping the coin and asked, what are the biggest opportunities today? Knowing Art you may guess it is '...hiring the very best people. It's not a cop out. You will maximize and realize a lot of success if you hire the very best people who can execute." We've all heard the stories of great products failing because of lack of execution. And yet a lot of very mediocre products that succeed because of great execution. "So, it's still people, you've got to bring them in and thrive as a company that way." Art gives advice to individuals and organizations all the time - What is that advice? Art said, "Would you be upset with me if I said, hire the very best people." ... It's a very strong belief for Art! But he adds, "Stay nimble. In today's environment you've got to move faster. That's a two edged sword. While you have lots more information available to you to be a better decision maker, but with the pressures of cell phones, texting and quickly turning around decisions - sometimes you may not think thoroughly enough." Larry couldn't agree more, referring to his book, Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos, he points to a line he wrote, "People are the source of all problems, and people are the source of all solutions."
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Art Rancis Home ||
Economy Builders ||
Profile of Leaders ||
Mastering Change Blog ||
Keywords: Art Rancis, People, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, High Tech, Vendors, Suppliers,
Partners, Microsoft, Peak Performers, NimbleBalance, Largely Cerebral, Race Car - 8/01/11 Bytes: 4496303 LISTEN to Art Rancis, International Entrepreneur
Kelly Manning: Financial Challenges and Solutions
1045_ 7/11/11 -
We're taking a little different look at businesses today and we're with Kelly Manning, State Director for the Small Business Development Center Network (SBDC Network). Covering every county in the state of Colorado the SBDC Network provides free counseling and free to low cost business training - Kelly said, "We help all entrepreneurs to start, grow and prosper your business. That's our mission statement and we really hold true to that." Whether you're a startup or have been in business for 20 years, the SBDC have assistance that can help you be successful. We've followed Kelly and her work for a number of years - certainly in position to know, we asked Kelly what she saw as the biggest challenge for companies today. Kelly didn't think it would be a surprise that finance challenges are right up top. So, small businesses having access to capital, whether that's startup, growth or in some cases to cover payroll - "...what we're finding is banks are not lending nearly what they had. Although they say they're lightening up - [we'll see]. It's really a challenge and what we're trying to do is help businesses understand their financials. Where do you need to cut costs? Where are your savings? Advertising, are you getting your 'return on investment'? And how much?, Is it worth it? So if you are unable to get the funding, the next step is to look at your financials and understanding your financial statements." Our second classic question looks at what opportunities are present. Kelly didn't hesitate, "It's coming up to an election year again, and the biggest thing in any election year is how important small businesses are." The opportunity is for small businesses to shine with more publicity, recognition as really being the backbone of our economy. Kelly goes on to say...
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Veterans Small Business Resource || Economy Builders ||
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Keywords: Kelly Manning, SBDC Network, Small Business Development Centers,
Veterans Small Business Resource, SBA, Emerging Industry, Creative Industry, Entrepreneurs, 7/11/11 bytes=5484359 LISTEN TO: Kelly Manning, SBDC
Brad Feld:
His story continues in Entrepreneurs Unplugged
1034_ 6/20/11 -
It wasn't a very deliberate transition to becoming a venture capitalist for Brad Feld. "I sold my first company; I worked for AmeriData for a year-and-a-half; I had a consulting business - we grew a $2 million business to $5 million in the first six to nine months - they/we then bought a $20 million version of what we were and merged. I got involved now with the deal team - and basically everything that we were buying was a hardware resale company. And every one of them had a founder who was a software guy who thought he had created something magical." Brad's job was to go hang out with them and when he left that software guy was supposed to feel inferior, inept. "It was a lot of fun, essentially almost all the software was uniformly worthless - they were hardware resale companies... That was one part of my job, the other part, this was when Novell Network had crested - Windows NT was just beginning - my job was to be in those discussions too. During this time I made a bunch of investments with my own money." ($50,000 was a big investment to him). In the timeframe of 1994-96 and Brad learned to do equity investments at this time ...Watch and listen for much more...
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Do More Faster Book ||
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Keywords: Brad Feld, Jill Van Matre, Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center, AmeriData, Len Fassler, Entrepreneurship Initiative, Atlas, Foundry Group, Do More Faster Book, AmeriData, Novell Network, Equity Investments, 6/20/11 WATCH: Brad Feld, Foundry Group
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Do you have a mobile strategy? 1021_ 5/31/11 - She sold her company for over $40 million and now she's starting a new one. and she is the CEO and co founder of Radish Systems. Theresa Szczurek is a real entrepreneur. Theresa says, we like to call it Radish '2-dot-0', because they liked the name so much they recycled it from their first venture in the 90's. Larry asked his classic question, "What are some of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs will be facing this next year?" "Big question!" Theresa said, "One of the things I think entrepreneurs face in these times is fundraising. Depending on what technology you are in, we happen to be in the mobile communications / applications space which is pretty hot, so that helps. But in other spaces it's much more difficult for entrepreneurs to find funding, either from friends and family, angels or from institutional investors, venture capitalists. So you have to be very creative - you also have to know your plan and how you're going to make money. So that's one. Another I think is finding the right team, building that team and keeping them directed toward the end goal. That I think is a universal challenge for entrepreneurs from day one. Then two others, I would say keeping on top of the technology, where you have extensive intellectual property in technology based firms, where keeping on top of the technology and how it's moving, making sure that in the flow you are improving and enhancing what's going on. But I think, in terms of the challenges is to stay flexible. You have to stay agile and realize that sometimes you're going to get to a situation where things are just not working like you would like them to be. Realize this is common, be aware and make the right shifts in order to not hit the wall. There are so many examples of companies who have done this, reinvented themselves based on what they are learning from the market." They discussed additional entrepreneurial topics. Radish Systems is looking for more talented people. Much more to listen to... Related Links: TMS World || Radish Systems || Economy Builders || Pursuit of Passionate Purpose || Podcasting Directory || Keywords: Theresa Szczurek, TMS World,
Entrepreneurs, Mobile Communications, App Developers, Cell Phone, Mobile Devices, Radish Communications Systems, 5/31/11
LISTEN to Theresa Szczurek, PhD., CoFounder, Radish Systems
Start your dream company in 2011
1002_ 4/25/11 -
