Getting Internet access for the entire State of Colorado
1127_ 12/19/11 -
We are at the Colorado Rotary State of the State and Culmination of 100 Years Anniversary Celebration of Rotary in Colorado and joined by
Ron Burton, President Nominee of Rotary International. Ron explains the way their system works, he is currently the president nominee, will be elected at the Bangkok convention in May as president elect and then becomes president of Rotary International and serves in 2013-2014. Larry asked Ron, “What's happening in Rotary now?” A very big deal, Rotarians are trying to complete the "End Polio Now" (Polio Irradiation Campaign) which has been going on longer than many would like. (Larry has much interest in the topic of polio, as he had it as a youth.) Ron tells us we are getting very close. There have been about 570 cases in the world this year, which is about 37-40% of what it was last year. "But", says Ron, “we still have to finish the job. We promised the children of the world in 1987 they would live in a polio free world - and we're making progress but we have to finish the job." Rotary has stellar partners in that process. There is the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, UNICEF, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and of course, the World Rotarians are on that list. There are 34,000 Rotary Clubs in the world and 200 countries and political subdivisions. Every Rotary club is autonomous, so they can pick and choose the projects they want to do. But every Rotary Club does many, many things around the community. One of the big catalysts that occurred here in Colorado is the Internet access for the entire State which puts Colorado in First Place! And, the catalyst for that was a network of 174 Rotary Clubs in the State of Colorado. It wouldn't have happened without them! Rotarians live by the four-way test, Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Does it build goodwill and better friendship? Is it beneficial to all concerned? If you can answer those four questions in a positive way...there's much more to listen to...
Related Links:
Rotary International ||
Global Polio Eradication Initiative ||
End Polio Now (UN Foundation) ||
Gates Foundation ||
Rotary International ||
Keywords: Ron Burton, Rotary, International, Polio, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
Colorado, Global Health Program, High Speed Internet Project, EAGLE-Net, Educational Access Gateway, Learning Environment Network, Points
- bytes=5772332
LISTEN TO: Ron Burton, Pres. Nominee 2013-14, Rotary International
534_ Change Is Not an Event, It Is an Ongoing Process
(the Same is true with Chaos) Mastering change is one of Pat and Larry Nelson's favorite topics. There's a good reason. They have lived in and owned businesses in five foreign countries stretching from Norway to Australia. They are truly serial entrepreneurs as they have started more than a dozen companies. Some were extremely successful and others learning experiences. One thing that was true in every situation were the rushing changes. At times they were victims and others they were victors. Larry has conducted seminars for numerous companies both large and small, public and private sectors, in dozen countries, on the subject of 'Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos'. In this recorded discussion Larry and Pat discuss the 'Six Truths About Change'. The topic includes; Resistance, Involvement, Making Losers, Vision, Benefits, and Follow up. Like the Nelsons say, "Master Change Before It Masters You." Listen now... Related Links: Beyond the Trends || 3-Filters || Mastering Change || Free Newsletter || Keywords: Mastering Change, Chaos, Pat and Larry Nelson, Involvement,
Making Losers, Vision, Benefits, Follow up > Bytes: 8472349 LISTEN to Pat & Larry Nelson, Inst. for Change Research
Focusing on the area of organizational design and transformation
1134_ 12/26/11 -
We're here today with a person, right here in Denver. However this person goes all over the world, from Argentina to Europe, all over the place. Laurie Fitzgerald, PhD is the founder and president of The Consultancy Inc. Larry loves her website, one of his favorite topics is chaos [author of Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos]. Laurie has, for the past 30 years focused in the area of organizational design and transformation. That is bringing about whole system, profound change in organizations. Laurie's interest is really drawn to those organizations that see a need to bring themselves into the future by changing fundamentally who they are and what they do. Laurie in her own words, "If you recognize as do we the dire necessity of replacing the conventional wisdom with a new and more powerful lens on reality, you will certainly appreciate the fact that a profound shift in our understanding of how our organizations work has been triggered in the 20th century by an astonishing explosion of scientific discoveries culminating in what we know simply as Chaos. We invite you to join us on our mission to make the principles of this so-called "new science" both applicable to and actionable in the design and transformation of the 21st century business enterprise. Laurie goes onto explain the chaos theory, "Formal moniker - the 'Theory of Complex, Dynamical, Non-linear, Far-From-Equilibrium (FFE) Systems' - perhaps you can see why its formulators, a hodgepodge of post-grad students at the University of California at Santa Cruz representing a variety of disciplines ranging from astrophysics to mathematics, chose to speak of it by its nickname instead. In any event, suffice to say that their chaos theory stands right up there along with Einstein's Relativity and quantum mechanics as one of the most paradigm-shattering discoveries of 20th century science. Dr. Fitzgerald has partnered with executive teams in the implementation and management of large system change in a wide variety of industries including manufacturing, engineering, retail, service, healthcare, medical, pharmaceutical, banking, insurance & finance, aerospace, mining, and telecommunications, as well as with local, national and international government, and law enforcement. Laurie also shares some insights and experiences with an international client...
Related Links:
The Consultancy, Inc ||
Chaos ThinkSite ||
Mastering Change Blog ||
In the News ||
Beyond the Trends ||
Keywords: Dr. Laurie Fitzgerald, The Consultancy Inc, Chaos, Theory of Complex, Dynamical, Non-linear, Far-From-Equilibrium (FFE) Systems, Transformation, International - Bytes: 6806363
LISTEN to Laurie Fitzgerald, Founder, The Consultancy
Activity picks up in September 1089_ 10/3/11 - PHOTOS galore! Oktoberfest on September 1st? That's what the Colorado BioScience Association and Colorado Cleantech Industry Association did to grab the proverbial reins and jump start an invigorated fall season. We celebrated Phil Weiser's return with "Reflections on Serving in the White House" and Silicon Flatirons has a very ambitious slate of events coming up. ACG Denver welcomes their new president, Todd Roebken and their keynote speaker Steve Knopper (Rolling Stones mag) reminds us of lessons learned and still applicable - keep your eyes wide open. While the Rockies Venture Club colludes with Communication Technology Professionals, to look into the future and the power of Telecommunications. Kudos to the Colorado Bio Science Association for the Rocky Mountain Life Science Investor and Partnering Conference and Networking Events. You can listen to Keynote speaker, Roy Davis, President, Johnson & Johnson Development Corp. Rounding out the month we have Holme Robert & Owens hosting the September M&A group [with a look at large employers and a trend toward self insurance]. ACG and Howard Potter wrap the month up with their extremely popular, 6th Annual - Investment & Finance Cross Networking event at The University of Denver Daniels College of Business, School of Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management, a fabulous venue. Go see who is actively promoting the future at Event Photos for September 2011. These albums show 100s of photos...these are the events we were able to attend...if you have a photo link to some local business/tech events you have taken, please send us a link and we'll link them and give you credit of course... Related Links: ACG Denver || CBSA || CCIA || CTA || HRO || RVC || Silicon Flatirons CU || Keywords: Oktoberfest, Colorado BioScience Association, Colorado Cleantech Industry
Association, Silicon Flatirons, Investment & Finance Cross Networking, Holme Robert & Owens
Guy Kawasaki: The art of changing hearts, minds and actions
1074_ 9/12/11 -
Three years ago when I last interviewed our guest, Guy Kawasaki, managing partner of Garage Technology Ventures and founder of, we were going through some tougher times, I asked Guy, how do you think this will play out? Guy replied, "I'm not a visionary or an oracle, but I'll tell you what I'd tell an entrepreneur, which is... "Plug your ears and keep going!" Guy's latest and tenth book is, 'ENCHANTMENT, The art of changing hearts, minds and actions.' Guy's unique style, he replied, "The word is purely a marketing thing. You know, I wanted to own a word, like Tom Peters owns excellence... and I wanted my word to be enchantment. And I wanted the image [from the book cover], the butterfly to be recognizable as enchantment. So that's why the particular word, in a marketing sense. In a philosophical sense, I think people can aspire to a higher relationship than simply closing sales. So this would be enchanting people, getting people to believe in your dream as much as you do." Larry asked what motivated Guy to get on this topic. Well, he's been enchanting and evangelizing people for the about two-and-a-half decades now. It was time to collect all his lessons and put it out there so people could achieve more success with their new products, new services, new companies, new ideas. "I think if you enchant your customers you'll have a much better relationship with them, you'll have a longer relationship with them, probably a more profitable relationship and they too will be happier. I think it will help people have better relationships with their customers, and their prospective customers, which will in turn, lead to success. It's very difficult to foster this kind of relationship, particularly in a time when people are so skeptical about others and pessimistic. If you wait for the turnaround to occur and everybody is all happy and things are going honky-dory again, it may be too late." ...listen for much more...
Related Links:
Buy Enchantment and get Presentation Zen for free ||
Garage ||
AllTop ||
Guy's Blog ||
Venture Capital ||
Keywords: Guy Kawasaki, Enchantment, Garage Technology Ventures,, Relationship,
Customers, The art of changing hearts, minds and actions - bytes=9751722 LISTEN To: Guy Kawasaki, Author, Enchantment
July was interesting, with high profile summer gatherings... 1060_ 8/08/11 - It was a balanced month beginning with Independence day. We saw the return of our own Phil Weiser, Silicon Flatirons founder; and Dean of the CU Law School, back from Washington D.C. where he spent the last two years serving our country. You will find a series of videos on YouTube and Stories on the Communications Technology Professionals CTP Channel, chronicling that celebration... Great photos by w3w3®. So many Coloradoans were on vacation/business trips and some had trouble getting back to DIA with the problems presented by some pretty wild weather. Ask Jeffrey Pearl of IP5280, four stand-by flights to get back for APEX (He was a winner...).
