Software, it makes
reliable diagnostics possible. It impacts every appliance in your home.
It guides airplanes and coordinates virtually all actions in your automobile.
It controls the national grid and monitors all financial transactions.
It is a key to our national security. It is the power behind every computer.
It = software... this Media Vault
is dedicated to "it".
Those boundaries are completely gone in 2011 943_ 12/20/10- We're talking with JB Holston, founder and CEO of Newsgator, at the DefragCon 2010 conference in Broomfield, Colorado. Recently, Newsgator has been in the news a lot, and everything is looking rosy, a good time to ask for an update. JB said, "Yes, well we're in this hot space, this category called anything from Enterprise 2.0, web 2.0 for the organization, to social business. Gartner Research came out with reports for the last three weeks saying 'An imperative for 2011 for IT is Social Business'. So that's been great, it creates a lot of PR without us having to do a whole lot." Larry asked, "Over the years, you have, and continue to deal with so many different businesses, what do you think some of the challenges are, above and beyond the economic times?" "Right. I really think to some extent it depends on the sector you're in. If you're in the technology space, finding and retaining great employees is harder than it's ever been. I think generally, organizations are trying to figure out how to keep up. Fundamentally that's the issue. As a lot of the speakers here were talking, you know, the world is a small place. We're not competing with the really great innovator in Boulder; we’re competing with someone in China." Larry comments, "I'm thinking back to interviews we've done and things that you've said, even though you're a technical business, it really revolves around the people." JB replies, "Yes, that's central to what we do. In fact, the way we talk about it is collaboration. There's a lot of software around collaboration. The definition has changed, collaboration now is considered to be all about connecting people. So the center of design today for collaboration is around the individual. It's not around some artifact. You and I need to connect in real time with a really good network. The network may be in a document, a blog or who knows what the content type is. It sounds fairly obvious, business was always about people." There's much more, listen now... Related Links: NewsGator || Gartner Research || Defrag Conference || Defrag Agenda || PodCasting Directory || Keywords: JB Holston, NewsGator, Gartner Research, DefragCon 2010, Software,
Collaboration, Network, Fundamentally Social 12/20/10 Chnl: Software bytes=4692744 LISTEN to JB Holston, Newsgator
The biggest thing is, never stop learning 944_ 12/27/10- Larry is speaking with Steve Orenstein, a keynote speaker here at the DefragCon 2010. Steve is here from Sydney, Australia, a fun and favorite stomping ground for the Nelson's when we were living in Australia. Besides speaking here at the conference, Steve's company Connect 2 Field has a booth and we've asked him to tell us about his business.S.O.: "Connect 2 Field is an application we provide to service businesses, and the whole idea is to build the application to simplify the running of the service business. So we provide our client with a customer data base to manage their customer orders and dispatching the work out to the guys in the field. In the field, they receive the information on their iPhone or Androids and those types of devices." While Steve is based out of Sydney, Australia, they have an office in London and do a lot of business here in the U.S. Most of Steve's clients are outside of Australia, S.O."... but it doesn't matter where we are, we talk to our customers using VoIP technology and software like Go-to-Meeting, so we can see what's on their screen and they can see our presentations." Larry asked Steve what he thought were the toughest challenges facing medium sized businesses today. He replied, "I think, for any company it is keeping up with the changing technology, and there is so much happening. There are a lot of things, if you're able to adapt to them, you can use to improve the way that your business operates and streamline, getting rid of inefficiencies, a part of every business. Larry asked, "In closing, Steve, what would you like to recommend to our audience? Steve's timely advice was, "That is a great question. I think the biggest thing is, never stop learning. The people that keep on adapting to new technology and keep on learning are the people that are going to be successful." ...listen, there's more... Related Links: Connect 2 Field || Defrag Conference || Defrag Agenda || Entrepreneurs || Keywords: Steve Orenstein, Connect 2 Field, DefragCon 2010, Software, Accounting App,
VoIP technology, Go-to-Meeting, iPhone, Androids, Sydney, Australia 12/27/10 Chnl: Software bytes=3348587 LISTEN to Steve Orenstein, Connect2Field at DefragCon 2010
Providing visitors with the ability to find information 942_ 12/20/10- We're talking with Brian Cheek, Director for Business Development for TigerLogic at the DefragCon 2010 conference. Brian explained, "TigerLogic has a family of database products and an application development tool as well. Over the past seven or eight years they have been leveraging their intellectual property into new and exciting technology. Two-and-a-half years ago they introduced YoLink to the market. The yolink technology really provides the ability to mine behind links. The result is visitors to web sites, or users of applications get content and context delivered to them vs. a result set of links. So research has always been the infamous ten blue links. We take search to the next level. So there is a revolutionary step on insert to where we deliver a much more enhanced search experience to a website or to an application. That means a visitor is probably going to stay on your site for a greater period of time, they're going to be happier. That can parlay into all sorts of things like in customer support or customer retention, and less calls to the support desk. So it's really an enhanced search experience where we are delivering information to the consumer vs. a list of links that they then have to try to navigate through." He went on, "The technology is available in a few different platforms. It is offered as a free browser add-on, so as a consumer you can download yo into your browser and utilize it wherever you go. So it's an application that fits in your browser, it's a personal application and you can apply it to all different types of websites and content that you're searching. An application programmer or website owner can, access our API, which is our cloud based service, and with a few lines of code make their website come alive with this rich content. It's very easy to implement and we're not asking you to change anything that you already have on your website. So if you have Google Site Search already we layer yolink right on top of it. If you're on Joomla or WordPress, we can layer the technology on all of these existing indexes, it's not a replacement, it's really an enhancement, and you're really providing the site visitor with the ability to really find information." ...listen, there's more... Related Links: TigerLogic || yolink || Defrag Conference || Defrag Agenda || Software Channel || Keywords: Brian Cheek, TigerLogic, yolink, Search, DefragCon 2010, Software,
Application Programmer, Browser 12/20/10 Chnl: Software bytes=5074759 LISTEN to Brian Cheek, Tiger Logic
Finding the newest and coolest IT toys 939_ 12/13/10- Larry sat down with Stowe Boyd, Keynote Speaker at the DefragCon 2010 conference, and discussed the future of the Internet. Stowe spends a lot of his time researching what's going on in the social web, he's been doing that for the last ten years. Part of that is working with innovative startups or more well established technology companies that are trying to build the social tools we're talking about. Larry said, "that's why they call you a futurist, and the other title on your twitter is cool hunter"? Stowe replied, "That's the guy finding the newest, coolest toys, but mostly the newest and coolest ideas or innovative technologies. In my presentation I talked about 'Social Cognition'. This is about the way we, as individuals, in fact turn out to be social at our very core. So the way that we make sense of the world, the way that we perceive the world, the judgments we make, the values that we come to hold and ultimately the behaviors that we take on is very strongly correlated to the ways in which we socialize. So that increasingly we are aware that even our thoughts are not our own. We are thinking the things that the networks around us are thinking about. They impinge on us, it's almost like gravity. So we're not totally the masters of our destiny and sometimes that's good and sometimes it's questionable." Stowe mentioned another study, and granted our audience is adult (but we have children and grandchildren) Larry asked him to share that with us. "Well there was a study recently done at Lock Haven University. The professor created a study of students using two groups, one a control group, and a second. He required that they use Twitter on a regular basis, every single day. The interesting thing was in this group the average increase in grade point average went up a half point in a 4.0 system, on the average in the class. So the question becomes what is the cause of that?" ...listen for more... Related Links: Stowe Boyd Blog || Defrag Conference || Defrag Agenda || Defrag Conference Photos || Find It All || Keywords: Stowe Boyd, Futurist, Defrag Conference, Future of the Internet, Social Web,
