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Connecting opportunities with money
1247_ 7/23/12 -
Quick overview of MSF Enterprises, Michael Fields, the managing partner, tells us at MSF Enterprises "We connect opportunities with money." They have four practice areas in their business: investment banking, merchant banking, capital raising for alternative investment firms and an advisory service practice for family offices. Larry recommends, if you haven't listened to part 1, go back and catch that. Larry's first question here is, "How long do you believe it will it take to achieve the $5 Trillion goal?" That is one very big goal. Michael explains this is the Galt's Gulch Initiative to really build the asset management community here in Colorado, so that we have better resources for capital, across the board. Michael said, “We currently have about $8 Billion here in Colorado. We think we can get to $5 Trillion, done in a proactive stance, by attracting firms and also building firms, within four to five years." With technology today and just the ability for people to talk globally you can be anywhere. Colorado just has wonderful assets for quality of life that can attract very good people. In the past seven years, 700,000 people have moved here for 425,000 jobs. When you realize people come here without jobs because they want to be here, that's already a great motivating factor. We have a great talent pool to draw from. Larry asks, what steps so you plan on taking in order to attract all these different people and organizations? "We're working on the Galt's Gulch Initiative, which is really working on a three legged approach in terms of the government, universities as well as the private sector..." Listen for more.
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Keywords: Michael Fields, MSF Enterprises, Multinational Strategic Financing, Investment
Banking, Merchant Banking, Capital Raising, Galt's Gulch Initiative > Channels: VC - bytes=4964835 LISTEN TO; Michael Fields, MSF Enterprises
Subject Line Text (or Lack of It) Drives Nelson Nuts 1249_ 7/23/12 - [Pub: 3/14/09]
Unwanted email is bad enough. How do you like to receive emails that have nothing, nada, zero on the Subject Line? That tugs on Larry Nelson’s nervous system. But just as annoying are people who use an [unrelated] 3-month old email, return it to you with the old Subject Line but a completely different topic. Larry recorded this short but poignant video three years ago in the Broadband Video studio. Since w3w3.com has grown since then and there still is a BIG need for these thoughts, we thought we should run it again. Enjoy his two-minute rant.
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Keywords: Larry Nelson, w3w3.com, Media Network, Email, BroadBandVideo, Subject Line
3/14/2009 Watch Video: Larry Nelson, President, w3w3.com Internet Talk Radio
Expanding opportunities presented in the cleantech arena
1242_ 7/16/12 -
Formed back in 2009, the Colorado Cleantech Industry Association has been extremely busy. Last week we told you about the CCIA Fellows Institute focused on bringing in seasoned executives to be trained in the expanding opportunities presented in the cleantech arena. Completing this 17 week program, it is hoped that these seasoned executives will come out running a new company spun out of the university systems here in Colorado. But, Chris Shapard, executive director for the CCIA tells us there is much more going on. The last time we spoke with Chris is when CCIA introduced the CCIA Action Plan to the state and they've been furiously working to attain the goals and objectives from that plan. They've worked on getting the Fellows Institute up and running and worked on legislation that supports the industry. In addition to the Fellows Institute, the second initiative for the year is to raise funds for commercialization activities within the universities. CCIA in conjunction with CU, CSU and Mines are out and approaching foundations and they're going after an I-6 federal grant to bring money into that commercialization side. To grow the industry we really need resources put to creating companies and giving them a leg-up. CCIA had a very successful legislative session. They were one of the only organizations that got cleantech legislation passed. The CCIA piece, signed by the governor, is making it easier for third parties to put charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Colorado, so they're not treated like utilities and not regulated. CCIA works with all kinds of businesses, there are about eight different sectors that are considered clean technology. Chris gets into more detail ...listen now...