Speaking of... These were the last APEX Awards to be presented by CSIA, which is now known as the Colorado Technology Association (and CTA will, of course, continue the APEX annual awards program). Photos... The National Center for Women in Technology, NCWIT, is back with an exciting young woman whose software will bring some 'cents' to your social networking and marketing efforts. That's Victoria Ransom with her third successful startup, WildfireApp. She offers encouragement to young women in high school and college to go for the golden future in IT, computer science, and engineering...Uncle Sam Wants You to help keep our country strong! And that does seem to be the theme for this July 2011. Related Links: About Silicon Flatirons || CTP Channel || NCWIT Home || Wildfire App || Colorado Technology Assoc || Keywords: Colorado Technology Association, Silicon Flatirons Center, Communications Technology Professionals, Rockies Venture Club,
Steve Wille: Colorful Leadership; Each Color Essential 1045_ 7/11/11 - Transformation is about working with what you have and taking it to a new level. Transforming a management team is about working with their collective strengths to build a new whole that is stronger than a sum of the parts. It is like red, blue, and green pixels coming together on your high definition television to build a rich, natural color image. It is an additive process where multiple perspectives combined to build a better picture of what your organization can do to survive and thrive in a changing economy. This program is academically sound, results oriented, and people friendly. conducted by Steve Wille, Dr. James Rairdon, and Larry Nelson. We'll see you on Friday morning, 7/15/11... Related Links: Leadership Seminar || 3-Filters Technology || Training Trends || Colorful Leadership Book || Mastering Change Book || Keywords: 3-Filters Technology,Transform your Management Team Beyond Expectations
Steve Wille, Larry Nelson, Mastering Change, Training Trends, Colorful Leadership, LPI, Life Perspective Inventory, 7/11/11
bytes=5897302 LISTEN TO: Steve Wille, Larry Nelson - Transforming a Management Team Beyond Expectations
Kelly Manning: Tons of Grant Money in Colorado 1040 7/5/11 - Here we are in the wonderful State of Colorado and there's a ton of money just waiting for businesses. That might be news to some of you and we're lucky enough to get Kelly Manning to the show. Kelly is the State Director for the Small Business Development Center Network. They have centers across the whole State and cover every single county in Colorado. They also take a regional approach and work with other states, "Because", says Kelly, "we not only want to see the Colorado companies successful in Colorado but maybe successful in other states as well. Of course we want them to stay in Colorado and hubbed in Colorado. The Small Business Development Center Network is a grant program. So, the funds are coming down through the SBA, the Small Business Administration." Kelly's organization, the SBDC Network administers these grants and through them provide free counseling and low cost or no cost training to all entrepreneurs, whether you are a startup or have been in business for 20+ years, they have programs for you. They also have a veterans grant which is regional, working with Kansas and Arizona, and provide funding to put workshops and conferences on to help veterans be successful. "Just recently we received supplemental funding and jobs bill funding, so right now they are running four grant programs. Supplemental funding will go towards clean tech companies, energy companies, manufacturing and international. But the Jobs Bill funding is strictly for existing businesses. We're putting on two types of conferences, Emerging...Listen for more details... Related Links: Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) || Veterans Small Business Resource || Economy Builders || Podcast Directory || Keywords: Kelly Manning, SBDC Network, Small Business Development Centers,
Veterans Small Business Resource, SBA, Emerging Industry, Creative Industry, Entrepreneurs,
7/5/11 bytes=4897126 Listen to: Kelly Manning, SBDC Network
Bart Taylor: Invest Time and Money into Developing Content 1039 7/5/11 - "Media is not simply the domain of publishers, it's the domain of corporations." Larry interviewed Bart Taylor, Vice President and Publisher of the ColoradoBIZ Magazine. Bart went on, "Let me give you a challenge that companies have right now. Five years ago, as a business, you were probably looking at eNewsletters as an opportunity. Today you are no longer differentiated by the fact that you're publishing a newsletter. Content is the new differentiator. He recommends companies and organizations to invest time and money into developing content to support their business. An interesting recommendation that may need a little discussion for a good understanding. Obviously ColoradoBIZ and w3w3® are in the 'content business'. Bart points out that Larry has written a book about managing change, "I think that is the name of our game as publishers, managing change in a rapidly changing, transformational media market. Media companies/publishers have faced two strong headwinds over the past few years. One, the economy has been lousy - but economies come back. I think the more transcendent, the more fundamental issue that publishers are dealing with today is technology, what technology is doing to change the nature of the media business. But to companies, technology is also providing an opportunity and I think as publishers we need to be very cognizant of the change that technology is having on corporations. I think it would be a mistake for media to think that they are the center of the content universe as they once were. So if you recognize that as a media property, and recognize that businesses have an opportunity now to become publishers and manage content - that's where I am coming from." Years ago and ColoradoBIZ worked together on some things, ColoradoBIZ providing the hard copy and w3w3 the digital, online copy. The future landscape for hard copy publishers was beginning to look rather grim. But ColoradoBIZ changed, moved, adapted to the new market and really did a great job. Bart and Larry go onto discuss the 'New Media' and the 'Digital Media horizon.'...Listen for more... Related Links: Colorado Biz || Planet Profit Report || Colorado's Top 50 Companies to Watch || In the News || Mastering Change Blog || Keywords: Bart Taylor, ColoradoBIZ, Media, Publishers, Content, Media Companies,
Managing Change, Media Market, Content Universe
7/5/11 bytes=7154105 Listen to: Bart Taylor, ColoradoBIZ
Man of the year chosen by BPW
988_ 3/21/11 -
A Community of Champions: Boulder BPW’s 2011 Celebration of Women Event. The honorees chosen by this year’s committee encourage participation, equity, and economic self-sufficiency for working women at various levels within our community. We are honored to announce this year’s award recipients who truly are champions for women in Boulder County. Established in 1931, Boulder Business and Professional Women is a local membership organization.
Their selection for Man of the Year is Larry Nelson, Co-Founder, w3w3®Media Network. Larry and his wife and business partner, Patricia have lived in and owned businesses in five foreign countries. They started a dozen companies…some were extremely successful while others were learning experiences. Their business ventures ranged from: retail stores to high-tech; from warehouses to direct mail; from manufacturing to human resource consulting and training. Larry started out in the media as a publisher of a hardcopy and audio newsletter. Over the years, he has conducted business seminars in 15 countries. The training business is what led him to the radio show business. First it was live terrestrial radio and then to the Internet. The w3w3®Media Network which includes Internet Talk Radio (launched over 12 years ago), includes a Blog and Pod-Cast directory and can be found at His all business radio show website consists of articles, recorded and archived audio and video interviews, business photos and a business calendar of events. A literal who’s who of business and high-tech leaders is archived on the website. Everything on the website is at no cost to visitors as it is sponsorship driven. His weekly electronic newsletter is also free. The mission is to make the average person’s experience on the World Wide Web enjoyable, profitable and safe and is focused on Colorado. Larry is also an author of a newly released book, “Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos”. Listen to Larry's acceptance speech as it is loaded with valuable ideas for entrepreneurs and leaders...Listen now...
Related Links:
BPW Celebration: Community of Champions ||
Training Trends ||
Boulder BPW ||
Mastering Change ||
Photo Album ||
Keywords: Larry Nelson, Boulder BPW, Mastering Change, Training Trends,
Electronic Newsletter, w3w3®Media Network, Entrepreneurs, Leaders > 3/21/11 Bytes: 11546439
Larry Nelson, Boulder BPW's Man of the Year &
Talent recruitment, training, development and retention
998_ 4/18/11 -
Talent strategy is not just a matter of recruiting people. It has to do with training, development and retention of all types. Today we are lucky enough to interview the
the Managing Partners of i2iWorkforce, Melodie Reagan, Jennifer Long. They pointed out, "Nationally, we finally dipped below 9% unemployment." Larry wanted to know if that meant we are on a path to recovery. Last month alone we had a 216 jobs to the roster and that feels really great. So if you're asking are we on the road to recover, the answer is yes. The predictions this year for unemployment is that it is going to continue to go down. However, the growth is not going to be the big boom that we're used to. It's still going to be in that gradual state. And when we think about job creation, actually more of the jobs are going to be created are for replacements as opposed to new jobs because of new industries or new businesses. But there are going to be more jobs and unemployment is on the downturn. While there was some cautious optimism they pointed out that many employers are getting back to the basics and by asking some very important questions. Larry pointed out, "Employers today are asking a number of very important questions. One question they're asking is, 'What are long term workforce strategies? That is going back to the basics. Second, Is our current talent enough to meet plans for business growth? And third, Where do we go from here?" Their reply, "It's a great opportunity for companies to get focused on where they're going strategically. How they're going to grow, what markets they want to be in, and to come back and look at their workforce and say, Do I have the right talent, of the right type to get where I need to go. Because the largest expense, for most businesses, is their talent. And today, companies can burn between permanent as well as temporary in doing outsourcing of services - and that's something they want to get in front of today. Relative to trends that are occurring in the market place, there are phenomenal studies out there. In fact the Bureau of Labor Statistics has a Workforce Trend Report that goes through 2018. So what can you expect as a business leader on trends in the workforce? One is the graying of the workforce - by 2018 approximately 25% will be 55 years of age and older. Diversity? Our workforce is reflecting our population which is becoming ever more diverse." The i2i Workforce team knows talent recruitment, training, development and retention, and understands the challenges you face in your business and your career. Listen for more...