Social Cognition, Lock Haven University, > 12/13/10 Bytes: 9541906 LISTEN to Stowe Boyd, Social Network Behavior Expert
Social and collaborative tools within email 935_ 12/6/10- At DefragCon 2010 Larry Nelson sat down with Yaacov Cohen, Co-Founder and CEO of Mainsoft ( Yaacov is a collaboration visionary, he believes in keeping it human. Technology needs to enhance our human interactions, not consume them. Yaacov and his team have eloquently combined human interaction and technology with, which transforms email into a collaboration console. Larry asked, "This Social Email has a whole new meaning, or is it an old meaning?" Yaacov replied, "Yes, it's very interesting we all love email and we also hate email. Facebook announced the social inbox, bringing email into the social platform of Facebook. It is very interesting and what we are doing with is bringing the social platform to email. We are working with enterprise to bring the social platform to email. A year ago no one would believe this. Everyone thought email was dead, with texting, blogging and tweeting. But letters are formal and have been around since the beginning of time. Sometimes we will be using stamps and mail, but most of the time we will be using email. Mainsoft is working with enterprises to be more collaborative and social. Actually email is an important component which needs to evolve. So the question is not so much how email will die, but how it will evolve and change in order to adapt to this new world of social interaction. Most of the software companies are geeks developing software for geeks. We focus on the business user and we want to make this business user more collaborative, more social, working together for a common goal within the enterprise. The right way to do that..." He goes onto talking about how Facebook is talking about aggregating vertical ways of communication and interaction...listen for more... Related Links: by Mainsoft || Defrag Conference || Defrag Agenda || Find It All || Keywords: Yaacov Cohen, Mainsoft,, DefragCon
2010, Social Email, Social Interaction, Facebook, Google, Geeks, Social Networks, Mobile Devices > 12/6/10 bytes=5701593 Chnl: Software LISTEN to Yaacov Cohen, President, CEO and Founder Mainsoft and
Talking about information overload and data deluge 934_ 12/6/10- Even here at the conference you hear people talking about information overload or data deluge. is here at the DefragCon 2010 being held at the beautiful Omni Hotel in Broomfield, Colorado and what a conference it is. We've corralled a couple of folks from Mark Logic. If you're dealing with huge data loads that need sorting and mashing, these are the people you need to talk to. We are talking with Eric Bloch and Colleen Whitney we asked what were the challenges being faced, whether a techie or not when it comes to data. Eric said, "If you're running any kind of a business you're getting a lot of information from all sorts of sources including internal processes to external processes. It's the information you get from your customers, and some of the challenges around that are dealing with it in a way to actually make some sense of it being able to capture it all, to make decisions or analysis, all the processes, the tools and technology used are some of the challenges that we hear and some of the reasons ultimately that people start to talk to us. Relational databases have been used traditionally for the past 20+ years to manage and store data and it requires you know up front what the rows and columns are going to look like, you can't change mid stream. So if you are a business with a large volume of documents, what you have is a lot of data that are not structured in a way that relational databases are structured. If you have lots of different data that you want to search across together, you don't have to have separate databases for different document structures. It is a very powerful technology." Listen for more details... Related Links: MarkLogic || Defrag Conference || Defrag Agenda || PodCast Directory || Keywords: Eric Bloch, Colleen Whitney, Mark Logic, Defrag Conference, Database,
Relational Databases, Powerful Technology, Information Overload 12/6/10 Chnl: Software bytes=3642726 LISTEN to Eric Bloch and Colleen Whitney, Mark Logic at DefragCon 2010
Integrating Timelines & Goals with Data 932_ 11/29/10- We're here at DefragCon 2010 speaking with Liz Pearce, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Liquid Planner. Liz is leading a panel titled "Integrating Timelines & Goals with the Data & Docs of Social Space." Liz explained, "The panel covered management in general. There's been a lot of talk at Defrag about how we protect the data, how we analyze data and what it means to be social in the enterprise on this panel we will get a little more tactical, and talk about how we actually translate that to management." Liz expanded on the topic, "Historically project managers have been a central point of contact and really the gatekeepers to the plan. The result is the plans are usually really dense. Once you create the initial schedule you rarely have time to revisit and keep it up to date. Essentially there is a disconnect between the reality of the work being done and what the original plan was. Where we want to take project management is to a living document where people are updating it every day as part of their normal workflow. By doing that, the plan that people are looking at reflects reality in a more accurate way. Of course, as Larry points out, 'this isn't social networking but business networking'. Now you have a record of the communication tied to the project itself and not just a record of the tasks. One man's team is another man's company... it's really flexible and can be structured to fit the way you work." Listen, there's more... Related Links: Liquid Planner || Defrag Conference || Defrag Agenda || Software Channel || Economy Builders || Keywords: Liz Pearce, Liquid Planner, Defrag, Project Managers, Business Networking,
Entrepreneurs, Collaborative Planning - 11/29/10 bytes:3100424 Chnl: Entrepreneurs LISTEN to Liz Pearce, VP Sales & Marketing, Liquid Planner
Exploring the technologies that intersect around the data deluge 920_ 11/1/10- Win a free Defrag Conference ticket. Larry talked with Eric Norlin who began organizing technology conferences in 1999 (the same year Larry and Pat launched Eric's team points out that the Defrag Conference is about Accelerating the “aha” moment. Eric pointed out, "We live in a deluge of data. Our companies, coworkers, communities and selves are looking to more effectively and efficiently, harness, leverage and interact around and with the data that we swim in. Defrag is about exploring the tools and technologies that intersect around the data deluge. As such, Defrag is concerned with topics like: • Big Data • Analytics • Business Intelligence • Enterprise 2.0/Social Computing • Semantic Web • Social Media • Community management • Next Level Discovery • Social Marketing & CRM. At Defrag, we’ll combine strategic keynotes from authoritative voices with tactical, on the ground implementation steps. Eric began organizing technology conferences in 1999. In 2002, he became an owner and organizer of Digital ID World, which was acquired by IDG via a joint venture in 2005. More recently, he founded SaaScon (Software as a Services conference) in conjunction with IDG World Expo. Eric's foray into technology began when his father brought home a Commodore 64 (father became a computer programmer after being a minister…), evolved into work with the National Security Agency, and transitioned into roles running content for technology conferences, writing articles for technology publications and serving as a vice president of marketing at an identity technology startup (Ping Identity). Eric, the founder of Defrag is donating a free ticket for the 2-day conference on November 17 – 18 at the Omni. Just send in an email to and put Defrag on the subject line and we’ll draw for the winning name. Tell your techie friends. Listen for more information and how Brad Feld, managing director of the Foundry Group came up with an idea that lead the way for the Defrag Conference idea… You’ll also here why they are not moving it to California and why it is staying in Colorado. Listen now, there's much more.. Related Links: Defrag Conference || Defrag Agenda || Software Channel || Podcasting Directory || Keywords: Eric Norlin, Defrag Conference, Semantic Web, Social Media, Community management, Next Level Discovery, Social Marketing, CRM, Brad Feld
11/1/10 bytes: 5746732 Listen to: Eric Norlin, Founder, Defrag Conference
