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Conscious Economy Channel
Sustainable Solutions
Sustainability—shaping the built environment to maintain and enhance the natural environment—is a powerful concept that inspires innovative problem-solving.
Motivated to achieve the "triple bottom line" benefits of environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic progress, CH2M HILL's professionals apply sustainability principles to practically every design, construction, and operations challenge our clients face.
CH2M HILL possesses both the culture and the talent to deliver lasting results for complex, multi-disciplinary, long-term projects. We promote the technical interaction required to create robust, system-based, and integrated sustainable solutions, producing tangible benefits for the environment, communities, and our clients' business success.
Your projects reap the benefits of CH2M HILL's sustainability expertise, including long-term cost savings and greater efficiency, decreased risks and liabilities, as well as new business opportunities, increased asset values, and improved public image and stakeholder relations. Of course, we tailor our work to suit your needs and your specific criteria for success.
Because sustainable approaches are embedded in a host of service areas found throughout this web site, the services listed below provide a sampling only. We invite you to explore the web site further to find additional sustainable service capabilities.
Andrea Ramage
Director, Sustainable Solutions
Phone: +1.425.453.5000
Fax: +1.425.468.3100 Andrea.Ramage@ch2m.com
Here are 8 simple things you can do and how much carbon dioxide you’ll save doing them.
Change a light -
Replacing one regular bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
Drive Less -
Walk, Bike, carpool or take mass transit more often. You’ll save one pound of carbon dioxide for every mile you don’t drive.
Recycle more -
You save 2400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year by recycling just half of your household waste.
Check your tires -
Keeping your tires inflated properly can improve gas mileage by more than 3%. Every gallon of gas saved keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the air.
Use less hot water -
It takes a lot of energy to heat water. Use less hot water by installing a low flow showerhead = 350 pounds of CO2 saved per year, and washing your clothes in cold or warm water = 500 pounds of CO2 saved per year.
Avoid products with a lot of packaging -
Moving your thermostat down just two (-2) degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in summer would save about 2000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
Plant a tree -
A single tree will absorb 1 tone of carbon dioxide over its life time and don’t cut a tree down unless it’s absolutely necessary!
Turn off electronic devices -
Simply turning off your television, DVD player, Stereo and computer when you’re not using them will save thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
Thanks to our sponsor...
SOLUTIONS Without Boundaries CH2MHILL is a global leader in full-service eingineering,
construction and operations.
Environmentally and socially responsible business practices 927_ 11/22/10- Sustainability is more than a sound byte - it’s a sound business strategy that can determine whether your business is purely surviving
or truly thriving. But where to begin? That’s where CORE comes in. CORE is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping companies understand and implement sustainability policies and practices into their operations. Whether you’re a small start-up or an established enterprise, from supply chain to clean energy to social responsibility, CORE is the primary resource. Larry asked Pete Dignan, Executive Director of CORE, "We hear a lot about big companies, and many are doing a great job. What about small companies?" Pete replied, "We do hear a lot about what Fortune 100 companies are doing and they are leading the way. What people don't realize is that they are also pulling their supply chains along in business sustainability. If you're doing business with a Fortune 500 company, it's very likely that if you haven't already received a survey about your own sustainability practices, you will very soon. The reason for that is businesses are not only looking at their own impact on the environment, or their own supply chain management of materials but they're also looking down through their supply chain, essentially at the accumulated impact of all the businesses they work with. There is definitely a movement afoot, pressure from customers of all types, asking about the companies practices, are they only focused on that income or are they focused on the triple bottom line? It does help to simplify what we mean by business sustainability. We really encourage companies not to think of it as a separate activity or a department within the company, but really integrated with strategies across the board. The way I would recommend doing that is four steps. The first is investing in people..." Pete goes onto explain...listen for more... Related Links: CORE Home || Conscious Economy Channel || Climate Prosperity Channel || Find It All || Keywords: Pete Dignan, CORE, Sustainability, Triple Bottom Line, Global
Reporting Initiative, Sustainable Opportunity Summit, Hazardous Toxic Materials, Conserve Resources > 11/22/10 bytes: 5780274
Chnl: CEC LISTEN to Pete Dignan, Executive Director, CORE
Cleantech companies on accessing capital
916_ 10/25/10-
Larry met with Chris Shapard, Executive Director of the Colorado Cleantech Industry Assoc. (CCIA) and asked her how CCIA got its start. Chris said, "Two years ago a group of venture capitalists and a couple of attorneys realized that Colorado had a lot of strengths in cleantech. Cleantech is not just renewable energy, it's not just wind, power and biofuels, but it's also those technologies that use traditional energy more efficiently. So it's things like advanced transportation technologies, smart grid, energy efficiency building products, materials technologies that go into batteries. So energy storage is one of our sectors that we cover too. And then even advanced water technologies is part of cleantech. If you look across all those categories, Colorado has a lot of assets on the ground. The founders of the association recognized there was not an organization that lobbied on behalf of the industry and that tried to grow the industry. So, we were founded with a focus on economic development, growing jobs, creating companies in Colorado that would increase the tax base and increase jobs in this space." With Chris's background in economic development, it was a perfect fit. She sees the cleantech industry in Colorado as having so much opportunity. Chris said, "We're already one of the top five states in the country for cleantech." Larry asked, "What are some of the challenges your organization is facing today?" She said, "We've just put together a state cleantech action plan. We, CCIA, commissioned Navagent Consulting to do an in-depth analysis of Colorado's core competencies, what the assets are and then what the barriers are for growth. We've put together a 3 to 5 year action plan that's about 19 specific steps the State and all of the stakeholders in the state need to do to grown the cleantech industry. The biggest hurdle for the companies in the state is a lack of financing and even though it is a nationwide issue." Listen for more details...
Related Links:
Colorado Cleantech Industry Assoc. (CCIA) ||
CCIA Award Winners ||
CCIA Award Photos ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Podcasting Directory ||
Keywords: Chris Shapard, Colorado Cleantech Industry Assoc., CCIA, Wind Power,
Biofuels, Transportation Technologies, Smart Grid, Energy Efficiency Building Products, Batteries, Energy Storage
10/25/10 Bytes: 5882151
LISTEN to Chris Shapard, Executive Director, CCIA (Colorado Cleantech Industry Assoc)
2/22/10 - 796_
Green is a business case for sustainability
Last year André Pettigrew, the executive director of the Office of Economic Development for the City and County of Denver, coined the phrase, "It's where the Green suits and the Blue suits come together" Today André said it is really speaking to the business case for sustainability. He went onto point out, “We’ve seen companies from DuPont, IBM, local companies like WhiteWave and Dean Foods, including the Wells Fargo Bank, have understood and begun the business model that talks about using resources efficiently and effectively reducing their costs. That's really where we are now in the sustainability movement. It has been proven that the companies who are adopting energy efficient programs, time and action plans, have found a way to reduce their costs and thus be more competitive at a price level; they've also been able to brand their companies in terms of companies that are the most sustainable in our country - and that helps them get market share, it also helps them attract a new labor force. The 'gen Xers and Ys' are all over this, sustainability is important to them. So the business case is being made for sustainability. Of course it requires some investment and everyone is minding their dollars given this economy. But like I said, it is irrefutable that by making these sorts of investments, reducing the dependency and consumption of foreign oil , retro fitting your lights, building Leeds Certified buildings, all of those things are paying out for companies, and we're just beginning to understand how this is affecting our overall economy and productivity of our businesses." The City of Denver and André are very involved with the Sustainable Opportunities Summit & Expo on March 2-4, Our theme this year is "A Time to Accelerate"...we'll see you there.
