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Working together to accomplish incredible goals
1496_ 2/3/14 -
Today we are talking with Ruthe Farmer the director of Strategic Initiatives at NCWIT. "Aspirations In Computing is a national recognition and talent development program for girls in technology. The idea is to identify girls at the high school level that are showing interest, an aptitude and give them a reason to stay, in fact give them lots of reasons to stay. Girls apply for the rewards program every fall and just last month we've been selecting girls for award ceremonies all over the country. We've just selected our 35 national winners, and that group of girls is the top 1.5% of all the applicants. This year NCWIT/Aspirations in Computing had about 2500 applicants. These girls are really the cream of the crop, and we will be recognizing them at Bank of America HQ in Charlotte, N.C. at the Ritz Carlton and this fabulous weekend that Bank of America provides for them. They'll meet a lot of technical women from Bank of America, learn a lot about the information security industry and what goes into technology in banking, receive a trophy and a wonderful ceremony and a lot of gifts from our sponsors - including a laptop, cash.... it's going to be really exciting. So that's happening March 14-16th" said Ruthe. Larry recalled being at one of the award ceremonies a few years back, and one young woman had told him that she really didn't want to get into computers or technology but the NCWIT challenge came along and it just snowballed - she was one of the winners. Ruthe said... listen for the details...
Aspirations in Computing ||
NCWIT Home ||
NCWIT Blog ||
Heroes Channel ||
KEYWORDS: Ruthe Farmer, NCWIT, Aspirations in Computing Award, High School Girls,
Bank of America, Google, ViaWest, Chase Bank, University of Colorado, Technology Channel, National Center for Women & Information
Technology, bytes=6442321
LISTEN TO: Ruthe Farmer, Director Strategic Initiatives, NCWIT
CTP's Ready with the Highest standard of leadership, vision and social responsibility 1498_ 2/3/14 - Colorado's Communication Tech Professionals are getting ready to tell us about another great leader... about Mike Fries, John Malone, Chairman of Liberty Global said, "I have worked closely with Mike for over a decade and was involved in many of the international operations he helped start and manage long before this. I continue to be impressed by his energy, drive and his leadership as CEO of Liberty Global, and proud of the contributions he's made to Colorado... This award is well deserved." The CEY award recognizes the Colorado communication executive that demonstrates the highest standard of leadership, vision and social responsibility. Mike Fries was honored at the CTP annual awards dinner on April 7th at the Brown Palace. Larry asked for an overview of Liberty Global. Mike replied, "...80% of our revenue comes out of Europe. In the last ten years, we've actually re balanced the business pretty considerably. Ten years ago, if we were doing this interview, we would have been in 26 countries with about $11.3 Billion in revenue. Today we're in 14 countries with $9 Billion in revenue. We've focused on markets and on regions where we could achieve great scale, and that's typically for us been in Europe. A few years ago we exited Japan, that was a very substantial and long term investment for us. We redeployed that money into our own stock but also into Germany early in 2010 and then we announced another acquisition in Germany. So we spent $9 billion buying German cable operations in the last 12 months. But that's because we see great potential in that part of the world and for us concentrating in that part of the world brings lots of benefits. So hopefully being in Denver is the center of our world, we are in four or five continents and Denver is the center of anything, but more and more a corporate focus in Europe. I've been doing this for over 20 years. I was founding equity partner with Gene Schneider when we founded UIH, shortly after United Cable was sold to TCI. So I've essentially been doing this type of job, international cable, for 20+ years. I've been CEO of Liberty Global for six years, as part of a merger between UGC, a company we had formed and Liberty Media International. Mike went onto 'lessons learned' and info on new innovations being released this year. Listen for more... Related Links:
Liberty Global, Inc ||
Communication Technology Professions ||
CTP History ||
Ascent Awards ||
Keywords: Mike Fries, Liberty Global, John Malone, CTP Exec of Year,
Cable Industry, Ascent Award, Liberty Media, UIH, United Cable, TCI > bytes=7656074
Mike Fries, President & CEO, Liberty Global, CTP Communications Executive of the Year 2011
Over half of Colorado's population, 58% is overweight or obese
1492_ 1/27/14 -
Rotary Clubs official motto "Service Above Self" is a breath of fresh air in the healthcare mix. We are speaking with John Hughes, President of the Rotary Club of Denver Southeast, here at the 7th Annual State of the State Reception hosted at the Governor's Residence. Joining us is Gabriel Guillaume, Interim President/CEO of LiveWell Colorado a relatively new organization, formed in 2009. Live Well Colorado is working to create opportunities for healthy eating and active living in the state of Colorado as a means to reducing and preventing obesity. We all know obesity is a big issue across the country and while many think it's not as much of an issue here in Colorado - the leanest adults... The reality is over half of our population (58%) is overweight or obese, and that we are in the top states to have a very fast growing rate of child obesity. So while we have the leanest adults in the country, that's not true of our youth. So we have a good idea of where we are heading if we don't address this problem now and a systemic manner. "By that", Gabriel said, "It's not just about programs. It's about effective partnerships that can move potential policy forward, that can change, improve the environments around us so that healthy eating and active living behaviors aren't just the option for some, but the default opportunity for everyone in our state." Hughes pointed out that they have a unique opportunity in this event by bringing together the governmental representatives, state legislators, Governor Hickenlooper, the attorney general and the treasury secretary for Colorado, who have the legislative and administrative responsibilities when it comes to healthcare. Part 1 of 2...listen for more....