Related Links:
i2i Workforce ||
In the News ||
Colorado Companies to Watch ||
Keywords: Melodie Reagan, Jen Long, i2i Workforce, Talent Strategy, Recruiting,
Jobs, Unemployment, Job Creation, Channel:News 4/18/11 bytes=bytes=8425119
Melodie Reagan and Jen Long, Managing Partners, i2iWorkforce
The federal government is extremely hamstrung in its ability
995_ 4/4/11 - .
We're talking about the economic times and the different things organizations, public and private sector are going through today, because it has a tremendous impact and frankly, I'm a little worried. We are here with an expert who has some experience on a business level about this issue. Larry interviewed Mark Seglem, CEO of Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems (ADSS). "Mark could you give us an overview of how you're looking at the economic environment right now and what's happening?" "I'd be happy to and pleased to do it because I've been on both sides. I spent 20 years on active duty and I was a senior requirements officer for the Navy - so I've seen it from the side of the federal government. Now I'm a small business, private business owner who contracts with the federal government, predominantly DOD. I think the fundamental message that I would get out is that the continuing resolution that is currently in effect for fiscal year 2011, is killing small businesses that rely on the DOD for their contracts, or in fact any federal agency. In this environment under continuing resolution, the federal government is extremely hamstrung in its ability to let procurement contracts, maintenance contracts - except for the most essential operational type contracts. As a consequence small business that provide support either directly to DOD or to other federal agencies, or to large contractors like the Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc., those contracts are basically on hold right now." The trickle down effect is huge. "The big contractors have to support infrastructure on multi-billion dollar contracts that cannot be let right now under continuing resolutions. . It leads to layoffs, a reduction in size of the company and then when the contracts do come through we have to ramp up again. It's an extraordinarily inefficient way to do business. And it has more impact than just on the federal government - it goes right through the private sector and it particularly hurts small business."...Listen now, there's much more, ideas and solutions...
Related Links:
Distributed Sensors ||
Colorado Companies to Watch Home ||
CCTW Channel ||
Economy Builders ||
Keywords: Mark Seglem, Advanced Distributed Sensor Systems, ADSS, Colorado Companies
to Watch, 50 Companies to Watch winners, SBIR, Federal Budget 4/4/11 bytes=5002870 LISTEN to Mark Seglem, President & CEO, ADSS
It's culturally getting to the root of what we can do
978_ 3/7/11 -
After 12 years in this business, Larry has never interviewed an executive with a title like Chief Carhugger." But Larry welcomes this hugger to the show. We are talking with Ryan Ferrero, CEO and Founder of Green Garage. Larry first heard about the Green Garage from David Moll some time ago and David said, "This is an organization you have to look into. They're not ready for the exposure yet, but they will be soon." Really impressed with what he is seeing, Larry said, "You guys are really doing special things, making fundamental changes that are creating a huge difference in the industry and for the consumer." Ryan said, "We are coming into our own, we're opening throughout Colorado now and looking for national expansion and working our plan throughout this year and next, for a bigger footprint." Ryan is a native Boulderite and born into the car business. Those two things clashed but, in 2008 with rising gas prices, Ryan realized there was something here, where maybe we could bring those tree-hugging thoughts of Boulder and the car business together. After being a young car dealer, domestic and import dealerships, owner and working with national corporations and groups, auto management realized, hey there's something here with the infrastructure in Boulder that we know about 'natural foods, natural grocers, we have bio fuel and solar and wind... Why can't we take transportation to task here and bring and take whole foods and jiffy lube, put them together and have more sustainable auto service and maintenance. When we started talking about what we can do with the automotive industry, not just making them greener, but taking a look at the relatively diseased nature of the industry - we had guys like David Moll from Infield Capital, who has been a remarkable talent for us and Alex Bogusky taking a look at the industry and the need to have a customer centric engagement so that when a customer comes in or we go out to valet and pickup and deliver the car, it is about the customer, what our needs and time demands are today, so Alex has done a great job bottling that up and helping us market that. Bud Sorenson, a seventeen year director with WholeFoods and quite an entrepreneur in his own right. Bud has brought conscious capitalism to Green Garage, so we're more than a P and L. We're about involving all of the stakeholders of our company and realizing" Listen for more...
Related Links:
Green Garage ||
Infield Capital ||
In the News ||
Blog ||
Keywords: Ryan Ferrero, Chief Carhugger, Green Garage, Infield Capital, David Moll,
Alex Bogusky, Bud Sorenson, WholeFoods, Auto Repair, Boulder, Colorado - 3/7/11 Bytes:7284927 LISTEN to
Ryan Ferrero, Founder, Green Garage
You don't need to pay a premium to be green
981_ 3/14/11 -
We're back with Ryan Ferrero, CEO and founder of Green Garage and this is part 2 of the interview. If you missed the first interview, we have a link below in the Related Links section. Do tune into it, there's very good information there. One of the things I have to ask is what can Green Garage actually do to help improve fuel economy and reduce oil consumption? Ryan replied, "When we started building our business platform at Green Garage, we realized there is no real advocate brand behind fuel economy. Who out there really has your fuel economy as their vested issue? So we have to legislate it, right? So what we found looking through a variety of products, one of our 'greens keepers', as we call them, Ernie Levine, claims he went over a thousand products that he looked at and we came down to six. So quite a few of the products in this space did not vet correctly or didn't work for us. But we found six to start with that really made a difference on the environment. Our product basket now is nearly 50. But many of these products help with fuel economy, and they may start with zero from your wallet. Basically it is helping you operate your car more efficiently. So when we were kids we learned how to check for blind spots, safe following distance, how to merge safely... Now, there are a lot of techniques for how to operate your car for more efficiency. You know, it's surprising, but up to 33% of your highway fuel economy can be improved by just operating the car better. Then we can get into more advanced sparkplugs where you get better ignition, more complete combustion so you get not only better fuel economy, but less emissions and more power in some instances. All of these are at the same price or less than the comparable brands out there. But these are small startup companies that need their day in the sun. Nitrogen in your tires - it's a larger molecule, especially in Colorado where you get rubber contracting and expanding with our crazy temperature swings. Nitrogen is less apt to have that fluctuation, more constant psi and you get better fuel economy."...listen now.
Related Links:
Ryan Ferrero Interview, Part 1 of 2 ||
Green Garage ||
Infield Capital ||
In the News ||
Blog ||
Keywords: Ryan Ferrero, Chief Carhugger, Green Garage, Infield Capital,
David Moll, Alex Bogusky, Bud Sorenson, WholeFoods, Auto Repair, Boulder, Colorado
3/14/11 Bytes: 5825413 LISTEN to Ryan Ferrero, Green Garage (part 2)
Relentless execution, that's what it takes
950_ 1/11/11 -
Imagine 50 days in Antarctica, what would it be like? Larry talked with Lt. Col. Edward Vaughan, USAF, who is working with the Joint Task Force Support Forces Antarctica (you may be more familiar with the name "Operation Deep Freeze"), this is the military's mission to support the National Science Foundation's objectives in Antarctica. As Ed explains, the entrepreneurial and business implications are awesome. Before this interview Larry had heard so much about Lt. Col. Edward Vaughan, the awards he'd won, different things he' done etc., and in his research, Larry decided to check Wikipedia - under disruptive solutions process Ed is right there in the first paragraph. Ed said, "Yes. The military is obviously a big bureaucracy, but it has missions to perform around the world that are, in my opinion, entrepreneurial." He goes on to explain, "The disruptive solutions process is the way that we go about tapping into that entrepreneurial spirit ... And solving problems in a very commonsense way, and in other cases, leveraging technology that we have, that we didn't have before. At the end of the day the goal is that we are more effective." Larry points out that the US DOD presented the Entrepreneurial Approach for Safety Award to Ed. and he was inducted into the US Air Force Safety Hall of Fame, sighting some of these entrepreneurial approaches. "Awards like that" Ed said, "while I'm honored to receive those, what they do is sort of validate this approach, that there is room for innovation inside a bureaucracy." Ed was very involved in helping pilots see and avoid collisions. Mid air collisions are obviously devastating, there's loss of life, tremendous loss of property. With military planes, especially fighter jets, the pilots have the option of ejecting. Ed also helped develop, is the Wingman Program. In this case it was suicide among military members. The DOD does a fantastic job...listen, there's much more...
