Chris Pelley of Capital Investment Management is proud to announce the hallmark event surrounding the visit of Connie Duckworth December 3rd-4th.
Social entrepreneur Connie K. Duckworth founded ARZU, which means “hope” in Dari, in 2004 to empower destitute women weavers in rural Afghanistan and serves pro bono as Chairman and CEO. Starting with 30 weavers, ARZU has transformed into a learning laboratory for holistic grassroots economic development – today employing some 700 women, providing access to education and basic healthcare, seeding multiple micro-business start-ups, building community centers, preschools, and parks, and creating award-winning fair-labor rugs – all in a country ranked as “the world’s worst place to be a woman.” Ms. Duckworth retired in 2001 as a Partner and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs, the first woman to be named a sales and trading partner in the firm’s history. For the past decade, she has focused her business lens in many roles as a corporate director, published author, activist, angel-investor, humanitarian, and blogger. She is the recipient of numerous awards for leadership, advocacy, social impact, innovation and global presence. RELATED LINKS: ARZU Studio Hope || CIMCO || Community Reach || Social Entrepreneurship || M&A Channel || ACG Denver || ACG Denver / CIMCO Annual Social Enterprise Event ||
Photos CU Boulder ||
ACG Denver/CIMCO Social Enterprise Event 2012 || KEYWORDS: Connie Duckworth, ARZU, Studio Hope, Social Entrepreneurship, Afghanistan,
Women, Philanthropy, CIMCO, Community Reach, ACG Denver, bytes=5276215 LISTEN TO: Connie Duckworth, Founder/CEO, AZRU
Social Entrepreneurism focused on women Connie Duckworth appearing December 4th, Annual Social Enter price Event - Hosted by CIMCO and ACG Denver! Details Here
1295_ 10/15/12 -
Social entrepreneur Connie Duckworth founded ARZU, (which means “hope” in Dari), in 2004, to empower destitute women weavers in rural Afghanistan. Connie serves pro bono as Chairman and CEO. Starting with 30 weavers, ARZU has transformed into a learning laboratory for holistic grassroots economic development —today employing some 700 women, providing access to education and basic healthcare, seeding multiple micro-business start-ups, building community centers, pre-schools and parks, and creating award-winning fair-labor rugs—all in a country ranked as “the world’s worst place to be a woman.” Ms. Duckworth retired in 2001 as a Partner and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs, the first woman to be named a sales and trading partner in the firm’s history. She tells us she really wanted to re balance how she spent her time. So she envisioned 1/3 business activities, 1/3 philanthropic activities and 1/3 family oriented activities. ARZU became the focus of her philanthropy. ARZU is an example of a 'for benefit corporation'. It uses private sector practices to create jobs in very remote rural villages in Afghanistan, and produces export quality products. Because of her business lens, Connie sees a social business as the way to empower people through employment. It seemed like a natural fit as Connie's passion has always been women's rights. To Connie, the shortest path is through economic advancement. The women in Afghanistan are truly among the most disadvantaged women in the world. Connie Duckworth is the Keynote Speaker at the CIMCO Annual Social Enterprise event at ACG Denver! Listen for more...