Larry interviewed Jim Franklin the 2011 co-host of the Colorado Founder Institute. Jim joins Jon Nordmark as the co-host. Jim said, "Because I am Boulder-based and also a TechStars mentor, I am often asked about the differences between TechStars and the Founder Institute. The key difference I see between the two programs is the overall goal: at TechStars your team will be in Boulder full-time and demo your work at Investor Day. All TechStars participants form an operating company by the end of the program. With the Founder Institute you will get an education on what it means to be a founder from others who have been there and done that. Most of the participants are operating a new company by the end, or shortly thereafter, but some just keep working their day job until the moment is right for them. In addition to TechStars, we have many resources for entrepreneurs in Colorado, and all of them have their differentiating points. Here’s what I see as unique aspects of the Founder Institute: You can keep your day job. You don’t have to relocate to Boulder. If you graduate you contribute 3.5 percent of your company to a pool that is owned by you and the other graduates and mentors from your class. You are quite literally invested in the success of your peers. The mentors are exclusively experienced CEOs and founders – no service providers. If you are ready to commit 15 hours a week for 14 weeks to get your next business ready to launch, I look forward to helping you.. And whether or not you launch your business, you will be a much better-informed founder when the time is right." Jim should know as he is a successful serial entrepreneur. Application for New Founders is due May 1, 2011 ...There's much more...listen now... Related Links:
Founder Institute ||
Jim Franklin on Brad Feld Blog ||
SendGrid ||
Podcast Directory ||
Economy Builders Channel ||
Keywords: Jim Franklin, Founder Institute, Brad Feld, TechStars, Entrepreneurs,
Dream Company, Colorado - 4/25/11 bytes=6489132
Listen to:
Jim Franklin, Founder Institute
Key metrics to manage your sales operations 1001_ 4/18/11 -
Rockies Venture Club created the Investor Pitch Academy (Video) as a four-part program to help new and/or growing businesses create the kind of business that is sustainable and attractive to investors. Educational workshops, mentoring, coaching and the 5-minute pitch presentation help business owners. RVC is offering a workshop, Sales Basics for Entrepreneurial Success and Larry interviewed one of the expert panelist, Barrett Blank Principle of Be Inventiv. 50% of new businesses are gone within the first year. And, after five years, only 5% of new businesses are still around. That means that only 5% of entrepreneurs know how to create a sustainable business. As a new entrepreneur, you understand your products and services, but do you know how or where to get necessary funding to get your business off the ground? Once it is off the ground, are you aware of and do you have the knowledge and expertise to deal with all aspects of creating a sustainable business? The RVC has developed the Investors Pitch Academy to fulfill the need in the market place for a broader and deeper depth of service to the new and growing entrepreneur. Barrett talked about some of the workshop details. You will learn how to: Build a repeatable model; Bridge marketing and sales to generate required lead flow for sales; Tap into appropriate sales processes for your business; Utilize sales tools to accelerate revenue generation; and understanding key metrics to manage your sales operations. Barrett has leveraged his 30 years of experience in sales / marketing, technology, process and business operations to take the leadership roles of: BB2e / BeInventiv. Throughout his career with both Fortune 50 and entrepreneurial firms, Barrett has developed a track record of delivering unqualified success in all operational areas of a business. This workshop is coming up April 26, 2011. You'll enjoy watching and listening to this video...
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Keywords: Barrett Blank, RVC Pitch Academy, Rockies Venture Club, Be Inventiv,
Entrepreneurs, Sales Basics for Entrepreneurial Success, New Businesses - Channel:Entrepreneurs 4/18/11 Watch Video with Barrett Blank, + Board Member RVC
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What we do is oriented around information technology
971_ 2/21/11 -
"We've created a nerve center, where the technologists, entrepreneurs, capitalists, the service providers around them - they've got a home at CU. That's not just the Silicon Flatirons, there are others across campus. There's the Tech Transfer Office, the Deming Center, ATLAS Center, others who are engaged across campus. I think we've done a much better job on that. For instance at SFC we're going to have about 36 programs with 6,000 or more people coming through over the course of the year and on a relatively shoe-string budget. The second thing I think we're doing increasingly well is engaging student interest." We're speaking with Brad Bernthal, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Technology Policy and Entrepreneurial Law. We're asking Brad about Silicon Flatirons, CU and what they're really doing here as it relates to entrepreneurs. "What we do is oriented around information technology", said Brad, "and broadly, when we're at our best, something that matters around IT for the next one to three years. Not where is the ball now, but where is the ball going to be in the near future. That's where we're situated and we are at the intersection of academics, government policy and business. We've got three areas of emphasis, 1.) Telecommunications policy, 2.) IP privacy and security and 3.) Entrepreneurship Initiative". Larry asked Brad about the very popular Entrepreneurs Unplugged series. "It fits into the general goal of the Entrepreneurship Initiative (EI) at Silicon Flatirons Center (SFC), to be the API for the campus. So, the point in which the startup community in the Front Range intersects with CU Boulder, especially the geek startup community, software companies, hardware and telecom. Co hosted by Brad with Brad Feld and Jill Van Maetre who's with the ATLAS Center across campus. It's been an amazing series with national figures like Ted Turner, Sam Zell, David Bonderman and Liberty CEO, Greg Maffei."...Listen for the meat and potatoes...
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Entrepreneurs Unplugged ||
Silicon Flatirons Center ||
New Venture Challenge Photo Album ||
Entrepreneurs Channel ||
Keywords: Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center, Entrepreneurs Unplugged, Brad Feld,
Jill Van Maetre, Ted Turner, Sam Zell, David Bonderman, Liberty Media CEO, Greg Maffei > 2/21/11 bytes=7699542
Listen to: Brad Bernthal,
Silicon Flatirons Center, CU at Boulder
The first challenge is assembling the right team 977_ 3/7/11 - We've heard many people, including Brad Feld, say that software and Boulder are synonymous. We're here today with Brad Bernthal, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Technology Policy and Entrepreneurial Law, University of Colorado. You do so much in different areas, a lot in the high tech arena and entrepreneurs, right here in Boulder. Brad explains, "With w3w3 doing this interview and many more, it has really been a terrific bone in terms of media coverage of this scene. FOX News did a piece on Boulder, MSNBC was here two weeks ago, New York Times covered us in May, so there's definitely been a lot of attention. With Boulder, the software scene is not without roots .The most direct root is probably going back to data storage and you've got to look back at IBM moving here, then throwing off StorageTek, which itself spawned an entire industry of data storage, related companies and startups - that's an important part of the tradition here that's often overlooked. There are other important entrepreneurial branches that I think are mainly ground work for this too. Natural Foods, Wild Oats, IZZY Beverages, WhiteWave coming out of this area among them. So you've got a culture in which there is a tradition of entrepreneurship. Larry and Brad explored the entrepreneurial challenges today. Brad, "Probably the first challenge is assembling the right team. So, one thing I look for when I'm examining the viability of a company is how sound is this team, how well rounded is it? If it's just a technologist that doesn't understand how to put together a business model, doesn't understand how to handle the finances of the company, doesn't understand how to sell and market, you've got an imbalance that could be fatal to the team. So in my experience, great ideas, poor teams is a recipe for failure. Mediocre idea, great team, recipe for success because the great team will find a way to pivot that business and find a way to make it work. So, the first challenge is making the team the right one." Brad explores many other key points for entrepreneurs...listen now... Related Links: Entrepreneurs Unplugged || Silicon Flatirons Center || New Venture Challenge Photo Album || Silicon Flatirons: Entrepreneurship Conference:
Going International || Entrepreneurs Channel || Keywords: Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center, Entrepreneurs Unplugged, Brad Feld,
Natural Foods, Wild Oats, IZZY Beverages, WhiteWave, Entrepreneurs Unplugged, New Tech Meetup, New Venture Challenge, Entrepreneurial Conference,
StorageTek, IBM, Jason Mendelson, Joe Zell - 3/7/11 Bytes: 8062331 LISTEN to Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center, CU
Initiative aimed at company creation along the Front Range
1133_ 12/26/11 -
At the Startup Colorado Public Launch at Silicon Flatirons, University of Colorado Law School in November, Brad Feld chaired the panel titled ‘Why Boulder?’ with panelists: Yoav Lurie, Founder & CEO, Simple Energy; Justin Segall, Founder & EVP, Simple Energy; Alexander White, Co-Founder & CEO, Next Big Sound, Inc.; and Dave Wright, Founder & CEO, Solid Fire. Startup Colorado, an initiative aimed at company creation along the Front Range, publicly launched in Boulder. It is affiliated with the Startup America Partnership, announced earlier this year to bring together entrepreneurs, investors, top-level executives and educators to foster the growth of innovative companies. Startup Colorado is chaired by Brad Feld and Phil Weiser in Boulder and Jan Horsfall in Colorado Springs. Startup Colorado is a regional initiative, with a heavy focus on Boulder, at least initially. In addition to launching in Boulder, the program plans to create an entrepreneurial summer camp in Boulder where college students from throughout Colorado will work as interns for Boulder startups. The New York Times featured the city last year with the headline 'a magnet for high-tech startups.' Phil Weiser, Dean of the Law School at CU and founder and director of the Silicon Flatirons Center has worked tirelessly for years, even serving two years in Washington D.C. at the White House and is credited by many for the federal focus on Boulder. Of course, Brad Feld and the Foundry Group, local Boulder based venture capitalists, along with Tech Stars has garnered much attention for Boulder as well. Vic Ahmed from TiE Rockies delivered opening remarks and represents a strong Denver influence with the Innovation Pavilion and the Governor's initiative called COIN. This panel, Why Boulder, features young Boulder business leaders who have flourished under the mentoring and guidance of local Boulder TechStars. More than 50 companies, including, have committed over $1 billion in products and services to help young companies grow. Brad says...Listen for more ideas and details... .
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Keywords: Brad Feld, Boulder Colorado, Startup Colorado, Silicon Flatirons, Yoav Lurie,
Simple Energy; Justin Segall, Simple Energy; Alexander White, Next Big Sound, Dave Wright, Solid Fire - Bytes: 21608388
LISTEN to Why Boulder - Startup CO with Brad Feld
Entrepreneur secrets of the past, present, future
1131_ 12/26/11 -
As co-founder and COO, Nancy Phillips has a vested interest in establishing ViaWest as a leader in the market. Phillips, who has over 15 years of management experience in technology, oversees ViaWest's operations, engineering and technical support divisions. Silicon Flatirons, ATLAS, and ITP present Nancy Phillips as the featured entrepreneur with moderators Brad Bernthal, Brad Feld and Jill Van Matre as part of their Entrepreneurs Unplugged series. Previously the Vice President of Operations for Phillips was integral in managing the company's network and technical growth. Prior to helping this struggling Internet Service Provider back to profitability, Phillips also was Vice President of Operations for ITC Worldwide (now Genesys Conferencing) and was Senior Vice President of Operations for ConferTech International (now Global Crossing). Phillips has also been a principal, executive and consultant for numerous successful telecommunications companies including France Telecom, MCI and Qwest. She began her career with Teleconferencing Systems Canada as Vice President of Sales and it was in this role that she met Roy Dimoff - the two have been loyal business partners ever since. In addition to being recognized by ViaWest for her outstanding contributions, Phillips has earned a reputation for excellence throughout the industry. In 2010, she received CSIA's prestigious "Bob Newman Lifetime Achievement Award." She has been named the Denver Business Journal's "Outstanding Woman in Business" in the high-tech category, and...
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Watch a partial VIDEO - or enjoy
LISTENing to the full audio program on MP3
Keywords: Nancy Phillips, ViaWest, Data Centers, Brad Feld, Jill VanMatre, Brad Bernthal
Entrepreneurs, France Telecom, MCI, Qwest, Silicon Flatirons, Internet Service Provider - Bytes: 62201420 LISTEN to Nancy Phillips, COO/CoFounder, ViaWest - Entrepreneurs Unplugged
Increase the breadth and depth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem
1122_ 12/5/11 -
Recently w3w3® attended the very exciting public launch event of Startup Colorado. We're here now with Dave Mangum, a Silicon Flatirons Research Fellow and the Executive Director of the Startup Colorado program. Dave tells us Startup Colorado is a regional project to increase the breadth and depth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Colorado. The goal, over the coming years, is to build the communal backdrop for new companies to emerge. The national program, Startup America is basically a convener bringing together different startup regions to share best practices, to learn a little big about what they're all doing. So Startup Colorado is really where the action happens for Colorado. As the executive director for Startup CO, Dave's responsibility is to be the driver on the first year goals. Dave says of these goals he feels Startup Summer will have the biggest impact. They will get college students from across the state come to Boulder for a summer, working as interns for Boulder based startup companies. The students will by day work as interns, by night they will have a full range of courses and dinners, through the summer that will help them get a stronger sense of what entrepreneurship is really about. The second example is to expand the very popular and successful community events in Boulder, like Community Office Hours, Open Coffee Club or New Tech Meetup, we want those same events that have the community component to expand outside of Boulder to Fort Collins and Colorado Springs. Larry noted it is a grassroots movement. Dave said, "Absolutely. It's not going to work if we don't have entrepreneurs working with us each step of the way ay." There are two ways of being involved. The first is just being cognizant of what's going on and showing up - it's always great to have a strong community spirit at our public events. More deeply, at this stage, they're trying to have as many conversations as they can with people across the Front Range and tell us what they want to do and how they want to get involved. So start the conversation. Listen for more
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Keywords: Dave Mangum, Silicon Flatirons Center, Startup America Partnership, Startup
Colorado, Startup Colorado Public Launch, Entrepreneurs - bytes=6652972 LISTEN TO: Dave Mangum, Exec. Dir., Startup Colorado
Increasing the breadth and depth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem
1115_ 11/28/11 -
From Fort Collins to Boulder, from Denver to Colorado Springs, Startup Colorado’s mission is to multiply connections among entrepreneurs and mentors, improve access to entrepreneurial education, and build a more vibrant entrepreneurial community. Startup Colorado’s various programs will deepen the communal backdrop out of which new companies emerge. Vibrant new company creation, by extension, improves the broader economic base of Colorado. At the "Launch", Dave Mangum, Executive Director of Startup Colorado introduces Vic Ahmed, president of TiE Rockies and CEO of Plug & Play and is assisting in setting up the Desh Deshponde Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at MIT and now in Colorado...Watch and Listen for more...