Brad Feld; Software Patent Tipping Point 901_ 9/27/10- Larry talked with Brad Feld, Managing Director of the Foundry Group. Brad has been an early stage investor and entrepreneur for over 20 years. Prior to co-founding Foundry Group, he co-founded Mobius Venture Capital and, prior to that, founded Intensity Ventures. They discussed a very dicey topic, software patents. Brad started out with, "I want to make it clear that my point of view is only about software and business method patents. I really don't have a strong point of view about other types of patents. I think there is plenty of validity in the patent system, there's a role for the patent system, I think. For things outside of software and business methods, I haven't spent enough time intellectually working through them to have a strong point of view. On software patents specifically and business methods more broadly, I think they are invalid constructs. I think they are massive retardants on innovation; not things that protect and support, enhance or encourage innovation, which of course, is the point of the patent system in the first place. Brad has been very public and vocal about anti software patents for awhile, dating back to 1980's when he was in graduate school at MIT. It was the very beginning of the dynamics around business method patents and software patents just beginning to emerge - It was very loudly discussed that copyright and trade secret were more than adequate intellectual property protection and in fact viewed that software wasn't a valid construct to be patented, anymore than you can patent math or other algorithmic type things. About five years ago, especially as open source had become a mainstream thrust, and had demonstrated clearly that open source did not stifle innovation and that there were lots of different ways to monetize software even in the context of an open source universe. And then in fact, software that was not open source was even more protected without having to have any construct around patent. It's been very interesting over the past five years, to watch a number of people, both in the software industry and lawyers that have been in and around the patent system change their points of view to be anti software patent." Whether you are a leader or in the trenches, listen to this discussion... Related Links: Foundry Group || Brad's Blog || Venture Capital History || Channel Link to More || S Patent and Trademark Office || Keywords: Brad Feld, Patents, Entrepreneur, Venture Capital, Funding, Portfolio Companies, Investing, Foundry Group, Intellectual Property - 9/27/10 bytes: 9803026 Listen to: Brad Feld, Managing Director, Foundry Group
Tremendous IT shift over the past ten years 900_ 92/7/10- Here are some important ideas for leaders, entrepreneurs and techies. We're back to talk about Fourth Edition UNIX and LINUX System Administration Handbook. Larry sat down and had a face-to-face discussion with Trent Hein co-author along with Ned McClain CTO, Applied Trust Engineering and one of the contributing authors of this book. This is the 20th anniversary edition. "Wow 20 years of effectively working on the same project and I have to say the changes we've seen since this book came out in 1989 is amazing," said Trent. They've unified actually two trains of this book together. The Linux System Administration Handbook and the Unix System Administration Handbook are now one in this edition. Trent pointed out that more than 70% of the text has changed from the previous edition, which was the Third Edition released in 2000. Ned said, "That has been a tremendous shift over the past ten years. In 2000 there were many organizations, corporations and enterprises that thought that open source was risky or not necessarily a good fit, that they had to have a commercial solution. Over the past ten years any questions about if LINUX or open source quality and acceptable for the enterprise, those questions have gone. Now the leading web enterprises out there, you name it, Twitter, FaceBook, they all depend on LINUX and open source technologies. Even Fortune 500 companies, there is no question that open source is appropriate for business." Trent pointed out, "There is confusion about the difference between UNIX and LINUX. UNIX came up originally from Bell Labs and then was developed quite extensively at the University of California at Berkeley. At that point they tried to make it open source, free and available to everyone. At the time what was left at Bell Labs, AT&T the parent company, tried to hug UNIX to death. They filed lawsuits to prevent it from being open source - and right at the time that LINUX was up and coming." "we have five authors on this book. Evi Nemeth has been the lead author on this book since 1989. She is sailing in Tonga, and our heart goes out to Evi, her home in Sunshine Canyon burned to the ground in the Four Mile fire here in Boulder. Then myself, Ben Whaley, Ben is our Director of Enterprise Architecture.; our CTO, Ned McClain and then we also have Terry Morreale, our Director of Client Services."
There's much more.... Related Links: UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook || FREE Tech Fest RSVP || 2010 Honoree Announcement || Dear Ned Channel || Women in IT || Applied Trust || Book Release Party || Keywords: Trent Hein, Ned McClain, UNIX, Linux, System, Handbook, Evi Nemeth, Ben Whaley, Terry Morreale, Open Source, Twitter, FaceBook, 9/27/10 bytes: 6095624
Listen to: Trent Hein and Ned McClain, Applied Trust Engineering
867_ 7/12/10 - The voice of 18,000 teachers and industry representatives Pat, Lary and their daughter Kisten attended the ISTE (The International Society for Technology in Education) at the Colorado Convention Center with 18,000 teachers and industry representatives from around the country, and in fact from around the world attended. This is the largest educational conference in the country. Spread over four days with booths, demonstrations and multiple tracks, this conference covered the entire Colorado Convention Center, three floors. We stopped to visit organizations we knew, NCWIT the National Center for Women and Information Technology and then for this interview we went up to the quiet, closed, private interview rooms provided by our guests, Ray Kelly, president and CEO of Certiport and Don Field, Microsoft Certification program. You'll note when listening to this that 18,000 people were not whispering. And indeed, this conference might very well have registered on the Richter Scale, down in Boulder. We interviewed Certiport's CEO Ray Kelly and Senior Director of Microsoft Certification Programs Don Field. Certiport is the leading provider of certification exam development, delivery and program management services which include practice tests via MeasureUp® delivered through an expansive network of over 10,000 testing centers worldwide. Certiport manages a sophisticated portfolio of leading certification programs. MOS 2010 will impact the academic community by: Allowing students to experience greater success in the classroom and enter the workforce with an important advantage over other job candidates; Giving teachers a powerful tool for measuring and developing digital literacy among their students, while earning their own certification for professional development; Strengthening academic institutions with relevant, state-of-the-art learning and cost-effective solutions so students can develop skills they will need in the workplace...listen for more... Related Links: Microsoft Learning || Certiport || MOS 2010 || NCWIT Home || Keywords: Don Field, Microsoft Certification Program, Ray Kelly, Certiport, NCWI,
ISTE, The International Society for Technology in Education, 7/12/10 Chnl: Software bytes: 7831617 Listen to: Ray Kelly, Certiport and Don Field, Microsoft
704_ Disrupting the Conference Call Market – Gold Systems does it Again Until now it has not been practical for companies to host their own conference calls with any kind of scale, so conferencing service providers have thrived — and your costs have exploded. Traditional conference companies are paid for every minute that each person is on the call. Larry talked with Terry Gold, co-founder of Gold systems about the big changes in that industry. Gold Systems just released their new Conference Server. This is a new conference call product built on top of Microsoft Office Communications Server. Terry shared some great ideas for any entrepreneur as it relates to selling your product or surviving in this economic environment. "Yes, you know we've been through this before, my service anniversary was July 4th, 18 years, and so we've seen a few tough times. When this one happened, and I'll pin it back in October, that's when we saw a big change in incoming orders and the way customers were talking, and we realized it couldn't be business as usual. We were thinking of a new product at that time and made the conscious decision that we had to think of it from a customer's point of view - 'what would make it easy for them to say yes'. We think Unified Communications is part of that, in fact we sometimes think of this as a Trojan horse. Back in October we were thinking, wow, is now the time to go in and try to convince a company to rip out their old PBX's and replace it with something new and kind of unknown? We thought, No. " There are a number of specific ideas ...listen for more... Related Links: Gold Systems || Conference Server || Feld Thoughts || Podcast Directory || Keywords: Terry Gold, Gold Systems, Conference Call Market, Conference Server,