ARZU Studio Hope ||
Community Reach ||
Social Entrepreneurship ||
M&A Channel ||
ACG Denver ||
ACG Denver / CIMCO Annual Social Enterprise Event ||
Photos CU Boulder || ACG Denver/CIMCO Social Enterprise Event 2012 ||
KEYWORDS: Connie Duckworth, ARZU, Studio Hope, Social Entrepreneurship, Afghanistan,
Women, Philanthropy, CIMCO, Community Reach, ACG Denver, bytes=5276215
LISTEN TO: Connie Duckworth, Founder/CEO, AZRU
Kathleen Pelley, Children's Author and Philanthropist 1206_ 5/7/12 - Kathleen Pelley's passion for stories stemmed from listening to them. She was born in Glasgow, Scotland a country famous for its heather dappled mountains and a treasure chest of stories. Her gentle Irish father also loved to feed Kathleen his own tales of fairies, leprechauns, and banshees. As an elementary teacher, Kathleen loved teaching language and history and drama. "In my classroom I always made plenty of time for reading stories aloud to my students, no matter what age they were." After moving to the States in 1990 with her husband, Chris, an American, and their two daughters, Kathleen was extremely homesick. "Writing helped to soothe the hurt in my heart, and soon I was sending off my stories to publishers." Kathleen's first book was "The Giant King", set in Scotland, is about kindness and how you can tame a fierce giant with kindness. But the most important thing about the book is that it is published by a no-profit publisher, the Child Welfare League of America. This publishers doesn't make any money for itself - all the proceeds they make goes to help vulnerable children who've been abused or neglected, suffered family disruption, or a range of other factors that jeopardize their safety, permanence, or well-being, throughout America. Recently CWLA decided to make a CD of the book, narrated by Kathleen, which has won an award from the National Association of Parenting Publications. And Kathleen, as she's always done, uses the little bit of profit she makes from this book to help a children's home in Zimbabwe. "My family and I have been involved with Makumbi Children's Home in Zimbabwe, Africa—a home for AIDS orphans, where one of Kathleen's brothers has worked for the past 25 years." Kathleen's most recent book, just came out, "The Sandal Artist" and is illustrated by Colorado artist, Lois Rosio-Sprague. You can meet Kathleen in person at the Tattered Cover in May 12, 2012, at the Highlands Ranch location and for people who don't know, we will be celebrating Children's Book Week and that afternoon with illustrator Lois Rosio-Sprague Kathleen will officially launch her latest book, The 'Sandal Artist'. Related Links: Kathleen T. Pelley || Podcasting Directory || CIMCO || Social Entrepreneurs || The Sandal Artist Book || Keywords: Kathleen Pelley, Author, Glasgow, Scotland, The Giant King, Child
Welfare League of America, The Sandal Artist, Lois Rosio-Sprague, Children's Book Week, Makumbi Children's Home, Zimbabwe, Africa,
Tattered Cover - bytes=4941430 LISTEN TO: Kathleen Pelley, Children's Author
FIRST Colorado a competition you won't believe 1188_ 4/2/12 -
FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) was founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway Human Transporter. In January each team receives a 'box' of parts (electronics to metal pieces) to build their robots. This year the FIRST Robotics 2012 Colorado Regional Competition was held at the DU Magness Arena, with 68 teams competing (60 from Colorado plus one from Mexico). Each year there is a different game, always challenging, exciting and amazing. More fun than you can imagine, beginning with the amazingly crazy MC, to inspiring stories from past participants, to the tension filled competition, even the audience gets into the act. You will laugh, and you will cry as you are pulled into this odyssey. FIRST was founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway Human Transporter. We met Dean Kamen in 2002 when Richard Pankoski and CSIA brought him to Denver. FIRST was founded on partnerships with businesses, educational institutions and government. Many Fortune 500 companies provide funding, in-kind donations and volunteers to support the program. The key to FIRST's success is the work of thousands of volunteer mentors, professional engineers, teachers, and other adults working with youth across the country. In addition to the volunteer team mentors, FIRST competitions and other events were organized and staffed by over 5000 event and committee volunteers. FIRST programs are growing rapidly in the United States and Canada, and demand is accelerating in other countries. Watch the short video with six teams competing and click on the event photo link to see all the photos.