Related Links:
Mile High OED ||
GreenPrint Denver ||
CORE Home Page ||
Sustainable Opportunities Summit & Expo ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Denver OED Channel ||
Keywords: André Pettigrew, Denver, Office of Economic Development, OED, Sustainable
Opportunities Summit & Expo, Energy, Leeds Certified - 2/22/10 bytes: 9262613 Chnl: CEC
LISTEN to André Pettigrew, City of Denver
Profit strategies for all companies 2/22/10 - 796_
Charles Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent…It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” Larry interviewed Andrew Winston, author of 'Green Recovery' and Andrew pointed out, "We’re in a time of tremendous change today, and the economic recovery underway is only a small part of it. Some much longer-term forces are changing society and business forever." Andrew is the opening keynote speaker at the Sustainable Opportunities Summit & Expo on 3/2/10. "There are five areas of a company that I've focused on in my latest work, that I think most companies can find payback very quickly, very fast return on investment. These areas are 1.) facilities, heating, cooling, lighting, 2.) fleet and distribution. There's a lot of innovation going on in how we move goods around, how we make trucks more aerodynamic. 3.) IT, both the computers on your desk and the big data centers that are huge energy hogs; 4.) telework and telecommuting, using IT to reduce the footprint in other ways. And, 5.) waste, finding ways to reduce waste and potentially turn a cost center into a profit center. Those are the five big areas where I see companies saving money very quickly. Seeing your company through this environmental lens and trying to understand your customers and trying to help reduce their cost - provides a spur to new ways of thinking, innovation for finding new ways to provide your products and services in ways that reduce your customer's impact. That's the way to hold onto market share during a downturn." Listen for more...
Related Links:
Andrew Winston Website ||
Green Recovery Book ||
CORE Home Page ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Sustainable Opportunities Summit & Expo ||
Keywords: Andrew Winston, Green Recovery, CORE, Conscious Economy, Sustainable
Opportunities Summit & Expo, Profits, Green tech > 2/22/10 bytes: 8640821 Chnl: CEC
LISTEN to Andrew Winston, author, Green Recovery and Keynote Speaker at the 5th Annual Sustainability Opportunities Expo and Summit 3/2-4/2010
792_ 2/15/10
Sustainability: A social and business issue
"Sustainability in the Supply Chain: Retailers & Manufacturers Move to Improve Sustainability" is one of the panel discussions at the Sustainable Opportunities Summit & Expo (March 2-4) Larry interviewed one of the panelists, Kim Marotta who is the Vice President Corporate Social Responsibility at MillerCoors and is based in Milwaukee, WI. Kim is responsible for implementing MillerCoors sustainable development strategy and managing MillerCoors alcohol responsibility initiatives. She also works closely with both parent organizations, SABMiller and Molson Coors, to drive performance in these key areas. Larry asked some probing questions: What is MillerCoors position regarding sustainability?; What are some examples of work you are doing in the areas of sustainability?; What role is MillerCoors playing in the Sustainability Consortium and would you recommend that other companies consider joining? (The Sustainability Consortium develops transparent methodologies, tools and strategies to drive a new generation of products and supply networks that address environmental, social and economic imperatives. The Sustainability Consortium advocates for a transparent process and system, not individuals or organizations.) Listen to Kim and you will gain an understanding for the broad, high level considerations any business should consider when developing a sustainability strategy. And you will learn some relevant examples of Sustainable Development in action from beer manufacturer MillerCoors. Listen for more...
Related Links:
Great Responsibility ||
Helpful Source Material ||
CORE Home Page ||
Sustainable Opportunities Summit & Expo ||
Sustainability Consortium ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Keywords: Kim Marotta, Miller Coors, Sustainable Opportunities Summit, CORE, Clean Tech,
Conscious Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility > bytes: 7420928 Chnl: CEC - 2/15/10
LISTEN to Kim Marotta, MillerCoors,
Speaker CORE SOS Summit March 2-4, 2010
791_ 2/15/10National reputation in CleanTech
"The most pressing issue facing all of us is to get through these difficult times," Marostica said. "The best way to accomplish that is by creating more jobs and attracting more businesses and more trade to Colorado." Don Marostica is Executive Director of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT). Larry interviewed the director and focused on cleantech and the Sustainable Opportunities Summit. Larry asked, "Colorado is already establishing a national reputation for being an incubator for new Cleantech companies and a center of the “new energy economy”. Does the Summit take us beyond renewable energy and Cleantech in your view?" Don replied, "Yes. We want Colorado to be an attractive place for ANY company that believes in sustainable business practices regardless of the product or service it produces because we believe that sustainable business is the wave of the future." When asked for some specific examples of companies in Colorado that operate according to the principles of sustainable business he replied, "CH2M Hill, MWH, ProLogis, New Belgium, WhiteWave Foods, Ball Corporation, Newmont Mining. All of these are fine, strong companies that have established competitive advantage in part through their commitment to a sustainable business strategy. And the Summit showcases a range of Colorado business success stories from companies with a strong commitment to a more sustainable economic model, not only our well-known..." Listen for more...
Related Links:
OEDIT Home Page ||
CORE Home Page ||
Sustainable Opportunities Summit & Expo ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Find It ||
Keywords: Don Marostica, Office of Economic Development and International Trade, OEDIT,
Sustainable Opportunities Summit, CORE, CleanTech, Conscious Economy, bytes: 7414205 Chnl: CEC - 2/15/10
LISTEN to Don Marostica, Exec. Dir., OEDIT Colorado
A Little Help from our Green Team:
When is a bag more than a bag?
Here are Five Great Reasons Why You want to reuse a bag...
The petroleum in 14 plastic bags could drive a car one mile!
Americans use over 14 billion plastic bags annually.
It takes 70% more global warming gasses to make a paper bag than a plastic bag.
Paper bags do not biodegrade in landfills.
Cities spend up to 17 cents per bag in disposal costs.