Unified Communications, Microsoft Office Communications > Channel: Software 6233759 bytes - 8/3/09 LISTEN
516_ Technology and Democracy Evolved to
Universal Access to Knowledge" "The year we had the program 'To the Stars' (which Scott Brown's wife Karen designed), and we decided to focus in on the technology that was going to take us to the stars, which is where we all believe human beings need to go...." Scott Brown and Sarah McClain discuss both the beginning of the Telluride Tech Festival as well as what we can expect at the premier event August 1 & 2. Scott reflecting back said, "Our honorees that year included Arthur Clark, Jill Tarter and Lewis Branscomb, Charlie Towns, Freeman Dyson. And at one point during the program, we had on stage all these people - Nobel Prize winners, the leading physicist in the world , Willis Branscomb was the science advisor to three presidents, Jill Tarter heads up SETI. We got everyone up on stage and then for our surprise guest, Neil Armstrong! What we had done with this was to close this whole circle of putting Neil on the moon, in that Arthur Clark was giving the commentary on TV while Neil was setting foot on the moon and Lewis Branscomb was sitting with and explaining to President Lyndon Johnson, what was happening... and it was just a thrill that still sends chills up my spine." Sarah highlighted some aspects of Tech Fest 2008, "This year's broad theme of technology and democracy, evolved to "Universal Access to Knowledge". We've got three confirmed honorees this year, Kirstie L. Bellman, Ph.D., is a Principal Scientist in the Computer Systems Division and head of the Aerospace Integration Sciences Center (AISC) and we also have Brewster Kahle who is director and cofounder of Archive-dot-org, which is one of the largest digital archives in the world. We also have Ted Selker who is associate professor, MIT, for the last 10 years. He's done a lot of research ranging from notebook computers to operating systems and a lot of people may know the red trackball mouse on a laptop computer is something he created." Related Links: Telluride Tech Festival || Early Bird Tickets || Software Channel || Applied Trust || Keywords: Scott Brown, Sarah McClain, Telluride Tech Festival,
Universal Access to Knowledge, Kirstie Bellman, Brewster Kahle, Ted Selker - Bytes: 775549 LISTEN 6/30/08
510_ They Were Ready to Market Until They Hit the TechStars Homebase "Suddenly we realized, wow, Ignighter really needs some work. OK so we realized we had to revisit what we originally thought was great. Some parts are still great and some parts need changing," were sentiments shared by Ignighter cofounders Adam Sachs, Kevin Owocki and Dan Osit. They are one of the TechStars top ten 2008 startup companies. They have a whole new twist on an age-old topic and surprised Larry a number of times. Their mantra is... "Ignighter! Don't date alone!" "Friend's don't let friends date alone!" "Dating is more fun, and more casual and less awkward in a group atmosphere with Ignighter!" "Going back to our theme of thinking we had it all figured out until we got here, this is another question that goes to that same theme. We're from the east coast, the company's from New York, and we thought we'll come out here and after the summer and this amazing experience, 100% we'll go back to New York and continue the business there. Now, we've been here for almost three weeks – only, and the network that we've built is vastly superior to our network in New York and we worked there for six or eight months. -It's a different environment too. It's a very collaborative environment here. Everyone pushes for one another and everyone wants to see the other company succeed, which is really a great thing. We're basically going to play it by ear." At TechStars they met people from Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and Microsoft and also have daily sessions with top-flight mentors. Listen for more... Related Links: Ignighter || TechStars Blog || Colorado Startups || Radio Blog || Keywords:Ignighter, Tech Stars, Colorado Startups, Adam Sachs,
Kevin Owocki, Dan Osit, Funding, Business - Bytes: 11298171 LISTEN 6/23/08
506_ Is There a Downside to Being Focused on Innovation? HP Story:
"Organizations have been putting video cameras up for a long period of time. They’re in retail places, public places. Historically they did that for security reasons, to catch bad people doing bad things. What they realized over time, is there is a lot of rich valuable information that is contained on that video. If I could actually see what's going on in the stores I can use that information to improve how I operate. I could use it to improve how the customers flow thru the facilities and I could improve the way that I run that business," says Matt Steinfort, President & CEO, Envysion. Larry and Matt talked about 'Managed Video as a Service' and innovation. Envysion recently won the 2008 CSIA Apex Award for Product Innovation. Matt went on...Envysion recently won the CSIA Apex Award for Product Innovation. He said, "Take it from the perspective of the person who manages 5 or 10 or 15 stores. What we do is we give them the ability to virtually be in 10-15, 20 stores a day unannounced, unnoticed so they can see in an unfiltered way what's going on in their operation. Then you take the corporate perspective. Take someone in marketing... say you just released a new product into a fast casual restaurant that had 1000 locations and you wanted to know who was buying that product. Financial institutions are interesting... Related Links: Envysion || Managed Video Blog || CSIA APEX Awards || Calendar || Keywords: Matt Steinfort, Envysion, Managed Video, CSIA Apex Award,
Innovation, Bytes: 10858060 LISTEN 6/16/08
489_ Green IT Infrastructure Costs Less:
Bigger is not Better Green IT infrastructure costs less and improves the health of our planet. Trent Hein co-founder of Applied Trust and CEO and Ned McClain, co-founder and CTO talk about the proactive steps Applied Trust has taken to implement a Green IT infrastructure and take that even a step further and call it EcoInfrastructure. Everyone knows that with today’s high cost of data center real estate, the increasing cost of energy, and your company’s desire to be more eco-friendly, infrastructure is on everyone’s mind. Trent and Ned discussed specific tactics and strategies for taking steps to building a Green IT infrastructure. Here are five key points: 1) Bigger is not better 2) Consolidate 3) Server virtualization 4) Organizational philosophy 5) Reduce the waste stream. Applied Trust engineers will work closely with your staff to ensure that a thorough assessment is conducted. All assessment recommendations will be presented in an actionable manner, such that network and system administrators can use the document as a guide for mitigation. Here are some results you can expect: • Reduced capital costs • Stronger bottom line through significantly reduced operating costs (including reduced energy consumption and reduced system administration labor) • Support for the environment • Improved employee morale and workplace environment • Improved corporate image as a “green business,” which can provide a marketing or recruiting edge. Listen Now... Related Links: Applied Trust (ATE) || Women in IT || Conscious Economy Channel || Safe Surfing || BYTES: 21668156 - 5/12/08 >
Keywords: Trent Hein, Ned McClain, Applied Trust, ATE, EcoInfrastructure,
Green IT
329_ It sounds tecnical, but what isn’t today? Here’s a technical best-seller, written by 3 key experts: Evi Nemeth; Garth Snyder; Trent Hein along with 10 key contributors…all experts. This 1000-page book, "LINUX Administration Handbook" (Second Edition),has a cartoon on the cover (and drawings throughout), easyto understand with readable information and a special section for non IT managers so they understand what is going on and how to be an effective manager in this arena. IT loves this second edition because of the critical contents that are easy to reference and are now getting support from management rather than pushback. It started in 1988. Setting the standard of excellence, translated into 20 languages, and is revolutionizing IT as we know it. Related Links: Applied Trust || Book Press Release || Amazon || Blog || Channels: Software > Keywords: Evi Nemeth; Garth Snyder; Trent Hein, LINUX, IT managers, LINUX Administration Handbook > Bytes: 6199696 LISTEN 6/18/07
Here's a winning two semester sequence in which teams of students complete a substantial "real world"
project provided by sponsors drawn from both industry and research organizations. These projects are
developed under the direction of the course instructor (Bruce Sanders, Director of Software Engineering
Projects) and members of the sponsoring organization (Applied Trust Engineering with founders, Trent Hein
and Ned McClain). Here are the stages they go through: Initial Requirements, The student team interacts
with the sponsor to gather requirements for the software that they are to develop. This first step
involves a rather quick, but thorough, job of gathering Initial Requirements...and then System
Architecture; Overview Presentation; Prototyping; Requirements Spec; Design Spec; Design Presentation;
Development; Documentation; Final Presentation; Release...Listen to the 5-person student team.