Related Links:
CCIA Cleantech Fellows ||
Cleantech Fellow Application – Due 7/27/12 ||
Colorado Cleantech Industry Association ||
CU Technology Transfer Office ||
CU TTO Channel ||
Keywords: Chris Shapard, Wayne Greenberg, CCIA, Fellows Institute, Colorado Cleantech
Industry Association, NREL, CU TTO, Commercialization, Renewable Energy, Wind, Solar, Bio Fuel Technology -
bytes=4260574 LISTEN TO: Chris Shapard, Executive Director, Colorado Cleantech Industry Association
You don't have to be a geek to use the cloud. But... 1239_ 7/9/12 - It's been two years since we last interviewed David Jiilk, Founder and CEO of Standing Cloud a Boulder based company. Standing Cloud offers a service that helps people manage applications on top of this new thing called Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). Amazon didn't invent the idea but they were the first to successfully promote the idea of renting computer servers on the Internet by the hour. This is at least one definition of 'cloud computing'. And, this is one of the things that created this idea of cloud where you can actually rent servers. The thing is if you do rent servers from Amazon or one of the many other providers out there, all you get is a computer server and most people don't really know what to do with that. What most people want is an application, a piece of software running on that server that they can actually use for some business or personal purposes. So, anything from storing photos to a Customer Relation Management system to a blog, to a web site. Those kinds of things are what you want to put on computer servers and use them for. What Standing Cloud does is make it really easy for anyone, including end users to manage their infrastructure as a service... cloud servers, but with an application on top of it. Standing Cloud initially tried to be a consumer web site where they would sell this online service to everyone - and they have a fair number of customers using it that way. But, they found that they didn't understand their various markets that well and were not particularly skilled at selling that way. So, Standing Cloud changed their business model to be one of selling through resellers. These resellers understand their individual markets very well. Now Standing Cloud's service is used by people in a wide range of company sizes and types - but Standing Cloud interacts with the companies selling services to them. You won't see Standing Cloud's name on these web sites but that's what is driving it behind the scenes. Standing Cloud has grown since the last time we spoke when Dave had 8 to 10 people, about 50/50 gender ratio. There's more here from Boulder... Related Links: Standing Cloud || Foundry Group || TechStars ||
Feld Thoughts || Entrepreneur Channel || Keywords: Dave Jilk, Standing Cloud, Infrastructure-as-a-Service, IaaS, Amazon,
Customer Relation Management, Cloud, Software Providers, Independent Software Vendors - bytes= 5741403 LISTEN to Dave Jilk, Founder/CEO, Standing Cloud
Here is some good news for Colorado
1238_ 7/9/12 -
Here is some good news for Colorado. We are talking with Michael Fields, managing partner at MSF Enterprises, a multinational strategic financing company and recent emigrant from New York. A quick overview of MSF, Michael said, "At the end of the day what we really do is connect opportunities with money and money with opportunities."The four major areas of their practice are, investment banking, merchant banking, capital raising for alternative investment trends and advisory services for family offices, working with a broad range of people and organizations, globally. Michael moved to Colorado about 18 months ago from New York after doing his research and recognizing a number of Colorado assets. We have a strong higher education network, multiple infrastructures from downtown, DTC, commercial buildings, a national / international airport as a hub and Colorado has a growing population of people that have been moving here, that choose the lifestyle and choose the assets that only Colorado has. What attracted MSF to Colorado is the fact that there really is a backbone to the asset management industry here and a lot of good talented people. All of these were critical factors in the decision to move the firm here. Now, Michael and MSF Enterprises based in Denver and New York has launched what it's dubbed "Galt's Gulch Initiative" aimed at attracting more asset managers and capital to the state. It's really a pet project and they're trying to get the local community involved, including government, universities and the private sector, working together to build the community here. Galt's Gulch mission statement is to build a consortium of business leaders that set the goal to attract, build & grow the asset management Industry in Colorado to manage $5 TRILLION by 2016. The increase of AUM to Colorado, will create a long term industry growth cycle that could contribute to as much as 20% of revenue to the annual budget. Listen for much more... .
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DBJ Article ||
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Keywords: Michael Fields, MSF Enterprises, Multinational Strategic Financing, Investment Banking, Merchant Banking, Capital Raising, Galt's Gulch Initiative > Channels: VC - bytes= 4933256 LISTEN TO Michael Fields, Managing Partner, MSF Enterprises
This is a time for all Coloradans to come together
...and help our community. w3w3.com joins Colorado Technology Association and others, appealing to the generosity of the technology community to donate money to the "Aurora Victim Relief Fund” through a collaborative effort through GivingFirst.org in partnership with Governor John Hickenlooper. There is immediate need to raise money for the burial costs and medical bills for the victims of last week’s deadly shooting on July 20th at an Aurora Cinema.
Medical bills are adding up into the millions for the victims of last week's shooting and some families can’t afford the burial costs of their loved ones. Thank you for your generous support.