Introducing the Greener Denver Business Program - Going green brings in the green
CORE partners with the Denver Office of Economic Development in creation of Greener Denver Business, a new training and support program for local businesses interested in “going green.” Greener Denver Business takes an innovative approach to supporting small to mid-sized business owners in their efforts to go green. Larry sat down with Graham Russell, Executive Director of Connected Organizations for a Responsible Economy (CORE) and Betsy Long, Director of Education Programs for CORE and who is coordinating the efforts for the support program CORE and the Denver Office of Economic Development are putting on together. They answered a series of questions including: How did Greener Denver Business come into existence? What is CORE’s role in the program? What are the benefits for participating businesses? Why should businesses invest in going green during an economic downturn? How can businesses get involved in Greener Denver Business? From the Denver OED home page: Your participation is an important step to running more efficiently, reducing your energy expense and developing ideas for programs, policies and practices that can translate into profit. Our goal is to provide resources to evaluate and reduce your company's per capita energy needs. We plan to support and build recognition of your efforts by identifying best practices and providing reports of their success. Graham and Betsy share some important details.
Related Links:
Greener Denver Business ||
CORE Colorado ||
Greenprint Denver ||
Denver OED ||
w3w3.com Blog ||
Keywords: Greener Denver Business, Betsy Long, Graham Russell, Going Green,
Andre Pettigrew, Greenprint Denver, Denver OED CORE - Channel: CEC 11954262 bytes - 7/20/09 LISTEN
Nearly 650 people attended the 2009 Sustainable Opportunity Summit
The 2009 Sustainable Opportunities Summit was presented by CORE, the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship at CU Boulder, and the City of Denver. “March was packed with special events! Nearly 650 people attended the 2009 Sustainable Opportunity Summit to hear Colorado governor Bill Ritter, Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, and over 60 sustainability experts from the US and elsewhere discuss a wide variety of topics related to creating a more sustainable and responsible global economy. The Governor's Energy Office is working to increase Colorado's supply of clean, reliable power while bringing jobs and economic development to communities across the state. Governor Ritter cautioned the audience not to forget equity in sustainability efforts, especially when considering programs that could raise the cost of energy to consumers. Among the plans to address these equity issues is the weatherization program for low income houses, which will receive $160M in federal funding over the next two years. (Photo Album for 3/18-19 including Greentech Meetup & Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. visit at the State Capital)
Related Links:
New Energy Communities Initiative ||
CORE Colorado ||
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Keywords: Governor Bill Ritter, Sustainability Opportunities Summit, CORE,
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship, Renewable Energy, New Energy Economy > Channel:CEC Bytes= 20580417 > 4.6.09
Just in time... Mayor Unveils Rooftop Solar Power System Mayor John Hickenlooper shared City Hall's view of the very rapid evolution of energy, sustainability, and climate change coupled with making sure that we all do our part in maintaining the momentum we have. He pointed out that we have to continue to balance how we look at this transformation of a world view and many in the audience were surprised at the Mayor's comments regarding the stimulus package...He talked about Greenprint Denver, FDR, Investing in the future and the appropriate amount of regulations... Greenprint Denver develops and implements sustainable solutions and services to make Denver a better place to live, work and play. An initiative launched by Mayor John Hickenlooper in 2005, Greenprint Denver strives to showcase Denver’s national leadership in resolving resource challenges that meet the needs of current Denver residents while securing the economic, social and environmental health of future generations.
Just in time... Mayor Hickenlooper, with the City and County of Denver and a number of Energy Partners celebrated the Convention Center's 'Rooftop Solar Power System' — March 18, 2009 — The City and County of Denver showcased its commitment to environmental sustainability and the green economy with the launch of the area’s newest solar power system. Covering 30,000 square feet, the 300-kilowatt system is a product of a landmark public-private partnership fostered by City managers and leaders in local renewable energy. "This is both a practical example and a symbol of the City's commitment to renewable energy." (Photos)
Related Links:
Rooftop Solar Power System - Denver Convention Center ||
Denver Convention Center Solar Power System ||
CORE Colorado ||
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Keywords: John Hickenlooper, energy economy, sustainability, climate change,
Greenprint Denver, Rooftop Solar Power System, Channel:CEC Bytes= 26877495 > 4.6.09
Solar Energy Expert Shares Innovative Ideas @ the Summit Andy Taylor was a panel member at the Sustainable Opportunities Summit, representing BrightSource Energy, Inc. Dave Mayer interviewed Andy about current and future activities of BrightSource. The company develops, builds, owns, and operates large scale solar plants that reliably deliver low-cost solar energy to industrial and utility companies worldwide. The company will be coming to Colorado and is actively developing more than 4GW of solar power projects in Southwestern states – enough to power 1.4 million homes. Their Solar Energy Development Center in Israel’s Negev Desert is demonstrating BrightSource’s Luz Power Tower (LPT) 550 technology and producing the world’s highest temperature and pressure, solar thermal steam. Environmental stewardship is a core value at BrightSource Energy. “Our unwavering commitment to developing clean, renewable power is guided by the principles of sustainable development and the goal of addressing climate change by making solar energy cost competitive with fossil fuels.”
Related Links:
CORE Colorado ||
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
BrightSource Energy ||
Photos Reception
Keywords: Dave Mayer, Andy Taylor BrightSource Energy, solar plants,
Luz Power Tower, Desert Solar Facility, California, Channel:CEC Bytes= 6938230 > 4.6.09
Sustainability, Opportunities, and Summit Lead to Business Successes
"We wanted to bring students into this. We’ve had a lot of challenges which are creating opportunities, and businesses will address these issues. But fundamentally many of the solutions that are going to drive here are going to come from our future leaders and that’s the student talent that we’re educating today," said Paul Jerde when interviewed by Larry. Paul is the Executive Director of the Robert H. and Beverly A. Deming Center for Entrepreneurship, Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado at Boulder. They discussed the Sustainable Opportunity Summit (SOS) and the 'Clean Tech Venture Challenge'. "When we first started the SOS, we would throw out the word sustainability and had to be prepared either to defend it, define it or some combination thereof of. I think the success of this conference has been our relentless attention to the word 'opportunity'. When we thought of the whole idea four years ago, we began thinking there was an awful lot of confusion around sustainability. Listen for much more...