Related Links:
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Keywords: Vic Ahmed, Dave Mangum, Silicon Flatirons Center, Phil Weiser, Brad Feld, Startup
America Partnership, Startup Colorado, Startup Colorado Public Launch,
Making a meaningful impact on new company creation
1113_ 11/21/11 -
The Startup Colorado Public Launch was recently seen by Larry and Pat at a 'standing room only' session hosted by the Silicon Flatirons Center at the Wittemyer Courtroom, Wolf Law Building, University of Colorado. It was very exciting. There was a special thank you to Steve Halstedt, Brad Feld, Jason Mendelson, Silicon Valley Bank, and Rocky Mountain Venture Capital Association for supporting the initiative. The opening introductions were from Vic Ahmed, President TiE-Rockies and CEO of Plug and Play Colorado along with David Mangum, Silicon Flatirons Research Fellow at University of Colorado and Executive Director, Startup Colorado. The opening keynote was Scott Case CEO, Startup America Partnership. Timothy "Scott" Case (not related to Steve Case) is a technologist, entrepreneur and inventor and was founding CTO of Priceline, the "Name Your Own Price" company that was one of only a handful of startups in U.S. history to reach a billion dollars in annual sales in less than 24 months. As Chief Technology Officer, he was responsible for building the technology that enabled Priceline’s hyper-growth. Most recently, Scott was named CEO and board member of the Startup America Partnership, where he’ll invest his energy to drive American entrepreneurship to create jobs and sustain our nation's global leadership. Listen to his exciting address... Related Links: Twitter @scottcase || Startup America Partnership || Startup Colorado public launch || Silicon Flatirons Home || Entrepreneurs Channel || Keywords: Scott Case, Startup America Partnership, Startup Colorado Public Launch, Silicon Flatirons Center, Brad Feld, Jason Mendelson, Silicon Valley Bank, and Rocky Mountain Venture Capital Association, Vic Ahmed, David Mangum
bytes=11289394 LISTEN to: Scott Case, CEO, Startup America Partnership
Make it earn the investment cost
1097_ 10/24/11 -
Celebrating their 30th year in business, we've tracked down Ron McKey, founder of the Colorado based FlyingBeds. He's gone from Murphy Beds to FlyingBeds in more ways than one. He's had a ton of experiences, has a fabulous, unbelievable website, does a lot of business online not only in Colorado but all over the country and internationally. He is in all respects a real character - and it comes through... over the phone, in an interview and on his website - and people love what he is and what he does. His furniture is custom made and he helps the would be designer/client re purpose a room to be beautiful and valuable. Ron explains the problem with this concept is that not everyone is not a born designer - it just isn't in their blood. So Ron lends his vast experience to help guide the process. Starting with, what do you want this room to accomplish? One of my favorite lines, found on his website is the 'deceptive purpose' of a room. Ron says, "I want the room to become valuable. Make it earn the investment cost." It may look like a beautiful home office with fabulous surround furniture in Cherry (you'll positively drool looking at the photos on his site) that turns into a state of the art guest room for that special visitor, with a view of the Rockies over the Cityscape of Denver or Singapore or... He'll talk with you, work with you and help you bring out that special, one of a kind, heirloom quality room with the right questions, renderings, drawings and an entertaining conversation. We wanted to know what Ron's most difficult task was. He said it was getting the client to realize "we aren't a Murphy Bed company". It's the combination of Hollywood movies and sofa beds that are stuck in their mind. - Think "I Love Lucy". It is easy for the customer to forget we are a space design company and not a joke. Larry asked Ron why and/or how FlyingBeds is different from other Murphy Bed type manufacturers - Ron replied, We say, "What do you want?” not, “This is what we have." Listen for more...
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Keywords: Ron McKey, FlyingBeds, Murphy Beds, Furniture, Custom Made, Space Design Company, Home Office, What do You Want this Room to Accomplish - bytes=7676136
Listen to: Ron McKey, Founder & Pres, FlyingBeds
Where Great Ideas Succeed
1117_ 11/28/11 -
The DaVinci Institute Inventors Showcase 2011, early in November in Broomfield, Colorado held some very interesting and exciting new inventions and devices. We are talking with Tom Frey of the DaVinci Institute and Louis Foreman, the CEO of Edison Nation, he's also publisher of Inventors Digest magazine and one of the foremost experts on the process of developing products and getting them into the market place. Edison Nation is one of the largest online platforms for people with great ideas. Louis said, "We all have great ideas, the problem is most people don't follow through with those ideas. They may not have the time, the money or the understanding of how you turn that sketch on the napkin into the product on store shelves." Larry asked, "Everyone is talking about the shortage of money, got some ideas?" Louis replied,""If you've got a great idea, some people take those ideas to market themselves. Others want to license their ideas and that can be a daunting process, and it's very expensive. It involves filing patents and building prototypes. What Edison Nation has tried to do is be a conduit between people who have great ideas and companies who are really looking for innovation." In light of the difficult economic environment Larry asked Louis if he felt there is a shortage of money out there or is it just being hidden? Louis said, "No I don't think there is a shortage of money, I think money gravitates to the best ideas. But you need visibility. And so how do you get your ideas in front of the right people, whether that be companies to license your idea or private equity or venture capitalists willing to invest in the best ideas. This year we launched a $25 Million Innovation Fund that invests about a quarter-million per idea to file the patents, build the prototypes, do everything necessary to get that product to market. Then when we are successful in licensing that product, we split everything with the inventor 50/50. So there's really no investment on the inventor's part other than sharing a great idea and then we do the execution. It's a great partnership." Tom Frey adds a bunch, too...
Related Links:
DaVinci Inventor Showcase ||
DaVinci Institute ||
Louis Foreman Home ||
Entrepreneurs Channel ||
Keywords: Tom Frey, Louis Foreman, DaVinci Institute, Inventors Showcase, Edison Nation,
Inventors Digest magazine, Investors, Private Equity, Venture Capitalists, Patents bytes=3173044 LISTEN TO:Tom Frey & Louis Foreman - Inventors
Social media has changed recruiting to an outbound activity
1063_ 8/15/11 -
Many companies today are relying on job postings and job boards, outbound types of media. What Kimberly Lucas, founder of Goldstone Partners sees in the future is that candidates will make themselves available to interesting companies, rather than casting a net broad and respond to everyone. "In that vein what companies need to do is be thinking about [and here's a new term for CRM...] Candidate Relationship Management. That is having an interactive relationship with not only your employees, but future employees, or those that you've identified as having potential for being a future employee." Kimberly says that we're moving toward a candidate centric model. Candidates do not hang out on mega job boards any longer. Social media has changed recruiting from being an inbound activity to an outbound activity. Candidates decide who gets access to them so having a strong employment brand is critical. The recruitment function is changing - hiring managers can do their own sourcing, so recruiters need to find other ways to add value. Kimberly went onto point out, "A person I know quite well recently said something to this effect, 'Recruiters must embrace change or they will go the way of travel agents, real estate agents and newspaper editors...' In today's people market, with all the people laid-off, displaced, those even trying different things, to being an entrepreneur - there is a lot to consider and so much has to be done and handled right within the whole recruiting business. mega job boards are really not a good source for either hiring managers looking for candidates, or the candidates who are looking for positions. Social media has become a true force in the recruiting industry for both candidates and hiring managers. Most job postings are very generic, very HR boring... and it's not interesting. Kimberly says she get's comment after comment from candidates saying, 'the reason I responded to this was because of the way it's written. It spoke to me...and the job sounds interesting.'... Listen for more insights...