Related Links:
FIRST Colorado ||
FIRST at a Glance ||
FIRST Leadership ||
Photo Albums (2) FIRST Colorado Robotics ||
Podcasting Directory ||
Keywords: FIRST Robotics, FIRST Colorado, Dean Kamen, Robots, Competition, Inspiration,
Recognition, Science, Technology, DU Magness Arena - Watch Video - Colorado FIRST Regional Competition 2012
Discussing the benefits of social business enterprise
1136_ 1/2/2012 -
Behind the scene with a candid moment, Kim Jordan, CEO/Founder, New Belgium Brewing, Chris Pelley, Managing Director/Founder, CIMCO and Larry Nelson of discuss the benefits of social business enterprise. We get an update on Roisin Pelley's work in India and much to Kim's delight, Larry confesses to his love for Fat Tire. We're off to a good start. Of course, Chris Pelley is the leader in our region, in fact, our state in the area of social enterprise/entrepreneurship and we're grateful he's brought Kim Jordan's company New Belgium Brewing Company to our attention. How could you not want to work there? When you hear Kim talk about her people, the teams and the culture - it's a great lesson for new entrepreneurs, but also for established older companies. Kim's response was, "I'm always impressed by my 'co-workers'. Sometimes they make me cry because they're so dedicated, creative and playful. I still have many pinch me moments." Twice a year New Belgium Brewing has their 'New Owner Induction" that's when you've passed the mark for being one year vested for the employee stock ownership plan, they have a ceremony and Kim makes a Mojo for every person who is in that six month time frame. People say it's their favorite day of the year because of the enthusiasm from the new owners about why this is important to them. First year anniversary, employees are presented with a bicycle and at the fifth year, Kim, takes them to Belgium for a week, traveling around and learning about beer culture. Their annual retreat has been very powerful because it creates a level of trust and transparency and also an expectation that people be involved. There's much more detail about tapping into your people's strengths...
Watch and Listen Now.
Related Links:
New Belgium Brewing ||
Community Reach ||
Social Entrepreneurship ||
M&A Channel ||
ACG Denver ||
Rocky Mountain Corporate Growth Conference ||
Keywords: Kim Jordan, New Belgium Brewing, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise,
Association for Corporate Growth, Denver, ACG, Chris Pelley, CIMCO, Community Reach
WATCH VIDEO, Kim Jordan Founder/CEO, New Belgium Brewing Co & Chris Pelley, CIMCO
It's not just charity and philanthropy. It's about the bottom line
1112_ 11/21/11 -
We're talking about one of Larry's favorite subjects, social enterprise, and he's cornered Chris Pelley, the founder of CIMCO a private wealth management firm. Chris has really been behind the social enterprise movement in our area and has organized an annual social enterprise program for years. ACG Denver is hosting this program on December 6th at the Denver Athletic Club, featuring Kim Jordan, Founder and CEO of New Belgium Brewery. Chris got involved with social enterprise seven or eight years ago as a result of his teen age daughters' interests and it was a big theme in major universities around the world. Social enterprise and social entrepreneurship really were an outgrowth, within the academic community and amongst non-profit people attempting to solve social problems in a more creative fashion. Social enterprise is a little bit of social justice with business acumen. As Chris and others talk about the ABCs of Social Enterprise; Collaboration, communication and, sustainability between academics, business and the citizen sector, they've realized they need more business acumen because they're top heavy with academics and nonprofits. Chris said, “It's getting business people involved because it's business metrics and business drive that makes a difference. Now we're seeing business enterprise that really is driven to solve problems that can make a profit. BTW that's not new; clean water is a social justice issue - try going without it for a few weeks. Yet water companies have been designed since the Roman Empire built the aqueducts. Sometimes our society overlooks that much of what business does is to promote social good, like creating jobs. But now there's more of a theme around clean and green and helping with starvation and all of these issues. To recap what we're trying to do is promote and highlight the fact that major global companies and middle market companies here in Colorado can actually improve their bottom line by being more mindful of social enterprise. It's not just doing well by doing good. It's not just charity and philanthropy. It is about bottom line results." There's much more to listen to...