Related Links:
Colorado National Guard, Lt Col Vaughan's home organization ||
US Antarctic Program ||
NFS Office of Polar Programs ||
Dispatches from Antarctica ||
DOD Article ||
See and Avoid Midair Collisions ||
Antarctica Blog ||
In the News ||
Keywords: Lt. Col. Edward Vaughan, USAF, Antarctica, Operation Deep Freeze,
Disruptive Solutions Process, Airplanes, National Science Foundation, DOD, Entrepreneurial Approach 1/11/11 bytes=6795496
LISTEN to Lt. Col. Edward Vaughan, USAF
Create a plan to manage and regulate your business
990_ 3/28/11 -
People are the source of all problems and people are the source of all solutions, we've heard Larry say this often. Today we're speaking with Brian Tsuchiya and we're talking about entrepreneurial personality types. Brian is the founder of Startup Guru, he's worked with many organizations of different sizes, seen a lot of successes and he's learned a lot about people along the way. And Brian adds, "To start, I've learned a lot about myself. To understand others, the lens always reflects back to you and what type you are." Roughly five years ago, as an entrepreneur, Brian was thinking about this and the things in his life and he named these four personality types. He came up with the Dreamer, Architect, Builder and the Cultivator. The Dreamer: This is where the idea for a business is born. The dream is the culmination of the entrepreneur’s life experiences and passions. The Architect: This stage is where the dream is interpreted into a business model which becomes the blueprint of the venture. The Dreamer typically does not make a good Architect. The Builder: This is the stage where the dream can first become reality. The Builder then literally turns the dream into reality. We are now at a critical juncture of the venture. The Cultivator: This is the growth stage. Once the business is launched the Cultivator’s primary role is to guide the business through the various levels of growth. Brian points out, “In creating and running our businesses, we have natural talents that at times reveal our brilliance. With this brilliance, also come our blind spots that are caused by our unconscious patterns or temperament. Neither type is superior to the other. Each dominant type has both opportunities to display their brilliance and they will also reveal their blind spots. Our main goal is to help entrepreneurs become aware of what makes them brilliant and encourage them to put their energy and focus into those areas. We’re also aware of how important it is to be conscious of our blind spots so we can create a plan to manage and regulate these less developed traits. This plan does not include becoming an expert in all of our various weaknesses." Listen to Brian's interview, take notes and visit the links below...
Related Links:
Startup Guru Home ||
Startup Guru Blog ||
DaVinci Institute ||
The Four Stages of Entrepreneurship ||
The Value of Entrepreneurial Personality Types ||
Economy Builders ||
Keywords: Brian Tsuchiya, Startup Guru, Entrepreneurial Personality Types,
Entrepreneurship, Dreamer, Architect, Builder, Cultivator > 3/28/11 Bytes: 6882432
LISTEN to Brian Tsuchiya, Startup Guru
Putting together the plan to go to the next level
973_ 2/28/11 - Larry corralled Vic Ahmed, a serial entrepreneur who has helped companies grow along with his many entrepreneurial experiences. Vic is also Chairman and President of TiE Rockies. Recently, he got involved with, Business Genetics, a Colorado company. Vic explained, "I found it by accident than worked with the founders, Cedric Tyler and Steve Baker, helping them put together the plan to go to the next level. One rarely has the opportunity to work with a company that is the best in the world. At first I was skeptical, but doing my due diligence over a number of months, I am convinced. Even Gartner has said on a number of occasions, what they have is not only disruptive, but the best in the world. What they do is a very exciting thing and done in the very traditional world of business and process mapping. This has been around for decades. Typically you write down requirements and business processes or use some fancy software to come up with these requirements. Business Genetics says no. What they do is very business friendly. It's like what/where type of questions that any business person can answer very easily without getting confused, without technical jargon being thrown at them, which has been the case in the traditional methodology. The end result is two things, 1.) The time frame of getting this work done reduces to a fraction because of the way it works. The second is the level of accuracy of your requirements or processes goes up by an order of magnitude. If you look at IT projects as an example, over 60% fail. Research says that 80% of the reason that these fail is because requirements don't map to what they're trying to accomplish, what the user actually wants. It is not easy to conceptualize a data flow diagram and other technical diagrams that traditionally have been produced. So this changes the ball game. I think the level of accuracy is the biggest benefit." Listen to Vic's discussion for some more money saving and money-making ideas...
Related Links:
Business Genetics ||
Plug and Play Tech Center ||
Blog ||
In the News ||
TiE Rockies ||
BG Overview ||
Keywords: Vic Ahmed, Business Process Mapping, Business Genetics, TiE Rockies,
Entrepreneur, Due Diligence, Cedric Tyler, Steve Baker, Gartner 2/28/11 bytes=7153270 LISTEN to
Vic Ahmed, Business Process Mapping
He profits Most Who Serves Best, August 1911
1124_ 12/12/11 -
With over 700 in attendance, the Colorado Rotarians celebrate the culmination of 100 years in Colorado at the 6th annual state of the state luncheon. Christy Ramee, President, Rotary Club of Denver Lodo introduces Governor John Hickenlooper. The first motto of Rotary International, "He profits Most Who Serves Best", was approved at the second Rotary Convention, held in Portland, Oregon, in August 1911. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, a geologist-turned brewpub pioneer who had never run for political office (not even student council) before being elected Denver Mayor in 2003, was elected Governor of Colorado on Nov. 2, 2010. One of the topics the governor talked about is one of Colorado’s challenges. Colorado is ranked #42 out of 50 states on per student costs, speed and access to the internet at our schools. Our neighboring states of Nebraska, Wyoming and Utah offer high speed internet access at one-tenth the current Colorado costs. In 2000, approximately 45,000 classes throughout the US school systems were taken online. In 2009, approximately three million classes were taken online. The expectation is that by 2019, one half of all high school classes will be online. The students of Colorado deserve access to high speed internet at an affordable price to meet the challenges of the 21st century global economy! Here’s the solution. With the support of the three Rotary Districts in the State of Colorado and many current and former Rotarians, the Rotary Club of Denver assisted EAGLE-Net (Educational Access Gateway Learning Environment Network, ) to acquire a $100.6 million federal stimulus grant, plus $46 million additional in in-kind services to install high speed internet to 234 community anchor points (CAIs) throughout the State. These CAIs include all 178 school district buildings. The other CAIs are libraries, museums and some colleges and universities not already served. This network is referred to as the “Middle Mile” and construction has already started...get involved and listen, there's much more...
Related Links:
Colorado State Web Portal ||
EAGLE Net ||
Rotary District 5450 ||
Rotary Club of Denver Club 31 ||
CO High Speed Internet Project ||
PodCast Directory ||
Event Photos ||
Keywords: Governor, John Hickenlooper, Colorado, Rotary, High Speed Internet Project,
EAGLE-Net, Educational Access Gateway, Learning Environment Network, Community Anchor Points - bytes=18269730 LISTEN TO: Gov. John Hickenlooper
Fifty-two percent of U.S. employers are having trouble filling jobs 1120_ 12/5/11 - Unemployment has been around 9% for some time and it doesn't look like there's any change in the immediate future. We have with us today, an expert in the employment arena, Melodie Reagan, i2i Workforce. Larry's question relates to the employer's view of the dilemma, even with the high unemployment it is difficult to find people for the jobs and yet people seeking employment are having a hard time finding work. Melodie said, "It's a very paradoxical situation, but it is a reality. There are a couple of trends and situations emerging that make it ever more complex." She explains, very simply it is a supply and demand issue. Manpower does an annual talent shortage survey and 52% of U.S. employers are having trouble filling jobs. According to Manpower the top three jobs they're having difficulty selling are skilled trades, sales representatives and engineers. The openings are now in double digits, so it's getting worse. One of the issues they're running into is about fit, it's about having the right skill. What is happening is we have workers with a specific skill set and employers looking for a specific skill set but they're not necessarily coming together. An example, you're not going to hire a sales rep that sells cars to sell software, right? The employer has a list of requirements and it's difficult to find someone who fits all the requirements. Another issue is with employers, once they bring someone, because of longevity. Longevity in the U.S. is actually under three years. Compared to the top 13 industrialized nations, we have the shortest job duration. Consequently employers can no longer afford to train workers unless they come to the job with the appropriate skill sets. Employers are willing to train for job specific skills but not marketable skills. They'll train you if they use a CRM, but they're not going to train you to be a sales person. Consequently what's happening is we are running into skill gaps. Situations that Melodie's company has run into are companies hiring marketing managers - and the marketing manager doesn't know anything about social media; or sales representatives that they don't know how to use a CRM, or Sales Force or an online web tool. They have even seen situations where they've had engineers that don't know how to use computers or automated tools because of the industry they've been in ...listen, there's more detail... Related Links: i2i Workforce || Colorado Companies to Watch || In the News || Blog || Keywords: Melodie Reagan, i2i Workforce, Colorado Companies to Watch, Talent Strategy,
Recruiting, Jobs, Unemployment, Manpower, Training - bytes=6965606 LISTEN TO: Melodie Reagan, i2i Workforce
The recovery has been a little bit tougher than the recession
1105_ 11/7/11 -
A little over a year ago Larry promised to follow up on a company he interviewed as a winner of the Colorado Companies to Watch program. We've been keeping an eye on their progress, they've moved into a new location and we're back to check in with Judy Amabile, Co Founder and President of Product Architects also known as Polar Bottle. Product Architects make hand held hydration devices for outdoor enthusiasts and for anyone who is on the go. Their main product is Polar Bottle, an insulated water bottle they came out with in 1994. Since then they've added more products, a stainless steel bottle and a single wall plastic bottle with an innovative new cap called the half-twist cap. They've just begun selling those through retailers, but all of their products are available online. The best part of this business is that everything is manufactured here in the U.S. and proudly carries the "Made in America" stamp. With the economic challenges everyone has been facing, Larry wanted to get Judy's opinion and experience as a local business and manufacturer. Judy explained their company did well in the recession, the sporting goods industry in general did well in the recession. People went from buying a lot of high priced luxury goods to back-to-basics, fun things for the outdoors as a way of still getting out, still vacationing and still having a good time - but not spending a huge amount of money. The recovery has been a little bit tougher than the recession was. Part of what's happening is retailers are consolidating their assortment as well as consolidating the number of vendors they deal with. For a small company like Product Architects they are at risk, but that hasn't happened with any of their larger accounts - so things have been good and they're still on a growth trajectory. "But", said Judy, "we need the economy to turn around." Larry asked, "what do you think the opportunities for companies are today?" As other companies drop off there is opportunity to fill whatever that void is. There has been quite a lot of consolidation in the outdoor industry, a lot of companies buying companies. Judy says, "Being a small company with an American made product, doing manufacturing here in the United States really sets us apart from other companies." Listen, Judy shares a number of other useful points... Related Links:
Polar Bottle Web Site ||
Economy Builders ||
In the News ||
Colorado Companies to Watch ||
Keywords: Judy Amabile, Product Architects, Polar Bottle, Made in America, Hydration
Devices, Outdoor Enthusiasts, Sports Authority, REI, Trek Bicycles, Dick's bytes=4881661 LISTEN to: Judy Amabile, Product Architects
Whatever you give out you get back 10 fold 1092_ 10/10/11 - The Second Annual un-conference - Product Camp is coming up on October 29th. Wondering what a non-conference is? It is your opportunity to develop the agenda and create the value of the program to coincide directly with your own needs, extend your network, and get as much out of the conference as you put into it! We spoke with Larry McKeogh and Michael Jones the creators of this unusual, no fee, interesting event that draws a few hundred folks from up and down the front range. Larry McKeogh is a product manager, which means he takes products and creates the best possibilities for them in the market place. Michael Jones says he's sort of a product manager and the vice president of a startup in Boulder - they make manufacturing equipment. And Michael added, "Because we are small, I clean bathrooms and do everything else at the same time." Larry asked one of his favorite questions for business leaders, "What are the biggest challenges people, leaders and organizations are facing in this economic environment?" From Larry McKeogh's point of view it is 'innovation'. Many companies are asking their employees to do more with less. They need to break into new markets and they're asking them to be very innovative. Michael Jones has a different view as a startup at a unique juncture where they have a new product, they have acceptance and a down market. Without capital it's difficult to fund the ramp up [probably will happen next year]. "It is difficult to innovate because they're developing at a slower rate than if we had investment." So for an overview of the un-conference. Larry says, "It's a complete meritocracy - it's driven by the people, for the people and ultimately what you get out of it is what you put into it." This particular un-conference is centered around product management, product marketing and innovation type themes. Registration begins at 8:00am, a keynote speaker at 9:00am and three sessions in the morning and two sessions in the afternoon. It's completely free and lunch is provided. Michael points out that this [un]conference is free money wise - but it's not free on your time - you are supposed to come, present, learn, network - but there's no entrance fee...listen for more... Related Links: Rocky Mountain Product Camp || Proclivis Product Development || Communication Technologies Channel || Blog || Keywords: Larry McKeogh, Mike Jones, Rocky Mountain, Product Camp, Business Leaders,
Conference, Un-Conference, Innovation, Meritocracy, bytes=7220143 Listen to: Larry McKeough & Mike Jones, Product Camp
Access to venture capital is important in most every company
1079_ 9/19/11 -
We're here with Su Hawk, president of the Colorado Technology Association, to discuss some very interesting things coming up, near term and going out to 2012. Happy to tell us about it, Su said, "Here's the scoop. We have to make sure the technology industry in Colorado is as vibrant as possible. And we're very serious here at CTA about doing everything that we can do." The project, an industry road map, that Su is referring to has already begun in 2011. It will help guide the work that needs to be done for the industry. Gathering information and statistics, reasons for locating here, and for staying here, the talent pool, the regulatory environment - answering the questions, what drew them here, what keeps them here, what will help keep them in the future. For instance access to venture capital is important in most every company, but certainly technology, but what kind of access to capital? As early stage companies grow what else do they need as a second stage, more mature company? Is it a form of access? is it PE; is it investment; are they planning to go public? What is it that they're really looking for? So that's what this industry roadmap will do. Su said, "We've grown organically so well, in Colorado. Imagine if we also added a few elements to stimulate that growth. Imagine what we could do." She points out that other local industries have done this type of industry road map successfully. While this will be launched in 2012 the work has already begun this year in the fund raising and the framing and then the report will be due out in 2012. The roundtables with company leaders CEO's, CTO's and CIO's, will occur in different geographies in our state. For example the composition of technology issues might be a little different in Colorado Springs vs. Fort Collins or Boulder. We also know the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Boulder is enormously strong. So, some of the roundtables will be around geography, some by sector. We want to know why great entrepreneurs like...there's more... DEMOgala is coming up October 14th with dozens of great speakers focusing on Colorado this year.
Related Links:
Colorado Technology Association ||
DEMOgala ||
Software Channel ||
Podcast Directory ||
Keywords: Su Hawk, Colorado Technology Association, DEMOgala, Talent Pool, Healthcare,
Patent Laws, International, Access to Capital, Regulation, Policy, Safe Harbor, bytes=5394079 LISTEN TO: Su Hawk, President CTA
Worldwide executives explore the unknown 974_ 2/28/11 -What do worldwide executives do to bring balance into their lives? Join us in listening to Dave Leonard's account of his journey to Antarctica. He paints an exciting word picture. As he says, "Bring a little balance to your life, broaden your horizon and your perspective." Dave and his wife Claire decided to travel to Antarctica after the sale of Wild Blue last year. We had taken an excursion with National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions, and we had gone to the Arctic three years ago. We were so impressed with the operation that we decided to do the other end of the globe. I guess you could say, to become bi-polar. This journey was 21 days on a ship. We left from Ushuaia, went to the Falkland Islands, then to South Georgia Island, to Elephant Island and over to Antarctica Peninsula. (same journey, in reverse, that Sir Ernest Shackleton took in 1914 - but we didn't have the same experience - that is one of the most amazing survival stories of all time.) Larry asked experiences that standout. "Well first, I was unprepared for just how staggeringly beautiful that part of the world is. It's not well known because nobody is there. Basically it's whale stations and research stations run by the U.S. and other governments on the Antarctica Peninsula which is governed by an international treaty. Second the abundance of wildlife is astounding. I mean, to be standing on the Salisbury Plain in South Georgia amidst, literally two to three million penguins. It's beyond description, words just can't do it justice. It was the adventure of a lifetime, we're very glad we did. The winds are impressive, called Katabatic winds, that come off the glaciers and blow at 100 to 150 mph. If you've never tried to stand up in a 150mph wind, I'll tell you it's a real experience." There's much more to listen to and check out the links below... Related Links: Antarctica Cruise || National Geographic Explorer || Communications Technology Professionals || CTP Channel || Blog || Keywords: David Leonard, Claire Leonard, Antarctica, Communications Technology
Professionals, CTP, 2/28/11 bytes=5425008 LISTEN to David Leonard, Global Executive, R&R in Antarctica
Steve Wille: Transform your Management Team Beyond Expectations 1041_ 7/5/11 - We are in a whirlwind of change. We are here with Steve Wille. Steve is well known here in the business and technical community. He's also the author of Colorful Leadership. People are always asking about change and motivation, and Steve has an interesting approach to the subject. Rather a colorful approach, imagine putting on a pair of 'rose colored' glasses. You think optimistic, you like everybody - everybody likes you. Steve uses that as a symbol for good relationship, the People Filter in your glasses. That isn't the only picture, Steve believes sometimes you have to take off the rose colored glasses and replace them with blue glasses. Take a cold hard look at things. Look at the numbers, look at reality. Are things working? A little more skeptical picture. Still there's more, another pair of green glasses that spot the strangeness around us. The chaos, the innovation, new, exciting things. A business, an organization dies if it doesn't do something new and exciting - there is no future. "So", says Steve, "the optimal leader changes the glasses and looks at the same situation through the three different filters and makes the best decision in the situation. Of course they're discussing the 3-Filters Technology™ developed by Larry Nelson and taught by Larry globally for many years. Steve has been studying the 3-Filters Technology™ and brings a new perspective, and a colorful understanding to working with the 3-Filters Technology™. On July 15th Steve and Larry will be presenting this bright new picture of the 3-Filters Technology™ for managers and their teams. Be sure to check out the information on the seminar titled, "Transform your Management Team Beyond Expectations". There's a link in the Related Links section, of this article to the RMIMA website where you can find all the details and register. Remember to bring you entire management team - it could be the best investment you can make in your existing management team, and a great opportunity for the emerging leaders in your organization. The 3-Filters Technology™ is Powerful - Proven and People-Oriented! Related Links: 3-Filters Seminar || 3-Filters Technology || Training Trends || Colorful Leadership Book || Mastering Change Book || Keywords:3-Filters Technology,Transform your Management Team Beyond Expectations Steve Wille, Larry Nelson, Mastering Change, Training Trends, Colorful Leadership, LPI, Life Perspective Inventory
7/5/11 bytes=5897302 Listen to: Steve Wille & Larry Nelson
Melodie Reagan and Jennifer Long: Growth strategies
1031_ 6/13/11 -
Here are the challenges and choices as well as some real good advice for businesses of all types. We're with managing partners of i2i Workforce, talking with Melodie Reagan and Jennifer Long, who deal with talent strategy and delivering what companies need, everything from training, development and retention. Larry begins with his 'classic three questions' "What are the biggest challenges in our environment today for businesses?" Melodie says, “Given the market businesses have worked on cutbacks, hunkering down, mitigating and eliminating risk -That is not a growth strategy, it is a protection strategy. The next thing that I think has come out of the current market is people are a challenge; A lean workforce, businesses have to do more with less; Team members, because of the environment, are not as committed, not as passionate about the company and they lack belief in management. The other thing, and we all know this, is funding. Money is not flowing at the level it needs to flow and that's from investors, banks, all the way through the business's purchasing and consumers purchasing.” Jen Long adds, "From a workers perspective, from the staffing side, the biggest challenge is that because they're doing more with less, the workforce is smaller - the workforce has to balance out its skill set. It's got to be more diverse in its capability, which means you can't just be the tech guy, you've got to be somebody that can do both ends, you've got to broaden your own capabilities because it's the only way you're going to advance.” They also discuss, 'What are the biggest opportunities?' and 'Advice for leaders'. Melodie reflected on a conversation she had with Larry recently. Her advice to businesses today would be to take the moment, take some risks – this is the time to move your business to the next level.