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Keywords: Kimberly Lucas, Goldstone Partners, Job Postings, Job Boards, Executive
Search, Hire Trendz, Candidate Centric Model, Recruiters, Candidate Relationship Management - 8/15/11 bytes=7744682
Listen to: Kimberly Lucas, Goldstone Partners
239 Connecting with the Right People the Right WayLISTEN 1/15/07 Pat & Larry Nelson of are seen everywhere. Many call them the Networker’s networkers. Larry says that the biggest and most common mistake in networking involves the omnipresent “Elevator Pitch”. That’s just what a busy executive wants to hear as they enjoy their liquid refreshments…”Get me out of here!” Pat and Larry offer some "Networking Solutions" (Identifying, Preparing & Personalizing) that are extremely effective in most every networking situation. In 4 minutes you'll know the answers. Related Links: Beyond the Trends || 3-Filters Compliant || Your Website - Is it 3-Filters Compliant? || Entrepreneurs || Associations || Training Trends || Keywords: Networking, 3-Filters, Elevator Pitch, Beyond the Trends, Training Trends, Associations || Bytes: 267745
Winners, Entrepreneurs, Tribute, Cash Prizes
1053_ 7/25/11 -
The Bard Center's 10th Annual Business Plan Competition has selected the winners. The Business Plan Competition is designed for early stage Colorado companies that have received no Angel or Venture funding and that have generated little or no revenue to date. The primary purpose of the competition is to provide these early stage ventures with an opportunity to test their ideas and receive meaningful feedback on their business plans. The finalists present their plans in front of a panel of judges and audience of business leaders and fellow entrepreneurs. This year's finalists were,
First Place: Viktorian Guitars; Second Place: Microscopy Learning Systems , Third Place: RoomCycles; Finalist: Clubhouse Executive Coaches; The Ski Lift; Vanguard Medical Systems. Dave O'Brien Tribute, the Bard Center honored Dave O'Brien. Dave played many important roles in the growth and development of the Bard Center for Entrepreneurship. He supported students, alumni and faculty in many meaningful ways and had a lasting impact on every person who passed through our doors. As a tribute to Dave the Dave O’Brien Incubation Office was created in the new Business School building. Please visit Bard Center online, to help in creating this special honor.
We spoke with Josh Jacobson, Sales Director and Co-Founder of Viktorian Guitars
Viktorian Guitars, a Denver-based maker of composite electric guitars, received the $10,000 first prize. They are the first company to bring to market a 100 percent carbon-fiber electric guitar. Viktorian offers guitar players and musical instrument dealers a line of electric guitar models that have superior acoustics, are ultra-lightweight, nearly maintenance free, and virtually indestructible. Listen for more (no pun intended)...
Related Links:
Viktorian Musical Instrument ||
Boaz Elkayam Guitars ||
BARD Entrepreneurship Business Plan Competition ||
Economy Builders ||
Keywords: Josh Jacobson, Viktorian Musical Instrument, Boaz Elkayam Guitars, Bard Center, Business Plan Competition, Dave O'Brien, Microscopy Learning Systems, RoomCycles; Clubhouse Executive Coaches; The Ski Lift; Vanguard Medical Systems
7/25/11 bytes=4438207 LISTEN to Josh Jacobson, Co Founder, VP Sales, Viktorian Guitars
Brad Feld reveals his true beginning while getting Unplugged
1000_ 4/18/11 -
Brad Feld was corralled and interviewed by Jill Van Matre, Associate Director of Atlas and co-moderates this last Entrepreneurs Unplugged event for Spring 2011 with Brad Bernthal (BB) who is Clinical Law Professor at the CU Law School and Director of the Silicon Flatirons Center Entrepreneurship Initiative. BB asked Feld, "In terms of getting things started, give us a little background. You have family here, grew up in Texas and some of the more interesting things I've seen in those interviews you've done is a list of influential business people including your grandfather. What did your grandfather do and what kind of influence did he have on you growing up?" (SPECIAL NOTE: Brad is his usual entertaining self - we have a two minute video - please watch. We're sure you'll enjoy!) Brad Feld said, "My grandfather was an immigrant, came here from Austria, (so my father is first generation American). He was an entrepreneur; he had his own clothing factory. The type of clothing that he made is the stuff that has rhinestones on it. The people who carried his clothing were like the knock-off of Marshalls. He had a factory in Florida, this bad, bad, kind of burnt out warehouse in the middle of the worst part of Miami. He was this salt of the earth kind of guy and he didn't believe in anything made after 1950. So every piece of machinery was pre 1950. When machines broke down he'd have to figure out what to do. When friends died, he'd go and buy their machinery for parts and replacements. So I think sort of growing up and watching him sort of make his own way in the world, be completely entrepreneurial was an early inspiration. My dad (Stanley Feld) had his own medical practice that was about a $10 million/year business at the peak. He had four partners and 30 or 40 employees. I remember also watching that grow from one person; he started out in private practice, to a real business. I never really thought hard about not doing my own thing from very early on." Feld shares so much more including in 1978 when he turned 13. "Gold was about $400/oz and Krugerrands were all the rage and when you got Bar Mitzvahed you took your Bar Mitzvah money and bought Krugerrands, that's what all my friends were doing. I thought that was stupid, I wanted a computer. I had about $1,600. a fortune, so I took my dad to a computer store." Part 2 is coming with Professor Bernthal‘s next query: Take us from the community college to MIT and the start of Feld Technologies. Tune in next week!