Related Links:
5th Annual Business Social Entrepreneurship Event ||
Social Entrepreneurship Channel ||
Community Reach ||
Keywords: Chris Pelley, CIMCO, Capital Investment Management Company, ACG, Social
Enterprise, Social Entrepreneurship, ICOSA, Kim Jordan, New Belgium Brewing bytes=7964946 LISTEN to Chris Pelley, Founder/CEO, CIMCO
Challenges, Choices and Opportunities for Companies
1014_ 5/16/11 -
We are with Chris Pelley; of course Chris captured our attention years ago. He is very active in the community, he's on the board for ACG, and passionate about social entrepreneurship and involved in many outreach projects and programs. He also is Managing Partner of Capital Investment Management Company (CIMCO) an independent financial advisory firm that specializes in wealth management, retirement planning, portfolio management and business transition planning. Having a good bead on the economic environment, Larry asked, "What are the biggest challenges companies face today?" Chris' humble reply, "That might be an easy one because I've heard it from so many people far brighter than I. But it really distills down to one word, uncertainty." Chris points out that we got a bit of a respite from Congress on the tax situation. But if indeed Adam Smith was correct that the wealth of the nation is its people at work, then we need to improve upon employment - most of that will come from small and middle market companies. In fact 65% plus. Whereas in France 15% of the jobs come from small companies. So how do we work together to bridge the uncertainty around tax policy? The cost of healthcare? And even the regulatory environment? Today in Washington DC there's some debate about cutting expenses and/or raising revenue. What about growing the economy? If we grow from a $10 Trillion economy, which we had in the year 2000, to a $14 Trillion economy which we had in 2008... If we can have a 3% growth rate that will more than generate the revenue we need at current tax rates, I believe. That's just my opinion. To improve the employment circumstances and get us back on track." Larry asked, "what do you think are the greatest opportunities today for companies?" Chris said, " Again, taking from some of what I've read in Forbes and the Economist and what have you. I think outcome of the cleansing of the Great Recession of the 2000s is that the weaker companies have been pushed aside so there's not as much competition. The stronger companies, the old Darwin issue around survival of the fittest, I think, creates some, or ought to create some enthusiasm for companies that have made it. I think employees today are more vigilant because they're concerned. No one can afford to be complacent. At the end of the day it's a lot better than it was in 2008-9, so we're headed in the right direction. And corporations have what, $2.5 Trillion in cash and our government has put a lot of money into our economy, so I think that things are looking better." Chris also has some great advice for leaders...listen for more...
Related Links:
Social Entrepreneurs ||
ElderCareUSA ||
Lemonade Day ||
Social Entrepreneurship ||
ACG Denver Home ||
Keywords: Chris Pelley, CIMCO, Capital Investment Management Company, ACG Denver,
Entrepreneurs, Challenges, Choices, Economy, Leadership, Tax Policy, Healthcare, Regulatory Environment - 5/16/11 bytes=5839206
LISTEN to Chris Pelley, Managing Partner, CIMCO Denver
Doug Jackson, Martin Faith, Summer Solstice Celebration
1217_ 6/4/12 -
Planning to celebrating the Summer Solstice this year? You're invited to join Dr. Douglas Jackson, President/CEO, Project C.U.R.E. and Martin Faith, President, Scottish Group Companies at their very special event, Summer Solstice, Glass, Grapes and Gruyere. You will have the opportunity to make an impact in the world, have some great fun and pick up a rare piece of antique Scottish Stained Glass.
When asked what advice Martin Faith would offer to entrepreneurs and business leaders, he said simply, "I would like to think people would run their businesses with a conscience and not just be in business to make money. To provide, obviously, valuable services to their clients but also to give something back to the community. When you do that you get it back ten times over - what comes around, goes around." Here is a man who walks his talk. In Scotland, for many years Martin collected these beautiful antique stained glass windows, it was his passion. When he came to the U.S. he brought his collection with him and sold a lot of them to pay for his immigration to this country. He's kept some beautiful pieces for himself. For several years he wondered what he should do with the rest. After he met Doug Jackson he knew what to do. Martin decided he would sell the collection and give the money to Project C.U.R.E. and the Summer Solstice, Glass, Grapes and Gruyere event was born.
Doug said, "You know the neat thing about the solstice, it's the one day in the year where we get the most sun and what better way to celebrate the sun than coming through beautiful pieces of stained glass. It's exciting and we're hoping to raise enough to ship a container (we're talking about a semi truck trailer - or similar weight) and that is going to be worth about $400,000.00, because of Martin's effort. That's remarkable!"