The horrific tragedy in Aurora
[1245_ 7/23/12]
While this is a time of such great sorrow, it is also a time of great pride in all of our support services in Colorado. Especially the Aurora Police who were on scene within 90 seconds and quickly recognized the perpetrator. Proud of the brave souls in the theatre who acted to protect others, of the fire department, the police rescuers and emergency medical teams [EMS], the hospitals, doctors and nurses who tended the wounded.
It is hard to admit the fact that there is more than a signle guilty party. But, our culture and society show a lack of personal responsibility and integrity, coupled with arrogance, greed and corruption on so many levels. We cannot begin to understand the mind of anyone capable of this horror. But we can work to change the environment that created the opportunity for this evil to grow. What can you and I, the individual people do to prevent this type of event from ever happening again? We think it begins with ourselves. Demanding honesty, compassion and understanding in our personal and professional dealings. We must serve as models - on an everyday basis for what we want to see in others... We have witnessed great courage and wisdom from the many heroes and they have inspired us here during this tragedy. The greatest journey begins with a single step…
Over the last few years it's been the social network -
that's coming to an end... 1246_ 7/23/12 -
We're talking with what we would call a very successful serial entrepreneur, David Jilk, Founder and CEO of Standing Cloud a Boulder based company. We have a series of questions we regularly put to entrepreneurs, like what is the greatest challenge faced today? Dave says, “For entrepreneurs generally, if you take it more broadly than the IT industry or the software industry, the usual problems are applied to most business, right? So, the economy is certainly not in a state where people are spending freely. When times are good, of course, people spend easily and they're willing to take chances. That's more important, they're willing to take chances and spend the money. That gives very new businesses and innovators the ability to get started with those early adopters. Today those early adopters might be more sensitive to spending. And, something I see all the time, the increase in regulations and taxes and other expenses definitely get in the way. Almost more, the regulation than direct costs. The various rules you have to follow just overwhelm the business that should be paying attention to building valuable products and services for their customers - and finding customers. So, that kind of gets to being a big distraction. You know the legal system is kind of a mess, the patent system. But, the answer I really want to give for the IT and Software industries, no surprise, is - hiring great talent is the biggest challenge.” Dave talks about the opportunities we have today, "Over the last few years it's been social network type things. That's probably coming to an end..". Listen now... Related Links:
Standing Cloud ||
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FeldThoughts ||
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Keywords: Dave Jilk, Standing Cloud, Infrastructure-as-a-Service, IssA, Amazon, Customer Relation Management, Cloud, Early Adopters,
Regulations, Taxes, Wireless Frequency Spectrum, Wave Technology > bytes=5845475 LISTEN TO: Dave Jilk, CEO/Founder, Standing Cloud
Here, and here, and here is money to grow your business
1248_ 7/23/12 -
We're going to do some interesting linking with money today. We're talking with Dave Milliken, COO at Funding Launchpad. Dave tells us that Funding Launchpad starts off with the concept of crowd funding. "We're all familiar with today's environment. So, instead of trying to get one or two wealthy individuals to give big chunks of money - you're able to go out to the general public and get smaller amounts of money from a lot more people. That's money to grow your business, but also a loyal ‘fan base’ at the same time. Not too long ago this would have been illegal. Dave tells us that has both changed and is changing. Earlier this year a bill was passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President, called the Jobs Act. This is one of the bills allowing individuals to do exactly what we're talking about here. Interestingly enough, here in Colorado and actually in several other states, there are state regulations that do allow people to partake in such activities today, state's securities laws. Dave said "There is a process to get going. But once you do, you are allowed to tell anyone and everyone that you are raising money. And, of course, you're allowed to take their money and put it in the bank and start using it to grow your business. This is important to business because it is really tough to get money now. The venture capital industry has been shrinking consistently for the last ten years. But more important than that, only certain types of businesses are even considered for bank loans or for institutional money. You have to be in the right geography in some instances, the right industry, the right stage of development... A lot of times they're looking for teams that have done it before. It is really hard for a lot of companies to get started." There's more details...
Related Links:
Funding Launch Pad ||
StartUpGuru ||
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Keywords: Dave Milliken, Funding Launchpad, Steve Reaser, Brian Tsuchiya, Startup Guru,
Crowd Funding Alliance, Entrepreneurs, CrowdFunding, Vim Funding, Jobs Act, H.R. 3606, Advisor, Colorado, Entrepreneur, bytes=4900052 LISTEN TO: Dave Milliken, COO, Funding Launchpad
Phishing. Will you be a victim?