Applied Trust is excited about the deliverable. 2/04/08 LISTEN
416_ Think Like a Hacker and We Can Beat Them Most people don’t think like hackers. Today’s hacker isn’t the hobbyist or the kid taking a break from his Xbox. Now it’s a criminal and they just don’t give up – they work through the night until they break in. Roxanne (Roxy) Podlogar, VP Commercial Services, SysTest and Ron Wood, director of Business Development for our Security Practice, he’s certified CISSP cover issues from misperceptions to firewalls; from wireless to credit card fraud. Ron explains, "Here's an example of a a misperception. You put your firewall up and you feel safe. But once the wall is compromised, your applications are wide open. There are various ways to get through and that could be as easy as you open Port 80, the standard http access. When you open your website to customers on the Internet, it’s open doors. You’ve just opened a window to your application, so you want to know that your application is secure. It’s not enough just to have a firewall; you have to harden your application. It’s got to be hardened all the way through, your barriers of defense. First you build a wall, then you harden your apps, make a hardened OS all the way down to your desktop. I mean everything needs to be hardened." Larry cringed when he heard that one. There are many famous cases such as the TJ Maxx horror story. In that example over 45 million credit card user data was stolen. There was more money made and stolen in that one transaction than every bank robbery across the last 10 years. Ron and Roxy share some very important strategies. Related Links: SysTest Labs || Hi-Tech Heist - CBS News || Cyber Security Channel || Software Channel || Keywords:Systest Labs, Ron Wood, Roxanne Podlagar, Firewall, TJ Maxx, CISSP, 12/3/07 Bytes: 27128563 LISTEN
Clients and customers today are expecting (demanding) relevant response time to questions and problems points out John Krzykowski, General Manager of Workplace2Go. There are a lot of hassles, installing the software – updates – the hardware goes bad, something breaks, you’ve got to bring in something new – reload all the software onto that new device. It’s a lot of expense that isn’t really necessary and there are alternatives. There is quite a history about different attempts to solve this challenge. John says there is quite a buzz about On-Demand Software, (aka: Software as a Service - SaaS) and higher software costs, upgrading necessities, down time and consumer demand are pushing this to the next level. With Workplace2go, subscribe to a name-brand business software and be free to use it from any internet-connected PC, plus: Pay only for what you need as long as you need it. One log-in, one support call, one credit card for billing. Leave upgrades and other software management headaches to us. No contracts, No minimum order, and first month free. John also they seeing in the venture capital community, that well over half the software companies that are receiving money are in the on-demand space. So the merchandise, if we use the retail analogy, is going to grow significantly. Information is the foundation for many businesses and the ability to access information from any location is critical in today’s highly competitive environment. Whether your employees are on the road or working from home, they need secure easy access to information. Related Links: Work Place to GO || 19 Market Place || Computer World || INC || CIO - SaaS ||Keywords:WorkPlace to GO, On-Demand Software, 19 Market Place, John Krzykowski, Software as a Service, SaaS >> 11/26/07 Bytes: 26486390> LISTEN
390_SpitFire Group (DT): The Winners and the LosersPart 1 of 2 In 1942 the noted economist Joseph Schumpeter described the process of Creative Destruction. In his vision of capitalism, entrepreneurs would be encouraged via the use of new technology and ideas to replace, even crush, products, services, and indeed whole industries and economies. Spitfire Group Mark Richtermeyer & Kimberly Lucas, co-founders of the Spitfire Group and producers of the new "Disruptive Technology" Channel on point out that the word disruptive often implies a negative connotation. To those people whose lives are severely changed or impacted by a disruptive technology, there can certainly be negative impacts, but as a whole, disruptive technologies are meant to create a better standard of living for society as a whole. The way we view Disruptive Tech is thru the theory that new ideas in technology will negatively impact and even crush other technologies, industries and even in some cases, entire economies. Larry asked, "Does this mean disruptive technologies are bad?" Mark answered, "Well they are for some people. You always have to be inventing, or reinventing or adjusting the way you do business to make sure you stay on the forefront of where your market is going." LISTEN Part 1 of 2 Published 10/8/2007
391_ Discover and Invent Your Own Disruptive Technology (DT)Part 2 of 2 Today part of the entrepreneurial process is ‘disruptive technology’. It disrupts businesses, processes and industries, or the way in which people or businesses interact with each other. Mark Richtermeyer & Kimberly Lucas, co-founders of the Spitfire Group and producers of the new "Disruptive Technology" Channel on point out various examples of Disruptive Technology such as Google and Yahoo. They have impacted ways that marketing is executed, have wide reaching impacts in several industries such as news print and television. How do companies accomplish this? Managers have to do a few key things right. First, they have to provide an innovative environment and culture. They need to create businesses where the idea is to come up with new ideas where people won’t be afraid to take risks, and to find new ways to do things. They also have to stay close to their customers – understand what they want and how they want to get it. Pay attention to your competitors and to market trends. We’ve also developed these ‘Agile Methodologies’ into our business that allows us to reprioritize the business requirements on a regular basis. The lengths of time in which we do that, are getting shorter and shorter all the time. LISTENPart 2 of 2 Published 10/15/2007 ( LISTEN Part 1 of 2 Published 10/8/2007) Related Links: Spitfire Group || Creative Destruction || Software Channel || PodCast Directory || Find It || Keywords:Disruptive Technology, Spitfire Group, Mark Richtermeyer, Kimberly Lucas, Bottom-line > Bytes: 10916156 > 10/8/07LISTEN Part 2 of 2
Trent Hein and Ned McClain, co-founders of Applied Trust discuss one of the scariest Internet subjects we have ever heard. They talk about the topic in a way that business people can understand and gives your IT staff some geart security ideas.
Their number one suggestion is to
check the Open Web Application Security Project or OWASP. "These guys publish a lot of interesting information about what’s going on with application security on the web. They publish a Top 10 Vulnerability list. The 2007 list is out and anyone who has a web site, large or small, should be aware of what’s on this list. There's also a wonderful guide that talks through how to mitigate and address the top ten vulnerabilities in your environment.
In 2007, Cross site scripting aka XSS, has risen to the number one spot of the top ten web security vulnerabilites. Sites that allow users to post content to the site might mean that a bad guy could post malicious code to the site.
No. 2 Threat: Injection Flaws. A lot of web sites have a data base behind them and any of those servers speak a language that you can use to say, “Hey, I would like to get information from the data base, or I’d like to put information into the data base.” This has been used for a whole variety of exploits.
No. 3 Malicious File Execution, really means having good website hygiene. Demo files that came with your computer, or a sample application should be cleaned up so that a ‘bad guy’ can’t take advantage of that file and take control of your computer.
329_ It sounds tecnical, but what isn’t today? Here’s a technical best-seller, written by 3 key experts: Evi Nemeth; Garth Snyder; Trent Hein along with 10 key contributors…all experts. This 1000-page book, "LINUX Administration Handbook" (Second Edition), has a cartoon on the cover (and drawings throughout), easy to understand with readable information and a special section for non IT managers so they understand what is going on and how to be an effective manager in this arena. IT loves this second edition because of the critical contents that are easy to reference and are now getting support from management rather than pushback. It started in 1988. Setting the standard of excellence, translated into 20 languages, and is revolutionizing IT as we know it.Related Links: Applied Trust || Book Press Release || Amazon || Blog || Channels: Software > Keywords: Evi Nemeth; Garth Snyder; Trent Hein, LINUX, IT managers, LINUX Administration Handbook > Bytes: 6199696 LISTEN 6/18/07
Imagine you buy a software company. The transaction is completed. There’s a knock on your door. A stranger is here to confirm that you are not in breach of his ‘open source software license’. You call your attorney for help. That’s where Jason Haislmaier, HRO, enters the scene. He is recognized by many as the “Open Source Legal Guru” in Colorado. When we asked how he got into this field? his reply was direct and to the point. "Simply put, I was driven by client need."
Having earned an engineering degree prior to law school, Jason has a natural affitinity and appreciation for the technical issues he handles today. "As a software vendor, it's not uncommon to have your software product comprised of software that you've developed in-house, that you would consider proprietary, perhaps third party software that you've licensed in, and from open source software, and it's all working together. It is that comingling or interaction of the softwares that, from a legal standpoint, creates some of the stickier areas under the open source license. Even if you're not a vendor, if you're a data center, it's the same thing.