Denver is the world headquarters for Project C.U.R.E. founded by Dr. James W. Jackson, (Founder Emeritus) in 1987, after visiting a small clinic in Rio de Janeiro. There, he saw patients turned away due to the lack of basic medical supplies and equipment. He made a promise that he would help provide relief to those people. Within 30 days of returning to his home in Evergreen, Colorado, Dr. Jackson had collected over $100,000 worth of medical equipment and supplies. He personally paid to have these shipped to that clinic. PROJECT C.U.R.E. builds sustainable healthcare infrastructure by providing the medical supplies and equipment that medical personnel need to deliver healthcare to their communities. Since its inception, PROJECT C.U.R.E. has delivered medical relief to needy people in more than 120 countries. PROJECT C.U.R.E. works with recipient partner organizations by donating the medical supplies and equipment they need to provide healthcare to the people in the local community. Meet these extraordinary men Thursday, June 21, for an evening of stained glass education, demonstration and donation with all the profits from the sale of this century old stained glass window collection going to help PROJECT C.U.R.E. deliver a 40-ft container of desperately needed medical supplies to an ill-equipped clinic or hospital in a developing country.
Related Links:
Project C.U.R.E. ||
Scottish Group Companies ||
Celebrate Summer Solstice ||
Community Reach ||
Social Entrepreneurs ||
Keywords: Dr. Douglas Jackson, Martin Faith, Dr. James Jackson, Project
C.U.R.E., Scottish Group Companies, Summer Solstice, Glass, Grapes and Gruyere, Stained Glass, Desperately Needed Medical
Supplies, bytes=7394432
LISTEN to Martin Faith, Scottish Group Companies and Doug Jackson, Project C.U.R.E.
It is a fun, free,
Metro Denver city-wide event 1216_ 5/28/12 - What is Lemonade Day? It is a FUN, FREE, Metro Denver city-wide event, where KIDS get to MAKE and KEEP THE MONEY that they earn. Kids of all ages learn to set goals, develop a business plan, establish a budget, seek investors, sell a product, provide customer service, and give back to their community. Larry interviewed Nigel Alexander, an owner of Liberty-Bell Telecom who is a big supporter of Lemonade Day. What is it? Lemonade Day is an event that teaches kids the skills they need to be successful in the future. They will learn to set goals, develop a business plan, establish a budget, seek investors, sell a product, provide customer service, and give back to the community. Lemonade day is the perfect opportunity for a community to show kids they care, and train the next generation of entrepreneurs through a FREE, fun, engaging, experiential activity. When it is? Lemonade Day is Sunday, June 3, 2012. Who can participate? Youth of all ages can participate (with adult supervision!). Not only does Lemonade Day directly affect the participants, but it also affects the entire community. To register for an official Lemonade Day stand and to participate in the event, a parent or guardian must sign a consent form agreeing that a responsible adult will assist and supervise.
Who can get involved and how? Anyone and everyone can be involved in Lemonade Day! Young entrepreneurs that have lemonade stands need adult supervision, sponsors, investors, employees, and customers ...Listen for more...
Related Links:
Lemonade Day ||
Lemonade Day FAQ's ||
Prepared 4 Life ||
Liberty-Bell Telecom ||
Community Reach ||
Keywords: Nigel Alexander, Lemonade Day, Prepared 4 Life, Metro Denver, Kids, Liberty-Bell Telecom, Kids, Entrepreneurs, bytes=4637991 LISTEN to Nigel Alexander, Executive Director, Lemonade Day
The vision for every child in America 1200_ 4/23/12 - You know when Chris Pelley brags about this organization and then Forbes names the Playworks Founder to Forbes List of Top Social Entrepreneurs, we had to learn more. We're talking with Jill Vialet, CEO PLAYWORKS and Andrea Woolley, Denver Executive Director, PLAYWORKS. They've been here in Denver for two years and their work has been very successful as you'll hear. First we want to give you an overview of what Playworks does.