Related Links:
Sustainable Opportunities Summit ||
Blog ||
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship ||
CORE Colorado ||
Mile High City OED ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Keywords: Paul Jerde, Clean Tech Venture Challenge, Sustainable
Opportunity Summit, Leeds School of Business, Entrepreneurs, sustainability, Green Tech > Channel: Conscious Economy
Bytes=11714040 - 2/16/09 LISTEN
Climate Prosperity is Denver’s Economic Development Strategy
Saving the planet makes dollars and sense…the environmental movement which has been around a long time, has really come together with the economic development movement. André Pettigrew, Executive Director, Office of Economic Development, City and County of Denver went onto say, "In a way it’s where green suits and blue suits now come together. Mayor Hickenlooper basically put a plan called “Green Print Denver” that talked about us reducing our carbon footprint in the City of Denver, back to 1990 levels, and to do that by 2012. The first premise of our economic development strategy is what we call ‘green savings’. Green savings, the ability for a company to reduce the cost of energy and their use of energy through alternative means or just reducing their consumption enables them to be more competitive in the long run. So if you’re first in your industry to reduce your costs for energy. I also hear people talk about it as the ‘dot com bubble burst’ but you and I both know there are some incredible assets that remain… Level 3, Sun Microsystems, the VC community, angel networks are all there and they now become the foundation that helps us grow the new green tech environment. We have some incredible assets, NREL the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, there is no organization in the world that has spent more money or more time looking at alternative energy in the last 20 years. CH2M Hill is one of the companies headquartered here in the metro region, has recently selected Denver to map out where there are solar installations in our community and we are really looking forward to that. This green movement gives us all an opportunity to use the expertise of a CH2M Hill, to begin to map out where wind, solar installations. The Sustainable Opportunities Summit and CORE and the other sponsors were very visionary. We’re celebrating the 4th Summit coming up and it has consistently been about the economics of sustainability."
Related Links:
Denver OED ||
Green Print Denver ||
Solar Mapping ||
Sustainable Opportunity Summit ||
Sustainability Channel ||
Keywords: André Pettigrew, Economic Development,
City and County of Denver, Mayor John Hickenlooper, CH2M Hill, Sustainable Opportunities Summit, Green Print Denver,
CORE, Level 3, Sun Microsystems, NREL
Channels:CEC Bytes: 13479500 - 12/8/08
596_ Data Centers Consume 2% of the World’s Total Energy Supply
HP Story:
"If data centers don’t or have not yet adopted a ‘green strategy’ they’ll be left behind by customers are demanding it, left behind in the market place simply because of profit and loss expectations. Adopting an energy efficiency strategy helps drive bottom line performance. So ViaWest benefits both ways, socially our impact is that we are watching out for the well being of the environment through these strategies that we will adopt," emphasizes Don Poulter. In 2007, Don joined Viawest, Inc. as its first Vice-President, Service Delivery. In this role, Poulter has oversight for all data center operations, service provisioning, purchasing, project and product management. Don shared with Larry a number of 'how to's' for employing a green strategy. As an example, "Cold aisle management… air is where we think there are opportunities for improvement. Every piece of new equipment we buy must have a variable frequency drive. That allows us to operate the unit at less than 100% output. Depending on needs that unit can wind up or wind down based on requirements. Lastly we are launching our ‘server virtualization’ which allows us to reduce the number of servers in our data center by putting more applications on to a server and running them at a greater output." Don also talks about the Green Grid which is a consortium of companies dedicated to advancing energy efficiency – ViaWest is a member of that consortium. Listen, there's more...
Related Links:
ViaWest ||
Green Solutions||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Keywords: Don Poulter, ViaWest, Data Centers, Green Strategy,
Cold Aisle Management, Green Grid, Energy Supply - Channels:CEC Bytes: 11020228 - 12/8/08
Innovative Cultural Pioneers Created a Niche that Changed the Largest Industry
Back in the 70's a few innovative cultural pioneers decided to use their interest in 'natural foods' as a metaphor. They developed a niche industry and the focus was almost entirely on natural foods. What has happened is consumers have adopted these foods as a lifestyle. Now it's truly a revolution sweeping most consumer categories. This evolution has gone from a niche of the industry to what is ultimately a lead indicator for the industry - and this is the largest industry in the world, so this is big news. “To have the 'thought leadership' coming from Boulder, I think, makes us pretty important.” Todd Woloson, Managing Director, Greenmont Capital Partners, and Naturally Boulder Days 2008, keynote speaker, tells us starting IZZE was to try to understand how the whole process works. One of the wonderful benefits we had during the development of IZZE was to be able to grab a coffee with a Steve Demos or a Mark Retzloff – these are big thinkers in this industry with proven track records and the ablity to see over the next horizon. Plus they had war wounds from being in the trenches and I learned a lot – I’m positive I couldn’t have done this without them. Getting involved in this industry is very important for Boulder, but ultimately very important, I think, for our society and culture."
Related Links:
Greenmont Capital Partners ||
4th Annual - Naturally Boulder Days 2008 ||
Boulders Best Organics ||
Find It ||
Keywords: Naturally Boulder 2008; Natural Products;
Organics; Entrepreneurs; CORE; Greenmont Capital; Todd Woloson; Steve Demos; Mark Ressloff; Yoga; -
> Bytes: 8357828 > 10/06/08
512_ Geospatial Challenges and Choices for California and Colorado CH2M HILL is now on the track of a $6 Billion, privately held engineering services company, construction management, and program management company. It is one of the largest privately held companies in the state of Colorado. They have 1800 – 2000 employees here, 26-28,000 employees worldwide. Jeff Akers, President, Enterprise Management Solutions, CH2M HILL points out, "In addition we’re doing things like being the program manager for the rebuild of the Panama Canal; program manager for the London 2012 Olympics; and are relocating the largest military base in the world out of Seoul, Korea. Larry brought up the successful efforts at Rocky Flats and Jeff said, "Yes we are still the number one nuclear environmental cleanup company. We’re doing a great job at the Idaho National Laboratories right now...and the worldwide list goes on."
CH2M Hill originally was in the business of building and managing telecom networks, wireless networks, fiber networks and cable networks all over the world. Jeff mentioned, "We have specific leadership in areas, first and foremost, this one, Geospatial Information Management; we’re the number one systems integrator for Google Works, for Microsoft Virtual Earth, the company called ERSI which makes 3-dimensional software; and there is another company called Auto Desk that we’re a large systems integrator for; and we have over 500 consultants. We also manage a lot of data for very large customers both here in the United States and all over the world. We help companies like Corporate Express, Level3." CH2M HILL has done a great deal for San Francisco and other cities with solar mapping. Now we are looking forward to the same in Denver. Related Links:
Enterprise Management Solutions ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
CORE Colorado ||
Podcast Directory ||
Keywords: Jeff Akers, CH2M HILL, Enterprise
Management Solutions, Geospatial Information Management, Google Works, Microsoft Virtual Earth,
Corporate Express, Level3 - Bytes: 10156306 LISTEN 6/23/08
513_ What Do Corporate Express and Bill Gates Have in Common?
Solar mapping is a new area that industry leader CH2M HILL is looking forward to working with Denver on in 2008. Early this year, Denver became one of the 25 Solar American Cities. Jeff Akers, President, Enterprise Management Solutions, CH2M HILL points out, "We have done a great deal for San Francisco and other cities, now we are looking forward to the same in Denver. They are working with the Department of Energy and are working in GIS (Geospatial Information Systems), Managed Services, other IT Systems and the list continues to grow. Another of the fascinating projects CH2M HILL has taken on is working with The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. One of their biggest challenges relates to where specific activities are happening. The Foundation is dedicated to bringing innovations in health and learning to the global community.