Related Links:
Silicon Flatirons, ATLAS, and ITP ||
Brad Feld Blog ||
Brad Feld Video ||
Foundry Group ||
Do More Faster Book ||
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Entrepreneurs Unplugged Photos ||
Keywords: Brad Feld, Jill Van Matre, Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center,
Entrepreneurship Initiative, Atlas, Foundry Group, Do More Faster Book, Stanley Feld - 4/18/2011
Listen to: Brad Feld, Entrepreneurs Unplugged - Watch Two Minute Video
Brad Feld: Community college to MIT
1004_ 4/25/11 -
This is part 2 of Brad Feld's Interrogation. Jill Van Matre, Associate Director of Atlas and co-moderates this last Entrepreneurs Unplugged event for Spring 2011 with Brad Bernthal (BB) who is a clinical law professor at the law school and Director of the Silicon Flatirons Center Entrepreneurship Initiative interviewed Brad panel style. Part 2 begins with Professor Bernthal’s query: "Take us from the community college to MIT and the start of Feld Technologies." Brad replied, "I was your typical high school kid in Dallas, I did well in school, ran track. I was moderately social when I wasn't reading or playing with my computer. I was a pretty good tennis player until, I discovered computers and girls. And those two things ruined my tennis career when I was about age 14. I never really thought about where to go to college." (Here we have the two-and-a-half minute video, View Video- the MIT experience.) It was the girlfriend... in 8th grade - she was fascinated with MIT. and that stuck in Brad's head so he applied. He got in early and threw away all his other college applications. So, he went to MIT and MIT was a fascinating place. Brad says he's glad he went there. It was the right place for him. "Because," he said, "MIT is a daily assault on your self-esteem. You realize there is no such thing as being the smartest guy in the room... forget it, there's just no way that's going to happen. So that dynamic plays forward in your life when you realize you don't have to be the smartest person in the room to be successful and accomplished. But, you have to work hard, you have to be focused, you have to go after something you really care about. and that's how I got to that place where I started what became Feld Technologies. Next week, Jill Van Matre asks Brad to talk about the beginning of Feld Technologies.
Related Links:
Silicon Flatirons, ATLAS, and ITP ||
Brad Feld Blog ||
Brad Feld Video ||
Foundry Group ||
Do More Faster Book ||
Entrepreneurs Unplugged Photos ||
Keywords: Brad Feld, Jill Van Matre, Brad Bernthal, Silicon
Flatirons Center, MIT, Entrepreneurship Initiative, Atlas, Foundry Group, Do More Faster Book, Stanley Feld
4/25/11 Bytes: 5442981
LISTEN to Brad Feld, Entrepreneurs Unplugged Part 2 of 5
Checks for $5,000 to $10,000 a month in college 1016_ 5/16/11 -
This is part 3 of Brad Feld's saga, Jill Van Matre, Associate Director of ATLAS, co-moderates this last Entrepreneurs Unplugged event for Spring 2011 with Brad Bernthal who is a clinical law professor at the law school and Director of the Silicon Flatirons Center Entrepreneurship Initiative, interviewed Brad Feld panel style. Brad started out, "When I was in school, remember I had been tutoring... as a freshman, MIT had this program called UROP, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, and basically you can get jobs in research labs. I was in computer science and got a job in Seymour Papert's lab, the guy who created the Logo programming language. I spent a semester helping to put the logo language on a new computer coming out. When I say that, I was kind of the junior grunt on the team that was making sure that things kind of worked. And it was alright, but it paid $6/hr, not quite like my tutoring job. So, somehow, I started doing some consulting, spread sheet stuff... The path to starting my own business was, my senior year in high school I got a job, after tutoring, I got a job working for TechCom. This was an oil and gas software company in Dallas Texas in 1982, husband and wife team. I was their first employee. They grew in 83-84 to about 30 people. I wrote two of their products and got paid $10/hr and I got 5% of gross revenue. While I was a freshman in college, I was regularly getting checks for $5,000 to $10,000 a month." I bet Brad has some other on how to 'Do More Faster'...For more, watch and listen to the video...Next week, "What did you take from Martindale to Feld Technologies?"
Related Links:
Brad Feld Blog ||
Silicon Flatirons, ATLAS, and ITP ||
Brad Feld Video ||
Foundry Group ||
Do More Faster Book ||
Entrepreneurs Unplugged Photos ||
Keywords: Brad Feld, Jill Van Matre, Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center, MIT,
Seymour Papert, Entrepreneurship Initiative, Atlas, Foundry Group, Do More Faster Book, 5/16/11
Part 3 of 5 -
YouTube Video - Brad Feld, Entrepreneurs Unplugged
Part 2 of 5 - LISTEN to Brad 8 min. - Audio
Part 2, short video: Watch Short Video 'The MIT Experience'
Part 1 of 5
Brad Feld, Entrepreneurs Unplugged LISTEN - Audio
Part 1, short video: WATCH VIDEO
Brad Feld before there was wireless networking 1024_ 5/31/11 - In this 4th Video segment, we get the 'great story teller' and his best friend/partner selling their business. Again Brad Feld is hilarious, we're sure you will enjoy this segment as much if not more than the first three. We will publish the entire two hour audio as we wrap up the five video segments...Brad says, "We never thought about an exit strategy. So we have this business; we're making pretty good money, we were paying ourselves $100,000, so it was pretty high margin for a consulting business. We knew to go from $2 Million to $4 Million we'd still make half-million dollars in profit. So we figured out we hit this inflection scale point that by doubling the business, I couldn't do all the selling - so we'd have to bring in some non-revenue selling people. He couldn't do all the management. We didn't have people in the business that could actually manage upper level... so we're in this kind of what should we do state. One of the companies we did some work with was a cable company. This was back before there was wireless networking. Like coaxial cabling, I mean it was really funny. There might be a problem and you'd tear down the walls in these first class office buildings to figure out where the cable had been chewed threw by a rat that wasn't supposed to be in a first-class office building. We ended up being approached by the people that had bought this cable company. This again not cable TV but cable wiring company. Here's another guy, Len Fassler, he's been an incredible mentor and partner of mine. I remember one day he came to and listen for more... Related Links: Brad Feld Blog || Silicon Flatirons, ATLAS, and ITP || Brad Feld Video || Foundry Group || Do More Faster Book || Entrepreneurs Unplugged Photos || Keywords: Brad Feld, Jill Van Matre, Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center,
AmeriData, Len Fassler, Entrepreneurship Initiative, Atlas, Foundry Group, Do More Faster Book,
5/31/11 Bytes: 5365658 LISTEN to Brad Feld, Foundry Group - Entrepreneurs Unplugged Part 4
2011 Entrepreneurs Vic Ahmed, Innovation Pavilion 12/16/11 Vic Ahmed, TiE Rockies, CEO, Plug & Play 11/28/11 Barrett Blank, RVCs Pitch Academy Beginning 4/18/11 Brad Bernthal, Silicon Flatirons Center @ CU 2/21/11 Brad Bernthal, #1 Challenge, Assembling Right Team 3/7/11 Scott Casel, CEO, Startup America Partnership 11/21/11 Aneesh Chopra, Startup Colorado Launch 11/9/11 Brad Feld, Entrepreneurs Unplugged - 1 of 5 4/18/11 Brad Feld, Entrepreneurs Unplugged - 2 of 5 4/25/11 Brad Feld, Entrepreneurs Unplugged - 3 of 5 5/16/11 Brad Feld, Entrepreneurs Unplugged - 4 of 5 5/31/11 Louis Foreman & Tom Frey, where Great Ideas Succeed 11/28/11 Jim Franklin, Founder Institute 4/25/11 Tom Frey, Inventors, entrepreenurs & revolutionary thinkers Tom Frey, Futurist, DaVinci Institute 4/4/11 Francisco Garcia, Klinggon - Consumer Product of the Year! Josh Jacobson, Co Founder, Viktorian Guitars 7/25/11 Kimberly Lucas, President, Goldstone Partners 8/15/11 Dave Mangum, Executive Director, Startup Colorado Kelly Manning, Financial Challenges & Solutions Jana Matthews, Leadership in the New Economy 2/14/11 Ron McKey, 10/24/11 Nancy Phillips, Entrepreneurs Unplugged 11/14/2011 Sam Pitroda, Chairman, WorldTel Ltd 10/24/11 Art Rancis, International Entrepreneur 8/1/11 Mark Seglem, ADSS, Federal Budget Crisis 4/4/11 Brian Tsuchiya, New money source - Crowdfunding 11/21/11 Theresa Szczurek, Radish Systems 6/6/11 Why Boulder - Startup Colorado, Launch in Boulder 11/9/11