Related Links:
i2i Workforce ||
In the News ||
Colorado Companies to Watch ||
Podcasting Directory ||
Keywords: Melodie Reagan, Jennifer Long, i2i Workforce, Colorado Companies to Watch, Talent
Strategy, Recruiting, Jobs, Unemployment, Job Creation, Leaders, Entrepreneurs 6/13/11 bytes=6251732
LISTEN to Melodie Reagan & Jen Long, i2i Workforce
Golf Classic for the Good of the Community
1013_ 5/16/11 -
Time for the always great KidsTek Charity Golf Classic - June 9th. This is the 10th Annual and w3w3 is excited to speak with good friends Rich Liner and Pat Maley, founding members of KidsTek. We met back in 2000 thru Cathy Ewing, then president of CSIA and both Rich and Pat were CSIA board members.
KidsTek provides cost-effective tuition-free after-school computer education programs to Colorado's disadvantaged youth. Working in partnership with urban public schools and utilizing existing computer labs, KidsTek classes give students, from elementary to high school, the tools they need to succeed in modern life. KidsTek uses standards and project-based lessons that teach "real world" computer skills using the power of the Internet, the most commonly-used productivity software, and multimedia applications that engage students. Programs range from internet basics for elementary level children to a Cisco Networking Academy at Montbello High School in Denver. Thanks to your support, 900 students were served during the 2009-2010 school year. KidsTek continues to expand programs, and will host technology and computer skills classes at 14 sites this school year. We start out with a little recap of who KidsTek is. Rich tells us, "We are primarily chartered with helping under privileged and under served youth in the k-12 space throughout the front range in Colorado, providing cost-effective tuition-free after-school computer education programs to Colorado's disadvantaged youth. Right now we are working with 14 schools in Denver and Aurora public school systems, primarily through after school programs. We're now doing about 170 project based learning programs for the elementary and middle school kids. In the elementary schools we teach the kids to have fun with computers, how to safely use the Internet and get excited about using the technology. Then at middle school we teach them the skills they'll need to get ahead in life such as the Microsoft Office Suite, PowerPoint, Word and Excel, primarily. Pat Maley tells Larry, "What we're really trying to do is help high-schoolers develop technical skills that are immediately employable after high school or help them get into a technical program in college. And we're using industry training, so we use the same training that CISCO uses in their academy and the same with Solaris. We have two high schools in Denver, North High School and Montbello High School where we have CISCO classes where the kids actually take the class during the school day and at the end of the year they take the same certification that people take in industry.
Larry asked Rich about coming events. "My favorite topic is the Annual Charity Golf Classic" said Rich, "which is coming up this year on June 9th with a silent auction and for a keynote speaker we have Dr. Nate Easley who is the president of the Denver School Board and a big proponent of reforming schools and making them better, doing whatever needs to be done to get these kids better schooled and that's why we are really excited about having him as our keynote this year. Much more to listen to...
Related Links:
KidsTek Home ||
KidsTek Charity Golf Classic ||
Liner Group ||
Wiegers Capital Partners ||
ViaWest ||
Keywords: Rich Liner, Pat Maley, KidsTek, Annual Charity Golf Classic, Microsoft Office
Suite, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, 5/16/11 Bytes: 6407212 LISTEN to
Rich Liner and Pat Maley, KidsTek Charity Golf Classic
It is a fun, free,
Metro Denver city-wide event
1005_ 4/25/11 -
What is Lemonade Day? It is a FUN, FREE, Metro Denver city-wide event, where KIDS get to MAKE and KEEP THE MONEY that they earn. Kids of all ages learn to set goals, develop a business plan, establish a budget, seek investors, sell a product, provide customer service, and give back to their community. Larry interviewed Nigel Alexander, an owner of Liberty-Bell Telecom who is a big supporter of Lemonade Day. What is it? Lemonade Day is an event that teaches kids the skills they need to be successful in the future. They will learn to set goals, develop a business plan, establish a budget, seek investors, sell a product, provide customer service, and give back to the community. Lemonade day is the perfect opportunity for a community to show kids they care, and train the next generation of entrepreneurs through a FREE, fun, engaging, experiential activity. When it is? Lemonade Day is Sunday, May 22nd, 2011. Who can participate? Youth of all ages can participate (with adult supervision!). Not only does Lemonade Day directly affect the participants, but it also affects the entire community. To register for an official Lemonade Day stand and to participate in the event, a parent or guardian must sign a consent form agreeing that a responsible adult will assist and supervise.
Who can get involved and how? Anyone and everyone can be involved in Lemonade Day! Young entrepreneurs that have lemonade stands need adult supervision, sponsors, investors, employees, and customers...Listen for more... Related Links:
Lemonade Day ||
Lemonade Day FAQs ||
Prepared 4 Life ||
Liberty-Bell Telecom ||
Keywords: Nigel Alexander, Lemonade Day, Prepared 4 Life, Metro Denver, Kids, Liberty-Bell Telecom, Kids, Entrepreneurs, 4/25/11
bytes=4637991 - LISTEN to
Nigel Alexander, Executive Director, Lemonade Day
Then again, transparency counts for so much
996_ 4/11/11 -
Doing business in other countries can be a tricky thing, but it can also be a very valuable resource for large and small companies. We're lucky enough to corral a gentleman who is spectacular as it relates to doing business in China, Japan, Korea and other countries. We welcome back to the show Steve Werner, to introduce us to long time friend and associate Tom Byrne. They served together in the Peace Corps in South Korea many years ago. While Tom is here, Steve asked him to speak to a few groups today, at University of Denver, Rotary Clubs, and the World Trade Center. Tom works for Moody's Investor Services in Asia and he is Sr. VP with the Sovereign Risk Division which means that he assess the political, social and business climate in each country in order for Moody's to give a financial grade to those countries. Larry asked, "What is the business environment like today? How is it impacting international trade?"Tom replied, "My view is the macro view, it's a view that most of the time is about 30,000 feet above the surface. So I don't get into the nitty-gritty aspects of actually doing business deals in these countries. But we do assess the general institutional features of all these countries in Asia, Pacific area which includes Southeast Asia, south Asia and all the way to the Middle East. All sorts of countries in varying degrees of development... What we do find is that there is a positive correlation between so called governance and transparency and credit worthiness. In fact, countries that we worked on in the past like Korea become more transparent, their institutions, particularly their legal institutions, as well as the government itself become more effective but more credible. And this is associated with increased business and increased capital inflows into these countries. This is the time of 'Black Swan' events, referring to of course that famous book that Nassim Taleb wrote, warning us that we shouldn't have biases that under appreciate uncertainty and that rare events could have massive consequences. We've seen a bunch of these rare events and we're still trying to gain our footing from global financial prices, high unemployment in the U.S. as a consequence of that. But what that means now is that..." Listen for more...
Related Links:
Moody's ||
Steve Werner Consulting ||
Rotary Club of Southeast Denver ||
In the News 2009 ||
Keywords: Thomas J. Byrne, Moody's, Asia, China, Japan, Korea, Transparency,
Steve Werner, Rotary Club, Peace Corps, Triple A Rating. Worldwide - Channel:News 4/11/11 Bytes: 6005554
LISTEN to Steve Werner and Thomas J. Byrne, Moody's Asia
Leaders have unprecedented demands placed on them
994 4/4/11 -
Are you an ordinary or an extraordinary leader? This is going to be a very interesting topic, we're back with Robert White. "In prior interviews we talked about a personal foundation for success, as well as specific attitudes, habits, behaviors, that are really required to lead an extraordinary life. Now it occurred to me, based on what you've said, that we all have to be leaders today, is that true?" Larry is interviewing Robert White, founder of Extraordinary People, author and worldwide speaker. Robert's reply, "I believe so, I think when times were more stable and change was not coming at us at the pace that it is currently coming at us, that we could just manage our lives. You know managers, good managers, can plan, organize and control, whether that be in a family or corporate setting or non-profit setting. But when there is a tremendous amount of change, what is required is to move people. Move yourself and move others, to be able to deal with the change. To innovate, to create and to adapt to the rapidly changing environment that we're all living in. The environment is changing for our families. I mean, the pressures that the average teenager in middle school faces are radically different from when you and I were growing up. We all kind of know that. Of course it's true in organizations, our competitors change fast so we've got to change fast. Markets change, prices change, and everything changes. We have to do more with less, that's pretty constant for the last 10-15 years. And certainly in our civic organizations, politically and other government organizations, there's an awesome amount of change. So what do you need when there's a lot of change? You need someone to lead people through it." "That's a fact, Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos, one of my favorite topics, said Larry. "And a very good book." Robert pointed out. "Leadership is not so much a science as it is art. And the art really functions around relationships. When you're going to be asking people to handle change, which is one of the primary tasks of a leader, the level of relationship is going to determine how effective you're going to be. So my focus is on preparing people to be in better, stronger, deeper, more productive relationships. From my perspective, that's a key aspect of being a great leader, to create extraordinary relationships. Get a complimentary copy of Robert's eBook, The Tipping Point of Success from the link below..