In addition to all the cities CH2M HILL is working with, are organizations around the world such as Corporate Express, Korea Yon Sun Relocation program C4I IT and communications, PMS, IDHO National Lab, MASDAR, and many others." Jeff also shared some insight where his market / industry is heading in the next 3 to 5 years. CH2M HILL is doing more more than just pushing the pencil. LISTEN Related Links:
Enterprise Management Solutions ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
CORE Colorado ||
Podcast Directory ||
Keywords: Jeff Akers, CH2M HILL, Enterprise Management Solutions,
Geospatial Information Management, Google Works, Microsoft Virtual Earth, Corporate Express, Bill Gates, Melida Gates
- Bytes: 15134618 LISTEN 6/30/08
Photo Album Links Sustainability Opportunities Summit 2008
The ‘Solar Mapping Solution’ from CA to WI to NY
The ‘Solar Mapping Solution’, that CH2M HILL developed in conjunction with the city of San Francisco is an example of “Green IT services to promote sustainable solutions regarding renewable energy.” points out David Herrmann, VP Sales, CH2M. The big advantage of the solar map is that it allows a citizen of the city to go into a web site and determine what the solar potential of their building or in fact any building in the city is. Using aerial imagery we render the rooftop of the building and determine which part of the rooftop is most suitable for PV installation. We determine where most of the sunlight is shinning on the rooftop, and you can determine how much electricity would be generated, how much it will impact your electric bill, and how it effects your carbon footprint. This technology allows you to assess the potential on a residential structure, on a commercial structure, or for that matter, open land and where to put the solar on that land to generate the most electricity. We’ve had success with the city and county of San Francisco and that has lead to a number of other cities to look at solar mapping as well. One of our big contracts today is with the Department of Energy’s Solar American Cities Initiative program, so that’s one market. A second market is the solar companies, whether they are installers or manufacturers." What is interesting is the cities are a variety of sizes from Andover, Michigan or Madison, Wisconsin to cities as large as New York City. Listen for more... Related Links:
Solar Mapping ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
CORE Colorado ||
Radio Blog ||
Keywords: David Herrmann, CH2M HILL, Solar Mapping, Energy’s Solar American
Cities, San Francisco, Denver, Madison, New York - Bytes: 9505544 LISTEN 6/30/08
Renewable Energy and Environmental IT Systems and More (Part 2 of 2) There are a number of renewable energy and environmental IT systems or green IT systems that CH2M HILL is building with their mapping technology. David Herrmann, VP Sales, CH2M HILL goes onto explain, "One current area of interest is eco or green maps, that include a variety of environmental information. And, it's really targeted at reducing the carbon footprint, whether it be of a person, a building or a city. These include things like LEED Certified buildings, energy efficiency models, where to buy a hybrid car or who owns a hybrid car in your neighborhood, where flight patterns are and really much much more. Each map we build, the information is unique but really the purposes tend to be the same. The cities, which are typically building the eco maps are looking to do three things. One Is to educate the public, and really let them know what green environmental services are out there; two, to provide case studies. Often it is very compelling or at least eye opening to learn that people in your neighborhood are doing some very environmentally sensitive things that maybe you haven't thought about. But thirdly, what these cities are doing with this eco map is accumulating the effect of each of us, individually, doing our part to show the impact that we can make collectively, on the carbon footprint of the city. When you can see the impact of our community overall, it's much more impactful." Listen and you'll hear how we can tapped into this technology with ease.
Related Links:
Solar Mapping ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Radio Blog ||
Keywords: David Herrmann, CH2M HILL, Solar Mapping, Energy’s
Solar American Cities, San Francisco, Denver, Madison, New York - Bytes: 9307013 LISTEN 7/7/08
490_ Venture Capital Firm Targeting the Green Tech Industry Here's a person who went from 10 years in the manufacturing industry, to President and CEO of Webroot Software and David Moll is now founder and partner of Infield Capital, a Venture Capital firm targeting the Green Tech industry. "Our specific target market is focused on the transportation industry specifically, with a tight orientation around what I'm calling future power train. Those innovations between the key and the wheel that are going to reduce the amount of energy we consume in transportation and the amount of pollution we do generate when we consume. So there are just a number of areas that jump out. Between the key and the wheel, we've got the transmission. There's some really neat companies doing things with 'continuous variable transmission'. There's the internal combustion engine, and I am stunned, to see how many university engine labs are spitting out tech transfer programs. And there are some very very promising concepts that are early, and not all of them are going to work. But there are some new engine technologies that I think are extremely viable and is going to cut gas consumption even, if we continue to burn gas in the near term, by potentially 30-60%." David also works with and suports other startups in unrelated sectors including Boulder Non-Linear Systems, Newton Running, University Parents and remains on the Webroot BOD. See David at the Colorado Capital Conference on the Building a Winning Team panel. Related Links:
20th annual
Colorado Capital Conference ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Rockies Venture Club ||
Find It ||
Keywords: David Moll, Infield Capital, Rockies Venture Club,
Colorado Capital Conference, Teams -
Bytes: 20583970 - 5/19/08
Green IT Infrastructure Costs Less:
Bigger is not Better
Green IT infrastructure costs less and improves the health of our planet. Trent Hein co-founder of Applied Trust and CEO and Ned McClain, co-founder and CTO talk about the proactive steps Applied Trust has taken to implement a Green IT infrastructure and take that even a step further and call it EcoInfrastructure. Everyone knows that with today’s high cost of data center real estate, the increasing cost of energy, and your company’s desire to be more eco-friendly, infrastructure is on everyone’s mind. Trent and Ned discussed specific tactics and strategies for taking steps to building a Green IT infrastructure. Here are five key points: 1) Bigger is not better 2) Consolidate 3) Server virtualization 4) Organizational philosophy 5) Reduce the waste stream. Applied Trust engineers will work closely with your staff to ensure that a thorough assessment is conducted. All assessment recommendations will be presented in an actionable manner, such that network and system administrators can use the document as a guide for mitigation. Here are some results you can expect: • Reduced capital costs • Stronger bottom line through significantly reduced operating costs (including reduced energy consumption and reduced system administration labor) • Support for the environment • Improved employee morale and workplace environment • Improved corporate image as a “green business,” which can provide a marketing or recruiting edge. Listen Now... Related Links:
Applied Trust (ATE) ||
Women in IT ||
Conscious Economy Channel ||
Safe Surfing ||
BYTES: 21668156 - 5/12/08 >
Keywords: Trent Hein, Ned McClain, Applied Trust, ATE, EcoInfrastructure,
Green IT
460_ Silicon Valley Bank and the Clean Tech Investment Space
“Let’s take a step back and talk about the difference between debt and equity – they both have their own uses. You should be financing assets with debt. Equity, you can finance either expenses or assets,” points out Frank Amoroso of the Silicon Valley Bank. He goes onto say, “However if you have worked hard and sold a portion of your company to raise equity, if you don’t have to, you shouldn’t use those equity dollars to finance assets, if you can get debt dollars to do so. And then you take a look at the company’s balance sheet and income statement. If the company has balance sheet strength they should be able to qualify for some kind of debt. Absent balance sheet strength or P&L strength, really what you’re talking about is equity. As a federally regulated banking institution, we like to think of ourselves as quite a bit different than the other 8000 banks in the US. Clean tech area is hot and Frank is one of three individuals across the nation dedicated to clean tech practice. ). “Definitely clean tech is hot, sustainability is hot, you get the sense that more and more investors are stretching to look into this market sector. The way that SVB is looking at that is going to be an extension of our historical model. That is to leverage that equity investment with debt. The right amount of debt, every company has its own balance of debt vs. equity, there is a correct number. We’re really more focused on the tech part of clean tech, disruptive intellectual property, professional equity sponsorship, if a company has both of those in the clean tech space, then we’ll be able to do even more than we’ve historically been able to do. If on the other hand the technology is a great efficiency plan, installing all new solar panels, or it’s maybe a lighting technology, you know, still interested. Can we be as aggressive? Can we get in as early, do as many things? Probably not, because our historical model has been to truly leverage that professional equity sponsorship.” Frank also addresses potential challenges including the credit crunch and the high-tech bubble reoccurrence. Related Links:
Silicon Valley Bank ||
Conscious Economy ||
Venture Capital ||
Find It ||
Keywords: Frank Amoroso, Silicon Valley Bank, Green Tech, Clean Tech, Debt, Equity, Investing,
Finance, Assets, Bank, Technology, Bioscience
Bytes: 25231676 - 3/24/08
Getting Thanked for Doing the Right Thing...Awards Too
Five years ago Dan King and partners bought the Outlook Hotel in Boulder. It had been a Holiday Inn. Dan went onto point out, "We made it an independent hotel and from the beginning we wanted to make it feel like Boulder, act like Boulder, look like Boulder. We really wanted to develop that attitude, and it was a process. We didn’t start out being very ‘green’ – I mean we had some green initiatives, but it’s really grown with our business plan." Today the Boulder Outlook Hotel is Boulder's first Zero Waste hotel" and Dan wants to see more! "This is how we’re reflecting our community, and it is part of what we are about." Larry asked Dan to recommend the beginning steps an organization should take if going 'green'. "Recognize that it is a journey. It’s important for a business to figure out what they can take on first. What can they do and do well and accomplish it. Commit to the journey. I think each business has to look at what is within their reach first. I mean we’re a small business, we don’t have a lot of money to throw around. So I have to look at things that don’t require a lot of capital dollars." Dan went on, "The challenges are, it’s not going to happen until you get corporate buy-in, you’ve got to get everyone to buy-in and make the commitment. You do need commitment from the top. Then you need a champion within the organization who is not from top management. I was lucky enough to have a woman chef, Diane, who is our 'green goddess' at the hotel. And she became our champion. She got staff buy-in. But change is hard." Dan was a speaker at the CORE Sustainable Opportunities Summit.
Going Green - Definitely a Hot Topic Here's Why & How
It was the seed of an idea that he had when living in Japan. Jeff Scott, Sol Source, Founder & President said," I was thinking about the concept of people, planet and profit and working to see if there was some way to mainstream the green. I thought Colorado was the perfect place to do that; great solar resource, wind resource and we have the NREL, we have a great “building systems program” at CU Boulder, CU Denver has a great sustainability program, I just thought Colorado was the right place to come back to." Larry brought up how being 'green' seems to be the 'in thing'. Dan replied, "It’s definitely a hot topic. There is a definite trend toward the green; we see it on all the major media, local media of all kinds. It’s a very exciting space, but what we’re finding is there are not a lot of people that are technically qualified to be in this space. Getting the technical expertise into the workforce, there is probably a huge opportunity for someone to really tap into." First steps: Really get buy in from all of the people internally – get your workforce behind you, everybody that’s involved in your company, to understand what your position is. We’re actually working with several companies that have developed internal green teams, green task forces within the company, determining how they can reduce their impact. Energy audits are a great way to reduce our consumption. And because of the solar rebates in Colorado, as well as the federal tax credits that are available, there are great incentives for commercial companies to put solar hot water, solar electric or solar hot air into the building. Jeff was a speaker at the CORE Sustainable Opportunities Summit...here's more...
3/3/08 LISTEN
In the Beginning There Was Resistance, But Slowly One Plant at a Time...
At the SOS conference Doug Hietkamp, Director Sustainable Programs, Teknion Corporation – Toronto, Ontario, Canada was addressing the greening of the manufacturing process. The main thing he brought to the discussion was the implementation of ISO 42001 environmental manufacturing system and changing the culture of the company. Teknion is a manufacturer of office furniture products, architectural products and Caven Hill is the District Manager, of Teknion in Denver. They discussed with Larry the challenges, the changes and the future of going 'green'. They pointed out that the biggest challenge was just changing people, changing their minds, getting them to think a little bit differently. Make sure there not afraid of a new approach, that goals coincide with the change in the culture. It’s getting people to start with something, doesn’t matter how small it is, just as long as they start with it and continue to move toward bigger and bigger things. "One of the things we did at the start was to show quick results, that people can see. So instead of starting with wasted kilowatts, you know, nobody can touch or feel a kilowatt. We have our waste programs, people can see waste, they understand reducing it, diverting it, whatever it might be and they can actually be a part of that. That was a good first step where people could grab a hold of it. Caven and Doug talked about the future and how carbon credits will be important and how we interact with those carbon offsets or taxes. There's more...