1241_ 7/16/12 -
A stunning statistic, "Last year, the cost to the global economy of cyber crime exceeded that of the global cost of the illegal drug trade" said John Bennett, Ph.D., P.E., the Institute Director of the Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society (ATLAS) Institute at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Archuleta Professor of Computer Science. The number, including lost time, is $334 Billion, so it's not an insignificant figure. You know we all receive the spam which is just irritating by virtue of the volume. Some of what we get is phishing, trying to get your personal information... your name, social security number, your birth date, credit card numbers - those kinds of things. That kind of information is used to steal your identity, your digital identity. When that's done someone can go get credit cards in your name, loans, basically spend money they don't have.” John has actually had his identity stolen by some person in Florida. He got a call from a credit card company asking why he'd made all these charges in Florida. John hadn't been there and it turned out that someone had obtained John's credit card number and used that to obtain other information. These people are pretty good at this. The odds of this happening, of having your identity stolen in your lifetime, in the U.S. are about 1 in 100, and about 1 in 10,000 this year. Larry asked, “Logging in, is that a dangerous thing?” John says it can be. "I think we've all learned not to enter your user name and password on the internet if you don't see that URL beginning with https, which indicates it is a secure link between the browser [the software running on your machine and the server that is serving up this page ." Listen for much more...
Related Links:
ATLAS Institute, CU ||
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Keywords: John Bennett, ATLAS Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder, Cyber Crime,
Phishing, Credit Cards, Social Security Number, User Name, Password, > bytes=5176741 LISTEN TO: John K. Bennett, Institute Director, ATLAS Institute
There are many industries under the banner of cleantech
1237_ 7/9/12 -
The Colorado Cleantech Industry Association is creating some big waves. We're talking with Christine Shapard the executive director of CCIA and she's brought a guest today, Wayne Greenberg, Director of the CCIA Fellows Institute. CCIA is developing this institute to help train executives from other industries on what the opportunities are in cleantech. Chris said, "We felt it was so important, to bring in executives to run our companies - there are so many technologies coming out of the universities and NREL. And we have a good contingent of executives, but we need more." Cleantech is an amalgamation of industries - there's not a cleantech industry out there - there are many industries under the banner of cleantech. Most of them are difficult industries. They have high barriers to entry, they have high capital costs, the products and services you have to build have to last in the field for many, many years. And so the difficulties in taking those technologies and creating companies is significant. The CCIA Fellows Institute mission is to attract executives who have already done those things who now want to turn their skills to a clean technology or renewable energy company. There are strong opportunities within the cleantech industry. The Fellows Institute is a unique program in that it identifies one of the true missing pieces, executive leadership. We will focus on the differences in this industry and the industries from which they've come and we're going to introduce them to the key players in this industry. We will introduce to the fellows and entrepreneurs in the program and they will do a capstone project around one of those selected technologies. Our hope is at graduation in early January we will have some companies formed at that time. The institute is selecting between 12 and 15 individuals, from a national pool, to come to the institute and spend 17 weeks in this program. The program begins July 27th 2012 - graduate in January with, potentially a company at that time ...listen for more details...
Related Links:
Cleantech Fellows ||
Cleantech Fellow Application – Due 7/27/12 ||
Colorado Cleantech Industry Association ||
CU Technology Transfer Office ||
CU TTO Channel ||
Keywords: Chris Shapard, Wayne Greenberg, CCIA, Fellows Institute, Colorado Cleantech
Industry Association, NREL, CU TTO, Commercialization, Cleantech - bytes= 7661326 LISTEN to Chris Shapard & Wayne Greenberg, CCIA
Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals
933_ Don't Let Another Year Go By - The Ultimate Win is Yours
- Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the USA. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" to personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs. ...listen now a complete step-by-step program including a downloadable manual and resource guide...this is an in-depth strategic planning and goal setting system for achievers...Read More about how to Supercharge Your Business... The links below are valuable and extremely helpful to setting your course for the next year! And they're free.
Related Links: Ultimate Win Resources || Training Trends || 3-Filters Technology™ || Podcasting Directory || Your Goal || Keywords: Ultimate Win, Your Goal, Training Trends, 3-Filters TechnologyTM, Setting
Goals, Larry Nelson; 11/29/10 Chnl: Entrepreneurs
Google, Ask, Bing and Yahoo rank Colorado’s w3w3.com in the top 10 for the “Business Internet Talk Radio” show
They have millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top ten. The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show