Jill started Playworks 15 years ago. The key insight is that play and recess in particular, at schools, is this untapped opportunity of really promoting learning and getting kids moving. Currently Playworks is based in 300 schools across the country full time, and then provides training in 400 additional schools. The vision is that one day, every child in America will have access to safe, healthy play every day. Play creates essential opportunities for children to explore their imaginations, to connect with other people and to stretch and grow physically, emotionally and socially. Our experience is that diminishing opportunities for unsupervised play in our society have left kids with a very thin understanding of how to manage their own play and that it is important to have grown-ups introduce some basic rules to make play work. Playworks builds the culture of play at a school so that kids feel safe and included. This means that soccer games aren't running through four-square games, for instance. We also introduce games that that encourage kids themselves to take ever-increasing responsibility for the quality of play and for each other. Ultimately our unique brand of play fosters greater independence and leadership among children. Just yesterday Playworks announced, Stanford University released preliminary findings of a study from the first year - and there were statistically significant findings around reducing bullying...Listen for more, these kids will be your teammates in years to come... Related Links: PLAYWORKS || Podcasting Directory || CIMCO || Social Entrepreneurs || Community Reach || Keywords: Jill Vialet, Andrea Woolley, Playworks, Essential Opportunities, Safe, Healthy
Play, Bullies, Stanford University, Chris Pelley, CIMCO - bytes=6311500 LISTEN TO: Jill Valet & Andrea Woolley, PLAYWORKS
Understanding the State of the Markets 1163_ 2/20/12 - We're here at the offices of Capital Investment Management Company, or CIMCO as many of us know them, with Chris Pelley, Managing Director and Chad Williams, Managing Partner because they have some really important information to share. Chris and Chad are going to give us the State of the Markets. Chad says their goal is to educate us on some of the factors they've been watching lately. Larry said, "It has been a real roller-coaster ride for equities." Chad commented, " While we're still down 11.8% from the peak of the market in 2007' it makes us wonder if we're finished advancing, or if there is more to come. If we look at the factors affecting the stock market and the economy, we will break them up into two categorizes: headwinds and tailwinds. It goes without saying that Europe's debt crisis created significant headwinds last year, and it is unlikely that this problem is going away quickly. There has been no definitive solution to the crisis, and it is one we will be monitoring, though we do expect Europe to muddle through without creating major drag on the U.S. Economy." Chris added, "Employment is one factor that could be a headwind or tailwind, depending on how you look at it. Moody's Analytics expects the U.S, unemployment rate to remain above 8% through 2012. In its latest report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics stated the unemployment rate dropped to 8.5% in December, continuing the downward trend started in September. We truly hope this positive trend will continue. We do believe home prices have stabilized and that we have probably seen the worst of it, and will continue to monitor this situation going forward. The national deficit is projected to increase. The White House's own numbers show the national debt exceeding $26 trillion 10 years from now. Obviously, this is something that concerns us. Larry said, "Hopefully, it's not all bad news out there!" Chris pointed out, "There are some positive tailwinds propelling us forward. Our first tailwind is Optimism. In fact, nearly half of the investors are bullish on the stock market. That's well above the historical average. Americans have stronger household balance sheets. Right now, corporations are more profitable than they have been in over 40 years, which we believe will translate to increases in hiring and strong equity valuations. Analysis shows there is a favorable indication that this bull market is not out of steam yet and there is still potential for further economic expansion." Larry asked, "What are the experts predicting?" Chad replied, "Wall Street's top strategists forecast calls range from bold to conservative. Most" ...there's much more, listen now... Related Links: 2012 State of the Markets PowerPoint || CIMCO || ACG Denver || Community Reach Channel || Social Entrepreneurship || Keywords: Chris Pelley, Chad Williams, Capital Investment Management Company, CIMCO,
State of the Markets, Economy, Europe's Debt Crisis, S&P 500, Moody's Analytics, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Headwinds, Tailwinds,
bytes=6980234 LISTEN TO: Chris Pelley & Chad Williams, State of the Markets
It is more than doing well, by doing good 1123_ 12/12/11 - Kim Jordan, CEO, New Belgium Brewing Company shares the story of her journey and that of hundreds of team members in becoming a profitable and socially responsible enterprise. Chris Pelley, founder and CEO of CIMCO, has been encouraging a greater understanding of social enterprise within the Colorado business community for almost seven years. In collaboration with ACG, he was very pleased to announce this year’s 5th Annual Business/Social Entrepreneurship event with keynote speaker, Kim Jordan, CEO and Co-Founder of New Belgium Brewing. Blending business acumen and social needs is something that Ms. Jordan has mastered quite successfully. She’ll share how aligning with social enterprise attracts the best and brightest talent, improves retention and ultimately enhances employee morale. There’s nothing better than having your employees boast with pride in their company’s purpose in the world to help improve your bottom line! Social enterprise is more than merely, "doing well, by doing good." Watch and listen to her message. Related Links: New Belgium Brewing Home || CIMCO || Community Reach || Social Entrepreneurship || M&A Channel || ACG Denver || Rocky Mountain Corporate Growth Conference || Keywords: Kim Jordan, New Belgium Brewing, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise,
Association for Corporate Growth, Denver, ACG, Chris Pelley, CIMCO, Community Reach -
Watch: Kim Jordan, CEO/CoFounder, New Belgium Brewing Co.