CORE – 3rd Annual Sustainable Opportunities Summit
The rules of business are changing. Climate change is at the height of media attention and has become an important part of current business trends.You can't afford to miss this: 2/27 – 29/08 W-F
3rd Annual Sustainable Opportunities Summit
439_ Welcome to the Sustainabilty Era - Defined and Debated Addressing Climate Change for Sustainable and Profitable Business is no simple matter. Differing definitions and understandings along with misunderstood concepts make it challenging for some. Bud McGrath, Executive Director of CORE and Graham Russell, Director of the CORE Foundation discuss what is going on in the Clean Tech and Sustainability space and clear up many of the misunderstandings. Regardless on your position on the topic, the rules of business are changing. Climate change is at the height of media attention and has become an important part of current business trends. Companies are recognizing significant opportunities by creating new sought-after products, realigning the way they operate, and reducing their energy costs. Companies are finding that managing the risk of climate change and lowering their impact on the environment allows them to gain investor confidence, reduce their exposure to non-compliance, and increase their profits. The most significant conference (SOS) with world-renowned leaders will be in Denver February 27 - 29...w3w3.com will be there. LISTEN 2/11/08
434_ Will Sustainability and Cleantech Work Together in the Real World? It’s all about the sea of change for the acceptance of the principals, practices and opportunities that intersect under the overarching umbrella of sustainability according to Paul Jerde, Executive Director of the Deming Center of Entrepreneurship, Leeds School of Business. What’s changed in the past couple of years with regard to Sustainability – trends, business acceptance and understanding of it? Will and how does Sustainability and Cleantech come together and if they do, will it last? How does Sustainability and Entrepreneurship intersect? These are questions that will be addressed head-on at the third annual Sustainability Opportunities Summit. Listen to Paul and you will gain further understanding of and some context pertaining to the ideas of sustainability, sustainable venturing, and business opportunity. He goes on to suggest," Perhaps some understanding of the myriad drivers...and hopefully some understanding of why this vague term has been so firmly adopted within business lexicon." 2/04/08 > LISTEN
384_Climate Change - Legal Implications of the Risks and Challenges Institutional investors and environmental groups are pressuring corporate America to address the potential risks associated with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and related climate change, which is defined here as variations in the Earth’s climate that may be attributed to human activity. Many companies are actively managing their carbon footprint through disclosure, trading and reductions. Colin Harris attorney Holme Roberts & Owen explains that most, however, are a step behind, or more. The reality is that the U.S. economy will almost certainly continue to be driven by carbon-intensive fuels and industries for the foreseeable future, even with our continued emphasis on “green” initiatives and despite the enactment of GHG regulations, which now seems inevitable. Nevertheless, the pressure on corporations to act responsibly and promptly on climate change is increasing, with a particular emphasis on the disclosure of the risks posed by climate change. It is a difficult balancing act faced by corporations regarding the challenges of climate change, particularly regarding increased pressure to be more transparent about risk. Listen for more timely information. LISTEN Related Links: Holme Roberts & Owen || It's the Law Channel || Podcast Directory || Conscious Economy Channel || Keywords: Climate Change, Colin Harris, Holme Roberts & Owen LLP, HRO, GHG regulations Channel: It's the Law > Bytes: 12012045> 10/1/07LISTEN
Solar Mapping: San Francisco Takes the Lead, for Now 345_ For the first time ever a resident of a city or a business owner, can get an estimate of the benefits of installing solar, in minutes. They are given info, case studies to read, and info about city rebates. Solar mapping can help reduce Co2 gas emissions, which is the largest in the family of greenhouse gasses. Nigel Nugent leads the charge for CHM2 HILL in its Enterprise Spatial Solutions group and points out how timely their proprietary SAFE Method (Solar Automated Feature Extraction) is and what it will mean to cities and states pushing for 'Clean Tech" for their communities. Nigel also feels we are seeing kind of city wide or state wide goals that are being put in place, but very quickly we’re going to see a kind of “Green Sarbanes Oxley” setting out specific requirements around use of green energy.
272_ Zero Landfill: Is That Even Possible? Bill Reinert, opening keynote speaker at the CORE Sustainability Opportunities Summit (SOS), surprised (even shocked) many attendees when he shared what Toyota is doing to be a leader in Clean Tech and Climate Change. Bill sites the three biggest challenges for the coming year. Bill Reinert is National Manager of Advanced Technology for Toyota Motor Sales, USA. His primary function is to coordinate Toyota’s various research, development and marketing activities related to alternative-fueled vehicles and emerging technologies. He is currently working on several advanced hybrid electric products, direct hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, reformed fuel approaches for hydrogen, full-featured electric vehicles, city electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid concepts, ethanol fuels and sustainable transportation systems. Related Links: 2007 Sustainable Opportunities Summit || CORE Colorado || Cleantech Innovation Challenge || Toyota Environment|| Event Photos || Channel: CEC, || Keywords: CORE, Sustainability, Opportunities Summit, Bill Reinert, Toyota, Clean Tech, Climate Change - 3/5/07 > LISTEN Bytes: 4069149 > PHOTO Album - Reception 2/28/07
323_Big Money for Photovoltaics, Solar Cells, Clean Tech Garage.com decided it was important to invest in emerging technologies that could have a lot of potential for investment. Bill Reichert, Managing Partner at Garage Technology Ventures said, "We saw lots of activity, in universities and government labs, around a wide variety of ‘materials science’ that had applicability across business and the economy that struck Bill as having significant global implications. Many had an orientation toward energy technology, subsequently called ‘clean technologies’. Here's more...
Related Links: Garage Technology Ventures || Colorado Capital Conference || Event Photos || Venture Capital Channel || >Channels: Venture Capital; Conscious Economy >
Keywords: Venture Capital, Bill Reichert, Garage Technology Ventures, Rockies Venture Club, Clean Tech > Bytes: 5398154 LISTEN 6/4/07
326_‘Clean Tech Community’ on the Good Side and the Bad It’s interesting to see what’s going on in the ‘clean tech community’ on the good side and the bad. There has been a bit of a bubble in the area. A lot of us in the community and the popular press have gotten a little over excited about the pace of technological innovation. The venture community in the US hasn’t jumped heavily into ‘wind power’ and that ironically has one of the best economics in terms of its efficiency and cost per watts produced. There has been huge public market investment and private equity investment in that area. Bill Reichert, Managing Partner at Garage Technology Ventures shares his insights. Bytes: 5398154 LISTEN 6/11/07
It's a Colorado priority and numerous CU departments are very involved. If we do transit from fossil fuels to renewable energy in the 21st century, that is an enormous change. So transformation is change. And that effects politics, it affects products people buy just a lot of things. So that involves people from the Law School, the Sociology Department and people around the campus who study “carbon credits”. Carl Koval, Faculty Director of the CU Renewable and Sustainable Energy Initiative discusses with Kate Tallman, Director at CUTTO. Related Links:CUTTO Channel || CU Energy Initiative || C2B2 || Collaboratory || >Keywords: Collaboratory, Carl Koval, Kate Tallman, CU, Sustainable, Energy Initiative, CUTTO > Bytes: 3619216LISTEN 5/28/07