Rotary District 5450 ||
Rotary Club of Denver Southeast ||
Health One Cares ||
LiveWell Colorado ||
KEYWORDS: John Hughes, Gabriel Guillaume, Rotary Club, LiveWell, Colorado,
Overweight, Obese, Effective Partnerships, Service Above Self, State of the State Reception, bytes=5081028
LISTEN TO: John Hughes & Gabriel Guillaume
Rotary District 5450 - 7th Annual State of the State
1494_ 1/27/14 -
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Mastering Change in the Midst of Chaos™1307_ 11/12/13 -
Here’s what you’ll learn in this 200 page book!
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Build a Winning Team
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Regardless of the economy, application of these 3 initiatives will help you achieve your goals, meet your bottom-line metrics and accomplish incredible results. These 3 initiatives are Powerful, Proven and People-Oriented. Larry predicts there will be more significant changes in 2013 than in the last 10 years combined…across all sectors. Read More at Mastering Change .
Order now… It’s yours for $10.00 and we’ll pay the shipping in the US…
(last chance - free shipping)
Acquired for $403 Million in 2013
1495_ 2/3/14 -
Terry Morreale, Associate Director and Chief Technology Officer for the National Center for Women and Information Technology or NCWIT was joined by Larry Nelson, co-founder of w3w3.com Talk Radio to interview Jenny Lawton, President of MakerBot. MakerBot is a company that specializes in 3D Printers, and has been on the cutting edge of the industry since its inception. Jenny has been with MakerBot since 2011 and has been responsible for the overall strategy and growth of the company, including strategic partnerships, product development, and retail. In addition to her work with MakerBot, she is a respected company builder, technologist, and advocate for fostering entrepreneurship. Brad Feld, serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, is a longtime friend and mentor of Jenny. MakerBot was acquired by Stratasys in June, 2013 for $403 Million. Jenny said, "3D Printing is an Ecosystem, not a device." In addition to her work with MakerBot, she is a respected company builder, technologist, and advocate for fostering entrepreneurship. What's next for Jenny? she says, "MakerBot, has a long way to go, so there's a lot we're doing that's really exciting. We more than doubled last year in size and so I'm continuing to grow MakerBot right now and leading the next industrial revolution." Listen for much more as Jenny shares some great entrepreneurial advice...
MakerBot ||
NCWIT Home ||
NCWIT Blog ||
Heroes Channel ||
KEYWORDS: Jenny Lawton, MakerBot, National Center for Women and Information
Technology, NCWIT, Terry Morreale, Entrepreneurs, Brad Feld, Women, Girls, Technology, bytes=16056218
LISTEN TO: Jenny Lawton, Founder/President, MakerBot
Begin to Prepare for May 2014, the 30th
National Space Symposium,
Colorado Springs 1497_ 2/3/2014 - It is inspirational, futuristic, exciting and you should get prepared to be thrilled. The face of the space industry is changing and there are great new opportunities. .... At the 26th National Space Symposium, Larry and Pat had an opportunity to have a discussion with Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame. But Nimoy is so much more than that. They decided to talk about other topics that help us learn more about him and what has shaped his character over the past 79 years as well as understanding his hot buttons. We started out by reflecting on some poetry Leonard read as 'whale song' was heard in the background...that was decades ago but it opened up insights to his current interests and concerns. When asked, Is there something businesses can do to motivate children?" His reply was an ouch. "I'm not a sociologist, I'm not a businessman, I can't speak intelligently about that. I'll tell you what I am concerned about; I'm concerned about how much television kids watch that is not uplifting, or educational or inspiring in any way. It's all about celebrity, and if you're celebrity, come and tell us about your celebrity. What have you accomplished? I'm a celebrity - I'm famous for having a lot of children, so I want a TV show - It's crazy. What we have descended to in our education, it's crazy! It's really sad, I could go on about that, I'm not going to." He had a great deal to say about advice he would give to someone following his career path. "The biggest fantasy, myth about my work, about being an actor is people who think a look will get you somewhere, be at the right place and time, that kind of thing - luck plays a big role, but I never believed that, not even as a teenager... Education, it's all about education. Learn, learn, learn and devote yourself to a profession. Be professional about it." Larry asked, "Do you feel the U.S. is losing its position in terms of space?" Leonard replied, "Yes, I don't know to what degree this is true. I don't want to be an alarmist about this, but I do think we've got some work to do." We did end with a Vulcan salute. Listen for much, much more... Related Links:
Space Foundation ||
More About Nimoy ||
Space Foundation Events ||
30th National Space Symposium ||
Keywords: Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek, Spock, Vulcan, National Space Symposium,
Space Foundation, Education, Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award 4/26/10 Chnl: News bytes: 5458968
LISTEN to Leonard Nimoy, aka Mr. Spock
Financial challenges, Big GAAP and Little GAAP
1491_ 1/27/14 -
It is technical and critical... Larry and Pat attended the Financial Executives International (FEI Colorado) monthly chapter meeting and interviewed the keynote speaker Greg Anton who is a founding partner of Anton Collins Mitchell LLP, (ACM) a Denver, Colorado based CPA firm. Greg was speaking about financial reporting for private companies and talked about two elements of business reporting. One, FASB the Financial Accounting Standards Board producing differential standards for private companies that are GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) based. We also talked about how there are 29 million private companies in the United States and 15,000 public companies in the US. And how the financial reporting rules really are written for the 15,000 public companies. So when we have to produce GAAP based financial statements, the private company has to follow the public company rules. So the Private Company Council over at FASB is creating some small nuances and changes in the standards that are allowable for the private company to follow and still be in compliance with GAAP. In addition the AICPA has created a financial reporting framework for small businesses that don't need to produce GAAP based financial statements but they want to produce accurate reliable financial information for the managers of the business, for the business owners, the investors as well as for lenders that might lend money to the business where the active financial report information is produced in an accurate, reliable and consistent way. So the financial reporting framework itself, creates substantial changes in financial reporting and it really marries some of the GAAP principles and some of the Tax Principles on a simplified basis to create a financial reporting framework that is relevant and useful for a small private business. Really Main Street type of accounting versus Wall Street... Listen for more....