"Open source software, at its core, is licensed. Licenses can be breached and that can create liability; and in come the lawyers. And that’s where a lot of the legal aspects of open source come about. It’s very difficult to talk about open source software without talking about the legal aspects of open source software.
292_ Looking Grim: “A State of Internet Security” Part 1 of 2 Your computer, money, and other assets might be controlled by others (the percentages are high)…and they are not your friends. There is a whole financial ecosystem that is behind this growing problem. T J Maxx being among the more recent targets, 100s of thousands of personal credit cards being compromised over an 18 month period, as the information was leaked out in whatever form they used – "This was classic use of spyware, installed that then captured information, and gradually leaked out the data. Done surreptitiously – not a virus like attack. The new CEO of Webroot, Peter Watkins and CFO, Josh Pace define the traps and tell us how we can avoid the growing dilemma. Related Links: Webroot || State of Internet Security || Cyber Security || Safe Surfing || Keywords: Spyware, Anti Virus, Peter Watkins, Josh Pace, Webroot, Security, Internet Security, Software || Channels: Security, Software || Bytes: 5446324 LISTEN 4/9/07 Part 1 of 2
295_ Drive by Downloads: Security is Too ComplicatedPart 2 of 2 Take the 360° Look – Block, Detect and Remove threats. Viruses are Internet graffiti, trying to get your attention, Spyware is not ! First and foremost you’d like to prevent any malicious code from getting on to your system. If we identify a code that is trying to get onto your system, we can block it, that’s the first step. Secondly if some code has already found its way onto your system it becomes very important to detect everything that might be on your system. The third piece is extremely important, because you want to be able to remove it. Some of these malicious codes are very sophisticated. The removal is a very complicated and important process. The new CEO of Webroot, Peter Watkins and CFO, Josh Pace explain all three dicey pieces. Related Links: Webroot || State of Internet Security || Cyber Security || Safe Surfing || Software|| Keywords: > Channels:Save Surfing || Software > Bytes: 7716470 >> LISTEN 4/16/07
290_ Open Source Tech: Myth, Malady or Miracle? A panel discussion about Re-Examining Open Source and Community Development was held at the University of Colorado School of Law. Is this today's fad or rather a fundamental new model for the future of innovation and ideas? Panelist include Paul Ohm (moderator) Associate Professor, University of Colorado School of Law; Jason Haislmaier, Partner, Holme, Roberts, and Owen; Sue Kunz, CEO and Founder, Solidware Technologies; Stormy Peters, Director of Community and Partner Programs, OpenLogic. Related Links: SFTP || Conference || CTP Channel || Event Photos|| Channel: CTP || Keywords: SFTP, Open Source, Sue Kunz, Paul Ohm, Jason Haislmaier, HRO, Stormy Peters > Bytes 13667790 LISTEN 4/2/07
233Policy, Politics and Privilege; the IT Infrastructure Challenge Most managers do not understand the difference between UNIX and LINUX, but they should. That knowledge could be the difference between a company horror story and success. Trent Hein and Ned McClain, co-founders of Applied Trust Engineering who also co-authored the, "LINUX Administration Handbook" (Second Edition) and include critical sections written especially for non IT managers who can gain an understanding what is going to happen when they turn over the keys to the systems administrator. Bytes: 6930393 > LISTEN 1/1/07 235Call a Spade a Spade or You'll Lose More than the Game Trent Hein and Ned McClain, co-founders of Applied Trust Engineering who also co-authored the, "LINUX Administration Handbook" (Second Edition) include critical sections written especially for non IT managers who can gain an understanding what is going to happen when they turn over the keys to the systems administrator. It's frustrating for the management team when they don't have a handle on what the IT department is doing. It's also frustrating for the IT folks when they do not get management support. Related Links: Applied Trust || Book Press Release || Community Support || Book Details || Keywords: Applied Trust, Trent Hein, Ned McClain, LINUX Administration Handbook, Systems Administrator, IT Infrastructure|| Bytes: 6526644 > LISTEN 1/8/07 - Part 2 of 2
208_ Three Focused Recommendations for Entrepreneurs In the middle of high-tech chaos, Applied Trust opened its doors in 2001. Trent Hein and Ned McClain cofounders of Applied Trust shared with Pat and Larry Nelson three of their golden nuggets that every organization should apply. Applied Trust is extremely successful and growing. They have incorporated a Culture of Giving throughout the company. One size doesn't fit all, word of mouth and adapting are three keys. Three additional and unusual pieces of advice will make the difference.
*** Thanks to Applied Trust for sponsoring our Safe Surfing Channel...we couldn't do it without them.> Related Links: Applied Trust Home || ATE Philanthropy || Event Photos || Safe Surfing ||Keywords: Applied Trust, Engineering, Trent Hein, Ned McClain, IT, Entrepreneurs, UNIX, Linux, Community - 11/13/06 LISTEN - Bytes 4880408
209_ David Moll, Webroot - Changing Times, Changing Roles The Webroot story at times seemed like a fairytale and at other times seemed like a horror story. The award winning Spy Sweeper took the big anti virus companies by surprise. David Moll, CEO and president, also a multi-award winner got surprised when he first joined Webroot in 2002 because the financial foundation was hit hard. David and Josh Pace, CFO, discuss what happened, why it happened and the little-known true story that could benefit all entrepreneurs. Yes, more changes for David Moll.> Related Links: Webroot || Software Channel || Webroot Press Release || Spyware Savvy || Keywords: Webroot, Spy Sweeper, Spyware, Anti-virus, Identity Theft, David Moll, Joshua Pace - 11/13/06 LISTEN - Bytes 8957181 2- Part Interview... 214_ Big-Time Changes in All Respects at Webroot
In February 2003 there were 100 known spywares that were able to be detected and removed. Today that number has grown to over 200,000.The Webroot Phileas robot visits 10,000 websites per second to detect spyware challenges. That is a huge change and there are other changes coming to the Webroot family. A new partnership with Sophos adds anti-virus protection along with the powers of Spysweeper. David Moll, CEO and president, Josh Pace, CFO, discuss the role change for David. > Related Links: Top 10 Threats || About Phileas || Webroot || Software Channel || Webroot Press Release || Spyware Savvy || Keywords: Webroot, Spy Sweeper, Spyware, Anti-virus, Identity Theft, David Moll, Joshua Pace, Sophos - 11/20/06 LISTEN - Bytes 7706439
212_ Is Web 2.0 a Myth, Maladay or a Miracle?
It's all about the user experience, points out Ani Babaian, Developer Evangelist for Microsoft. In the recent past, the Web offered catalogue pages that were static, one-way experiences. Today there are millions of weblogs on literally every topic you can imagine. Yes there are challenges and corporate concerns, but more and more people and companies are embracing this inevitable wave that allows everyone to share points of view, rank products, ask questions and be part of the user experience.> Related Links: Microsoft Vista website || Blog || Ani's Blog || Software Chanel || Keywords: Vista, Microsoft, Ani Babaian, Live, Office, Exchange, Web 2.0, Blogs, User Experience - 11/20/06 LISTEN - Bytes 4893782
207_ Focusing on Near-term Profitability and Cash Flow With a churn rate next to nothing, long-term customers that continue to grow, one might ask where did they get the silver spoon? Roy Dimoff ; Co-founder, CEO, Chairman and Nancy Phillips; Co-founder, COO, Director of ViaWest launched the company in 1999 and after a good start, saw the high-tech sector go through the infamous 'bubble' while numerous competitors went out of business. Some of ViaWest's customers needed some 'above the call of duty' support, and they got it. Here's a risk that paid off.> Related Links: ViaWest || Software Channel || Management Bios || Find It || Keywords: Viawest, Roy Dimoff, Nancy Phillips, Hosting, Colocation, Redundancy, Security - 11/13/06 LISTEN - Bytes 6097714
205_ User Experience that Buys Back More Time
We all remember Windows 95, then 98 and onto others including what was recently the latest, XP-2. Now there is Vista, an operating system that works with the Mac and Microsoft platforms and… was specifically architected with the notion that people would break in. Up until now, all the operating systems were evolutionary developments whereas Vista is a revolutionary platform developed from scratch points out Ani Babaian, Developer Evangelist for Microsoft and has partnered with Fujitsu LOVE Gurus to provide expert Vista content at a free seminar using the new Windows Vista and Office 2007. Related Links: VISTA Install Fest || Microsoft Vista website || WITI Summit || Ani's Blog|| > 11/06/06 LISTEN - Bytes 6177962 - Keywords: Vista, Microsoft, Ani Babaian, Live, Office, Exchange, Web 2.0, Fujitsu, Neudesic
204_ The New Award Winning Mantra is Time to Money
The average car has 35 million lines of code in it, with 100+ million lines of code in a high-end car. Really good code has one error for every thousand lines of code. Do the math and you might feel very nervous about how you are getting to work, points out Susan Kunz, CEO and Founder of Solidware Technologies. Today’s software development teams face twin dilemmas of exponentially increasing complexity and scale. It is more important than ever that developers deliver the right code the first time and that's what Susan says is 'time to money'.