321_Does Lost and Found Have Your Hard Drive? Data is becoming very sensitive., That information is on hard drives and people need to be concerned about the information that’s on there. This is the ultimate, take your computer to an event like this and you can watch your hard drive being shredded. It’s all about destroying that data. Recycling is the right thing to do, but you have to make sure it’s being done correctly. Computer & Electronic Recycling Sponsor, Luminous Recycling, Steve Fuelberth discusses this dicey issue with Karl Dakin, Green Up Denver. Look for Luminous Recycling + all the other Colorado Exhibitors at the IT Summit Exhibitors Floor Plan - Tuesday, May 30th. Related Links:Event Photos || Green Up Denver || Luminous Electronics Recycling || Conscious Economy Channel || Data Destrucion || Channel: Recycling || >Keywords: Green Up Colorado, Luminous Recycling, Karl Dakin, Steve Fuelberth > Bytes: 3524757LISTEN 5/28/07
289_ Investing in Companies that Embrace Sustainability
"Put your money where your mouth is," took on a whole new meaning when Winston Hickox, Senior Portfolio Manager, Environmental Initiatives, CalPERS gave his keynote address at the 2nd Annual Sustainable Opportunities Summit in Denver. CalPERS is a major institutional investor and Winston describes its focus on companies with a proactive approach to energy, environmentalperformance and the impact that it has had. He was talking in the $ Billions. Related Links: CORE ||
SOS Summit || Event Photos
Day 1 ||
Day 2 ||
Day 3 ||
Keywords: Conscious Economy, CORE, sustainability,
Winston Hickox, CalPERS, investing || Channels: CEC, VC, || Bytes: 5446115
285_ Bunch of Oil & a Bunch of People, Creates a Vision
A population increase from 3000 in the 1980s to 30,000 permanent residents today has created quite a concern points out Jaycie Chitwood, Sr. Strategic Planner and project manager for the Advanced Technologies Group, Toyota Motor Sales USA. Then about 5 years ago a tanker sunk just off the islands, releasing 100’s of thousands of gallons of heavy fuel and diesel. That history of the Galapagos Islands was the genesis of a 10-year master plan. Related Links: Conscious Economy || CORE || SOS Summit || Toyota: Galapagos Islands || Event Photos Day 1 || Day 2 || Day 3 || Channel: CEC || Keywords: CORE, Jaycie Chitwood, Toyota, Galapagos Islands, Sustainable Opportunities Summit > Bytes 3943134 LISTEN 3/26/07
262Business Upside Down: The Unthinkable Becomes Mainstream Mayor John Hickenlooper will be kicking off the Sustainability Opportunities Summit(3/1/07). Businesses have always understood the basic that the marketplace and the end users determine the direction of the company, and if not, customers would take their business someplace else. Businesses like Nike now realize that consumers will not buy products being made in undesirable sweatshops. Graham Russell and Bud McGrath discuss sustainablity, or 'doing the right thing'. This is also a demand of their stockholders. Related Links: Cleantech Innovation Challenge || CEC Conscious Economy Channel || 2007 Sustainable Opportunities Summit || CORE Home Page || Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Graham Russell, Sustainability, Innovation> Bytes 5332221 || LISTEN 2/19/07
257Building the Spirit of Change, Creativity and Innovation Escalating worldwide competition for resources, such as energy and water, and related environmental issues are creating substantial demand and opportunities for innovation, new technologies, and new ventures to serve existing and emerging markets. Paul Jerde, Executive Director of the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship, Leeds School of Business, CU Boulder, points out that's exactly why they are involved with and tackling this important economic sustainability issue. Related Links: Cleantech Innovation Challenge || Partner Spotlight || 2007 Sustainable Opportunities Summit || CORE Home Page || Keywords: Deming Center, Entrepreneurship, Paul Jerde, CU Boulder, Sustainability, Innovation > Bytes 6769792 || LISTEN 2/12/07
254Profits and Social Responsibility Become Partners Money motivates and now many are hopping on the bandwagon with an added push from customer demands. The 'buzz word' that has the attention of everyone in Colorado interested in economic development is 'sustainability'. Do you know what the CORE criterion is for being considered a sustainable organization? Sustainability includes being socially responsible, recycling, community support, thinking green and yes...PROFITS. Bud McGrath, executive director and Richard Eidlin board member of CORE explain what we should all know. Related Links: 2007 Sustainable Opportunities Summit || Riding on the Wind || CORE Home Page || Cleantech Innovation Challenge || Renewable Energy Channel || Keywords: Sustainability, CORE, Cleantech, Sustainable Opportunities Summit, Bud McGrath, Richard Eidlin, Economic Development > Bytes 5825622 LISTEN 2/5/2007
243 Sustainability is a Very Profitable Business Differentiator Think of the things that have become mainstream that only a year or so ago were in the shadows. The long-term winner in that group is 'sustainability'. Bud McGrath, a successful entrepreneur joined the ranks of CORE, an important association that is making a difference, and Paul Jerde, the Executive Director for the Demming Center, Leeds School of Business have teamed up for their second year for the Sustainable Opportunities Summit. Listen here for the latest and get the definitions first-hand. Related Links: 2007 Sustainable Opportunities Summit || CORE Home Page || Colorado Leeds || Cleantech Innovation Challenge || Renewable Energy Channel || Keywords: Sustainability, CORE, CU, Cleantech, Sustainable Opportunities Summit, Renewable Energy || Bytes: 5997821 >LISTEN 1/22/07
Ford, 100 Years Old Heading for a Sustainable 200
"Companies still standing 10, 20, 30 years from now will be those companies that get the sustainability agenda right," says Niel Golightly, Ford Motor's Director of Sustainable Business Strategies. Bud McGrath, Executive Director of CORE and Treasure, Graham Russell question Niel about Ford's direction and seeing if it is sustainable. Short-term and legacy issues still persist. LISTEN 3/6/2006
Sun, Expecting 12 to 15 Year Desktop Life Cycles
"It's really time for the IT industry to grow up," says Bill Vass, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer for Sun Microsystems. Bill was the luncheon keynote speaker at CORE's first annual Sustainable Opportunities Summit. He focused on the challenges of disposable IT products and pointed out that Google uses about 100 million kilowatt hours of power. Energy is not in the CIO budget. LISTEN 3/06/2006
Challenges and Opportunities for Green Investing
It will take a public sector and private sector partnership to achieve the next level of success in the clean energy field. John Casesa, First Vice President, Merrill Lynch points out that the, “Horse has already left the barn. And consumers want this technology. There’s no turning back now.” John was a keynote speaker at the Sustainability Opportunities Summit - "A Call to Sustainable Action: Energy, Security and Climate Change". Political tempers could rise in 2007- a hot year ahead. LISTEN 2/27/2006
The Tech Transfer Team of NREL supports the Mission of “Realize the Value of Public Investment.PART 1 >” Listen to them explain how it’s done for everyone to see. Tom Williams, Bobi Garrett, Walter Copan, Marty Murphy, George Douglas explain how the barriers to use are overcome by leveraging knowledge. PART 2The NREL Way to Bring it to Market > PART 3Answers to Renewable Challenges - NREL > PART 4Unlimited Energy – Fact or Fiction?
Larry & Pat Nelson of w3w3® Media Network join Robert Schwab, business editor of the Colorado BIZ Magazine at the NREL offices with Director, Admiral Richard Truly for part-2 of an in-depth interview about the National Lab's challenges and triumphs. LISTEN
Robert Schwab, business editor for Colorado BIZ magazine teamed up with Larry & Pat Nelson of the w3w3® Media Network to get the latest update on NREL. Admiral Richard Truly, Director of the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory surprised everyone with his look at the present and view of the future. LISTEN