Step Out to Stop Diabetes - Denver
October 20, 2012 1295_ 10/15/12 - Nikaela Nelson and her Team, '#@%! Diabetes', are Stepping Out because they want to make a difference in the lives of all those affected by diabetes. Niko said, "We want to stop diabetes in its tracks. We are Stepping Out because we know, first hand, what it takes to live with diabetes. More than 3650 finger pricks in a year, at least 182 infusion site changes or 2190+ injections per year." Convoluted (yet life saving) mathematical gymnastics at every meal. (That's barely even a beginning...) We choose to Step Out in order to Stomp Out Diabetes. And, we want You to join us. Please, make a donation to a team member, or join our team . You can walk with us, run for us, or cheer us on virtually. We know that when we bring together dedicated team members and kind donors, the power we have as a group far outweighs what any of us could do alone.
Listen to Nikaela, in 7 minutes she will tell you, there are several types of diabetes and that by 2050 it is estimated that 1 in 3 people will suffer from some form of diabetes. It's a very expensive disease, costing her family $1,000 + each month. Nikaela says in 2050 that might significantly impact our economy. Listen as this 12 year old has more to tell you about this fight.... RELATED LINKS: Niko's Team || Register Denver 10/20/12 || Community Reach || KEYWORDS: Nikaela Nelson, Step Out to Stop Diabetes, CIMCO, Community Reach,
ACG Denver, American Diabetes Association, LISTEN TO: Nikaela Nelson, Type 1 Diabetic, Stepping Out to Stop Diabetes
From Denver: Exploring South Asia's entrepreneurial culture 1058_ 8/08/11 - From learning about traditional Indian medicine in Varanasi, exploring Chinese culture in Shanghai, to studying Gross National Happiness in Bhutan, or working with a NGO founded by Gandhi; Saffron Education offers innovative programs, internships and teaching opportunities for students interested in gaining an experience of South Asian culture beyond the classroom. Roisin Pelley, Denver resident is taking on a big challenge with her new job at Saffron Education. We managed to get a few minutes of her time before her departure this weekend for Bombay, India. This exciting venture sprung from Roisin's participation in the Leadership Institute at Harvard College (LIHC). Saffron Education is doing study abroad programs and internships and volunteer experiences throughout South Asia for students from high school, undergraduates and MBA levels. One of the most exciting opportunities is Bhutan, a small country and Constitutional monarchy that doesn't allow many tourists. Saffron's first program was run in Bhutan with the youth development program there. "Our students from America taught teachers there and got really involved in the community", said Roisin . "Knowing the cultural complexities and the way business works, the way the culture affects business, is really crucial for being able to expand successfully. Having those cultural skills that students get by visiting companies and meeting people can be a huge asset to them when they're in the workforce." India presents a great environment for entrepreneurship with their growing economy. People are always starting new companies and looking at different ways to improve life there because there certainly are lots of things that need to be done. It's a great place to be creative in and think of new solutions and how they can fit such a complex country. With 1.2 billion people, most products or services are going to find some kind of market. Listen for more... Related Links: Saffron Education || Harvard University and Saffron Education: Bhutan: 2011 || Youth Lead the Change Blog || Community Reach Channel || Economy Builders || Keywords: Roisin Pelley, Saffron Education, Harvard University, Bhutan, Entrepreneurs,
Indian Medicine, Varanasi, Shanghai, South Asian Culture, Bombay, Gandhi 8/08/11 Bytes: 5567950
LISTEN to Roisin Pelley, Saffron Education
Reaching out to and supporting the community is what this Channel is all about. Sponsored by
CIMCO a company known for organizing and supporting numerous community efforts. If you have any topics or know of any nonprofits that should be interviewed, let us know. Email:
Community Leadership, Educational Leadership, Entrepreneurial Leadership
1190_ 4/2/12 -
We are talking with Brandy Bertram, Executive Director of YouthBiz. YouthBiz is an after school program that is on a mission to increase the economic and social prosperity of our community through our focus on youth leadership. Our after school programs focus on one of three areas, 1-Community Leadership, 2-Educational Leadership and 3-Entrepreneurial Leadership. Brand said, "It is so much fun. Our young people are really the leaders, directors and the drivers of the work that we do. They come to us from all areas of the community - representing 40 different schools - they make their way to us for two hours every single day during the school year as well as summer programming." The progress is evident in the changes they see in the community to make it a safer, more vibrant, more energetic place to be. YouthBiz is celebrating their 20th anniversary. Started in 1992 by a community leader, Brian Barhaugh, who is still engaged in the community. He started it with a group of youths in response to the 'summer of violence' in 5 Points. We lost so many young people. They decided there must be something they could do together to show their community the value of their young people, not the liability. That works remains relevant and needed today. Larry asked, "What are some of the innovations and changes YouthBiz is going through right now?" Brandy replied, "For many years we've stood on our foundations, which will not change, which include peer based leadership - young people teaching young people. We incentivize and pay financial wages to our young people. We understand they are up against the gun when it comes to what they're going to do with their after school time. Economic strife is a very real concern in their community. We combat that by paying them wages for their time and by getting them involved in actual hands-on work. We are realizing our mission by helping those young people, not just learn the skills...Listen for much more...
Related Links:
YouthBiz ||
Community Reach Channel ||
Social Entrepreneurs ||
Keywords: Brandy Bertram, YouthBiz, Youth, Community Leadership, Educational Leadership,
Entrepreneurial Leadership, CIMCO, Social Entrepreneurs - bytes=5449250 LISTEN TO: Brandy Bertram, Exec Director, YouthBiz
It is a fun, free,
Metro Denver city-wide event
1005_ 4/25/11 - What is Lemonade Day? It is a FUN, FREE, Metro Denver city-wide event, where KIDS get to MAKE and KEEP THE MONEY that they earn. Kids of all ages learn to set goals, develop a business plan, establish a budget, seek investors, sell a product, provide customer service, and give back to their community. Larry interviewed Nigel Alexander, an owner of Liberty-Bell Telecom who is a big supporter of Lemonade Day. What is it? Lemonade Day is an event that teaches kids the skills they need to be successful in the future. They will learn to set goals, develop a business plan, establish a budget, seek investors, sell a product, provide customer service, and give back to the community. Lemonade day is the perfect opportunity for a community to show kids they care, and train the next generation of entrepreneurs through a FREE, fun, engaging, experiential activity. When it is? Lemonade Day is Sunday, May 22nd, 2011. Who can participate? Youth of all ages can participate (with adult supervision!). Not only does Lemonade Day directly affect the participants, but it also affects the entire community. To register for an official Lemonade Day stand and to participate in the event, a parent or guardian must sign a consent form agreeing that a responsible adult will assist and supervise.
Who can get involved and how? Anyone and everyone can be involved in Lemonade Day! Young entrepreneurs that have lemonade stands need adult supervision, sponsors, investors, employees, and customers ...Listen for more... Related Links: Lemonade Day || Lemonade Day FAQ's || Prepared 4 Life || Liberty-Bell Telecom || CIMCO || Keywords: Nigel Alexander, Lemonade Day, Prepared 4 Life, Metro Denver, Kids, Liberty-Bell Telecom, Kids, Entrepreneurs, 4/25/11
bytes=4637991 - LISTEN to Nigel Alexander, Executive Director, Lemonade Day