Susan is a keynote panelist at the Rockies Venture Annual Fall Finance Forum. Related Links: Solidware Website || Software Channel || IQ Award Photos || 11/06/06 LISTEN- Bytes 4398292 - Keywords: SolidWare, Susan Kunz, IQ Awards, Software, Code, Time to Market, Time to Money
188_ Getting 54 Volunteers to Work on a Single Goal In addition to Jim Fairchild, Director of Marketing and Events for CSIA there were 54 volunteers that pulled everything together for the second year DEMOgala. Over 700 people turned up for this Colorado Tech Week event. King Nelson was one of the volunteers and both Jim and King shared their experiences. This event had 37 different innovative companies demonstrating their latest and greatest. They represented new companies just getting started as well as those that were venturing into new and exciting areas. > 10/09/06 LISTEN Keywords: DEMOgala, CSIA, Colorado Tech Week, Jim Fairchild, King Nelson, Volunteers, Nanotechnology, Aerospace, Robotics
176_ Companies that Think They are Secure are into Denial Starting a new high-tech venture in 2000 seemed right on. Mitchell Ashley, CTO and VP of Customer Experience and Alan Shimel, Chief Strategy Officer of of Still Secure compare the challenges of today's startups compared to then and highlight some important keys. Some of their points are controversial, some common sense, but all need to be considered. They suggest that you need to show real traction and be realistic about your needs and forecast before raising money. > LISTEN 9/18/06 180_ Does Technology Support or Hinder Good Customer Service? Customer servive interviews are a very important component in growing their business claims Mitchell Ashley, CTO and VP of Customer Experience and Alan Shimel, Chief Strategy Officer of of Still Secure. The Still Secure office and development center is housed at the Mobius Venture Capital complex, but they don't take that for granted any more than they do their customers. They have received a number of awards and have some very good advice for organizations that are planning on expanding. Part 2 of 2 .>LISTEN 9/25/06
169_ East & West Duke it Out - While Colorado Has Fun "In Colorado a handshake is a deal," claims Trent Hein and Ned McClain co-founders of Applied Trust. Quality of life, passion and the great outdoors are Colorado descriptors but Applied Trust has taken that to a whole new level. These techies extraordinaire, have incorporated a 'Culture of Giving' throughout the company along with many other attributes seldom found in companies today, big or small. They have also written 'best sellers, ' Unix and Linux Administration Handbooks.>LISTEN 8/21/06
172_ The ATE Employee Canon has Redefined the Big Bang Trent Hein and Ned McClain, co-founders of Applied Trust Engineering (ATE) were surprised when Pat and Larry Nelson unexpectedly wanted to interview them about the Famous ATE Employee Canon. The ATE Canon was developed in an effort to support ATE employees, ATE clients, and the profession in general. It outlines their organizational culture, which fosters a creative, rewarding, and balanced work environment that empowers employees and clients. Here are 10 rules to build by. > 8/28/06 .> LISTEN 8/28/06
171_ Going from an Inc 500 company in 2000 to the Pits and Back Now is a good time to start a company especially with all the disruptive technologies surfacing, from VoIP to Wireless Technologies to RFID states Scott Burt, President of Integro. Today Integro has $40 million in the pipeline. History shows Integro went from a shining star six years ago to an embarrassing what's happening to us now to being a leader in their field. BTW, Scott has a new startup, Auction Automation. He talks about two driving forces the red flags of caution. Still, exciting times for entrepreneurs. >LISTEN 8/28/06
159_ IT Colorado Magazine to be Launched September 2006
About four years ago Front Range Tech Biz closed its doors, which was the only hardcopy publication (before or since) that was designed to promote innovation and technology in Colorado. With over 3000 IT companies in addition to Aerospace, Bioscience as well as other industries CSIA is going to launch IT Colorado during Colorado Tech Week, starting September 18 - 22, 2006. Both Su Hawk, president of CSIA and Jonita LeRoy, person in charge at OEDIT for Tech Week suggest it is not too late to get involved with the magazine being distributed to about 20,000 key people.> LISTEN 8/07/06
150_ New Technologies and Operational Best Practices Implementing new technologies represent 30% of the total cost. Rina Delmonico, Founder of REN Consulting and a true pioneer of female CIOs, points out that maintenance captures 70% of the cost. She goes on to point out another challenge, that many if not most new techies are not very respectful of older techies and technology. Today blending the old and the new are the best practices for going forward. Rina suggests we can't ignore things like instant messaging and My Space type portals. Security issues are a concern. >LISTEN 6/26/06
147_ Webroot... - Webroot's Story Explains Why ColoradoPart 1 of 3 > 6/12/06 LISTEN The success of Webroot's Spy Sweeper starts right here in Colorado, covers the world and returns to Colorado. The The entrepreneurial spirit in Colorado is seeing the fruits of the survival spirit points out David Moll, CEO and President of Webroot Software. David recently hired a world-class CFO, Josh Pace right out of Silicon Valley. So you have to ask, "Why Colorado?" Back in 2002 Webroot was hit very hard and had some tough choices to make and David shares some The entrepreneurial lessons.
148_ Building a Winning Team and Customer Focus(Part 2 of 3)> LISTEN 6/19/06 "Business is not a one-person sport," says David Moll, CEO of Webroot Software. David and CFO, Joshua Pace discuss the value of team work and what it takes to build a winning team. Josh was recruited out of Silicon Valley about the same time Gerhard Eschelbeck was recruited for the CTO position. Formally Mike Irwin was the CFO and he became the COO, an example of tapping into the strenghths of the team. Listen for some critical team building aspects along with truisms such as, "What's important is to recognize what's important."
151_ Organized Crime Funded an International Attack (Part 3 of 3)> LISTEN 6/26/06 Theft and fraud motives aided by a trojan were focused on stealing bank account information. This good-guy/bad-guy scenario could have been a movie plot, but Webroot Software, Inc. was key to bringing the bad-guys down by supplying law enforcement with critical data. The Webroot Software usability lab made the difference. The lab is really expense, but the commitment to customer satisfaction is paying off for all of us. David Moll, Webroot CEO and Joshua Pace, CFO say that launching SpySweeper 5.0 was driven by usability. Listen to this entrepreneurial drama.