The Contradiction of Focus When Building a Business
When you ask successful entrepreneurs, "What are the keys to building a successful, sustaining business?" Among other words, they'll say, "Passion, A+ Team, Commitment, Innovation, Focus." While all have substance, the successful entrepreneurs have fascinating stories that support those descriptions, I would like to point out that 'Focus' is a double-edged sword. Let’s be clear, focus is a critical element for building a successful business. It's true that if you don't know where you are going any road will take you there. Then again, if you are so focused on where you are going, you could get side-swiped because you didn't see it coming. So what does this all mean? In my book, Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos, Chapter 12, "Ground Swells of Change - Prepare, capitalize or fall victim, he discusses five different examples of landscapes and their ground swells of change. I also write about trends of both the past and the future. Trends have an impact on the landscape; however it's the groundswell that will often determine the success or failure of an endeavor, personal or professional. ‘The greatest difficulties lie where we are not looking for them.’ said Johann Wolfgang Goethe. A ‘ground swell of change’ is never a solo effort; it takes many active forces to build up a head of steam. Examples include: innovations, inventions, laws, events, in/out of favor fads, something that is displaced or replaced, cultural changes, local events, controversy, fiscal changes, mergers, movements, etc. There's more... Related Links:
Amazon ||
Entrepreneurs Channel || Home ||
Mastering Change Blog ||
Keywords: Mastering Change, Chaos, Larry Nelson, Entrepreneurs, Focus, Ground Swells
of Change, Landscape, Trends > Channel: Change 4014776 bytes 12/7/09 LISTEN
India is the first country to setup a National Knowledge Commission
544_ 10/24/11
[From 9/15/2008]-
While Sam Pitroda, Chairman of WorldTel Ltd., has an illustrious technical background including patents and founder of multiple high-tech and digital startups in the United States and Europe, Sam spoke about his lifetime passion during his interview. Larry contacted him at his Chicago, IL. office and focused on 'education' and leadership'. This might seem like quite a leap from his high-tech background which included founding Wescom which was one of the first digital switching companies in the world. "I spend most of my time these days as chairman of India’s National Knowledge Commission. We set up a commission to look at various aspects of knowledge institutions and infrastructure that India will need in the 21st Century. The commission is made up of 8 people coming from all walks of life; academicians, businessmen, professors, economists, mathematicians. Technology has played a very important role in all our development. Life expectancy has gone up, infant mortality has gone down, and communications have substantially improved the world over. We are well connected. But at the same time we are going through turmoil. I believe a lot of this has to do with the fact that technology changed too fast. And the organizations, government, policies, mind set, hasn’t kept pace with it. We have the mind set of the 19th and 20th centuries and we have technology of the 21st century." Sam has a new take on 'leadership'...listen now.
Related Links:
National Knowledge CommissionC-SamTiE RockiesPodCast Directory ||
Keywords: Sam Pitroda, National Knowledge Commission, India, TiE Rockies, Education, Leadership, WorldTel - bytes=9950670
Listen to: Sam Pitroda, Chairman, WorldTel Ltd
Supercharge Your Business, Now
875_1/26/11-Discover 3 new ways of Thinking, Planning and Executing...
Learn about the Process – 1) Radical Planning – Are you ready for it? The audit will help you cross the sea of change with a successful, proven process. 2) The People Factor – What's the answer to the people puzzle? How do you tap into your team's mental DNA? Allow your people to be the solution. 3) The Trends – There is a ground swell in your market space. Can you identify it? Capitalize on it and avoid the traps and pitfalls. "Growth is impossible without change. As Larry points out, the most effective way to manage change is to create it. Mastering Change allows for new natural alignment and unprecedented growth and success.” Curt Coffman, Co-Author, 'First Break all the Rules'. What do these organizations have in common? AT&T, Ball Aerospace, Bechtel Corp, Canon, Children’s Hospital, Dean Foods, First National Bank, GE, Hilton, IBM, IRS, Johnson Controls, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Microsoft, Mobil Oil Japan, 3M, NCAR, Sanyo Australia, Stanford University, Tiffany and Company, Toledo Edison, US Forest Service, US Dept. of Transportation, United Way, University of Colorado, University of Wisconsin… Answer: They and many others have tapped into Larry Nelson’s programs. Guy Kawasaki, author of Reality Check and co-founder of, said, "Larry’s plain talk approach for managing teams is refreshing and practical. His advice will help teams deal with change challenges in unknown economic times because it’s not filled with hype and jargon. Mastering Change is a great resource for entrepreneurs and managers." Try Something Disruptive to Supercharge Your Business. Related Links: Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos || MC Blog || MC Seminars || Podcast Directory || Keywords: Mastering Change, Larry Nelson, Entrepreneurs, Managers, Leaders, Curt
Coffman, Guy Guy Kawasaki
Leadership in the new economy 967_ 2/14/11 - "The very strategies that enabled you to stay alive over the last recession, are not the strategies that are going to enable you to grow in the future." said Dr. Jana Matthews. Larry sat down with Jana, founder and CEO of The Jana Matthews Group, who is an international expert on entrepreneurial leadership and business growth. Based in Boulder, Colorado. Jana Matthews believes the economy is turning around. Jana shares some thoughts she thinks CEO's should be thinking about. There's more to be heard in her interview but here are some highlights. No. 1 "It is the leader who determines the culture. Is your's a culture of optimism? To be positive, upbeat, expecting success, or pessimistic and down trodden, that's up to the leader to determine. Optimism suggests a confidence, an ability to think outside the box. Jana said, "We used to say at the Kauffman Center, it's keeping your knees bent so you could go in a lot of different directions, and the willingness to be flexible with a fallback position, and figure out how to make it work." Jana goes on to say, "Optimism is important but, in your heart, in your office, when you look at your financials and your customers, you're realistic. But you project the optimism that it's going to get better as opposed to the pessimism of 'oh my god, we're in free fall'." No. 2 Look at your people. You need to signal to your good people, the ones you want to keep, the ones that you think will help build your company, you need to signal to them that they're really important to your future. Because when this job market opens up, people are going to jump... No. 3 "Look at your executive team. The team that helps you baton down the hatches and get you through, may not be the team that you need to lead you into the next stage of growth, and to the next level. A very successful past client said, "The bean counters were really important during the recession, but we need to have more of those dreamers again." That's one of the most difficult decisions for a leader to make. But it is part of leadership. It is looking at what the company needs for the future."... No. 4 "I would take a look at my customers because we have held onto customers just so we could have revenue. But you and I know Larry: we get about 80% of our revenue from 20% of our customers." In some cases the others actually cost you as they require over servicing, they don't pay on time, they complain, they send products back, custom revisions, etc. So you need to look hard and say..." Related Links: The Jana Matthews Group || Economy Builders Channel || In the News || Blog || Keywords: Jana Matthews Group, Leadership, Economy, Culture of Optimism, Executive Team,