FEI Colorado ||
Anton Collins Mitchell LLP ||
Blog ||
CIMCO Channel ||
Event Photos ||
KEYWORDS: Greg Anton, Anton Collins Mitchell LLP, Federal Executives
International, FEI Colorado, Entrepreneurs, Goal Planning, Strategic Planning, Cost Structure, bytes=10372809
LISTEN TO: Greg Anton, Anton Collins Mitchell LLP
A partnership to create a shift in culture
1493_ 1/27/14 -
"Working on the issue of obesity, we all have to understand, we have, and have had for quite some time, a culture that is on the move, is looking to have quick and often, unfortunately, unhealthy food," said Gabriel Guillaume, Interim President and CEO, LiveWell Colorado. "I think we are a culture that hasn't had a tremendous amount of opportunity to be physically active of late, given the way in which our workforce has transitioned and in the way we live our lives and even the way schools are operating now days. I think what LiveWell is trying to do in partnership with so many organizations, including the Rotary, is to create a shift in culture. Get people to be thinking about how we get back to a time where physical activity is considered an educational opportunity and not just a recreational piece. Where food is still convenient but, something we take the time to engage in and participate in. Also that we understand this state, which is an incredible state, has a tradition of health. How do we leverage that, to turn back this tide of unhealthy behavior that we've been engaging in for the past couple of generations. I also want to add, this partnership with Rotary is just beginning to evolve and really excited about it. LiveWell Colorado is structured in a way that aligns very nicely with Rotary. We have communities across the state, that we are funding, that are forming local coalitions, some neighborhoods, cities, counties - but they're doing work locally on the ground. Rotary has a great appreciation for local effort, for people that come together and address issues that matter to them in their community. LiveWell wants... Listen for more...Part 2 of 2
Rotary District 5450 ||
Rotary Club of Denver Southeast ||
Health One Cares ||
LiveWell Colorado ||
KEYWORDS: John Hughes, Gabriel Guillaume, Rotary Club, LiveWell, Colorado,
Overweight, Obese, Effective Partnerships, Service Above Self, State of the State Reception, bytes= 3627784
LISTEN TO: Gabriel Guillaume, Interim President & CEO, LiveWell Colorado
Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals 1486_ 1/13/14 - Don't Let Another Year Go By - The Ultimate Win is Yours! Larry Nelson has taught this material in seminars in over a dozen countries, from China to Canada, from Norway to Australia, from Germany to Japan as well as throughout the US. He shares the results of his international research about the Characteristics of an Achiever and then goes on to help you lay out your "personalized blueprint" for personal and professional success. Larry is an internationally published author, has been a consultant to many Fortune 1000 companies and is best known for his train-the-trainer programs and w3w3.com Talk Radio. Larry and Pat developed these materials 20 years ago and put them up on the web in July 2007. The ‘Ultimate Win’ link below takes you to a page that allows you to download and print the entire Resource Guide and listen to all the Audio Sections for FREE. This is our thanks to you…have a great year! RELATED LINKS: Ultimate Win || 3-Filters || Your Goal || Training Trends || Mastering Change || KEYWORDS: Ultimate Win, High-Tech, Goals, Training Trends, Business, Interviews, Photo Chronicles, Pat Nelson, Larry Nelson > Learn More LEARN MORE: Larry Nelson, Exec. Director, Institute for Change Research
Google, Ask, Bing and Yahoo rank Colorado’s w3w3.com in the top 10 for the “Business Internet Talk Radio” show
They have millions of listings in our category. We are ranked in the top ten. The same is true for the category “Entrepreneurs Internet Talk Radio” show