Related Links:
Tipping Point of Success - FREE eBook ||
Extraordinary People ||
Resource Library ||
Extraordinary People Executive Coaching Blog ||
8 Power Principles ||
In the News ||
Keywords: Robert White, Extraordinary People, Leadership, Career, Executive Success Coach, Living an Extraordinary Life, 8 Power Principles, Purpose, vision, values, Success, Strategic Intent, Randy Alford - 4/4/11 bytes=7065498
LISTEN to Robert White, Extraordinary People
Woman of the year chosen by BPW
986_ 3/21/11 -
The 2011 Celebration of Women Event is an opportunity for Boulder BPW to recognize those who serve our community by supporting and inspiring others to promote BPW’s mission politically, professionally and personally. Each year we choose an organization to support and the 2011 Celebration of Women Event is a fundraiser that will benefit Boulder Family Self-Sufficiency. Selected as "Woman of the Year" is Janet Eden-Harris, Chief Marketing Officer and Sr. Vice President of Strategy, Market Force Information. In her dual roles as chief marketing officer and senior vice president of strategy, Janet Eden-Harris is responsible for marketing, product and corporate strategy at Market Force Information. Janet joined Market Force from J.D. Power and Associates, where she was vice president of its Web Intelligence unit. Before that, she was CEO of Umbria, a Boulder-based information services company that was acquired by J.D. Power in 2008. Prior to Umbria, Janet held the positions of executive vice president and chief marketing officer at Information Resources Inc. (IRI), overseeing global marketing operations, product management and strategy. She previously spent a decade directing marketing initiatives at i2 Technologies, a leading provider of supply chain management solutions for multiple industries including CPG and retail. Prior to i2, she was chief marketing officer for Aspect Development, which was acquired by i2 to become one of the largest mergers in software history. Prior to Aspect, Janet headed marketing for CADIS, a start-up company that provided parts management solutions and early business applications, which was acquired by Aspect Development. Before CADIS, she was co-founder of Eden-Harris, Associates, a marketing consulting agency, and held a variety of senior management positions in the high-tech and agency sector working for clients such as Carte Blanche Credit Card, Barclays Bank, and PSA Airlines. Janet holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and marketing from the University of Oregon. Listen to Janet's acceptance speech. It is a fascinating story...
Related Links:
BPW Celebration: Community of Champions ||
Market Force ||
Boulder BPW ||
Blog ||
Keywords: Janet Eden-Harris, Boulder BPW, Market Force Information, J.D. Power
and Associates, Umbria, CADIS, Carte Blanche Credit Card, Barclays Bank, PSA Airlines > 3/21/11 Bytes: 14992512
Janet Eden-Harris, Boulder BPW's Woman of the Year
Achieving Extraordinary Success; Personally and Professionally
979_ 3/7/11 -
New Year’s Resolutions are either forgotten or a nagging source of guilt. We do more planning for a three day business trip than we do for our lives—the result is staying stuck in some kind of mediocre rut. There are proven methodologies for achieving extraordinary success and in this interview Executive Success Coach and author Robert White outlines those methods and 'next steps.' Those aspects of our lives we all consider most important – family, career, financial security and peace of mind, can be extraordinary experiences and Robert tells us exactly how to take our lives from ordinary to extraordinary. Today we're talking about one of Larry's favorite topics, achieving extraordinary success. We're talking with a colleague whom we've known for many years. Robert is an author, small and large business owner, traveled all over the world, from here to Japan and other places. Larry asked, "What makes you better or different from the army of folks out there professing to teach something about how to be more effective?" Robert replied, "I don't know about better, but I do know about a couple of distinctions. One of them is that I've built a number of training businesses where I've had to deal with hundreds and then thousands and then ultimately 1,300,000 graduates. So that real life experience affects everything that I do and also what I think. The second piece is that I am very tuned to my own personal journey, and noticing how all of the events and things happening in my life act as a mirror for what I need to work on next in terms of my own growth and development. In your book, Living an Extraordinary Life, you say "Life is simple this does not mean it's easy" expand on that..."The rules for living are actually pretty simple. The challenge for most people is they are in fact not easy. It's not easy, as an example, to tell the truth all the time. It's not easy to stay focused. It's not easy to express commitment in your life. So that's the piece, the simple part is figuring that all out as an abstraction, the hard part is living it." Listen and be ready to takes some notes...
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Keywords: Robert White, Extraordinary People, Leadership, Career, Executive Success Coach, Living an Extraordinary Life, Purpose, vision, values and strategic Intent >
3/7/11 Bytes: 8280088
Robert White, Extraordinary People
Decide, clearly, specifically and positively what you want
985_ 3/21/11 -
We are back with Robert White and we're going to talk about the eight power principles for achieving extraordinary success. “The last time we talked Robert, you emphasized the importance of becoming clear on our personal purpose, vision, value and strategic intent. Let me ask this, if we're already working on those and could be reflective on those pieces, what comes next? What actually do we have to do to be committed to extraordinary success?” Robert replied, "Let's just say we've made a decision that we might, maybe, perhaps want to entertain being extraordinary. For most people they want to be a little bit better. My experience is being a little bit better brings up a little resistance. So as you try to get a little better, all of your beliefs, all of the resistance you have from early in your life meet that desire to get better. So what it takes is a leap, a really good, strong commitment to say, Hey, I don't want to be just a little bit better - I want my life to be extraordinary. I want the family, the business success, the financial freedom. The moment you do that, the moment you're really clear on what you want to have, there are two components. First you have to do something to get what you want, but secondly you're going to have to improve your state of being. Ultimately it requires that combination of being and doing, if you want to create extraordinary success in your life. Robert has a 21 page report, they wrote based on 30 years research, and he is happy to provide this for people. But briefly they are 1.) Decide, clearly, specifically and positively what you want. 2.) Get really rigorous about telling the truth, first to yourself and then to others. 3.) Express yourself, to be fully who you are in the world. 4.) Take personal responsibility. We live in a victim culture; we live in a culture of blame which creates regret, shame. It is a horrible down cycle in people's lives. Taking personal responsibility gives you your power back..." ...listen now, there's much more...
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Keywords: Robert White, Extraordinary People, Leadership, Career, Executive
Success Coach, Living an Extraordinary Life, 8 Power Principles, Purpose, vision, values, strategic Intent 3/21/11 Bytes: 8130040
Robert White, Founder & President, Extraordinary People
Helping companies expand their business
957_ 1/24/11 -
We've interviewed Vic Ahmed many times over the years and it is particularly exciting today. TiE Rockies, with Vic as president and chairman, has put together a plan for the future of TiE in Colorado. Things have dramatically changed since 2008, and Vic said, "We have to relook at the things we've done in the past and what things we could change and improve to better serve the local entrepreneurial ecosystem." Balan Nair, CTO at Liberty Global, Sureel Choksi, previously with Level3, John Kelley (past CEO, McData), Joe Zell, Grotech Ventures, along with Vic makeup the board of directors. Vic is very excited to have this dynamic and influential group who will take TiE to its next logical destination. "In this context working with the board, and an outstanding group of charter members, we've come up with a very narrowly focused plan. TiE has always done networking, mentoring and educational sessions and will continue to do those. But now we're going to have a focus around three areas. The first and foremost is, funding. We know that Colorado has been challenged with sources of funding, especially in the VC arena - We don't have that many active funds in Colorado anymore. So all the more important to find a bridge to Silicon Valley. In that context we have formed a significant relationship with Plug and Play of Silicon Valley. We're introducing a TiE 50 program where we highlight companies; and then TiE itself has a new group, TiE Angels who make early stage investments. So we are basically launching these programs for the Colorado ecosystem, to assist companies get funding, something which is in dire straits right now. So, that's the first part. The second area TiE is focusing on is helping companies expand their business. "For that", Vic said, "you only have to look at our history. Larry you have been a great supporter of TiE. But TiE has a special connection with India, because of its roots from Indian entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. We are a powerhouse in India, and India is now the fourth largest economy. No longer is it a destination for only getting IT work done." Vic talks about a great deal more about expanding. "The last focus area they've added is Cleantech. "That clearly, remains an area in which Colorado is seen as a global leader. I think it is an opportunity for us to highlight that to a national audience, not just a local audience."