Revenue, Profitability, Next Stage of Growth 2/14/11 bytes=8823434
LISTEN to Jana Matthews, CEO, Jana Matthews Group
The federal government is extremely hamstrung in its ability 995_ 4/4/11 - . We're talking about the economic times and the different things organizations, public and private sector are going through today, because it has a tremendous impact and frankly, I'm a little worried. We are here with an expert who has some experience on a business level about this issue. Larry interviewed Mark Seglem, CEO of Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems (ADSS). "Mark could you give us an overview of how you're looking at the economic environment right now and what's happening?" "I'd be happy to and pleased to do it because I've been on both sides. I spent 20 years on active duty and I was a senior requirements officer for the Navy - so I've seen it from the side of the federal government. Now I'm a small business, private business owner who contracts with the federal government, predominantly DOD. I think the fundamental message that I would get out is that the continuing resolution that is currently in effect for fiscal year 2011, is killing small businesses that rely on the DOD for their contracts, or in fact any federal agency. In this environment under continuing resolution, the federal government is extremely hamstrung in its ability to let procurement contracts, maintenance contracts - except for the most essential operational type contracts. As a consequence small business that provide support either directly to DOD or to other federal agencies, or to large contractors like the Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc., those contracts are basically on hold right now." The trickle down effect is huge. "The big contractors have to support infrastructure on multi-billion dollar contracts that cannot be let right now under continuing resolutions. . It leads to layoffs, a reduction in size of the company and then when the contracts do come through we have to ramp up again. It's an extraordinarily inefficient way to do business. And it has more impact than just on the federal government - it goes right through the private sector and it particularly hurts small business."...Listen now, there's much more, ideas and solutions... Related Links: Distributed Sensors || Colorado Companies to Watch Home || CCTW Channel || Economy Builders || Keywords: Mark Seglem, Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems, ADSS, Colorado Companies
to Watch, 50 Companies to Watch winners, SBIR, Federal Budget
4/4/11 bytes=5002870 LISTEN to Mark Seglem, President & CEO, ADSS
A new money source called crowdfunding
1114_ 11/21/11 -
We're talking about the most popular topic in the entrepreneurial sphere and that's about money, with Brian Tsuchiya, founder of Startup Guru. Brian is telling us about a new "money source" - first an overview. Brian explained, "The term is called crowdfunding. There are two different varieties and Brian offers this differentiation. Crowd funding today, the legal version is you can raise money through sites like KickStarter or IndieGoGo, if you have an idea and are selected, you can get a crowd of people. The largest deal that was ever done was on Kickstarter raising $973K from 13,000 donors and this person's goal was to raise like $15K. Brian offers this example to demonstrate how crowd funding, with small amounts can raise a significant round. The new concept is crowdfunding investing. You can take a security and sell that security through the Internet to a crowd of people. The concept has been around for a while the problem being the 1933/34 Securities Act prevents you from disclosing the security and publicly offering it. So if you have a great idea and people would invest - you can't reach them because it's really one-on-one, face-to-face or only accredited investors - or you go public which is very expensive. So there has been pressure to try to get the law updated. For 80+ years this has been the reality. Now, to change the law so that businesses can raise one-to-two million, as it is stated in HR2930 and would allow you to use the Internet to get small dollar amounts from a large number of investors [crowd funding], kind of like crowd sourcing and this is how open source was built. There is a huge momentum. This is about jobs. Without taxes, without government money, trying to free up, democratizing the funding environment for small offerings. For most business it's to get them off the ground or funding inventory growth, etc. It's not just for startups but startups can benefit from it...Listen for more details....
Related Links:
H.R. 2930: Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act ||
Statement of Administration Policy ||
Startup Guru Home ||
Kickstarter ||
IndieGoGo ||
Mastering Change Book ||
Keywords: Brian Tsuchiya, Startup Guru, Crowdfunding, HR2930, Money, Investments,
Entrepreneurs, 1933/34 Securities Act, White House, Startup America - bytes=6068248 LISTEN to: Brian Tsuchiya, Startup Guru
Pent-up demand for people wanting to start businesses 993_ 4/4/11 - You know the future is a very exciting place but not everyone really understands that much about the future. Oh they hope and they wish and they dream - but here's a guy that is 'the future', Tom Frey founder of the DaVinci Institute. Of course, Tom travels all over the world, he gives talks on a variety of different topics, but the future is always part of it. Larry asked, "In this economic environment that we've been experiencing, what are some of the challenges that entrepreneurs and small business owners face today?" Tom replied, "First of all, whenever there's a layoff, there is a percentage of the population that will try to start a business, traditionally about 7%. And there are lots of people that have been laid off work. So we have this huge, pent-up demand for people wanting to start businesses, but the difference this time is there is no money out there, there is virtually no money to access. As a result of that, what we're seeing is people are shifting from trying to start physical businesses to starting digital ones. They're going into the online world and trying to get a toe hold, some way to make money online. And, if they can do that they're going to stay there. So the whole idea of starting businesses is alive and well. People just love that idea of being out from under the thumb of the boss. So we're seeing lots of activity, but it's mostly in the online world. We're seeing a brain drain, people leaving physical jobs trying to get into the digital world. Starting an online business is easier and less expensive. When people are leaving the physical world for the digital world, that leaves some gaping holes in the physical world - that means there are some huge opportunities there. In the digital world there's this category of businesses I call the 'empire one businesses'. This is a one person business with far reaching influence. It can be a one person consulting business, practice or coaching business. But more and more we're seeing things where people are have products manufactured in China or India, central distribution unit in the U.S. or Canada and they have customers in Great Britain, Brazil, Germany, anywhere in the world." There are many other ideas ...listen now... Related Links: DaVinci Institute || Economy Builders || The Vault || Blog || Keywords: Tom Frey, DaVinci Institute, Entrepreneurs, Inventions, Innovation, Futurist,
Digital World, China, India, Great Britain, Brazil, Germany - 4/4/11 bytes=5367748 LISTEN to Tom Frey, Futurist, DaVinci Institute