139_ Economic Summit Could be Adding Development to Its Name The 4th Annual Economic Summit held in Denver was opened by Bill Hubbell of Microsoft. The high-profile panel included Joe Blake, Jeff Potter, Kevin Grieve, John Suthers, Robert Coombe, and Kenneth Tuchman and was moderated by Robert McDowell. Bill Hubbell reviewed the key points of the 4th Summit which was the biggest and the best, suggested that next year it will be further expanded. Global competition, technology and security were among the hot topics discussed. > LISTEN 5/22/06
136_ Building a Community for All in Changing Times Driving down the cost of software over its entire lifecycle yields a higher ROI and the satisfaction of the software goes up, explains Craig McMurtry, Technical Evangelist for Microsoft. A pre-launch early-bird view of WinFX showed an excited group in Denver that this is a comprehensive set of tools and instruments that will build sophisticated management models that help in understanding the health of your application while correcting what might go wrong. >LISTEN 5/15/06
133_ Designers and Developers Working in an Unlikely Partnership
A new set of tools that will empower developers and designers was introduced on radio, the first in the country. Microsoft Expression is a powerful new set of tools that help create and support a new generation of compelling user experiences explained, Ani Babaian (Denver, CO) along with Arturo Toledo and Jon Byrum (Redmond, WA). Microsoft's expansion with Expression will allow professional designers and developers to realize their creative dreams. > LISTEN 5/15/06.
129_ Getting a Headstart on the Next Generation with MS
If you want to have a better user interface experience on your website, here's your chance. If you are responsible for writing the code that makes that possible, here's your chance. Get a running head start on your competition. Ani Babaian, Microsoft Developer Evangelist announces Expression, the Next Generation - WinFX as well as a Free full-day seminar detailing WinFX, Office 2007 and Vista. >LISTEN 5/01/06
Challenges and Profitability for Entrepreneurs
The track-record at CTEK in Longmont has been quite extraordinary. Over 16 companies have been helped, 8 of those have raised $18 million and 4 ended this past year in the black. Alex Summoury, Executive Director of CTEK Longmont and John Cody, CEO of Longmont Area Economic Council (LAEC) point out the value of working together for the benefit of new entrepreneurs and the community as a whole.2/27/2006 LISTEN
You Would be Surprised About VC Dollars for CO - 2/20/2006
Economic development, growth and stability don’t happen by accident. There are many important components including venture capital investments and Boulder County receives the lion’s share, says John Cody, President and CEO of Longmont Area Economic Council. Economic development in Longmont has a heavy focus on BioTech, Software, Semi Conductors, and Storage. LISTEN
Here’s Part 2 and Links to New FREE Software 12.19.05
Microsoft invested over $10 million in all-around community support in 2005. In 2006 we will all have chance to see and explore the new products and services being developed this year. Larry and Pat Nelson along with 2400+ people attended an exciting product launch at the Colorado Convention Center. After, they interviewed Rick LaPlante, Microsoft GM of Visual Studio Team System; Tom Sheraden, VP, e-Business Apps for ProLogis and Scott Johnson, MS Regional Technology Officer.LISTEN Part 1 of 2(Part 2 of 2) LISTEN
We have already downloaded this FREE software and you can too! A and there are many other FREE links including Visual Web Developer . Also check out Colorado partner ProLogis.
Flat Growth Rate for IT Predicted, but There are Solutions
Some people look at negative signs and literally go right into resignation. Su Hawk, President of CSIA referred to a recent Forrester Research report that predicts flat IT spending in 2006-08. Her belief is that one of the purposes of CSIA is to help change those predictions for its members. Sounds like a lofty ideal, but Su shares how CSIA will help make that happen. In addition to the
successful APEX event and DemoGala, they will be holding a number of supportive programs for its members. 12.19.05. LISTEN
Profile of a Leader with Webroot’s David Moll 10/10/05
Going from a handful of employees to over 300 is no small feat. Raising $108 million in venture capital this year was a magical move. David Moll, president and CEO of Webroot Software, has been through a great deal in his educational and business career. In this Profile of a Leader program, Larry & Pat Nelson quiz him about his experiences going back to his childhood. David is the keynote speaker at CTEK's "The State of Capital" - LISTEN
Part 2 of 2: The Making of a Leader, Webroot's David Moll 10/24/05
The Making of a Leader, Webroot’s David Moll
Once destined to be a plant manager, then shifting gears to be more than knee deep in technology, required hard work. In part 2 of 2 in this Profile of a Leader interview Larry & Pat Nelson continue to quiz David Moll, president and CEO of Webroot Software about his experiences going back to his childhood. The bumpy road through the “tech bubble” paid off. - LISTEN
Planning the Future vs. Dwelling in the Past
Fostering innovation with an IT focus, working with other technology partners best explains what the Colorado Software and Internet Association is all about, explains president, Su Hawk. Always on the move, CSIA is planning their first DEMOGala, to showcase technology companies in CO. Here's a fresh twist.
New Event in 2005 Colorado is home to thousands of great technology companies, and we believe it's time to let the world know how much innovation, ingenuity and smart technology business people there are in our state.
We have created a new event -- the CSIA DEMOgala -- designed to share the fascinating insights of a national technology leader, alongside a showcase of the key technology companies who are right here in Colorado.
Skunk Works and the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Microsoft
Two different models of entrepreneurship are being driven within Microsoft.
The “culture of fast-follower” doesn’t foster the “culture of
innovation” points out Mike
Wehrs, Dir., Biz Dev.- Windows Graphics & Gaming Technologies
at Microsoft. Art
Rancis, TiE Rockies board discuss the entrepreneurial spirit in
business.. 3/281/05 Characteristics
and Rewards of the Entre/Intrapreneur
Incubation is more than a term at Microsoft. For the entrepreneurs, it’s
a lifestyle points out Mike Wehrs, Dir., Biz Dev.- Windows Graphics
& Gaming Technologies at Microsoft.
Art Rancis, of the TiE
Rockies board discusses the signs of an entre/intrapreneur.
4/4/2005 LISTEN
Tracks Them with Anti-Spyware Technology3/14/05
Everyone has heard about the $108,000,000 in funding that
locally based Webroot received recently. What you might not have heard
was how Webroot got its start. It is certainly an inspiration to entrepreneurs
and to David
Moll, who was recruited in 2002 to become CEO. Co-Founders Steve
Thomas & Kristen Talley are quite unique. Some Sat Idle, Wondering if Spyware was Really NeededPart 2 of 2 - 3/21/05David Moll, CEO of Webroot Software talks about their success story and what they went through to get there. June, 2004 Webroot launched their SpyWare program and today Webroot has offices throughout Europe, has a standalone support center and handles support in five languages... taking on a worldwide challenge. LISTEN
Javed Sikander of Microsoft Keeps Track of RFID World Javed Sikander, gets quizzed by w3w3® Media Network about the impact of RFID technology on the consumers and how it impacts organizations of all types. The RFID “go to” company in Colorado, AccuCode gave us the inside tip about some of the Microsoft plans…with a far-reaching impact.
Solution to Weapons of Mass Annoyance
If you think spam is bad, listen to Rich
Kaplan, Corporate VP for Security Business at Microsoft Corp.
Spam is annoying, but it's often just the delivery system that can
cause a great deal of harm to you and your organization. Larry
asks some tough questions about what Microsoft is doing to improve
the situation. 12/13/04
Youth, Minorities, and the Short Funnel
More women and minorities are needed in computer sciences says Rich Kaplan, Corporate VP for Security Business at Microsoft Corp. One of the keys is in the youth market, and Microsoft supports a number of high school intern programs. There's a short funnel/ pipeline and that includes native Spanish speaking developers.
Longmont Area Economic Council Supports CSIA "As we emerge from this recession, advanced technology is going to lead the way,
says John Cody President & CEO of the Longmont Area Economic Council. 10/4/04
There's More Than One Challenge for Going Public3/7/05 LISTEN - Can you imagine what it is like to transfer years of a “legacy” system over to a new system that will comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404, continue to handle foreign currencies, maintain accurate easy-to-use inventory control and more? Mike Freivogel of IronWare Technologies & Sue Stewart of Myogen discuss such a project.