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Keywords: Vic Ahmed, TiE Rockies, Plug and Play Tech Center, Funding, Balan Nair, CTO at Liberty Global, Sureel Choksi, previously with Level3, John Kelley (past CEO, McData), Joe Zell, Grotech Ventures, Colorado Ecosystem
01/24/11 bytes=7087232
Listen To: Vic Ahmed, President & Chairman, TiE Rockies
Social Networking: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter We launched Talk Radio over 10 years ago and we have had a Blog and Podcast Directory for years. But we are new to Social Networking. Whether you are a Newbie or an experienced pro, join us on Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. 7/13/09
Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek come to Colorado
832_ 4/26/10 -
At the 26th National Space Symposium, Larry and Pat had an opportunity
to have a discussion with Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame. But Nimoy is so much more than that. They decided to talk about other topics that help us learn more about him and what has shaped his character over the past 79 years as well as understanding his hot buttons. We started out by reflecting on some poetry Leonard read as 'whale song' was heard in the background...that was decades ago but it opened up insights to his current interests and concerns. When asked, Is there something businesses can do to motivate children?" His reply was an ouch. "I'm not a sociologist, I'm not a businessman, I can't speak intelligently about that. I'll tell you what I am concerned about; I'm concerned about how much television kids watch that is not uplifting, or educational or inspiring in any way. It's all about celebrity, and if you're celebrity, come and tell us about your celebrity. What have you accomplished? I'm a celebrity - I'm famous for having a lot of children, so I want a TV show - It's crazy. What we have descended to in our education, it's crazy! It's really sad, I could go on about that, I'm not going to." He had a great deal to say about advice he would give to someone following his career path. "The biggest fantasy, myth about my work, about being an actor is people who think a look will get you somewhere, be at the right place and time, that kind of thing - luck plays a big role, but I never believed that, not even as a teenager...Education, it's all about education. Learn, learn, learn and devote yourself to a profession. Be professional about it." Larry asked, "Do you feel the U.S. is losing its position in terms of space?" Leonard replied, "Yes, I don't know to what degree this is true. I don't want to be an alarmist about this, but I do think we've got some work to do." We did end with a Vulcan salute. Listen for much, much more... Related Links:
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Keywords: Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek, Spock, Vulcan, National Space Symposium,
Space Foundation, Education, Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award 4/26/10 Chnl: News bytes: 5458968
LISTEN to Leonard Nimoy, aka Mr. Spock
Inventors leading the way to a better tomorrow 1100_ 10/31/11 - Coming up on November 5th, just around the corner, is an exciting event that has continually grown in importance over the past seven years, that is the DaVinci Inventors Showcase 2011. And we're back at the DaVinci Vault to talk to Tom and Deb Frey, and Andrew Frey about this year's event. Tom tells us the interesting thing about the Showcase this year is that they have more inventors coming from out of state than locally, so the word is spreading. Andrew has been working on recruiting inventors to come and share a view of a "better tomorrow". The caliber of invention continues to keep rising and there will be some amazing talent on display at this event. Deb Frey reminds us this is a wonderful family event, a great way to spend a Saturday with the family and just possibly get your children more interested in the sciences. Besides a glimpse into the future, you can talk with the actual inventors and many of the exhibitors provide an interactive experience. Larry's been one of the 'celebrity judges' for the past number of years and it's one of those events that you look forward to each year. Keynote speakers include Diana Urbine the expert on QVC with over 1500 appearances on QVC - she's worked with past winners from the Inventor's Showcase, so there are some interesting success stories coming out of this event. The other keynote speaker is Louis Foreman, founder/CEO of EdisonNation, publisher of Inventor’s Digest, and producer of the Emmy Award winning PBS series Everyday Edisons. Louis has put together a $25 Million fund specifically for inventions and three to five of the exhibitors will get personal invitations from Louis to participate in this fund. The fund is to help them develop the invention and get the product off the ground. . Attendance at this event is expected to be 700-1000, at a new venue this year, Noah's Event Center in Westminster. So be sure to register early, contact the DaVinci Institute for special family and group rates and's Pat and Larry will be there so be sure to stop and say "Hi".. Related Links: DaVinci Institute || DaVinci Inventor Showcase || Amazon || Mastering Change Book || w3w3 Newsletter || Keywords: Thomas Frey, Deb Frey, Andrew Frey, DaVinci Institute, The Vault, Mastering
Change, Futurist, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Diana Urbine, QVC, Louis Foreman, Inventor’s Digest, Inventor Showcase
LISTEN to: Tom, Deb & Andrew Frey, DaVinci Inventors Showcase
Powerful messaging starts with extensive research 1102_ 10/31/11 - We're talking with a person who has a wide range of various clients, big ones like Ball AeroSpace, all the way to and including startup entrepreneurs. Michael Hamers is the founder of LightSpeed Commercial Arts based in Boulder, Colorado for the past 20 years. Just as a disclaimer, Mike has done a lot of work for He's done our logo, most of the graphics and helpful navigation on our website. We asked Michael for an overview of LightSpeed CA... Mike tells us he's had a wide range of clients and he's worked on everything from helping to publish seven books on nano technology, bio science clients, technical companies and manufacturers, even food service and healthcare. He's personally been an employee for Harley Davidson and worked for Ball Aerospace after returning to Boulder after one year, working in Australia for one client. Mike has done everything from tradeshow pieces and business cards, brochures and flyers as well as web sites. We wondered what he focuses on, and how does this work? One aspect of Mike's business and a piece that he loves is logo design. He loves the thought process, the combination of analytical and creative thinking, the creative problem solving experience to help get the message across for the client. The process involves quite a bit of research both about the company, their values and, what they want to look like in five years. He learns who their clients are and who is there competition including the competition's mark/identifiers, and he has to learn about and understand their industry. Mike said, "Yes. I have to understand the client and their goals; I really have to understand the competition - how are they already positioned right down to knowing what makes them unique - I have to know what colors and fonts they are using so that we're not colliding." Listen for much more... Related Links: LightSpeed Commercial Arts || Economy Builders || In the News || PodCasting Directory || Keywords: Michael Hamers, LightSpeed Commercial Arts, Branding, Logos, Research, Clients,
Brochures, Websites, Entrepreneurs, Tradeshow Pieces, Business Cards, Brochures, Flyers - bytes=5756868
LISTEN to Michael Hamers, Founder, LightSpeed Commercial Arts
Make it earn the investment cost 1097_ 10/24/11 - Celebrating their 30th year in business, we've tracked down Ron McKey, founder of the Colorado based FlyingBeds. He's gone from Murphy Beds to FlyingBeds in more ways than one. He's had a ton of experiences, has a fabulous, unbelievable website, does a lot of business online not only in Colorado but all over the country and internationally. He is in all respects a real character - and it comes through... over the phone, in an interview and on his website - and people love what he is and what he does. His furniture is custom made and he helps the would be designer/client re purpose a room to be beautiful and valuable. Ron explains the problem with this concept is that not everyone is not a born designer - it just isn't in their blood. So Ron lends his vast experience to help guide the process. Starting with, what do you want this room to accomplish? One of my favorite lines, found on his website is the 'deceptive purpose' of a room. Ron says, "I want the room to become valuable. Make it earn the investment cost." It may look like a beautiful home office with fabulous surround furniture in Cherry (you'll positively drool looking at the photos on his site) that turns into a state of the art guest room for that special visitor, with a view of the Rockies over the Cityscape of Denver or Singapore or... He'll talk with you, work with you and help you bring out that special, one of a kind, heirloom quality room with the right questions, renderings, drawings and an entertaining conversation. We wanted to know what Ron's most difficult task was. He said it was getting the client to realize "we aren't a Murphy Bed company". It's the combination of Hollywood movies and sofa beds that are stuck in their mind. - Think "I Love Lucy". It is easy for the customer to forget we are a space design company and not a joke. Larry asked Ron why and/or how FlyingBeds is different from other Murphy Bed type manufacturers - Ron replied, We say, "What do you want?” not, “This is what we have." Listen for more... Related Links: FlyingBeds Home || FAQs || Economy Builders || Blog || Keywords: Ron McKey, FlyingBeds, Murphy Beds, Furniture, Custom Made, Space Design Company, Home Office, What do You Want this Room to Accomplish - bytes=7676136
Listen to: Ron McKey, Founder & Pres, FlyingBeds
Inventors, entrepreneurs, and revolutionary thinkers 1099_ 10/24/11 - We are here with a world renowned futurist, Tom Frey at the DaVinci Institute Vault, actually sitting in the 'vault' at the Vault. Tom explains the Vault is a co-working space. There are more and more people working from home and they suffer from two problems, either isolation or distractions. If you have a lot of kids at home [or even one] you understand distraction, we're sure. After working at home for a while, one begins to crave conversation with like minded people, and that's what you get at the DaVinci Institute. "You're around people doing similar type work..." Tom says the true value is in all the sidebar conversations that go on here. Larry asked Tom for his view of the changes he's seen over the past ten years - As a futurist, he gives talks all over the country and internationally and has a perspective that most of us don't get to indulge. It is interesting, few have the time or luxury to reflect, so Tom points out, to begin with we have gone from desktop computers to mobile devices which is just a massive, huge change. "It was just March of 2008 when Steve Jobs announced the software developers kit for the Apple iPhone. And it was July of that year when Steve Jobs announced the first 552 apps and the Apple App store. Within the next three days there were 60 million downloads of apps. Today, within the last few months, we broke through the barrier, there are over one million apps available that can be downloaded on both iPhone and android devices." Tom predicts that sometime next year, the number of apps will exceed the number of books in print. It's an interesting comparison; Tom tells us there are 3.2 million books in print. Tom just came out with a new book, Communicating with the Future, The reengineering intentions will alter the master code of our future. And Tom says, "We look at this whole idea of our relationship with the future. Most people think we don't have any control over the future. We actually have much more control than we think we do." In the book, Tom discusses different techniques that he uses and how to manage and control the future in better ways. Their big event is the DaVinci Inventor Showcase - November 5th, at Noah's Event Center in Westminster. What's happening at the Vault? Listen for details... Related Links: DaVinci Institute || DaVinci Inventor Showcase || Amazon || Mastering Change Blog || Free Newsletter || Keywords: Thomas Frey, DaVinci Institute, The Vault, Mastering Change, Futurist, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Communicating with the Future, Steve Jobs, Apple, Inventor Showcase - bytes=4833596
Listen to: Tom Frey, Sr Futurist, DaVinci Institute